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  • Data Model and Architecture of Multimedia Database for Engineering Applications

    Hiroshi ARISAWA  Takashi TOMII  Hitoshi YUI  Hidehiko ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    This papaer presents a data model and the database system architecture to handle multimedia data, especially video (or image sequence) data. A new scheme AIS diagram" is introduced, by which all informations about entities and relationships among bitmap frames or textual informations are described in a uniform way. We focus on the integration of engineering data. The most important problem to be solved is how to capture the objects" in each frame and to represent them in the data model. For this purpose we propose physical cut" and logical cut" as a unit of information in image sequences and, using those concepts, we developed a prototype system for multimedia data processing on a conventional database system.

  • Specialization Constraints for a Complex Object Model Supporting Selective Inheritance

    Nobutaka SUZUKI  Minoru ITO  


    E78-D No:11

    For a complex object model, a form of range restriction, called specialization constraint (SC), has been studied. On the other hand, very few models have been proposed that support selective inheritance. In this paper, the following consideration is taken into SCs for a complex object medel suppoorting selective inheritance. A polynomial-time algorithm is given for deciding if a given database schema is well-formed. A sound and complete axiomatization for SCs is presented. A polynomial-time algorithm is given that decides if an SC is a logical consequence of a set of SCs. Finally, another polynomial-time algorithm is given, which decides if there exists a database that contains a given path from a given class.

  • An Object-Oriented Approach to Temporal Multimedia Data Modeling

    Yoshifumi MASUNAGA  


    E78-D No:11

    This paper discusses an object-oriented approach to temporal multimedia data modeling in OMEGA; a multimedia database management under development at the University of Library and Information Science. An object-orientated approach is necessary to integrate various types of heterogeneous multimedia data, but it has become clear that current object-oriented data models are not sufficient to represent multimedia data, particularly when they are temporal. For instance, the current object-oriented data models cannot describe objects whose attribute values change time-dependently. Also, they cannot represent temporal relationships among temporal multimedia objects. We characterize temporal objects as instances of a subclass of class TimeInterval with the temporal attributes and the temporal relationships. This temporal multimedia data model is designed upward compatible with the ODMG-93 standard object model. To organize a temporal multimedia database, a five temporal axes model for representing temporal multimedia objects is also introduced. The five temporal axes--an absolute, an internal, a quasi-, a physical, and a presentation time axis--are necessary to describe time-dependent properties of multimedia objects in modeling, implementing and use. A concrete example of this organization method is also illustrated.

  • Data Classification Component in a Deductive Database System and Its Application to Protein Structural Analysis


    PAPER-Advanced Applications

    E78-D No:11

    Scientific database systems for the analysis of genes and proteins are becoming very important these days. We have developed a deductive database system PACADE for analyzing the three dimensional and secondary structures of proteins. In this paper, we describe the statistical data classification component of PACADE. We implemented the component for cluster analysis and discrimination analysis. In addition, we enhanced the aggregation function in order to calculate the characteristic values which are useful for data classification. By using the cluster analysis function, the proteins are thereby classified into different types of structural characteristics. The results of these structural analysis experiments are also described in this paper.

  • A Study on Customer Traffic Data Management Method

    Kazuhiko OHKUBO  Hiroshi ARIMICHI  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:9

    In this paper, we analyze the traffic data management requirements of the customers, describe the functions of the traffic database needed to satisfy their requirements, and propose a highly distributed database system which can efficiently implement these functions. Finally, we report the results of system performance evaluations.

  • Analysis of Database Production Rules by Process Algebra

    Yoshinao ISOBE  Isao KOJIMA  Kazuhito OHMAKI  


    E78-D No:8

    The purpose of this research is to analyze production rules with coupling modes in active databases and to exploit an assistant system for rule programming. Each production rule is a specification including an event, a condition, and an action. The action is automatically executed whenever the event occurs and the condition is satisfied. Coupling modes are useful to control execution order of transactions. For example, a transaction for consistency check should be executed after transactions for update. An active database, which is a database with production rules, can spontaneously update database states and check their consistency. Production rules provide a powerful mechanism for knowledge-bases. However it is very difficult in general to predict how a set of production rules will behave because of cascading rule triggers, concurrency, and so on. We are attempting to adopt a process algebra as a basic tool to analyze production rules. In order to describe and analyze concurrent and communicating systems, process algebras such as CCS, CSP, ACP, and π-calculus, are well known. However there are some difficulties to apply existing process algebras to analysis of production rules in growing process trees by process creation. In this paper we propose a process algebra named CCSPR (a Calculus of Communicating Systems with Production Rules), Which is an extension of CCS. An advantage of CCSPR is to syntactically describe growing process trees. Therefore, production rules can be appropriately analyzed in CCSPR. After giving definitions and properties of CCSPR, we show an example of analysis of production rules in CCSPR.

  • Hierarchy-Based Networked Organization, Modeling, and Prototyping of Semantic, Statistic, and Numeric Image Information

    Hussain Sabri SHAKIR  Makoto NAGAO  


    E78-D No:8

    This paper presents a comprehensive framework for the organization, retrieval, and adaptation of image information and meta-information in image database systems. The multi-level hierarchy of images that emphasizes the composition of visual entities (such as Human, Chair, , etc.) from its constituents (eye, leg, , etc.) is managed by a host architecture that is called the semantic tree. This architecture is shown to integrate description, numeric, and statistic image constituent's information into a compound space that is used as retrieval basis for semantic, sketch, and template image queries and several other composite query types. The core architecture based on which the semantic tree is constructed is shown to offer several new features such as simple prototyping, complex prototyping, low storage requirements, and automatic knowledge acquisition compatibility. The object oriented data model constitutes our comparison basis throughout the paper. Methods (functions) used to access image information are shown to be organized into a separate architecture called the query dictionary. This architecture is shown to offer a convenient hierarchical message passing medium using which a variety of composite queries are constructed. Interaction between semantic trees and the query dictionary is clarified through several examples. It is shown that the semantic tree architecture embraces additional networking semantic intormation through a range of relation representation models, the first of which is introduced in this paper. A new inheritance method called semantic relation spreading is introduced. Comprehensive examples are given to demonstrate the versatility of the new strategy.

  • Status Update of Database Systems through Multimedia Computer Networks

    Shojiro NISHIO  Shinji SHIMOJO  


    E78-B No:7

    Recently, through high speed computer networks, multifarious information such as text, moving and still images, video, voice and control data is available. There is a natural demand to store such multimedia data in databases to facilitate their reuse in a wide variety of applications. Therefore, important research issues pertain to the investigation of appropriate database systems in multimedia computer network environments. In this paper, we first discuss the required technologies for multimedia information systems. Then we look at many multimedia information services through computer networks, and consider the importance of storing and effectively reusing such available multimedia data. To facilitate developing databases for use in these environments, we discuss the evolution of the notion of database systems. Finally, we demonstrate, as practical examples of such database systems, two prototype systems that we are currently implementing, i.e., the campus wide news on demand system and the ASN. 1 database system.

  • A Next-Generation Database System for Advanced Multimedia Applications

    Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  Koki KATO  Miyuki ONO  Naomi YOSHIZAWA  Kazumi KUBOTA  Akiko KONDO  


    E78-B No:7

    New multimedia applications have emerged on top of information infrastructures, such as on-demand services, digital libraries and museums, online shopping, information Q & A, concurrent engineering, document management, and desktop program production, which require new databases. That is, next-generation database systems must enable users to efficiently and flexibly develop and execute such advanced multimedia applications. Moreover, in some applications, there is no existent data; in others, there are databases or files to be integrated. This requires both top-down and bottom-up database development. To this end, we focus on development of a database system which enables flexible and efficient acquisition, storage, access and retrieval, and distribution and presentation of large amounts of heterogeneous media data. In particular, we propose a multimedia data model as an integration of structural, temporal, spatial, and control functionality. That is, we take an approach based on an object-oriented database, which is more suitable for description of media structures and operations than a traditional relational database. And we extend the object-oriented approach by providing temporal and spatial operators, and control of distributing computing and QOS (quality of service). In this paper, we describe a multimedia data model and its efficient implementation.

  • Optimizing Linear Recursive Formulas by Detaching Isolated Variables

    Xiaoyong DU  Naohiro ISHII  


    E78-D No:5

    Program transformation is a kind of optimization techniques for logic programs, which aims at transforming equally a program into an other form by exploiting some properties or information of the program, so as to make the program cheaper to evaluate. In this paper, a new kind of property of logic programs, called reducibility, is exploited in program transformation. A recursive predicate is reducible if the values of some variables in the recursive predicate are independent to the remainder part and can be detached from the predicate after finite times of expansions. After being proved that the semantic notion of reducibility can be replaced by the syntactic notion of disconnectivity of a R-graph, which is a kind of graph model to represent the behavior of formula expansions, an efficient testing and factoring algorithm is proposed. The paper also extends some existed results on compiled formulas of linear sirups, and compares with some related work.

  • Concurrency Control with Permissible Serializability in Multi-Media Data Processings

    Yuichi SAKAUE  Jun'ichi MIYAO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E78-D No:4

    Recent advances of processing speed and window systems in computers, especially workstations, accelerate multi-media data processing (MMDP). Then, a variety of data such as numerics, characters, voice, video, animation and so on, are processed concurrently in a workstation. In data processings, concurrent execution of transactions is a key to improve through-puts. However, concurrent execution without concurrency control may cause inconsistent results. Thus, the concurrency control must be introduced in such systems. However, in MMDP it is ineffective to adopt previous concurrency control methods for ordinal databases since multi-media data are huge and possess a real-time property. This paper discusses concurrency control for MMDP. We propose some new concepts for MMDP, and define a new serializability class called Permissible Serializability which provides high concurrency in MMDP compared with ordinal classes. Then, we propose a concurrency control algorithm TYPE for the Permissible Serializability, and show some simulation results.

  • A Video Browsing Using Fast Scene Cut Detection for an Efficient Networked Video Database Access

    Yasuyuki NAKAJIMA  


    E77-D No:12

    Video compression technologies such as MPEG have enabled the efficient use of video data in the computer environment. However, the compressed video information still has a huge amount of data compared with the other media such as text, audio, and graphics. Therefore, it is very important to handle the video information in a networked database for the efficient use of resources like storage media. Furthermore, in the networked database, its retrieval methods including search and delivery become the key issues especially for the video information which requires a large network bandwidth. In this paper, a video browsing method using an automatic fast scene cut detection for networked video database access is described. The scene cut is defined as the scene change frame and is detected by temporal change in interframe luminance difference and chrominance correlation which are obtained from spatio-temporally scaled image directly extracted from the MPEG compressed video without any complex processing of video decoding. The detected scene change frames are further investigated to exploit the relationship between the scene cuts and are classified in order to make a hierarchical indexing. These results of detection are stored as an scene index file using the MPEG format. The simulation results are also presented for several test video sequences to show that these methods have enabled the efficient video database construction and accessing.

  • Implication Problems for Specialization Constraints on Databases Supporting Complex Objects

    Minoru ITO  Michio NAKANISHI  

    PAPER-Algorithms, Data Structures and Computational Complexity

    E77-A No:9

    For a complex object model, a form of range restriction called specialization constraint (SC), has been proposed, which is associated not only with the properties themselves but also with property value paths. The domain and range of an SC, however, were limited to single classes. In this paper, SCs are generalized to have sets of classes as their domains and ranges. Let Σ be a set of SCs, where each SC in Σ has a set of classes as its domain and a non-empty set of classes as its range. It is proved that an SC is a logical consequence of Σ if and only if it is a finite logical consequence of Σ. Then a sound and complete axiomatization for SCs is presented. Finally, a polynomial-time algorithm is given, which decides whether or not an SC is a logical consequence of Σ.

  • A Proposal of a Mobile Radio Channel Database and Its Application to a Simple Channel Simulator

    Tsutomu TAKEUCHI  


    E77-B No:7

    Stored channel simulation for mobile radio channel can be the common base of the development of future world wide personal radio communication systems, especially for high bit-rate digital system. This paper proposes a mobile radio channel database which is suitable for the laboratory channel simulation using a simple stored channel simulator, also proposed by the author. The database enables the establishment of a mobile radio channel database containing worldwide channel data in a few discs of compact disc.

  • Overview of the Super Database Computer (SDC-I)

    Masaru KITSUREGAWA  Weikang YANG  Satoshi HIRANO  Masanobu HARADA  Minoru NAKAMURA  Kazuhiro SUZUKI  TaKayuki TAMURA  Mikio TAKAGI  


    E77-C No:7

    This paper presents an overview of the SDC-I (Super Database Computer I) developed at the University of Tokyo, Japan. The purpose of the project was to build a high performance SQL server which emphasizes query processing over transaction processing. Recently relational database systems tend to be used for heavy decision support queries, which include many join, aggregation, and order-by operations. At present high-end mainframes are used for these applications requiring several hours in some cases. While the system architecture for high traffic transaction processing systems is well established, that for adhoc query processing has not yet adequately understood. SDC-I proved that a parallel machine could attain significant performance improvements over a coventional sequential machine through the exploitation of the high degree of parallelism present in relational query processing. A unique bucket spreading parallel hash join algorithm is employed in SDC, which makes the system very robust in the presense of data skew and allows SDC to attain almost linear performance scalability. SDC adopts a hybrid parallel architecture, where globally it is a shared nothing architecture, that is, modules are connected through the multistage network, but each module itself is a symmetric multiprocessor system. Although most of the hardware elements use commodity microprocessors for improved performance to cost, only the interconnection network incorporates the special function to support our parallel relational algorithm. Data movement over the memory and the network, rather than computation, is heavy for I/O intensive database processing. A dedicated software system was carefully designed for efficient data movement. The implemented prototype consists of two modules. Its hardware and software organization is described. The performance monitoring tool was developed to visualize the system activities, which showed that SDC-I works very efficiently.

  • Optimization of Join-Type Queries in Nested Relational Databases

    Yaxin LI  Hiroyuki KITAGAWA  Nobuo OHBO  


    E77-D No:6

    Nested relational models were proposed as natural extensions of the relational model to support new emerging database applications. Prototype implementations of nested relational database systems (NRDBSs) have been done by some research groups. However, there remain many research issues on nested relations. One important issue is query processing, in particular query optimization. In NRDBSs, efficient execution of queries involving hierarchical data structures inherent in nested relations is required. In this paper, we focus on two join-type operations on nested relations: nested join and embed, and propose an algorithm to derive a cost optimal execution sequence of nested joins and embeds for a given query graph. The cost optimality of the derived sequence is formally proved. The complexity of the algorithm is proved to be O(N 2), when N nested relations are included in the query graph.

  • In-Vehicle Information Systems and Semiconductor Devices They Employ

    Takeshi INOUE  Kikuo MURAMATSU  


    E76-C No:12

    It was more than 10 years ago that the first map navigation system, as an example of invehicle information system, has appeared in the market in Japan. Today's navigation system has been improved to the level that the latest system has 10 micro-processors, 7 MBytes of memories, and 4 GBytes of external data storage for map database. From the viewpoint of the automobile driver, there are still some problems with the system. Major problems in general are a lack of traffic information, better human interface, and a need for cost-reduction. The introduction of application specific ICs (ASICs) is expected to make systems smaller, costless, and give higher speed response. Today's in-vehicle information systems are reviewed function by function to discover what functions need to be implemented into ASICs for future systems, what ASICs will be required, and what technology has to be developed. It is concluded that more integration technology is expected including high parformance CPUs, large capacity memories, interface circuits, and some analog circuits such as DA converter. To develop this technology, some, major problems such as power consumption, number of input/output signals, as well as design aid and process technology are pointed out.

  • Fundamentals of the Decision of Optimum Factors in he ECG Data Compression

    Masa ISHIJIMA  


    E76-D No:12

    This paper describes and analyzed several indices in assessing algorithms of data compression of electrocardiograms, such as the cross correlation (CC), the percent root mean square difference (PRD), and a new measure of standardized root mean square difference (SRD). Although these indices are helpful to objectively evaluate the algorithms, the visual examination of the reconstructed waveform is indispensable to decide the optimal compression ratio. This paper presents the clinical significance of selected waveforms which are prone to be distorted or neglected in the restored waveforms but are crucial for cardiologists to diagnose the patient. A database of electrocardiograms is also proposed for the comparative evaluation of compression algorithms.

  • A Knowledge-Based Database Assistant with a Menu-Based Natural Language User-Interface

    Xu WU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E76-D No:10

    Knowledge-based Database Assistant is an expert system designed to help novice users formulate correct and complete database queries. This paper describes a knowledge-based database assistant with advanced facilities such as (1) a menu-based querymaking guidance, (2) a menu-based natural-language user-interface, and (3) database-commands generator which formulates formal database queries with SQL language. The system works as an intelligent front-end to an SQL database system or a computer-aided SQL tutorial-system. In this paper, we also discuss a semantic-network model, named S-Net, which is used to represent the knowledge for formal database-query formulating processes. The menu-based English user-interface allows end-users to make a query by filling a certain query pattern with appropriate words. The query-pattern filling process is guided by pop-up menus provided by the system. The query-pattern instances thus obtained are then translated into formal database queries. The translation is carried out by evaluating operations on S-Net knowledge-base which conveys knowledge about application domain, and the underlying database schema.

  • A Construction of a New Image Database System which Realizes Fully Automated Image Keyword Extraction

    Jun YAMANE  Masao SAKAUCHI  


    E76-D No:10

    Recently, a flexible image database retrieval system where image keywords can be captured automatically is strongly required, in order to manage a practical number of image data successfully. However, image recognition/understanding technology level is not generally sufficient enough to achieve this requirement. In order to overcome this problem, a new type of image database framework is proposed in this paper. In the proposed system, image keywords are extracted in fully-automated fashion by the flexible and generalized image recognition system. Image keywords employed in this system are a collection of recognized objects in the image, where achieved recognition levels are allowed to be intermediate or imperfect. The concept of recognition thesaurus" has been introduced to manage these various abstraction level of kerwords successfully. As an embodiment of this concept, an experimental image database with various types of sports scenes has been implemented and various retrieval evaluations have been performed. Experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed method.
