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[Keyword] HOC(320hit)


  • ABS Designs for Load/Unload and Shock Resistance

    Wei HUA  Ni SHENG  Bo LIU  


    E85-C No:10

    Load/unload techniques are widely used in mobile hard disk drives which have to endure external shocks frequently. ABS designs must consider both the load/unload performance and the shock resistance performance. Three ABS designs with different positions of the suction force center are studied in simulation. It is observed that when the position of the suction force center moves frontward, the anti-shock performance improves, but the unload performance degrades, and vice versa. A slider is not necessary to be designed to have its suction force center significantly behind of its geometric center, as the traditional load/unload sliders do. Instead, the suction force center can be designed near the geometric center if the hook limiter is used.

  • Analysis of Communication Traffic Characteristics of a Two-Hop Wireless Network

    Akio TANAKA  Keisuke NAKANO  Masakazu SENGOKU  Shoji SHINODA  


    E85-A No:7

    Wireless network systems introducing both of the cellular concept and the ad-hoc concept have been proposed. Communication between two nodes in a cell is guaranteed by relaying capability of the base station in these systems. Additionally, two nodes can directly communicate with each other while they are close to each other. We call this type of network a two-hop wireless network. The teletraffic performance of this network depends on various parameters such as the size of a cell, location of nodes, the communication range of nodes, channel assignment schemes, teletraffic behavior and so on. The purpose of this paper is to theoretically analyze the teletraffic performance of the network, which has been evaluated by computer simulation, by introducing a simple model. This paper shows a technique to analyze the performance in this model. Also, this paper considers the range in which the two-hop wireless network works well for the efficient use of channels.

  • Flooding Schemes for Clustered Ad Hoc Networks

    Kenichi MASE  Yoshiyuki WADA  Nobuhito MORI  Keisuke NAKANO  Masakazu SENGOKU  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E85-B No:3

    This paper presents novel flooding schemes for wireless mobile ad hoc networks. Clustering of nodes is assumed as a basic ad hoc network structure. GWF (Gateway Forwarding) and SGF (Selected Gateway Forwarding) are presented based on clustering. A new protocol, termed FGS (Flooding Gateway Selection) protocol, between a cluster head and its gateways to realize SGF is presented. It is shown that SGF significantly improves the packet delivery performance in ad hoc networks by reducing flooding traffic.

  • A Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Network Routing

    Ryokichi ONISHI  Saneyasu YAMAGUCHI  Hiroaki MORINO  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Mobile Agent

    E84-B No:10

    Single-hop communication methods of the current wireless network cannot meet new demands in new domains, especially ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). Even though the ad-hoc network architecture is expected to solve this problem, but the nature of a dynamic topology makes this routing hard to be realized. This paper introduces a new ad-hoc routing algorithm, which is inspired by [1]. In their system, some control agents explore the network and update routing tables on their own knowledge. Using these routing tables, other agents deliver messages. They considered the feasibility of the agent-based routing system, but did not refer to an efficient algorithm. In this paper, we consider that algorithm without increasing network load. We propose multiple entries for each destination in the routing table to store much more information from agents and evaluating them to make better use of information, which succeeded in raising the network connectivity by about 40% by simulation.

  • MESH: Multi-Eye Spiral-Hopping Routing Protocol in a Wireless Ad Hoc Network

    Yuh-Shyan CHEN  Kuan-Chang LAI  


    E84-B No:8

    A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a characterized by multi-hop wireless links, absence of any cellular infrastructure, and frequent host mobility. Existing MANET routing protocols are divided into location-aware and non-location-aware routing protocols. In a location-aware routing protocol, location information can be exploited to facilitate routing. Our protocol, namely multi-eye spiral-hopping (MESH) routing protocol, is a location-aware routing protocol. Most promising routing protocols are constructed by the route-discovery, route-reply, and route-maintenance phases. Our MESH protocol utilizes the location-information to confine the blind-flooding region in the route-discovery phase, minimize route-reply packets in the route-reply phase, and promote the routing robustness in the route-maintenance phase. Two major contributions of this paper are introduced: (1) a multi-eye scheme is presented to confine route-discovery region for reducing redundant packets, and (2) a special multi-path scheme, called as spiral-hopping scheme, is introduced to provide on-line route-recovery capability. Extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the protocol.

  • A Multicast Routing Algorithm Based on Mobile Multicast Agents in Ad-Hoc Networks

    Xin WANG  Fei LI  Susumu ISHIHARA  Tadanori MIZUNO  

    PAPER-Mobile Internet

    E84-B No:8

    In this paper we describe a multicast routing algorithm, which builds upon mobile multicast agents of an ad-hoc network. Mobile multicast agents (MMAs) form a virtual backbone of an ad-hoc network and they provide multicast tree discovery, multicast tree maintenance and datagram delivery. First, we construct a cluster-spine hierarchy structure for an ad-hoc network. Second, we propose a multicast routing algorithm, which is inspired by Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol. The results show that the MMA multicast algorithm can simplify the multicast tree discovery, reduce control overhead of the network, and increase the total network throughput, in comparison with general AODV multicast operation. We also overcome the deficiency of CBRP multicast routing, which places much burden on cluster heads.

  • Delay-Oriented Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

    Shiann-Tsong SHEU  Tihjia TSAI  Jenhui CHEN  


    E84-B No:6

    In wireless ad hoc mobile network, a host desires to communicate with another host may need some intermediate nodes to relay data packets. To maximize the channel resource utilization and minimize the network transfer delay along the path, the shortest path with minimum hops approach is often adapted. However, by considering the employing medium access control (MAC) protocol, the minimum transfer delay from source to destination may be achieved by choosing a longer path but with less contention delay. In this paper, we will propose an efficient delay-oriented routing protocol for mobile ad hoc wireless networks. The expected access contention delay of IEEE 802.11 protocol is analyzed to support the routing decision. Simulation results show that the derived path length in proposed delay-oriented routing protocol is slightly higher than that of conventional shortest path with minimum hops approach but it can significantly reduce both average transfer delay and packet loss rate.

  • Distributed Clustering for Multimedia Support in Mobile Multihop Ad Hoc Networks

    Ting-Chao HOU  Tzu-Jane TSAI  


    E84-B No:4

    In this paper, we consider a mobile, multimedia, multihop (M3) ad hoc network. Key characteristics of this system are the mobility of users, energy constraints, and the need to operate without a fixed (wired or wireless) infrastructure. In this environment, with the advent of multimedia communications, the use of the cluster architecture has been revisited to support the resource reservation and Quality-of-Service routing. We proposed an access-based clustering protocol (ABCP) that allows the network to self-organize into a cluster architecture. Three advantages are claimed by ABCP. First, by the access-based criterion, it minimizes the overhead on cluster formation so that the protocol has short execution time and good scalability. Second, ABCP unifies the algorithms for cluster initialization and maintenance, i.e., the same set of clustering functions are used by a node regardless of whether it just becomes active or is in leaving its current cluster. Third, simulation results demonstrate that the cluster structure behaves stably amid topology changes compared with techniques previously proposed. Together with the access-based criterion, a multiple access scheme is also proposed for the broadcast of control messages.

  • Design and Concept of Ad-hoc Filesystem

    Kinuko YASUDA  Tatsuya HAGINO  


    E84-B No:4

    In this paper, we propose a new filesystem named Ad-hoc Filesystem which targets ad-hoc wireless networks. Ad-hoc Filesystem is a serverless filesystem which automatically generates temporary shared space among multiple mobile machines when they gather in a communicable range. The generated space is freely available for participating machines and can be used for any temporary work there. The design of Ad-hoc Filesystem is strongly motivated by the recent wireless network technologies and advances of ad-hoc network techniques. However, targeting such an unstable network forces us a completely different design from existing filesystems. We have designed an initial prototype of Ad-hoc Filesystem and have evaluated the simulation results. Our design is strongly based on an assumption such that people who wish to work together would form a stable group in a range, and replicating data on two different machines would be enough to provide a proper level of availability. Hence, Ad-hoc Filesystem distributes files among multiple machines and duplicates them, in order to keep the files available even if some of participating machines arbitrarily leave the communication range. The directory entries are kept as a soft-state mechanism maintained by exchanging broadcast packets. The simulation results show that using broadcast to maintain system state hardly affects the overall system performance, and optimizations such that delaying replies with broadcast and sensing other packets promiscuously during the delay reduce the overhead significantly. Also the result indicates that our strategy that keeps two replicas for each data is promising to provide availability. Although further investigation based on real implementation remains important work, we believe that the prototype has a contribution to realize the possibility of ad-hoc filesystem by synthesizing number of previous works in areas such as network filesystems, server replication and ad-hoc wireless networks.

  • Percolating Data Delivery on Cellular-Ad Hoc Integrated Network

    Yoshiki SHIMOTSUMA  Takashi SAKAKURA  Kouji YOSHIDA  Masahiro KURODA  Tadanori MIZUNO  


    E84-B No:4

    The third generation cellular system will provide high bandwidth data service and multimedia applications are proposed on the high-speed data link. On the other hand, cellular handsets are getting equipped with a short-range radio communication device that is mainly targeted to connect cellular handsets to computers. In this paper, we propose a percolating data delivery mechanism for a cellular-ad hoc integrated network utilizing multicast/broadcast communication, which is endorsed by data synchronization, and single-hop ad hoc networks for information shower/exchange services. The mechanism lessens data traffic in both the cellular and the ad hoc network for data delivery and tolerates unexpected disconnection in the ad hoc network. The mechanism also compensates data delivery in areas out of the cellular service. Our implementation of the data delivery mechanism utilizes Bluetooth for an ad hoc network configuration, and delivers data in the cellular network to the Bluetooth ad hoc network via the data synchronization mechanism. We evaluate communication traffic and delivery time on the prototype system and discuss about the efficiency of the mechanism.

  • Efficient Wireless LAN MAC Protocols for Ad-hoc Networks

    Young-Joo SUH  Chul-Ho JUN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E84-B No:3

    In designing WLAN MAC protocols, several issues must be considered. Among them, the hidden-terminal and exposed-terminal problems are two of the most important issues. The hidden-terminal problem has been analyzed by many researchers and significant improvements have been made. The exposed-terminal problem, however, has not been fully considered in the design of WLAN MAC protocols. In this paper, we propose two protocols. In the first one, referred to as channel splitting protocol, the channel is split into two subchannels--the control channel and the data channel--to solve several problems inherent in existing protocols, including hidden terminal and exposed terminal problems. With channel splitting, a control frame is transmitted through the control channel alternatively of a data frame which is transmitted through the data channel. In the second protocol, referred to as RTR/ATR reservation protocol, hosts that want to transmit data reserve several slotted data channels in advance to increase performance, while the first protocol reserves only one transmission. In the second protocol, control frames are transmitted through the control channel independently of data frames. The performance of the proposed protocols is evaluated by simulation and compared with existing protocols.

  • A Perspective on Next-Generation Ad Hoc Networks--A Proposal for an Open Community Network--

    Kenichi MASE  Masakazu SENGOKU  Shoji SHINODA  


    E84-A No:1

    The concept of wireless ad hoc networking has unique features in which neither base stations nor wired backbone networks are required and a mobile node can communicate with a partner beyond the transmission range by multihopping. In this paper, innovations and issues in ad hoc network technologies are reviewed. The concept of a general-purpose ad hoc network is identified as a step toward next-generation ad hoc network development. The concept of an open community network is then presented as a vision for general-purpose ad hoc networks. An open community network is a novel information infrastructure for local communities based on wireless multihopping technologies, which may support an advanced information-oriented society in the twenty-first century. As a case study, an experimental system using PHS (Personal Handy Phone System) is described and some research issues for developing an open community network are identified.

  • A Handoff Examination of a Hybrid System Using Cellular and Ad-Hoc Modes

    Tomoko ADACHI  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:11

    A hybrid system in which mobile terminals (MTs) themselves select whether to communicate directly or via base stations (BSs) from communication conditions, "cellularad-hoc united communication system," has been proposed by the authors. It has been confirmed to have effective channel usage and battery consumption, especially for MTs which tend to communicate with partners which are close together, such as operational mobile robots. In this paper, the hybrid system is examined with respect to handoff rate. This hybrid system uses two modes, a cellular mode and an ad-hoc mode. The former mode is for communication using BSs and the latter is for direct communication. Thus, there will be two kinds of handoffs. One is the ordinary one between BSs and the other is between the two modes. Such a system may suffer from frequent handoffs. Thus the handoff rate of the system was examined. However, by the addition of a simple hysteresis characteristic, the handoff rate was held down closer to that of a pure cellular system in a multipath environment.

  • Bluetooth Design Background and Its Technological Features

    Kazuhiro MIYATSU  


    E83-A No:11

    Bluetooth wireless technology is short-range and low cost wireless interface, which is optimized for mobile devices providing very low power consumption. However, a scope of Bluetooth application areas is not limited to mobile devices but expands to fixed equipment as well. Not only Bluetooth functions as cable replacement but also it can establish ad-hoc wireless network for voice and data simultaneously. Due to nature of 2.4 GHz ISM frequency band, Bluetooth is equipped with various data packets selection to minimize throughput degradation. Also, to secure connecting to the right target devices, Bluetooth includes authentication and encryption for communication links.

  • HOC Based Sequential Algorithm for Time and Frequency Delay Estimation under Correlated Gaussian Noise Environment

    Chang-Sung KIM  Joong-Kyu KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:10

    A new method is introduced for sequential estimation of TDOA (time delay of arrival) and FDOA (frequency delay of arrival) in a two sensor array. The proposed scheme is basically a two step algorithm utilizing 1-dimensional slice functions of the third order cumulants between two signal measurements, and is capable of suppressing the effect of correlated Gaussian measurement noises. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing TDOA/FDOA estimation algorithms from the viewpoint of computational burden and in the sense of mean squared error as well.

  • Bandwidth Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

    Chunhung Richard LIN  Jain-Shing LIU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:7

    The emergence of nomadic applications have recently generated a lot of interest in wireless network infrastructures which support multimedia services. In this paper, we propose a bandwidth routing algorithm for multimedia support in a multihop wireless network. This network can be interconnected to wired networks (e. g. ATM or Internet) or stand alone. Our bandwidth routing includes bandwidth calculation and reservation schemes. Under such a routing algorithm, we can derive a route to satisfy bandwidth requirement for quality-of-service (QoS) constraint. At a source node, the bandwidth information can be used to decide to accept a new call or not immediately. This is specially important to carry out a fast handoff when interconnecting to an ATM backbone infrastructure. It enables an efficient call admission control. The simulation results show that the bandwidth routing algorithm is very useful in extending the ATM virtual circuit service to the wireless network. Different types of QoS traffic can be integrated in such a dynamic radio network with high performance.

  • Efficient Multicast Routing and Backup Algorithm in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

    Shiann-Tsong SHEU  Chao-Tsong FANGTSOU  Wu-Hsiao HSU  Ming-Ching HSIAO  


    E82-A No:7

    An ad hoc wireless network is a collection of mobile hosts that self-forming a temporary network without any required intervention of centralized system. In such environment, mobile hosts, which are not within transmission range from each other, require some other intermediate hosts to forward their packets to form a multi-hop communication. In this paper, an ad hoc network is modeled as a graph. Two nodes within the transmission range of each other are connected by an edge. Given a finite set of mobile nodes, a finite set of edges and a new multicast request, the wireless multicast tree problem (WMTP) is to find a multicast tree for the request so that the multicast loss probability is minimized. We prove the WMTP is NP-complete and a heuristic algorithm, called Degree-Based Multicast Routing Algorithm (DBMRA), is proposed. Based on the DBMRA, one algorithm was proposed to establish backup nodes for the multicast tree to improve the reliability. A node is needed to be backup only when it has a high probability to disconnect the multicast tree seriously. The qualification of a node to be backup is subject to a computed threshold, which is determined by a statistic analysis. The theoretical and experimental analyses are presented to characterize the performance of our algorithms.

  • A Study on Channel Usage in a CellularAd-Hoc United Communication System for Operational Robots

    Tomoko ADACHI  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Mobile Communication

    E81-B No:7

    A communication system which attains an efficient amalgamation of base station (BS) type cellular communication and non-BS type direct communication for mobile terminals (MTs), "cellularad-hoc united communication system," is proposed. In this system, whether a cellular system or an ad-hoc communication system is chosen by distance and whether the condition is good or not between communicating MTs. In other words, when two terminals are relatively near each other and are in sufficient conditions to communicate directly, they select the ad-hoc communication, while for other cases they use the cellular system. The proposed system was confirmed to have effective channel usage and low battery consumption from the simulation results. It can be also said that this system is suited especially for MTs which tend to communicate with closer partners such as operational mobile robots and autonomous carrier vehicles.

  • A Computer-Aided System for Discrimination of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Using Echocardiographic Images

    Du-Yih TSAI  Masaaki TOMITA  


    E78-A No:12

    In this paper, the discrimination of ultrasonic heart (echocardiographic) images is studied by making use of some texture features, including the angular second moment, contrast, correlation and entropy which are obtained from a gray-level cooccurrence matrix. Features of these types are used as inputs to the input layer of a neural network (NN) to classify two sets of echocardiographic images-normal heart and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) (18 and 13 samples, respectively). The performance of the NN classifier is also compared to that of a minimum distance (MD) classifier. Implementation of our algorithm is performed on a PC-486 personal computer. Our results show that the NN produces about 94% (the confidence level setting is 0.9) and the MD produces about 84% correct classification. We notice that the NN correctly classifies all the DCM cases, namely, all the misclassified cases are of false positive. These results indicate that the method of feature-based image analysis using the NN has potential utility for computer-aided diagnosis of the DCM and other heart diseases.

  • Feature-Based Image Analysis for Classification of Echocardiographic Images

    Du-Yih TSAI  Masaaki TOMITA  


    E78-A No:5

    In this letter the classification of echocardiographic images is studied by making use of some texture features, including the angular second moment, the contrast, the correlation, and the entropy which are obtained from a gray-level cooccurrence matrix. Features of these types are used to classify two sets of echocardiographic images-normal and abnormal (cardiomyopathy) hearts. A minimum distance classifier and evaluation indexes are employed to evaluate the performance of these features. Implementation of our algorithm is performed on a PC-386 personal computer and produces about 87% correct classification for the two sets of echocardiographic images. Our preliminary results suggest that this method of feature-based image analysis has potential use for computer-aided diagnosis of heart diseases.
