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[Keyword] group signatures(8hit)

  • A Strongly Unlinkable Group Signature Scheme with Matching-Based Verifier-Local Revocation for Privacy-Enhancing Crowdsensing


    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    A group signature scheme allows us to anonymously sign a message on behalf of a group. One of important issues in the group signatures is user revocation, and thus lots of revocable group signature (RGS) schemes have been proposed so far. One of the applications suitable to the group signature is privacy-enhancing crowdsensing, where the group signature allows mobile sensing users to be anonymously authenticated to hide the location. In the mobile environment, verifier-local revocation (VLR) type of RGS schemes are suitable, since revocation list (RL) is not needed in the user side. However, in the conventional VLR-RGS schemes, the revocation check in the verifier needs O(R) cryptographic operations for the number R of revoked users. On this background, VLR-RGS schemes with efficient revocation check have been recently proposed, where the revocation check is just (bit-string) matching. However, in the existing schemes, signatures are linkable in the same interval or in the same application-independent task with a public index. The linkability is useful in some scenarios, but users want the unlinkability for the stronger anonymity. In this paper, by introducing a property that at most K unlinkable signatures can be issued by a signer during each interval for a fixed integer K, we propose a VLR-RGS scheme with the revocation token matching. In our scheme, even the signatures during the same interval are unlinkable. Furthermore, since used indexes are hidden, the strong anonymity remains. The overheads are the computational costs of the revocation algorithm and the RL size. We show that the overheads are practical in use cases of crowdsensing.

  • A Revocable Group Signature Scheme with Scalability from Simple Assumptions

    Keita EMURA  Takuya HAYASHI  


    E103-A No:1

    Group signatures are signatures providing signer anonymity where signers can produce signatures on behalf of the group that they belong to. Although such anonymity is quite attractive considering privacy issues, it is not trivial to check whether a signer has been revoked or not. Thus, how to revoke the rights of signers is one of the major topics in the research on group signatures. In particular, scalability, where the signing and verification costs and the signature size are constant in terms of the number of signers N, and other costs regarding signers are at most logarithmic in N, is quite important. In this paper, we propose a revocable group signature scheme which is currently more efficient compared to previous all scalable schemes. Moreover, our revocable group signature scheme is secure under simple assumptions (in the random oracle model), whereas all scalable schemes are secure under q-type assumptions. We implemented our scheme by employing a Barreto-Lynn-Scott curve of embedding degree 12 over a 455-bit prime field (BLS-12-455), and a Barreto-Naehrig curve of embedding degree 12 over a 382-bit prime field (BN-12-382), respectively, by using the RELIC library. We showed that the online running times of our signing algorithm were approximately 14msec (BLS-12-455) and 11msec (BN-12-382), and those of our verification algorithm were approximately 20msec (BLS-12-455) and 16msec (BN-12-382), respectively. Finally, we showed that our scheme (with a slight extension) is applied to an identity management system proposed by Isshiki et al.

  • Speeding Up Revocable Group Signature with Compact Revocation List Using Vector Commitments

    Yasuyuki SEITA  Toru NAKANISHI  


    E102-A No:12

    In ID-based user authentications, a privacy problem can occur, since the service provider (SP) can accumulate the user's access history from the user ID. As a solution to that problem, group signatures have been researched. One of important issues in the group signatures is the user revocation. Previously, an efficient revocable scheme with signing/verification of constant complexity was proposed by Libert et al. In this scheme, users are managed by a binary tree, and a list of data for revoked users, called a revocation list (RL), is used for revocation. However, the scheme suffers from the large RL. Recently, an extended scheme has been proposed by Sadiah and Nakanishi, where the RL size is reduced by compressing RL. On the other hand, there is a problem that some overhead occurs in the authentication as a price for reducing the size of RL. In this paper, we propose an extended scheme where the authentication is speeded up by reducing the number of Groth-Sahai (GS) proofs. Furthermore, we implemented it on a PC to show the effectiveness. The verification time is about 30% shorter than that of the previous scheme by Sadiah and Nakanishi.

  • Revocable Group Signatures with Compact Revocation List Using Vector Commitments

    Shahidatul SADIAH  Toru NAKANISHI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E100-A No:8

    A group signature allows any group member to anonymously sign a message. One of the important issues is an efficient membership revocation. The scheme proposed by Libert et al. has achieved O(1) signature and membership certificate size, O(1) signing and verification times, and O(log N) public key size, where N is the total number of members. However the Revocation List (RL) data is large, due to O(R) signatures in RL, where R is the number of revoked members. The scheme proposed by Nakanishi et al. achieved a compact RL of O(R/T) signatures for any integer T. However, this scheme increases membership certificate size by O(T). In this paper, we extend the scheme proposed by Libert et al., by reducing the RL size to O(R/T) using a vector commitment to compress the revocation entries, while O(1) membership certificate size remains.

  • Revocable Group Signatures with Compact Revocation List Using Accumulators


    PAPER-Public Key Based Cryptography

    E98-A No:1

    A group signature scheme allows a group member to anonymously sign a message on behalf of the group. One of the important issues is the member revocation, and lots of revocable schemes have been proposed so far. A scheme recently proposed by Libert et al. achieves that O(1) or O(log N) efficiency of communication and computation except for the revocation list size (also the revocation cost), for the total number of members N and the number of revoked members R. However, since a signature is required for each subset separated from the set of non-revoked members, the size is about 900R Bytes in the 128-bit security. In the case of R=100,000, it amounts to about 80MB. In this paper, we extend the scheme to reduce the revocation list (also the revocation cost), by accumulating T subsets, which is signed for the revocation list. The revocation list size is reduced by 1/T. Unfortunately, the public key size, membership certificate size and the cost of a witness computation needed for signing increase related to T.

  • Forward-Secure Group Signatures from Pairings


    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E93-A No:11

    To reduce the damage of key exposures, forward-secure group signature schemes have been first proposed by Song. In the forward-secure schemes, a secret key of a group member is updated by a one-way function every interval and the previous secret key is erased. Thus, even if a secret key is exposed, the signatures produced by the secret keys of previous intervals remain secure. Since the previous forward-secure group signature schemes are based on the strong RSA assumption, the signatures are longer than pairing-based group signatures. In addition, the complexity of the key update or signing/verification is O(T), where T is the total number of intervals. In this paper, a forward-secure group signature scheme from pairings is proposed. The complexity of our key update and signing/verification is O(log T).

  • Revocable Group Signature Schemes with Constant Costs for Signing and Verifying

    Toru NAKANISHI  Hiroki FUJII  Yuta HIRA  Nobuo FUNABIKI  

    PAPER-Digital Signature

    E93-A No:1

    Lots of revocable group signature schemes have been proposed so far. In one type of revocable schemes, signing and/or verifying algorithms have O(N) or O(R) complexity, where N is the group size and R is the number of revoked members. On the other hand, in Camenisch-Lysyanskaya scheme and the followers, signing and verifying algorithms have O(1) complexity. However, before signing, the updates of the secret key are required. The complexity is O(R) in the worst case. In this paper, we propose a revocable scheme with signing and verifying of O(1) complexity, where any update of secret key is not required. The compensation is the long public key of O(N). In addition, we extend it to the scheme with O()-size public key, where signing and verifying have constant extra costs.

  • Toward the Fair Anonymous Signatures: Deniable Ring Signatures

    Yuichi KOMANO  Kazuo OHTA  Atsushi SHIMBO  Shinichi KAWAMURA  


    E90-A No:1

    Ring signature scheme enables a signer to sign a message anonymously. In the ring signature scheme, the signer who wants to sign a document anonymously first chooses some public keys of entities (signers) and then generates a signature which ensures that one of the signer or entities signs the document. In some situations, however, the ring signature scheme allows the signer to shift the blame to victims because of the anonymity. The group signature scheme may be a solution for the problem; however, it needs an electronic big brother, called a group manager, who can violate the signer anonymity by himself, and a complicated key setting. This paper introduces a new notion of a signature scheme with signer anonymity, a deniable ring signature scheme (DRS), in which no group manager exists, and the signer should be involved in opening the signer anonymity. We also propose a concrete scheme proven to be secure under the assumption of the DDH (decision Diffie Hellman) problem in the random oracle model.