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[Author] Keita EMURA(17hit)

  • More Efficient Adaptively Secure Lattice-Based IBE with Equality Test in the Standard Model

    Kyoichi ASANO  Keita EMURA  Atsushi TAKAYASU  


    E107-A No:3

    Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is a variant of identity-based encryption (IBE), in which any user with trapdoors can check whether two ciphertexts are encryption of the same plaintext. Although several lattice-based IBEET schemes have been proposed, they have drawbacks in either security or efficiency. Specifically, most IBEET schemes only satisfy selective security, while public keys of adaptively secure schemes in the standard model consist of matrices whose numbers are linear in the security parameter. In other words, known lattice-based IBEET schemes perform poorly compared to the state-of-the-art lattice-based IBE schemes (without equality test). In this paper, we propose a semi-generic construction of CCA-secure lattice-based IBEET from a certain class of lattice-based IBE schemes. As a result, we obtain the first lattice-based IBEET schemes with adaptive security and CCA security in the standard model without sacrificing efficiency. This is because, our semi-generic construction can use several state-of-the-art lattice-based IBE schemes as underlying schemes, e.g. Yamada's IBE scheme (CRYPTO'17).

  • Generic Construction of Public-Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search Revisited

    Keita EMURA  


    E107-A No:3

    Public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) has been proposed, where a sender's secret key is required for encryption, and a trapdoor is associated with not only a keyword but also the sender. This setting allows us to prevent information leakage of keyword from trapdoors. Liu et al. (ASIACCS 2022) proposed a generic construction of PAEKS based on word-independent smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) and PEKS. In this paper, we propose a new generic construction of PAEKS, which is more efficient than Liu et al.'s in the sense that we only use one SPHF, but Liu et al. used two SPHFs. In addition, for consistency we considered a security model that is stronger than Liu et al.'s. Briefly, Liu et al. considered only keywords even though a trapdoor is associated with not only a keyword but also a sender. Thus, a trapdoor associated with a sender should not work against ciphertexts generated by the secret key of another sender, even if the same keyword is associated. That is, in the previous definitions, there is room for a ciphertext to be searchable even though the sender was not specified when the trapdoor is generated, that violates the authenticity of PAKES. Our consistency definition considers a multi-sender setting and captures this case. In addition, for indistinguishability against chosen keyword attack (IND-CKA) and indistinguishability against inside keyword guessing attack (IND-IKGA), we use a stronger security model defined by Qin et al. (ProvSec 2021), where an adversary is allowed to query challenge keywords to the encryption and trapdoor oracles. We also highlight several issues associated with the Liu et al. construction in terms of hash functions, e.g., their construction does not satisfy the consistency that they claimed to hold.

  • Generic Constructions for Fully Secure Revocable Attribute-Based Encryption

    Kotoko YAMADA  Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG  Keita EMURA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Keisuke TANAKA  


    E101-A No:9

    Attribute-based encryption (ABE), a cryptographic primitive, realizes fine-grained access control. Because of its attractive functionality, many systems based on ABE have been constructed to date. In such cryptographic systems, revocation functionality is indispensable to handle withdrawal of users, secret key exposure, and others. Although many ABE schemes with various functionalities have been proposed, only a few of these are revocable ABE (RABE). In this paper, we propose two generic constructions of RABE from ABE. Our first construction employs the pair encoding framework (Attrapadung, EUROCRYPT 2014), and combines identity-based revocation and ABE via the generic conjunctive conversion of Attrapadung and Yamada (CT-RSA 2015). Our second construction converts ABE to RABE directly when ABE supports Boolean formulae. Because our constructions preserve functionalities of the underlying ABE, we can instantiate various fully secure RABE schemes for the first time, e.g., supporting regular languages, with unbounded attribute size and policy structure, and with constant-size ciphertext and secret key.

  • A Sealed-Bid Auction with Fund Binding: Preventing Maximum Bidding Price Leakage Open Access

    Kota CHIN  Keita EMURA  Shingo SATO  Kazumasa OMOTE  


    E107-D No:5

    In an open-bid auction, a bidder can know the budgets of other bidders. Thus, a sealed-bid auction that hides bidding prices is desirable. However, in previous sealed-bid auction protocols, it has been difficult to provide a “fund binding” property, which would guarantee that a bidder has funds more than or equal to the bidding price and that the funds are forcibly withdrawn when the bidder wins. Thus, such protocols are vulnerable to a false bidding. As a solution, many protocols employ a simple deposit method in which each bidder sends a deposit to a smart contract, which is greater than or equal to the bidding price, before the bidding phase. However, this deposit reveals the maximum bidding price, and it is preferable to hide this information. In this paper, we propose a sealed-bid auction protocol that provides a fund binding property. Our protocol not only hides the bidding price and a maximum bidding price, but also provides a fund binding property, simultaneously. For hiding the maximum bidding price, we pay attention to the fact that usual Ethereum transactions and transactions for sending funds to a one-time address have the same transaction structure, and it seems that they are indistinguishable. We discuss how much bidding transactions are hidden. We also employ DECO (Zhang et al., CCS 2020) that proves the validity of the data to a verifier in which the data are taken from a source without showing the data itself. Finally, we give our implementation which shows transaction fees required and compare it to a sealed-bid auction protocol employing the simple deposit method.

  • Disavowable Public Key Encryption with Non-Interactive Opening

    Ai ISHIDA  Keita EMURA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Yusuke SAKAI  Keisuke TANAKA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:12

    The primitive called public key encryption with non-interactive opening (PKENO) is a class of public key encryption (PKE) with additional functionality. By using this, a receiver of a ciphertext can prove that the ciphertext is an encryption of a specified message in a publicly verifiable manner. In some situation that a receiver needs to claim that a ciphertext is NOT decrypted to a specified message, if he/she proves the fact by using PKENO straightforwardly, the real message of the ciphertext is revealed and a verifier checks that it is different from the specified message about which the receiver wants to prove. However, this naive solution is problematic in terms of privacy. Inspired by this problem, we propose the notion of disavowable public key encryption with non-interactive opening (disavowable PKENO) where, with respect to a ciphertext and a message, the receiver of the ciphertext can issue a proof that the plaintext of the ciphertext is NOT the message. Also, we give a concrete construction. Specifically, a disavowal proof in our scheme consists of 61 group elements. The proposed disavowable PKENO scheme is provably secure in the standard model under the decisional linear assumption and strong unforgeability of the underlying one-time signature scheme.

  • Shortening the Libert-Peters-Yung Revocable Group Signature Scheme by Using the Random Oracle Methodology

    Kazuma OHARA  Keita EMURA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Ai ISHIDA  Kazuo OHTA  Yusuke SAKAI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:9

    At EUROCRYPT 2012, Libert, Peters and Yung (LPY) proposed the first scalable revocable group signature (R-GS) scheme in the standard model which achieves constant signing/verification costs and other costs regarding signers are at most logarithmic in N, where N is the maximum number of group members. However, although the LPY R-GS scheme is asymptotically quite efficient, this scheme is not sufficiently efficient in practice. For example, the signature size of the LPY scheme is roughly 10 times larger than that of an RSA signature (for 160-bit security). In this paper, we propose a compact R-GS scheme secure in the random oracle model that is efficient not only in the asymptotic sense but also in practical parameter settings. We achieve the same efficiency as the LPY scheme in an asymptotic sense, and the signature size is nearly equal to that of an RSA signature (for 160-bit security). It is particularly worth noting that our R-GS scheme has the smallest signature size compared to those of previous R-GS schemes which enable constant signing/verification costs. Our technique, which we call parallel Boneh-Boyen-Shacham group signature technique, helps to construct an R-GS scheme without following the technique used in LPY, i.e., we directly apply the Naor-Naor-Lotspiech framework without using any identity-based encryption.

  • Semi-Generic Transformation of Revocable Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption and Its DBDH Instantiation

    Keita EMURA  Jae Hong SEO  Taek-Young YOUN  


    E99-A No:1

    Boneh and Franklin considered to add the revocation functionality to identity-based encryption (IBE). Though this methodology is applicable to any IBE and hierarchical IBE (HIBE), the resulting scheme is non-scalable. Therefore, a generic transformation of scalable revocable (H)IBE (R(H)IBE) from non-scalable R(H)IBE is really desirable. Towards this final goal, in this paper we introduce prototype RHIBE which does not require to be scalable (but requires some conditions), and propose a generic transformation of scalable RHIBE from prototype RHIBE. Moreover, we construct a prototype RHIBE scheme based on the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. Since our prototype RHIBE provides history-free update, insider security, and decryption key exposure resistance, our construction yields the first RHIBE scheme based on the static assumption with these desirable properties.

  • On Discrete Logarithm Based Additively Homomorphic Encryption

    Jae Hong SEO  Keita EMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:11

    In this paper, we examine additive homomorphic encryptions in the discrete logarithm setting. Recently, Wang et al. proposed an additive homomorphic encryption scheme by modifying the ElGamal encryption scheme [Information Sciences 181(2011) 3308-3322]. We show that their scheme allows only limited number of additions among encrypted messages, which is different from what they claimed.

  • On the Security of Keyed-Homomorphic PKE: Preventing Key Recovery Attacks and Ciphertext Validity Attacks Open Access

    Keita EMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E104-A No:1

    In this short note, we formally show that Keyed-Homomorphic Public Key Encryption (KH-PKE) is secure against key recovery attacks and ciphertext validity attacks that have been introduced as chosen-ciphertext attacks for homomorphic encryption.

  • Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis: Providing Traceability without Big Brother

    Hiromi ARAI  Keita EMURA  Takuya HAYASHI  


    E104-A No:1

    Collecting and analyzing personal data is important in modern information applications. Though the privacy of data providers should be protected, the need to track certain data providers often arises, such as tracing specific patients or adversarial users. Thus, tracking only specific persons without revealing normal users' identities is quite important for operating information systems using personal data. It is difficult to know in advance the rules for specifying the necessity of tracking since the rules are derived by the analysis of collected data. Thus, it would be useful to provide a general way that can employ any data analysis method regardless of the type of data and the nature of the rules. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving data analysis construction that allows an authority to detect specific users while other honest users are kept anonymous. By using the cryptographic techniques of group signatures with message-dependent opening (GS-MDO) and public key encryption with non-interactive opening (PKENO), we provide a correspondence table that links a user and data in a secure way, and we can employ any anonymization technique and data analysis method. It is particularly worth noting that no “big brother” exists, meaning that no single entity can identify users who do not provide anomaly data, while bad behaviors are always traceable. We show the result of implementing our construction. Briefly, the overhead of our construction is on the order of 10 ms for a single thread. We also confirm the efficiency of our construction by using a real-world dataset.

  • A Remark on “ Efficient Revocable ID-Based Encryption with a Public Channel”

    Jae Hong SEO  Keita EMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E96-A No:11

    In 2001, Boneh and Franklin realized the first Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), and at the same time they proposed a simple way to revoke users from the system. Later, Boldyreva et al. pointed out that Boneh-Franklin's revocation method is not scalable well and they proposed the first IBE scheme with efficient revocation. Recently, Tseng and Tsai [Computer Journal, Vol.55 No.4, page 475-486, 2012] claimed that Boldyreva et al.'s scheme requires a secure channel between each user and the key generation center in the key update phase, and proposed a new revocable IBE (RIBE) with a public channel by extending the Boneh-Franklin scheme. In this paper, we revisit Tseng and Tsai's result; we first point out that secure channels (except for the initial key setup) are not mandatory in the definition of RIBE scheme formalized by Boldyreva et al. Next, we show that Boldyreva et al.'s scheme does not require any secure channels (except for the initial key setup), which is different from what Tseng and Tsai claimed and so invalidates their contribution of the first RIBE with a public channel. Moreover, we point out that there are simple techniques to remove secure channels from the Boneh-Franklin RIBE. Interestingly, we show that the secure-channel-free Boneh-Franklin RIBE scheme is secure against decryption key exposure, whereas the Tseng-Tsai RIBE scheme is vulnerable to this attack.

  • A Timed-Release Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme

    Keita EMURA  Atsuko MIYAJI  Kazumasa OMOTE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:8

    Timed-Release Encryption (TRE) is a kind of time-dependent encryption, where the time of decryption can be controlled. More precisely, TRE prevents even a legitimate recipient decrypting a ciphertext before a semi-trusted Time Server (TS) sends trapdoor sT assigned with a release time T of the encryptor's choice. Cathalo et al. (ICICS2005) and Chalkias et al. (ESORICS2007) have already considered encrypting a message intended for multiple recipients with the same release time. One drawback of these schemes is the ciphertext size and computational complexity, which depend on the number of recipients N. Ideally, it is desirable that any factor (ciphertext size, computational complexity of encryption/decryption, and public/secret key size) does not depend on N. In this paper, to achieve TRE with such fully constant costs from the encryptor's/decryptor's point of view, by borrowing the technique of Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE), we propose a cryptosystem in which even if the proxy transformation is applied to a TRE ciphertext, the release time is still effective. By sending a TRE ciphertext to the proxy, an encryptor can foist N-dependent computation costs on the proxy. We call this cryptosystem Timed-Release PRE (TR-PRE). This function can be applied to efficient multicast communication with a release time indication.

  • A Revocable Group Signature Scheme with Scalability from Simple Assumptions

    Keita EMURA  Takuya HAYASHI  


    E103-A No:1

    Group signatures are signatures providing signer anonymity where signers can produce signatures on behalf of the group that they belong to. Although such anonymity is quite attractive considering privacy issues, it is not trivial to check whether a signer has been revoked or not. Thus, how to revoke the rights of signers is one of the major topics in the research on group signatures. In particular, scalability, where the signing and verification costs and the signature size are constant in terms of the number of signers N, and other costs regarding signers are at most logarithmic in N, is quite important. In this paper, we propose a revocable group signature scheme which is currently more efficient compared to previous all scalable schemes. Moreover, our revocable group signature scheme is secure under simple assumptions (in the random oracle model), whereas all scalable schemes are secure under q-type assumptions. We implemented our scheme by employing a Barreto-Lynn-Scott curve of embedding degree 12 over a 455-bit prime field (BLS-12-455), and a Barreto-Naehrig curve of embedding degree 12 over a 382-bit prime field (BN-12-382), respectively, by using the RELIC library. We showed that the online running times of our signing algorithm were approximately 14msec (BLS-12-455) and 11msec (BN-12-382), and those of our verification algorithm were approximately 20msec (BLS-12-455) and 16msec (BN-12-382), respectively. Finally, we showed that our scheme (with a slight extension) is applied to an identity management system proposed by Isshiki et al.

  • Revocable Identity-Based Encryption with Rejoin Functionality

    Jae Hong SEO  Keita EMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E97-A No:8

    In the Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) setting, the rejoin functionality seems to be impossible since each user has the unique identity as its public key. Moreover, sometimes these identities are unchangeable, e.g., biological information (finger print iris, and so on) is regarded as the identity. Even if changeable value is indicated as an identity, e.g., e-mail address, it is preferable that the same identity can be used after a secret key is leaked. In this paper, we give a formal security definition of RIBE with the rejoin functionality, and also show that the Seo-Emura RIBE scheme [PKC 2013] (with a slight modification) has the rejoin functionality.

  • Group Signature with Deniability: How to Disavow a Signature

    Ai ISHIDA  Keita EMURA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Yusuke SAKAI  Keisuke TANAKA  


    E100-A No:9

    Group signatures are a class of digital signatures with enhanced privacy. By using this type of signature, a user can sign a message on behalf of a specific group without revealing his identity, but in the case of a dispute, an authority can expose the identity of the signer. However, it is not always the case that we need to know the specific identity of a signature. In this paper, we propose the notion of deniable group signatures, where the authority can issue a proof showing that the specified user is NOT the signer of a signature, without revealing the actual signer. We point out that existing efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proof systems cannot be straightforwardly applied to prove such a statement. We circumvent this problem by giving a fairly practical construction through extending the Groth group signature scheme (ASIACRYPT 2007). In particular, a denial proof in our scheme consists of 96 group elements, which is about twice the size of a signature in the Groth scheme. The proposed scheme is provably secure under the same assumptions as those of the Groth scheme.

  • Methods for Restricting Message Space in Public-Key Encryption

    Yusuke SAKAI  Keita EMURA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Yutaka KAWAI  Kazumasa OMOTE  


    E96-A No:6

    This paper proposes methods for “restricting the message space” of public-key encryption, by allowing a third party to verify whether a given ciphertext does not encrypt some message which is previously specified as a “bad” (or “problematic”) message. Public-key encryption schemes are normally designed not to leak even partial information of encrypted plaintexts, but it would be problematic in some circumstances. This higher level of confidentiality could be abused, as some malicious parties could communicate with each other, or could talk about some illegal topics, using an ordinary public key encryption scheme with help of the public-key infrastructure. It would be undesirable considering the public nature of PKI. The primitive of restrictive public key encryption will help this situation, by allowing a trusted authority to specify a set of “bad” plaintexts, and allowing every third party to detect ciphertexts that encrypts some of the specified “bad” plaintext. The primitive also provides strong confidentiality (of indistinguishability type) of the plaintext when it is not specified as “bad.” In this way, a third party (possible a gateway node of the network) can examine a ciphertext (which comes from the network) includes an allowable content or not, and only when the ciphertext does not contain forbidden message, the gateway transfers the ciphertext to a next node. In this paper, we formalize the above requirements and provide two constructions that satisfied the formalization. The first construction is based on the techniques of Teranishi et al. (IEICE Trans. Fundamentals E92-A, 2009), Boudot (EUROCRYPT 2000), and Nakanishi et al. (IEICE Trans. Fundamentals E93-A, 2010), which are developed in the context of (revocation of) group signature. The other construction is based on the OR-proof technique. The first construction has better performance when very few messages are specified as bad, while the other does when almost all of messages are specified as bad (and only very few messages are allowed to encrypt).

  • A Generic Construction of CCA-Secure Identity-Based Encryption with Equality Test against Insider Attacks

    Keita EMURA  Atsushi TAKAYASU  


    E106-A No:3

    Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is a generalization of the traditional identity-based encryption (IBE) and public key searchable encryption, where trapdoors enable users to check whether two ciphertexts of distinct identities are encryptions of the same plaintext. By definition, IBEET cannot achieve indistinguishability security against insiders, i.e., users who have trapdoors. To address this issue, IBEET against insider attacks (IBEETIA) was later introduced as a dual primitive. While all users of IBEETIA are able to check whether two ciphertexts are encryptions of the same plaintext, only users who have tokens are able to encrypt plaintexts. Hence, IBEETIA is able to achieve indistinguishability security. On the other hand, the definition of IBEETIA weakens the notion of IBE due to its encryption inability. Nevertheless, known schemes of IBEETIA made use of rich algebraic structures such as bilinear groups and lattices. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of IBEETIA without resorting to rich algebraic structures. In particular, the only building blocks of the proposed construction are symmetric key encryption and pseudo-random permutations in the standard model. If a symmetric key encryption scheme satisfies CCA security, our proposed IBEETIA scheme also satisfies CCA security.