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[Keyword] dictionary(62hit)


  • Dictionary-Based Map Compression for Sparse Feature Maps

    Kanji TANAKA  Tomomi NAGASAKA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E95-D No:2

    Obtaining a compact representation of a large-size feature map built by mapper robots is a critical issue in recent mobile robotics. This “map compression” problem is explored from a novel perspective of dictionary-based data compression techniques in the paper. The primary contribution of the paper is the proposal of the dictionary-based map compression approach. A map compression system is presented by employing RANSAC map matching and sparse coding as building blocks. The effectiveness levels of the proposed techniques is investigated in terms of map compression ratio, compression speed, the retrieval performance of compressed/decompressed maps, as well as applications to the Kolmogorov complexity.

  • Threshold Anonymous Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Secure against Insider Attacks

    SeongHan SHIN  Kazukuni KOBARA  Hideki IMAI  


    E94-D No:11

    An anonymous password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocol is designed to provide both password-only authentication and client anonymity against a semi-honest server, who honestly follows the protocol. In INDOCRYPT2008, Yang and Zhang [26] proposed a new anonymous PAKE (NAPAKE) protocol and its threshold (D-NAPAKE) which they claimed to be secure against insider attacks. In this paper, we first show that the D-NAPAKE protocol [26] is completely insecure against insider attacks unlike their claim. Specifically, only one legitimate client can freely impersonate any subgroup of clients (the threshold t > 1) to the server. After giving a security model that captures insider attacks, we propose a threshold anonymous PAKE (called, TAP+) protocol which provides security against insider attacks. Moreover, we prove that the TAP+ protocol has semantic security of session keys against active attacks as well as insider attacks under the computational Diffie-Hellman problem, and provides client anonymity against a semi-honest server, who honestly follows the protocol. Finally, several discussions are followed: 1) We also show another threshold anonymous PAKE protocol by applying our RATIONALE to the non-threshold anonymous PAKE (VEAP) protocol [23]; and 2) We give the efficiency comparison, security consideration and implementation issue of the TAP+ protocol.

  • On-Line Electrocardiogram Lossless Compression Using Antidictionary Codes for a Finite Alphabet

    Takahiro OTA  Hiroyoshi MORITA  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E93-D No:12

    An antidictionary is particularly useful for data compression, and on-line electrocardiogram (ECG) lossless compression algorithms using antidictionaries have been proposed. They work in real-time with constant memory and give better compression ratios than traditional lossless data compression algorithms, while they only deal with ECG data on a binary alphabet. This paper proposes on-line ECG lossless compression for a given data on a finite alphabet. The proposed algorithm gives not only better compression ratios than those algorithms but also uses less computational space than they do. Moreover, the proposed algorithm work in real-time. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by simulation results.

  • Improved Dictionary-Based Code-Compression Schemes with XOR Reference for RISC/VLIW Architecture

    Jui-Chun CHEN  Chang-Hong LIN  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E93-A No:12

    Embedded systems are constrained by the available memory, and code-compression techniques address this issue by reducing the code size of application programs. The main challenge for the development of an effective code-compression technique is to reduce code size without affecting the overall system performance. Dictionary-based code-compression schemes are the most commonly used code-compression methods, because they can provide both good compression ratio and fast decompression. We propose an XOR-based reference scheme that can enhance the compression ratio on all the existing dictionary-based algorithms by changing the distribution of the symbols. Our approach works on all kinds of computer architecture with fixed length instructions, such as RISC or VLIW. Experiments show that our approach can further improve the compression ratio with nearly no hardware, performance, and power overheads.

  • Security Analysis of Two Augmented Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols

    SeongHan SHIN  Kazukuni KOBARA  Hideki IMAI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E93-A No:11

    An augmented PAKE (Password-Authenticated Key Exchange) protocol is said to be secure against server-compromise impersonation attacks if an attacker who obtained password verification data from a server cannot impersonate a client without performing off-line dictionary attacks on the password verification data. There are two augmented PAKE protocols where the first one [12] was proposed in the IEEE Communications Letters and the second one [15] was submitted to the IEEE P1363.2 standard working group [9]. In this paper, we show that these two augmented PAKE protocols [12], [15] (claimed to be secure) are actually insecure against server-compromise impersonation attacks. More specifically, we present generic server-compromise impersonation attacks on these augmented PAKE protocols [12],[15].

  • An RSA-Based Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Secure against Replacement Attacks, and Its Extensions

    SeongHan SHIN  Kazukuni KOBARA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E93-A No:6

    Secure channels can be realized by an authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol that generates authenticated session keys between the involving parties. In, Shin et al., proposed a new kind of AKE (RSA-AKE) protocol whose goal is to provide high efficiency and security against leakage of stored secrets as much as possible. Let us consider more powerful attacks where an adversary completely controls the communications and the stored secrets (the latter is denoted by "replacement" attacks). In this paper, we first show that the RSA-AKE protocol is no longer secure against such an adversary. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) we propose an RSA-based leakage-resilient AKE (RSA-AKE2) protocol that is secure against active attacks as well as replacement attacks; (2) we prove that the RSA-AKE2 protocol is secure against replacement attacks based on the number theory results; (3) we show that it is provably secure in the random oracle model, by showing the reduction to the RSA one-wayness, under an extended model that covers active attacks and replacement attacks; (4) in terms of efficiency, the RSA-AKE2 protocol is comparable to in the sense that the client needs to compute only one modular multiplication with pre-computation; and (5) we also discuss about extensions of the RSA-AKE2 protocol for several security properties (i.e., synchronization of stored secrets, privacy of client and solution to server compromise-impersonation attacks).

  • Anonymous Password-Authenticated Key Exchange: New Construction and Its Extensions

    SeongHan SHIN  Kazukuni KOBARA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Secure Protocol

    E93-A No:1

    An anonymous password-authenticated key exchange (anonymous PAKE) protocol is designed to provide both password-only authentication and user anonymity against a semi-honest server, who follows the protocol honestly. Very recently, Yang and Zhang have proposed a new anonymous PAKE (NAPAKE) protocol that is claimed efficient compared to the previous constructions. In this paper, we propose a very-efficient anonymous PAKE (called, VEAP) protocol that provides the most efficiency among their kinds in terms of computation and communication costs. The VEAP protocol guarantees semantic security of session keys in the random oracle model under the chosen target CDH problem, and unconditional user anonymity against a semi-honest server. If the pre-computation is allowed, both the user and the server are required to compute only one modular exponentiation, respectively. Surprisingly, this is the same computation cost of the well-known Diffie-Hellman protocol that does not provide authentication at all. In addition, we extend the VEAP protocol in two ways: the first is designed to reduce the communication costs of the VEAP protocol and the second shows that stripping off anonymity parts from the VEAP protocol results in a new PAKE protocol.

  • Introducing a Translation Dictionary into Phrase-Based SMT

    Hideo OKUMA  Hirofumi YAMAMOTO  Eiichiro SUMITA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E91-D No:7

    This paper presents a method to effectively introduce a translation dictionary into phrase-based SMT. Though SMT systems can be built with only a parallel corpus, translation dictionaries are more widely available and have many more entries than parallel corpora. A simple and low-cost method to introduce a translation dictionary is to attach a dictionary entry into a phrase table. This, however, does not work well. Target word order and even whole target sentences are often incorrect. To solve this problem, the proposed method uses high-frequency words in the training corpus. The high-frequency words may already be trained well; in other words, they may appear in the phrase table and therefore be translated with correct word order. Experimental results show the proposed method as far superior to simply attaching dictionary entries into phrase tables.

  • Automatic Acronym Dictionary Construction Based on Acronym Generation Types

    Yeo-Chan YOON  So-Young PARK  Young-In SONG  Hae-Chang RIM  Dae-Woong RHEE  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E91-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose a new model of automatically constructing an acronym dictionary. The proposed model generates possible acronym candidates from a definition, and then verifies each acronym-definition pair with a Naive Bayes classifier based on web documents. In order to achieve high dictionary quality, the proposed model utilizes the characteristics of acronym generation types: a syllable-based generation type, a word-based generation type, and a mixed generation type. Compared with a previous model recognizing an acronym-definition pair in a document, the proposed model verifying a pair in web documents improves approximately 50% recall on obtaining acronym-definition pairs from 314 Korean definitions. Also, the proposed model improves 7.25% F-measure on verifying acronym-definition candidate pairs by utilizing specialized classifiers with the characteristics of acronym generation types.

  • On the Construction of an Antidictionary with Linear Complexity Using the Suffix Tree

    Takahiro OTA  Hiroyoshi MORITA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E90-A No:11

    The antidictionary of a string is the set of all words of minimal length that never appear in this string. Antidictionaries are in particular useful for source coding. We present a fast and memory-efficient algorithm to construct an antidictionary using a suffix tree. It is proved that the complexity of this algorithm is linear in space and time, and its effectiveness is demonstrated by simulation results.

  • An Efficient and Leakage-Resilient RSA-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with Tight Security Reduction

    SeongHan SHIN  Kazukuni KOBARA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E90-A No:2

    Both mutual authentication and generation of session keys can be accomplished by an authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol. Let us consider the following situation: (1) a client, who communicates with many different servers, remembers only one password and has insecure devices (e.g., mobile phones or PDAs) with very-restricted computing power and built-in memory capacity; (2) the counterpart servers have enormous computing power, but they are not perfectly secure against various attacks (e.g., virus or hackers); (3) neither PKI (Public Key Infrastructures) nor TRM (Tamper-Resistant Modules) is available. The main goal of this paper is to provide security against the leakage of stored secrets as well as to attain high efficiency on client's side. For those, we propose an efficient and leakage-resilient RSA-based AKE (RSA-AKE) protocol suitable for the above situation whose authenticity is based on password and another secret. In the extended model where an adversary is given access to the stored secret of client, we prove that its security of the RSA-AKE protocol is reduced tightly to the RSA one-wayness in the random oracle model. We also show that the RSA-AKE protocol guarantees several security properties (e.g., security of password, multiple sever scenario with only one password, perfect forward secrecy and anonymity). To our best knowledge, the RSA-AKE protocol is the most efficient, in terms of both computation costs of client and communication costs, over the previous AKE protocols of their kind (using password and RSA).

  • Security Analysis on an Improvement of RSA-Based Password Authenticated Key Exchange

    Shuhong WANG  Feng BAO  Jie WANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E88-B No:4

    In 2002, Zhu et al. proposed a password authenticated key exchange protocol based on RSA such that it is efficient enough to be implemented on most of the target low-power devices such as smart cards and low-power Personal Digital Assistants in imbalanced wireless networks. Recently, YEH et al. claimed that Zhu et al.'s protocol not only is insecure against undetectable on-line password guessing attack but also does not achieve explicit key authentication. Thus they presented an improved version. Unfortunately, we find that YEH et al.'s password guessing attack does not come into existence, and that their improved protocol is vulnerable to off-line dictionary attacks. In this paper we describe our observation in details, and also comment for the original protocol on how to achieve explicit key authentication as well as resist against other existent attacks.

  • Extracting Translation Equivalents from Bilingual Comparable Corpora

    Hiroyuki KAJI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    An improved method for extracting translation equivalents from bilingual comparable corpora according to contextual similarity was developed. This method has two main features. First, a seed bilingual lexicon--which is used to bridge contexts in different languages--is adapted to the corpora from which translation equivalents are to be extracted. Second, the contextual similarity is evaluated by using a combination of similarity measures defined in opposite directions. An experiment using Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora, together with the EDR bilingual dictionary, demonstrated the effectiveness of the method; it produced lists of candidate translation equivalents with an accuracy of around 30% for frequently occurring unknown words. The method thus proved to be useful for improving the coverage of a bilingual lexicon.

  • Adapting a Bilingual Dictionary to Domains

    Hiroyuki KAJI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    Two methods using comparable corpora to select translation equivalents appropriate to a domain were devised and evaluated. The first method ranks translation equivalents of a target word according to similarity of their contexts to that of the target word. The second method ranks translation equivalents according to the ratio of associated words that suggest them. An experiment using the EDR bilingual dictionary together with Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora showed that the method using the ratio of associated words outperforms the method based on contextual similarity. Namely, in a quantitative evaluation using pseudo words, the maximum F-measure of the former method was 86%, while that of the latter method was 82%. The key feature of the method using the ratio of associated words is that it outputs selected translation equivalents together with representative associated words, enabling the translation equivalents to be validated.

  • Provably Secure Three-Party Password-Authenticated Key Exchange

    Chun-Li LIN  Hsiang-An WEN  Tzonelih HWANG  Hung-Min SUN  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E87-A No:11

    We will propose a key-agreement-type three-party password-authenticated key exchange protocol. The proposed protocol is quite efficient and, among the same type of protocols, is the first to be formally proven to be secure. A three-party formal model for security proof is proposed based on [25] and [26]. We construct a simulator in this model to show that our proposed protocol is secure under reasonable and well-defined cryptographic primitives.

  • A Secure One-Time Password Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards

    Tzu-Chang YEH  Hsiao-Yun SHEN  Jing-Jang HWANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E85-B No:11

    Using the great one-time password concept, the widely utilized one-way authentication scheme S/Key provides well protection against replay attacks. In this paper, S/key is enhanced to secure transactions in a critical environment. The proposed scheme is free from any of server spoofing attacks, preplay attacks, and off-line dictionary attacks. A session key here is also established to provide confidentiality. Moreover, simplicity and efficiency are taken into consideration from the user's point of view. A smart card is applied to simplify the user login process and only the hash function is used to keep its efficiency. Therefore, the scheme proposed hereinafter is able to build a safer shield for sensitive transactions like on-line banking or on-line trading in bonds and securities.

  • Fast Matching Pursuit Method Using Property of Symmetry and Classification for Scalable Video Coding

    Seokbyoung OH  Byeungwoo JEON  


    E84-A No:6

    Matching pursuit is a signal expansion technique whose efficiency for motion compensated residual image has been successfully demonstrated in the MPEG-4 development. However, one of the practical concerns related to applying matching pursuit algorithm to real-time coding of video is its massive computation required for finding atoms. This paper proposes a new fast method based on three properties of basis functions used in the signal expansion. The first one is the symmetry property of the 1-D bases. The second one is that one can preclude many bases that cannot be atom by checking a simple mathematical condition. The last one is the classification property of 2-D bases in a given dictionary. Experimental result shows that our method can perform the same matching pursuit without any image degradation using only about 40% of computational load required by the conventional fast method based on separability of 2-D Gabor dictionary. Furthermore, if negligible quality degradation is allowed, the method can be extended to perform matching pursuit with only about 10% of the computational load required by the conventional fast method. We apply the proposed fast matching pursuit method to scalable coding of video with two layers.

  • High Performance Nonce-Based Authentication and Key Distribution Protocols against Password Guessing Attacks

    Sung-Ming YEN  Meng-Tzung LIU  


    E80-A No:11

    A family of nonce-based authentication and key distribution protocols based on the trusted third-party model are proposed which are not only efficient on the view points of computation and communication, but also secure against on-line and off-line password guessing attacks. A new concept of implicit or indirect challenge-response authentication which can be used to combine the processes of identify authentication and data integrity assurance during key distribution and to make the entire protocol be more concise and efficient is introduced in this paper. In the proposed family of protocols, specific protocol can be chosen such that the secure session key to be distributed is selected by specific participant in the protocol. Detailed security analyses of every protocols are given.

  • Highly Efficient Universal Coding with Classifying to Subdictionaries for Text Compression

    Yasuhiko NAKANO  Hironori YAHAGI  Yoshiyuki OKADA  Shigeru YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Algorithms, Data Structures and Computational Complexity

    E77-A No:9

    We developed a simple, practical, adaptive data compression algorithm of the LZ78 class. According to the Lempel-Ziv greedy parsing, a string boundary is not related to the statistical history modeled by finite-state sources. We have already reported an algorithm classifying data into subdictionaries (CSD), which uses multiple subdictionaries and conditions the current string by using the previous one to obtain a higher compression ratio. In this paper, we present a practical implementation of this method suitable for any kinds of data, and show that CSD is more efficient than the LZC which is the method used by the program compress available on UNIX systems. The CSD compression performance was about 10% better than that of LZC with the practical dictionary size, an 8k-entry dictionary when the test data was from the Calgary Compression Corpus. With hashing, the CSD processing speed became as fast as that of LZC, although the CSD algorithm was more complicated than LZC.

  • Example-Based Word-Sense Disambiguation

    Naohiko URAMOTO  


    E77-D No:2

    This paper presents a new method for resolving lexical (word sense) ambiguities inherent in natural language sentences. The Sentence Analyzer (SENA) was developed to resolve such ambiguities by using constraints and example-based preferences. The ambiguities are packed into a single dependency structure, and grammatical and lexical constraints are applied to it in order to reduce the degree of ambiguity. The application of constraints is realized by a very effective constraint-satisfaction technique. Remaining ambiguities are resolved by the use of preferences calculated from an example-base, which is a set of fully parsed word-to-word dependencies acquired semi-automatically from on-line dictionaries.
