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  • Loosely-Consistency Management Technology in Distributed Database Systems for Assurance

    Carlos PEREZ LEGUIZAMO  Dake WANG  Kinji MORI  

    PAPER-Agent-Based Systems

    E86-D No:10

    To meet the highly competitive and dynamic needs in the market, an e-Business company needs to flexibly integrate its heterogeneous database systems together, e.g., the integration of makers and retailers in a Supply Chain Management System (SCM). The customers demand one-click response and also their access requirements change too frequently. Moreover, different retailers and makers in a SCM, being the autonomous entities, have their own specific requirements for stock-cost and opportunity-loss, depending on their local situation that is also changing with time. Under this background, the integrated DBs of the SCM are required to provide real-time response, heterogeneity satisfaction and flexibility to adapt to changing requirements. The conventional approach of strict consistency leads to low response and less flexibility due to the strong interdependence of the systems. In this paper, Autonomous Decentralized Database System has been proposed as an application-oriented database technology based on the concept of autonomy and loose-consistency among the distributed DB systems thus providing real-time, flexibility and high availability. The autonomy in the system has been achieved by defining a data attribute, Allowable Volume, within which each component DB has autonomy to update the data in real-time. Moreover, the system adapts to the dynamically changing heterogeneous access requirements at each DB by managing the distribution of AV among different DBs through an active coordination mechanism. Due to the dynamic and unpredictable environment, the component DBs are provided with complete autonomy for their local and coordination decisions, thus diminishing the interdependency and improving the response time. As the system consists of loosely-connected subsystems, it also has high availability. Therefore, the proposed system provides highly decentralized architecture with flexibility and high availability. The performance of the system has been shown significantly effective by simulating the internet based SCM system, from the communication-cost and response time point of view.

  • Fuzzy Relational Database Induced by Conditional Probability Relations

    Rolly INTAN  Masao MUKAIDONO  

    PAPER-Welfare Engineering

    E86-D No:8

    In 1982, Buckles and Petry proposed fuzzy relational database for incorporating non-ideal or fuzzy information in a relational database. The fuzzy relational database relies on the specification of similarity relation in order to distinguish each scalar domain in the fuzzy database. These relations are reflexive, symmetric, and max-min transitive. In 1989, Shenoi and Melton extended the fuzzy relational database model of Buckles and Petry to deal with proximity relation for scalar domain. Since reflexivity and symmetry are the only constraints placed on proximity relations, proximity relation is considered as a generalization of similarity relation. However, we realized that naturally relation between fuzzy information is not symmetric. Here, we consider using conditional probability relation to represent similarity between two fuzzy data. Related to the properties of conditional probability relation, we introduce an interesting mathematical relation, called weak similarity relation, as generalization of similarity relation as well as proximity relation in which conditional probability relation is regarded as a concrete example of the weak similarity relation. In this paper, we propose design of fuzzy relational database to deal with conditional probability relation for scalar domain. These relations are reflexive and not symmetric. In addition, we define a notion of asymmetric redundant tuple based on two interpretations generalizing the concept of redundancy in classical relational database. In the relation to data querying, we discuss partitioning of domains with the objective of developing similarity class. Finally, we propose a new definition of partial fuzzy functional dependency (PFFD). Fuzzy functional dependency (FFD) as an extension of functional dependency (FD), usually used in design of fuzzy relational database, can be generated by the PFFD. Inference rules that are similar to Armstrong's Axioms for the FFD are both sound and complete.

  • WebSiteGen: Web-Based Database Application Generator

    Doohun EUM  Toshimi MINOURA  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E86-D No:6

    We can easily access a remote database as well as a local database with HTML forms. Although implementing a database application with HTML forms is much simpler than implementing it with a proprietary graphical user-interface system, HTML forms and CGI programs still must be coded. We implemented a software tool that automatically generates the SQL statements that create a database for an application, the forms that are used as a user interface, and the Java servlets that retrieve the data requested through the forms. The database tables to be created and the forms to be generated are determined by the class diagram for the application. Our software tool, which we call WebSiteGen, thus simplifies the implementation of a Web-based database application.

  • Multilingual Question Answering with High Portability on Relational Databases

    Hanmin JUNG  Gary Geunbae LEE  Won Seug CHOI  KyungKoo MIN  Jungyun SEO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E86-D No:2

    This paper describes a highly-portable multilingual question answering system on multiple relational databases. We apply techniques which were verified on open-domain text-based question answering, such as semantic category and pattern-based grammars, into natural language interfaces to relational databases. Lexico-semantic pattern (LSP) and multi-level grammars achieve portability of languages, domains, and DB management systems. The LSP-based linguistic processing does not require deep analysis that sacrifices robustness and flexibility, but can handle delicate natural language questions. To maximize portability, we drive three dependency factors into the following two parts: language-dependent part into front linguistic analysis, and domain-dependent and database-dependent parts into backend SQL query generation. We also support session-based dialog by preserving SQL queries created from previous user's question, and then re-generating new SQL query for the successive questions. Experiments with 779 queries generate only constraint-missing errors, which can be easily corrected by adding new terms, of 2.25% for English and 5.67% for Korean.

  • An Enhanced Probe-Based Deadlock Resolution Scheme in Distributed Database Systems

    Moon Jeong KIM  Young Ik EOM  

    LETTER-Theory and Models of Software

    E85-D No:12

    We suggest a new probe message structure and an efficient probe-based deadlock detection and recovery algorithm that can be used in distributed database systems. We determine the characteristics of the probe messages and suggest an algorithm that can reduce the communication cost required for deadlock detection and recovery.

  • Concurrency Control and Performance Evaluation of Parallel B-tree Structures

    Jun MIYAZAKI  Haruo YOKOTA  


    E85-D No:8

    The Fat-Btree which is a new parallel B-tree structure has been proposed to improve the access performance of shared-nothing parallel database systems. Since the Fat-Btree has only a part of index nodes on each processing element, it can reduce the synchronization cost in update operations. For these reasons, both retrieval and update operations can be processed at high throughput compared to previously proposed parallel B-tree structures for shared-nothing computers. Though we tried to apply some conventional concurrency control methods to the Fat-Btree, e.g., B-OPT and ARIES/IM, which were designed for shared-everything machines, we found that these methods are not always appropriate for the Fat-Btree. In this paper, it is shown that the conventional methods are not suitable for the Fat-Btree and other parallel B-trees. We propose a new deadlock free concurrency control protocol, named INC-OPT, to improve the performance of the Fat-Btree more effectively than the B-OPT and ARIES/IM. Furthermore, in order to prove that the Fat-Btree provides the impact on the performance of shared-nothing parallel databases, we compare the real performance of three types of parallel B-tree structures, Fat-Btree, Copy-Whole-Btree, and Single-Index-Btree, on an nCUBE3 machine where the INC-OPT is applied.

  • Reliability-Based Mirroring of Servers in Distributed Networks

    Akiko NAKANIWA  Jun TAKAHASHI  Hiroyuki EBARA  Hiromi OKADA  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E85-B No:2

    In this paper, we consider optimal mirror allocation problems for the purpose of load balancing in network servers. We focus on constructing high-reliability networks and propose the optimal mirror allocation model such that the system reliability is maximized subject to costs and delays, in view of the trade-off between the reliability and cost. This optimization model is capable of dealing with various kinds of network topologies, although for simplicity, we assume the read-only situation. We formulate this optimization problem into a 0-1 integer programming model, and we use an approximate method for numerical analysis in order to analyze more large-scale systems. Our objective is to find the optimal mirror allocation by solving this model, and to show quantitatively the general characteristics of the load balancing and the improvement of the system reliability by the distributed mirror allocation.

  • Minimal Spanning Tree Construction with MetricMatrix

    Masahiro ISHIKAWA  Kazutaka FURUSE  Hanxiong CHEN  Nobuo OHBO  


    E85-D No:2

    Clustering is one of the most important topics in the field of knowledge discovery from databases. Especially, hierarchical clustering is useful since it gives a hierarchical view of a whole database and can be used to guide users in browsing a huge database. In many cases, clustering can be modeled as a graph partitioning problem. When an appropriate distance function between database objects is given, a database can be viewed as an edge-weighted complete graph, where vertices are database objects and weights of edges are distances between them. Then a process of MST (Minimal Spanning Tree) construction can be viewed as a process of a single-linkage agglomerative clustering process for database objects. In this paper, we propose an efficient MST construction method for a large complete metric graph, which is derived from a database with a metric distance function defined on it. Our method utilizes a metric index to reduce the number of distance calculations. The basic idea is to exclude those edges less probable to be a part of an MST by using the metric postulate. For this purpose, we introduce a new metric index named MetricMatrix. Experimental results show that our method can drastically reduce the number of distance calculations needed for MST construction in comparison with the classical method.

  • A Large-Capacity Service Control Node Architecture Using Multicasting Access to Decentralized Databases in the Advanced Intelligent Network

    Etsuo MASUDA  Takeshi MISHIMA  Naoki TAKAYA  Kohei NAKAI  Masanori HIRANO  


    E84-B No:10

    Focusing on a distributed control service-control-node (SCP) that houses a database (DB) distributed across multiple modules, this paper proposes an autonomous distributed SCP architecture using multicasting access to the distributed DB, and highlights its application areas. We assume as a basic condition that neither the network nor the other modules in the system are aware of the DB configuration. Based on this condition, we propose two basic methods: a unicast approach in which the DB management module that is selected at random by the network routes the DB access request to the module where the target data resides (Method A), and a multicast method in which DB access requests are broadcast to all modules (Method B). A quantitative evaluation is made of the number of required modules and required communications performance between modules which is determined by the capacity of the main memory and processing capacity of the processors. Based on the results, we conclude that Method B better exploits the advantages of module autonomous distribution technology within the limits that the economy of inter-module communication overhead is not impaired. Furthermore, in the event a module fails in Method B, a scheme is proposed in which the defective module is cut out of the multicast group, and multicasting continues. This could be implemented most effectively using a separate route under hardware control that is independent of the on-line communications route between modules.

  • A Decentralized XML Database Approach to Electronic Commerce

    Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  Manabu OHTA  

    PAPER-Electronic Commerce

    E84-D No:10

    Decentralized XML databases are often used in Electronic Commerce (EC) business models such as e-brokers on the Web. To flexibly model such applications, we need a modeling language for EC business processes. To this end, we have adopted a query language approach and have designed a query language, called XBML, for decentralized XML databases used in EC businesses. In this paper, we explain and validate the functionality of XBML by specifying e-broker business models and describe the implementation of the XBML server, focusing on the distributed query processing.

  • An Autonomous Decentralized Architecture for Distributed Data Management and Dissemination

    Malworsth Brian BLAKE  Patricia LIGUORI  


    E84-D No:10

    Over recent years, "Internet-able" applications and architectures have been used to support domains where there are multiple interconnected systems that are both decentralized and autonomous. In enterprise-level data management domains, both the schema of the data repository and the individual query needs of the users evolve over time. To handle this evolution, the resulting architecture must enforce the autonomy in systems that support the client needs and constraints, in addition to maintaining the autonomy in systems that support the actual data schema and extraction mechanisms. At the MITRE Corporation, this domain has been identified in the development of a composite data repository for the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (CAASD). In the development of such a repository, the supporting architecture includes specialized mechanisms to disseminate the data to a diverse evolving set of researchers. This paper presents the motivation and design of such an architecture to support these autonomous data extraction environments. This run-time configurable architecture is implemented using web-based technologies such as the Extensible Markup Language (XML), Java Servlets, Extensible Stylesheets (XSL), and a relational database management system (RDBMS).

  • A Low Overhead Index Structure for Dynamic Main Memory Database Management Systems

    Heung Seok JEON  Tae Jin KIM  Sam Hyuk NOH  Jaeho LEE  Hae Chull LIM  


    E84-D No:9

    In this paper, an effective index structure for dynamic main memory database systems, which we call the T2-tree, is presented. A notion of a thread pointer is introduced to overcome some of the limitations of the T-tree and the T*-tree. There are several advantages to this structure. First, the T2-tree reduces the number of rotate operations and the overhead required for balancing the tree by restraining new node creation and deletion. Second, the T2-tree shows good performance for sequential search of range queries as these requests can be effectively handled using the successor pointer. Finally, the T2-tree allows for higher space utilization amplicating the aforementioned benefits. These advantages are obtained with minimal changes to the existing T-tree structure. Experimental studies showing evidence of the benefits of the T2-tree are also presented.

  • The Distributed Management Mechanism of the Active HYpermedia Delivery System Platform

    Frederic ANDRES  Kinji ONO  


    E84-D No:8

    The Active HYpermedia Delivery System (AHYDS) facilitates the access to multimedia information over a large-scale network and wide spectrum of media. We developed intelligent access facilities that build on the access paradigms supported by current web applications. This facility generalizes not only different kinds of logical data models (relational, object, hyperlink), but also access mechanisms of multimedia applications to make them customizable and scalable. This paper proposed the distributed management mechanism of the AHYDS platform. The major contribution of this paper is the mechanism for distributed multimedia delivery management over large-scale network and heterogeneous environment. We also propose the mechanism to manage huge multimedia data.

  • Sensitivity Analysis in Optimal Design for Distributed File Allocation Systems

    Akiko NAKANIWA  Masaki ONISHI  Hiroyuki EBARA  Hiromi OKADA  

    PAPER-Software Platform

    E84-B No:6

    In distributed network systems, it is one of the most important problems how to assign the files to servers in view of cost and delay. It is obvious that there is a trading-off relationship between costs and delays in these systems. In order to evaluate the optimization that the total cost is minimized subject to the total delay, we have presented the Optimal File Allocation Model as 0-1 integer programming, and have investigated the general characteristics in distributed systems. In this model, we have introduced many cost and delay parameters to evaluate the total cost and delay in the system more exactly. In constructing practical systems, it is necessary to investigate the weight and the contribution of each parameter to the total cost. It is very useful to show how to estimate cost and delay parameters on the basis of this analysis. In this paper, we analyze the sensitivity of these parameters and make clear the influence between principal parameters.

  • Complexity of the Type-Consistency Problem for Acyclic Object-Oriented Database Schemas

    Shougo SHIMIZU  Yasunori ISHIHARA  Junji YOKOUCHI  Minoru ITO  


    E84-D No:5

    Method invocation mechanism is one of the essential features in object-oriented programming languages. This mechanism contributes to data encapsulation and code reuse, but there is a risk of runtime type errors. In the case of object-oriented databases (OODBs), a runtime error causes rollback. Therefore, it is desirable to ensure that a given OODB schema is consistent, i.e., no runtime error occurs during the execution of queries under any database instance of the OODB schema. This paper discusses the computational complexity of the type-consistency problem. As a model of OODB schemas, we adopt update schemas introduced by Hull et al., which have all of the basic features of OODBs such as class hierarchy, inheritance, complex objects, and so on. The type-consistency problem for update schemas is known to be undecidable. We introduce a subclass of update schemas, called acyclic schemas, and show that the type-consistency problem for acyclic schemas is in coNEXPTIME. Furthermore, we show that the problem for recursion-free acyclic schemas is coNEXPTIME-hard and the problem for retrieval acyclic schemas is PSPACE-complete.

  • Resetting Forwarding Pointers with Delay Propagation Schemes in a Distributed HLR Environment

    Gwo-Chuan LEE  Tsan-Pin WANG  Chien-Chao TSENG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E84-B No:4

    In this paper, we propose a new location tracking method for pointer forwarding with distributed HLRs schemes to decrease the location tracking cost. Similar to the distributed HLR schemes, the location information is replicated on all HLRs in our scheme. However, unlike the traditional distributed HLR schemes, we propagate the most recent location changes from an HLR to reset the forwarding pointers in other HLRs, and thus reduce the cost of location tracking for call deliveries. The signaling cost of location propagation may be too costly to be practical. Therefore, we allow some inconsistency to exist among the location data of HLRs and defer the propagation of location changes to reduce the propagation cost. Three delay propagation policies are also proposed and analyzed using simulation. The performance result shows that the delay propagation policies reduce the propagation cost and the propagation resetting process degrades the location tracking cost. Our method preserves a low total cost for call deliveries, registrations and propagations in distributed HLRs.

  • MobiView: A Database Integration Mechanism Based on Database View for Mobile Computing

    Toru MURASE  Masahiko TSUKAMOTO  Hajime SHIBATA  Bojiang LIU  Shojiro NISHIO  


    E84-D No:3

    With the advancement of technologies in wireless communication and computer down-sizing, it becomes possible to access a global network using handy terminals which are equipped with wireless communication facilities. In such a mobile computing environment, data management is one of the primary objectives of effective computer uses. However, since conventional distributed data management technologies assume that servers and clients are fixed at certain locations in a network, they do not provide any tools to construct advanced applications which make full use of dynamically changing information in such an environment. In this paper, in order to incorporate data distributed over mobile computing environment, we propose a dynamic data integration mechanism called MobiView which is an enhanced view mechanism of a conventional database system. In MobiView, we introduce four methods for database indication without using conventional host name or its local name: host-specified, cell-specified, location-dependent, and MobiView-oriented, through which we discuss how to handle both mobile database servers and mobile database clients.

  • A Technique for On-Line Data Migration

    Jiahong WANG  Masatoshi MIYAZAKI  Jie LI  


    E84-D No:1

    In recent years, more emphasis is placed on the performance of massive databases. It is often required not only that database systems provide high throughputs with rapid response times, but also that they are fully available 24-hours-per-day and 7-days-per-week. Requirements for throughput and response time can be satisfied by upgrading the hardware. As a result, databases in the old hardware environment have to be moved to the new one. Moving a database, however, generally requires taking the database off line for a long time, which is unacceptable for numerous applications. In this paper, a very practical and important subject is addressed: how to upgrade the hardware on line, i.e., how to move a database from an old hardware environment to a new one concurrently with users' reading and writing of the database. A technique for this purpose is proposed. We have implemented a prototype based on this technique. Our experiments with the prototype shown that compared with conventional off-line approach, the proposed technique could give a performance improvement by more than 85% in the query-bound environment and 40% in the update-bound environment.

  • Index Interpolation: A Subsequence Matching Algorithm Supporting Moving Average Transform of Arbitrary Order in Time-Series Databases

    Woong-Kee LOH  Sang-Wook KIM  Kyu-Young WHANG  


    E84-D No:1

    In this paper we propose a subsequence matching algorithm that supports moving average transform of arbitrary order in time-series databases. Moving average transform reduces the effect of noise and has been used in many areas such as econometrics since it is useful in finding the overall trends. The proposed algorithm extends the existing subsequence matching algorithm proposed by Faloutsos et al. (SUB94 in short). If we applied the algorithm without any extension, we would have to generate an index for each moving average order and would have serious storage and CPU time overhead. In this paper we tackle the problem using the notion of index interpolation. Index interpolation is defined as a searching method that uses one or more indexes generated for a few selected cases and performs searching for all the cases satisfying some criteria. The proposed algorithm, which is based on index interpolation, can use only one index for a pre-selected moving average order k and performs subsequence matching for arbitrary order m ( k). We prove that the proposed algorithm causes no false dismissal. The proposed algorithm can also use more than one index to improve search performance. The algorithm works better with smaller selectivities. For selectivities less than 10-2, the degradation of search performance compared with the fully-indexed case--which is equivalent to SUB94--is no more than 33.0% when one index is used, and 17.2% when two indexes are used. Since the queries with smaller selectivities are much more frequent in general database applications, the proposed algorithm is suitable for practical situations.

  • VLRU: Buffer Management in Client-Server Systems

    Sung-Jin LEE  Chin-Wan CHUNG  


    E83-D No:6

    In a client-server system, when LRU or its variant buffer replacement strategy is used on both the client and the server, the cache performance on the server side is very poor mainly because of pages duplicated in both systems. This paper introduces a server buffer replacement strategy which uses a replaced page-id than a request page-id, for the primary information for its operations. The importance of the corresponding pages in the server cache is decided according to the replaced page-ids that are delivered from clients to the server, so that locations of the pages are altered. Consequently, if a client uses LRU as its buffer replacement strategy, then the server cache is seen by the client as a long virtual client LRU cache extended to the server. Since the replaced page-id is only sent to the server by piggybacking whenever a new page fetch request is sent, the operation to deliver the replaced page-id is simple and induces a minimal overhead. We show that the proposed strategy reveals good performance characteristics in diverse situations, such as single and multiple clients, as well as with various access patterns.
