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[Keyword] context-free(36hit)


  • Pumping Lemmas for Languages Expressed by Computational Models with Registers

    Rindo NAKANISHI  Yoshiaki TAKATA  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E106-D No:3

    Register automaton (RA), register context-free grammar (RCFG) and register tree automaton (RTA) are computational models with registers which deal with data values. This paper shows pumping lemmas for the classes of languages expressed by RA, RCFG and RTA. Among them, the first lemma was already proved in terms of nominal automata, which is an abstraction of RA. We define RTA in a deterministic and bottom-up manner. For these languages, the notion of ‘pumped word’ must be relaxed in such a way that a pumped subword is not always the same as the original subword, but is any word equivalent to the original subword in terms of data type defined in this paper. By using the lemmas, we give examples of languages that do not belong to the above-mentioned classes of languages.

  • Weighted Multiple Context-Free Grammars

    Yusuke INOUE  Kenji HASHIMOTO  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E106-D No:3

    Multiple context-free grammar (MCFG) is an extension of context-free grammar (CFG), which generates tuples of words. The expressive power of MCFG is between CFG and context-sensitive grammar while MCFG inherits good properties of CFG. In this paper, we introduce weighted multiple context-free grammar (WMCFG) as a quantitative extension of MCFG. Then we investigate properties of WMCFG such as polynomial-time computability of basic problems, its closure property and expressive power.

  • Generalized Register Context-Free Grammars

    Ryoma SENDA  Yoshiaki TAKATA  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E103-D No:3

    Register context-free grammars (RCFG) is an extension of context-free grammars to handle data values in a restricted way. In RCFG, a certain number of data values in registers are associated with each nonterminal symbol and a production rule has the guard condition, which checks the equality between the content of a register and an input data value. This paper starts with RCFG and introduces register type, which is a finite representation of a relation among the contents of registers. By using register type, the paper provides a translation of RCFG to a normal form and ϵ-removal from a given RCFG. We then define a generalized RCFG (GRCFG) where an arbitrary binary relation can be specified in the guard condition. Since the membership and emptiness problems are shown to be undecidable in general, we extend register type for GRCFG and introduce two properties of GRCFG, simulation and progress, which guarantee the decidability of these problems. As a corollary, these problems are shown to be EXPTIME-complete for GRCFG with a total order over a dense set.

  • Counting Algorithms for Recognizable and Algebraic Series

    Bao Trung CHU  Kenji HASHIMOTO  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Formal Approaches

    E101-D No:6

    Formal series are a natural extension of formal languages by associating each word with a value called a coefficient or a weight. Among them, recognizable series and algebraic series can be regarded as extensions of regular languages and context-free languages, respectively. The coefficient of a word w can represent quantities such as the cost taken by an operation on w, the probability that w is emitted. One of the possible applications of formal series is the string counting in quantitative analysis of software. In this paper, we define the counting problems for formal series and propose algorithms for the problems. The membership problem for an automaton or a grammar corresponds to the problem of computing the coefficient of a given word in a given series. Accordingly, we define the counting problem for formal series in the following two ways. For a formal series S and a natural number d, we define CC(S,d) to be the sum of the coefficients of all the words of length d in S and SC(S,d) to be the number of words of length d that have non-zero coefficients in S. We show that for a given recognizable series S and a natural number d, CC(S,d) can be computed in O(η log d) time where η is an upper-bound of time needed for a single state-transition matrix operation, and if the state-transition matrices of S are commutative for multiplication, SC(S,d) can be computed in polynomial time of d. We extend the notions to tree series and discuss how to compute them efficiently. Also, we propose an algorithm that computes CC(S,d) in square time of d for an algebraic series S. We show the CPU time of the proposed algorithm for computing CC(S,d) for some context-free grammars as S, one of which represents the syntax of C language. To examine the applicability of the proposed algorithms to string counting for the vulnerability analysis, we also present results on string counting for Kaluza Benchmark.

  • An Efficient GPU Implementation of CKY Parsing Using the Bitwise Parallel Bulk Computation Technique

    Toru FUJITA  Koji NAKANO  Yasuaki ITO  Daisuke TAKAFUJI  

    PAPER-GPU computing

    E100-D No:12

    The main contribution of this paper is to present an efficient GPU implementation of bulk computation of the CKY parsing for a context-free grammar, which determines if a context-free grammar derives each of a lot of input strings. The bulk computation is to execute the same algorithm for a lot of inputs in turn or at the same time. The CKY parsing is to determine if a context-free grammar derives a given string. We show that the bulk computation of the CKY parsing can be implemented in the GPU efficiently using Bitwise Parallel Bulk Computation (BPBC) technique. We also show the rule minimization technique and the dynamic scheduling method for further acceleration of the CKY parsing on the GPU. The experimental results using NVIDIA TITAN X GPU show that our implementation of the bitwise-parallel CKY parsing for strings of length 32 takes 395µs per string with 131072 production rules for 512 non-terminal symbols.

  • A Conditional Dependency Based Probabilistic Model Building Grammatical Evolution

    Hyun-Tae KIM  Hyun-Kyu KANG  Chang Wook AHN  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E99-D No:7

    In this paper, a new approach to grammatical evolution is presented. The aim is to generate complete programs using probabilistic modeling and sampling of (probability) distribution of given grammars. To be exact, probabilistic context free grammars are employed and a modified mapping process is developed to create new individuals from the distribution of grammars. To consider problem structures in the individual generation, conditional dependencies between production rules are incorporated into the mapping process. Experiments confirm that the proposed algorithm is more effective than existing methods.

  • d-Primitive Words and Contextual Grammars

    Tetsuo MORIYA  Itaru KATAOKA  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E95-D No:11

    In this paper we study the ploblem whether the language D(1) of all d-primitive words can be generated by a contextual grammar. It is proved that D(1) can be generated neither by an external contextual grammar nor by an internal contextual grammar, and that it can be generated by a total contextual grammar with choice.

  • On Non-overlapping Words

    Tetsuo MORIYA  Itaru KATAOKA  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E94-D No:3

    Let Q be the set of all primitive words over a finite alphabet having at least two letters. In this paper, we study the language D(1) of all non-overlapping (d-primitive) words, which is a proper subset of Q. We show that D(1) is a context-sensitive langauage but not a deterministic context-free language. Further it is shown that [D(1)]n is not regular for n ≥ 1.

  • Refinement of Representation Theorems for Context-Free Languages

    Kaoru FUJIOKA  


    E93-D No:2

    In this paper, we obtain some refinement of representation theorems for context-free languages by using Dyck languages, insertion systems, strictly locally testable languages, and morphisms. For instance, we improved the Chomsky-Schützenberger representation theorem and show that each context-free language L can be represented in the form L=h(D ∪ R), where D is a Dyck language, R is a strictly 3-testable language, and h is a morphism. A similar representation for context-free languages can be obtained, using insertion systems of weight (3,0) and strictly 4-testable languages.

  • Formal Language Theoretic Approach to the Disclosure Tree Strategy in Trust Negotiation

    Yoshiaki TAKATA  Hiroyuki SEKI  


    E92-D No:2

    Trust negotiation is an authorizing technique based on digital credentials, in which both a user and a server gradually establish trust in each other by repeatedly exchanging their credentials. A trust negotiation strategy is a function that answers a set of credentials to disclose to the other party, depending on policies and the set of already disclosed credentials. The disclosure tree strategy (DTS), proposed by Yu et al., is one of the strategies that satisfies preferable properties. DTS in a simple implementation requires exponential time and space; however, neither an efficient algorithm nor the lower-bound of its complexity was known. In this paper, we investigate the computational complexity of DTS. We formulate subproblems of DTS as problems on derivation trees of a context-free grammar (CFG), and analyze the computational complexity of the subproblems using the concepts of CFGs. As a result, we show that two subproblems EVL and MSET of DTS are NP-complete and NP-hard, respectively, while both are solvable in polynomial time if we modify EVL not to require non-redundancy and MSET not to answer any subset useless for leading the negotiation to success.

  • Linear-Time Recognizable Classes of Tree Languages by Deterministic Linear Pushdown Tree Automata

    Akio FUJIYOSHI  


    E92-D No:2

    In this paper, we study deterministic linear pushdown tree automata (deterministic L-PDTAs) and some variations. Since recognition of an input tree by a deterministic L-PDTA can be done in linear time, deterministic L-PDTAs are applicable to many kinds of applications. A strict hierarchy will be shown among the classes of tree languages defined by a variety of deterministic L-PDTAs. It will be also shown that deterministic L-PDTAs are weakly equivalent to nondeterministic L-PDTAs.

  • On the Generative Power of Multiple Context-Free Grammars and Macro Grammars

    Hiroyuki SEKI  Yuki KATO  

    PAPER-Formal Language Theory

    E91-D No:2

    Several grammars of which generative power is between context-free grammar and context-sensitive grammar were proposed. Among them are macro grammar and tree adjoining grammar. Multiple context-free grammar is also a natural extension of context-free grammars, and is known to be stronger in its generative power than tree adjoining grammar and yet to be recognizable in polynomial time. In this paper, the generative power of several subclasses of variable-linear macro grammars and that of multiple context-free grammars are compared in details.

  • Two Ways of Introducing Alternation into Context-Free Grammars and Pushdown Automata

    Etsuro MORIYA  Friedrich OTTO  

    PAPER-Automata and Formal Language Theory

    E90-D No:6

    Two ways of introducing alternation for context-free grammars and pushdown automata are compared. One is the usual way which combines "states" with alternation [1], [4], [7], and the other is the way used in [6] to define the alternating context-free grammar, i.e., alternation is governed by the variables of the grammar. In this paper the latter way is taken over to define a new type of alternating pushdown automaton by combining the "pushdown symbols" of the pushdown automaton with alternation. We have derived a characterization of the original alternating context-free grammars in terms of such a new type of alternating pushdown automaton without states. It is also shown that, if (non-alternating) states are introduced as an additional feature for this type of pushdown automaton, then the resulting alternating pushdown automaton has exactly the same expressive power as the original alternating pushdown automaton.

  • Application of the CKY Algorithm to Recognition of Tree Structures for Linear, Monadic Context-Free Tree Grammars

    Akio FUJIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Formal Languages

    E90-D No:2

    In this paper, a recognition algorithm for the class of tree languages generated by linear, monadic context-free tree grammars (LM-CFTGs) is proposed. LM-CFTGs define an important class of tree languages because LM-CFTGs are weakly equivalent to tree adjoining grammars (TAGs). The algorithm uses the CKY algorithm as a subprogram and recognizes whether an input tree can be derived from a given LM-CFTG in O(n4) time, where n is the number of nodes of the input tree.

  • Analogical Conception of Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal Form for Linear, Monadic Context-Free Tree Grammars

    Akio FUJIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Automata and Formal Language Theory

    E89-D No:12

    This paper presents the analogical conception of Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form for linear, monadic context-free tree grammars (LM-CFTGs). LM-CFTGs generate the same class of languages as four well-known mildly context-sensitive grammars. It will be shown that any LM-CFTG can be transformed into equivalent ones in both normal forms. As Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form for context-free grammars (CFGs) play a very important role in the study of formal properties of CFGs, it is expected that the Chomsky-like normal form and the Greibach-like normal form for LM-CFTGs will provide deeper analyses of the class of languages generated by mildly context-sensitive grammars.

  • Expressive Power of Quantum Pushdown Automata with Classical Stack Operations under the Perfect-Soundness Condition

    Masaki NAKANISHI  Kiyoharu HAMAGUCHI  Toshinobu KASHIWABARA  

    PAPER-Computation and Computational Models

    E89-D No:3

    One important question for quantum computing is whether a computational gap exists between models that are allowed to use quantum effects and models that are not. Several types of quantum computation models have been proposed, including quantum finite automata and quantum pushdown automata (with a quantum pushdown stack). It has been shown that some quantum computation models are more powerful than their classical counterparts and others are not since quantum computation models are required to obey such restrictions as reversible state transitions. In this paper, we investigate the power of quantum pushdown automata whose stacks are assumed to be implemented as classical devices, and show that they are strictly more powerful than their classical counterparts under the perfect-soundness condition, where perfect-soundness means that an automaton never accepts a word that is not in the language. That is, we show that our model can simulate any probabilistic pushdown automata and also show that there is a non-context-free language which quantum pushdown automata with classical stack operations can recognize with perfect soundness.

  • On the Generative Power of Grammars for RNA Secondary Structure

    Yuki KATO  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  


    E88-D No:1

    Several grammars have been proposed for representing RNA secondary structure including pseudoknots such as simple linear tree adjoining grammar (sl-tag), extended sl-tag (esl-tag) and RNA pseudoknot grammar (rpg). The main purpose of this paper is to compare the generative power of these grammars by identifying them as subclasses of multiple context-free grammars (mcfg). Specifically, it is shown that the class of languages generated by esl-tag (ESL-TAL) properly includes the class of languages generated by sl-tag (SL-TAL) and the class of languages generated by cfg. Also, we show that the class of languages generated by rpg coincides with the class of languages generated by mcfg with dimension one or two and rank one or two. Furthermore, it is shown that SL-TAL is a full trio and ESL-TAL is a substitution closed full AFL.

  • Context-Free Marker-Controlled Watershed Transform for Efficient Multi-Object Detection and Segmentation

    Kyung-Seok SEO  Chang-Joon PARK  Sang-Hyun CHO  Heung-Moon CHOI  


    E84-A No:6

    A high-speed context-free marker controlled and minima imposition-free watershed transform is proposed for efficient multi-object detection and segmentation from a complex background. The context-free markers are extracted from a complex backgrounded multi-object image using a noise tolerant attention operator. These make high speed marker-controlled watershed possible without over-segmentation and region merging. The proposed method presents a marker-constrained labeling that can speed up the segmentation of the marker-controlled watershed transform by eliminating the necessity of the minima imposition. Simulation results show that the proposed method can efficiently detect and segment multiple objects from a complex background while reducing the over-segmentation and computation time.

  • Applying the Adaptive Agent Oriented Software Architecture to the Parsing of Context Sensitive Grammars

    Babak HODJAT  Makoto AMAMIYA  

    PAPER-Cooperation in Distributed Systems and Agents

    E83-D No:5

    Adaptive Agent Oriented Software Architecture (AAOSA) is a new approach to software design based on an agent-oriented architecture. In this approach, agents are considered adaptively communicating concurrent modules that are divided into a "white box" module responsible for communications and learning and a "black box" which is responsible for the independent specialized processes. An AAOSA system is actually parsing input in the interpretation phase. We will show that AAOSA can be applied to the parallel, and distributed parsing of context sensitive languages.

  • Efficient Recognition Algorithms for Parallel Multiple Context-Free Languages and for Multiple Context-Free Languages

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Keita TAKADA  Hideki NII  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Automata,Languages and Theory of Computing

    E81-D No:11

    Parallel multiple context-free grammar (PMCFG) and multiple context-free grammar (MCFG) were introduced to denote the syntax of natural languages. By the known fastest algorithm, the recognition problem for multiple context-free language (MCFL) and parallel multiple context-free language (PMCFL) can be solved in O(ne) time and O(ne+1) time, respectively, where e is a constant which depends only on a given MCFG or PMCFG. In this paper, we propose the following two algorithms. (1) An algorithm which reduces the recognition problem for MCFL to the boolean matrices multiplication problem. (2) An algorithm which reduces the recognition problem for PMCFL to the recognition problem for MCFL. The time complexity of these algorithms is O(ne-3i+1 M(ni)) where e and i are constants which depend only on a given MCFG or PMCFG, and M(k) is the time needed for multiplying two k k boolean matrices. The proposed algorithms are faster than the known fastest algorithms unless e=e, i=1 for MCFG, and e=e, i=0 for PMCFG.
