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[Author] Hitoshi AIDA(14hit)

  • A Media Synchronization Mechanism for a Distributed Multimedia System with Interactive Control

    Ryuichi OHNO  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  


    E78-B No:7

    Synchronization of media streams is recognized as an important requirement not only in media retrieval such as a video on-demand service but also in groupware such as a remote conferencing system. In a remote conferencing system, synchronization is more complicated because Live Media Streams (LMS) such as the live raw voice of some participants must be taken into consideration as well as Retrieved Media Streams (RMS) such as media streams retrieved from video equipment. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to synchronize RMSs and LMSs in a remote conferencing system DMSIC (Distributed Multimedia System with Interactive Control) which has been implemented on UNIX workstations connected by Ethernet. In this mechanism, synchronization among RMSs (we call it R & R synchronization) is kept by maintaining the Current Presentation Positions (CPP) on Media Buffers (MB) close to the Ideal Presentation Position (IPP). Synchronization among RMSs and LMSs (we call it R & L synchronization) is kept by adjusting the IPPs among multiple nodes. We have implemented the synchronization mechanism in DMSIC to confirm the effectiveness of it.

  • The Multicast Tree Based Routing for The Complete Broadcast Multipoint-to-Multipoint Communications

    Vorawut PRIWAN  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:5

    This paper studies routing methods for the complete broadcast multipoint-to-multipoint communication. For a Z-node (Z-site) of the participants of the connection, each site transmits one signal and receives Z-1 signals. The routing method based on connecting each participant by multiple directed point-to-point circuits uses wasteful bandwidth that the source-to-destination data may be duplicated needlessly. We propose routing methods that the connection approach is based on setting multicast tree routes that each participant (site) has one own multicast tree connecting to the other participants under two constraints: the delay-bounded constraint of source-destination path and the available constrained bandwidth for the service of links. For this routing approach, we propose both heuristic algorithm finding approximate solution and search enumeration based algorithm finding optimal solution, and compare the approximate solution with the optimal solution. This approach can lower costs for the subscribers and conserves bandwidth resources for the network providers.


    Yuji INOUE  Hitoshi AIDA  Ichiro IIDA  Toshikazu KODAMA  Masayuki MURATA  Norio SHIRATORI  Shiro TANABE  Hisao UOSE  


    E80-B No:10
  • High Throughput Bulk Data Transfers: A Study on the Application Oriented Approach

    Onur ALTINTAS  Terumasa AOKI  Masahiro TAKA  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E79-B No:11

    Progress made in the field of high speed networking technology has led to the planning and prototyping of true high-bandwidth applications with very high throughput and low delay requirements. In this study we approach the problem of high throughput demand from the aspect of protocols and introduce the handling of error control in the application layer level as opposed to the transport layer since the eventual destination of data is the application itself. This scheme, called ACER (Application Conscious Error Recovery), is proposed and defined for bulk data transfers. A simple analytic throughput comparison of the sliding window scheme with go-back-N, and ACER is given later, Also, a prototype implementation of ACER for bulk data transfer and experimental measurement results are presented. Besides, we investigate the performance of the scheme by simulation for various network models. Finally, we present a discussion of extending the scheme to different traffic patterns and applications.

  • An Evaluation of Multi-Path Transmission Control Protocol (M/TCP) with Robust Acknowledgement Schemes

    Kultida ROJVIBOONCHAI  Hitoshi AIDA  


    E87-B No:9

    We propose a new end-to-end transport protocol called Multi-path Transmission Control Protocol (M/TCP) and its two robust acknowledgement (ACK) schemes. Our protocol is designed as an alternative TCP option to improve reliability and performance of the Internet. The M/TCP sender simultaneously transmits data via multiple controlled paths to the receiver. Our protocol requires no modification in IP layer. Two M/TCP endpoints establish multiple paths between them by subscribing to multiple ISPs. The two robust ACK schemes proposed in this paper aim at improving M/TCP performance over the Internet with high packet loss in ACK channels. Performances between our protocol and TCP Reno are compared in terms of throughput and fairness by using ns2 simulator. Simulation results indicate that M/TCP achieves higher throughput than TCP Reno in situation of random drop and burst traffic with small buffer size. When there is network congestion on reverse path, M/TCP with the proposed robust ACK schemes performs better than M/TCP with the conventional immediate ACK scheme.

  • A Study on Rate-Based Multi-Path Transmission Control Protocol (R-M/TCP) Using Packet Scheduling Algorithm

    Kultida ROJVIBOONCHAI  Toru OSUGA  Hitoshi AIDA  

    PAPER-TCP Protocol

    E89-D No:1

    We have proposed Rate-based Multi-path Transmission Control Protocol (R-M/TCP) for improving reliability and performance of data transfer over the Internet by using multiple paths. Congestion control in R-M/TCP is performed in a rate-based and loss-avoidance manner. It attempts to estimate the available bandwidth and the queue length of the used routes in order to fully utilize the bandwidth resources. However, it has been reported that when the used routes' characteristics, i.e. available bandwidth and delay, are much different, R-M/TCP cannot achieve the desired throughput from the routes. This is because R-M/TCP originally transmits data packets in a round-robin manner through the routes. In this paper, therefore, we propose R-M/TCP using Packet Scheduling Algorithm (PSA). Instead of using the round-robin manner, R-M/TCP utilizes PSA that accounts for time-varying bandwidth and delay of each path so that number of data packets arriving in out-of-order at the receiver can be minimized and the desired throughput can be achieved. Quantitative simulations are conducted to show effectiveness of R-M/TCP using PSA.

  • A Connection-Level Design of Multistage Nonblocking ATM Switches

    Supot TIARAWUT  Tadao SAITO  Hitoshi AIDA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E77-B No:10

    It is desirable to design an ATM switch that is nonblocking at the connection level by using simple connection admission control (CAC) schemes. To accomplish this goal, it is necessary to consider the relationships between CAC, cell-level quality-of-services (QOS), and the structure of multistage switches as well as switch modules. In this paper, we formulate a framework to design a multistage nonblocking ATM switch. We show that if a switch has the property of the Sufficiency of Knowledge of External Loads (SKEL), i.e., the property that its cell-level performance is robust to the distribution of incoming traffic among all inputs, then the switch is also nonblocking at the connection-level by using a simplified CAC that guarantees QOS of a connection by controlling the aggregate loads on outputs. Furthermore, we show that a Clos three-stage network using SKEL switch modules and Multipath Self-Routing (MPSR) also has the SKEL property and is a nonblocking switching network that needs CAC only at its outputs. We also demonstrate a design of multistage nonblocking ATM switches with Knockout switch modules.

  • An Architecture for Large-Scale Multicast ATM Switching with Hybrid Routing

    Supot TIARAWUT  Tadao SAITO  Hitoshi AIDA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E78-B No:10

    This paper proposes a new multistage switch architecture for large-scale multicast ATM switching. The proposed architecture uses routing schemes both at the connection level and the cell level. This results in the reduction of the memory capacity required in the trunk number translators of the copy network modules. If Connection Splitting algorithm is used, a nonblocking switch can be constructed under the same nonblocking condition as that of point-to-point Clos network. It is shown that the memory requirements in the new switching network are less than the previous architectures.

  • Trustworthy DDoS Defense: Design, Proof of Concept Implementation and Testing

    Mohamad Samir A. EID  Hitoshi AIDA  

    PAPER-Internet Security

    E100-D No:8

    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks based on HTTP and HTTPS (i.e., HTTP(S)-DDoS) are increasingly popular among attackers. Overlay-based mitigation solutions attract small and medium-sized enterprises mainly for their low cost and high scalability. However, conventional overlay-based solutions assume content inspection to remotely mitigate HTTP(S)-DDoS attacks, prompting trust concerns. This paper reports on a new overlay-based method which practically adds a third level of client identification (to conventional per-IP and per-connection). This enhanced identification enables remote mitigation of more complex HTTP(S)-DDoS categories without content inspection. A novel behavior-based reputation and penalty system is designed, then a simplified proof of concept prototype is implemented and deployed on DeterLab. Among several conducted experiments, two are presented in this paper representing a single-vector and a multi-vector complex HTTP(S)-DDoS attack scenarios (utilizing LOIC, Slowloris, and a custom-built attack tool for HTTPS-DDoS). Results show nearly 99.2% reduction in attack traffic and 100% chance of legitimate service. Yet, attack reduction decreases, and cost in service time (of a specified file) rises, temporarily during an approximately 2 minutes mitigation time. Collateral damage to non-attacking clients sharing an attack IP is measured in terms of a temporary extra service time. Only the added identification level was utilized for mitigation, while future work includes incorporating all three levels to mitigate switching and multi-request per connection attack categories.

  • A Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Network Routing

    Ryokichi ONISHI  Saneyasu YAMAGUCHI  Hiroaki MORINO  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Mobile Agent

    E84-B No:10

    Single-hop communication methods of the current wireless network cannot meet new demands in new domains, especially ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). Even though the ad-hoc network architecture is expected to solve this problem, but the nature of a dynamic topology makes this routing hard to be realized. This paper introduces a new ad-hoc routing algorithm, which is inspired by [1]. In their system, some control agents explore the network and update routing tables on their own knowledge. Using these routing tables, other agents deliver messages. They considered the feasibility of the agent-based routing system, but did not refer to an efficient algorithm. In this paper, we consider that algorithm without increasing network load. We propose multiple entries for each destination in the routing table to store much more information from agents and evaluating them to make better use of information, which succeeded in raising the network connectivity by about 40% by simulation.

  • A Proposition and Evaluation of DSM Models Suitable for a Wide Area Distributed Environment Realized on High Performance Networks

    Masato OGUCHI  Hitoshi AIDA  Tadao SAITO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:2

    Distributed shared memory is an attractive option for realizing functionally distributed computing in a wide area distributed environment, because of its simplicity and flexibility in software programming. However, up till now, distributed shared memory has mainly been studied in a local environment. In a widely distributed environment, latency of communication greatly affects system performance. Moreover, bandwidth of networks available in a wide area is dramatically increasing recently. DSM architecture using high performance networks must be different from the case of low speed networks being used. In this paper, distributed shared memory models in a widely distributed environment are discussed and evaluated. First, existing distributed shared memory models are examined: They are shared virtual memory and replicated shared memory. Next, an improved replicated shared memory model, which uses internal machine memory, is proposed. In this model, we assume the existence of a seamless, multi-cast wide area network infrastructure - for example, an ATM network. A prototype of this model using multi-thread programming have been implemented on multi-CPU SPARCstations and an ATM-LAN. These DSM models are compared with SCRAMNetTM, whose mechanism is based on replicated shared memory. Results from this evaluation show the superiority of the replicated shared memory compared to shared virtual memory when the length of the network is large. While replicated shared memory using external memory is influenced by the ratio of local and global accesses, replicated shared memory using internal machine memory is suitable for a wide variety of cases. The replicated shared memory model is considered to be suitable particularly for applications which impose real time operation in a widely distributed environment, since some latency hiding techniques such as context switching or data prefetching are not effective for real time demands.

  • Realistic Analysis of Energy Efficiency in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks

    Hui JING  Hitoshi AIDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Network

    E97-D No:12

    As one of the most widely investigated studies in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), multihop networking is increasingly developed and applied for achieving energy efficient communications and enhancing transmission reliability. To accurately and realistically analyze the performance metric (energy efficiency), firstly we provide a measurement of the energy dissipation for each state and establish a practical energy consumption model for a WSN. According to the analytical model of connectivity, Gaussian approximation approaches to experimental connection probability are expressed for optimization problem on energy efficiency. Moreover, for integrating experimental results with theories, we propose the methodology in multihop wireless sensor networks to maximize efficiency by nonlinear programming, considering energy consumptions and the total quantity of sensing data to base station. Furthermore, we present evaluations adapting to various wireless sensor networks quantitatively with respect to energy efficiency and network configuration, in view of connectivity, the length of data, maximum number of hops and total number of nodes. As the consequence, the realistic analysis can be used in practical applications, especially on self-organization sensor networks. The analysis also shows correlations between the efficiency and maximum number of hops, that is the multihop systems with several hops can accommodate enough devices in ordinary applications. In this paper, our contribution distinguished from others is that our model and analysis are extended from experiments. Therefore, the results of analysis and proposal can be conveniently applied to actual networks.

  • A Graphical Game Theoretic Approach to Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks

    Hui JING  Hitoshi AIDA  

    This paper was deleted on February 16, 2024 because it was found to be a a illegal submission (see details in the pdf file).

    E99-B No:8

    Recently, multihop wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely developed and applied to energy efficient data collections from environments by establishing reliable transmission radio links and employing data aggregation algorithms, which can eliminate redundant transmissions and provide fusion information. In this paper, energy efficiency which consists of not only energy consumptions but also the amount of received data by the base station, as the performance metric to evaluate network utilities is presented for achieving energy efficient data collections. In order to optimize energy efficiency for improvements of network utilization, we firstly establish a graphical game theoretic model for energy efficiency in multihop WSNs, considering message length, practical energy consumptions and packet success probabilities. Afterwards, we propose a graphical protocol for performance optimization from Nash equilibrium of the graphical game theory. The approach also consists of the distributed protocol for generating optimum tree networks in practical WSNs. The experimental results show energy efficient multihop communications can be achieved by optimum tree networks of the approach. The quantitative evaluation and comparisons with related work are presented for the metric with respect to network energy consumptions and the amount of received data by the base station. The performances of our proposal are improved in all experiments. As an example, our proposal can achieve up to about 52% energy efficiency more than collection tree protocol (CTP). The corresponding tree structure is provided for the experiment.

  • A Nonblocking ATM Switch with Internal Link Partitioning Routing

    Supot TIARAWUT  Tadao SAITO  Hitoshi AIDA  


    E76-B No:7

    This letter proposes a new routing strategy and a design of ATM switches. By partitioning internal links into subgroups based on the bandwidth of a connection request, an ATM switching network which is nonblocking in the wide sense at the connection level can be constructed without the need of internal-link speedup.