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[Author] Atsushi TAKAYASU(7hit)

  • A Generic Construction of CCA-Secure Identity-Based Encryption with Equality Test against Insider Attacks

    Keita EMURA  Atsushi TAKAYASU  


    E106-A No:3

    Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is a generalization of the traditional identity-based encryption (IBE) and public key searchable encryption, where trapdoors enable users to check whether two ciphertexts of distinct identities are encryptions of the same plaintext. By definition, IBEET cannot achieve indistinguishability security against insiders, i.e., users who have trapdoors. To address this issue, IBEET against insider attacks (IBEETIA) was later introduced as a dual primitive. While all users of IBEETIA are able to check whether two ciphertexts are encryptions of the same plaintext, only users who have tokens are able to encrypt plaintexts. Hence, IBEETIA is able to achieve indistinguishability security. On the other hand, the definition of IBEETIA weakens the notion of IBE due to its encryption inability. Nevertheless, known schemes of IBEETIA made use of rich algebraic structures such as bilinear groups and lattices. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of IBEETIA without resorting to rich algebraic structures. In particular, the only building blocks of the proposed construction are symmetric key encryption and pseudo-random permutations in the standard model. If a symmetric key encryption scheme satisfies CCA security, our proposed IBEETIA scheme also satisfies CCA security.

  • More Efficient Adaptively Secure Lattice-Based IBE with Equality Test in the Standard Model

    Kyoichi ASANO  Keita EMURA  Atsushi TAKAYASU  


    E107-A No:3

    Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is a variant of identity-based encryption (IBE), in which any user with trapdoors can check whether two ciphertexts are encryption of the same plaintext. Although several lattice-based IBEET schemes have been proposed, they have drawbacks in either security or efficiency. Specifically, most IBEET schemes only satisfy selective security, while public keys of adaptively secure schemes in the standard model consist of matrices whose numbers are linear in the security parameter. In other words, known lattice-based IBEET schemes perform poorly compared to the state-of-the-art lattice-based IBE schemes (without equality test). In this paper, we propose a semi-generic construction of CCA-secure lattice-based IBEET from a certain class of lattice-based IBE schemes. As a result, we obtain the first lattice-based IBEET schemes with adaptive security and CCA security in the standard model without sacrificing efficiency. This is because, our semi-generic construction can use several state-of-the-art lattice-based IBE schemes as underlying schemes, e.g. Yamada's IBE scheme (CRYPTO'17).

  • Explicit Relation between Low-Dimensional LLL-Reduced Bases and Shortest Vectors Open Access

    Kotaro MATSUDA  Atsushi TAKAYASU  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:9

    The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is one of the most important lattice problems in computer science and cryptography. The LLL lattice basis reduction algorithm runs in polynomial time and can compute an LLL-reduced basis that provably contains an approximate solution to the SVP. On the other hand, the LLL algorithm in practice tends to solve low-dimensional exact SVPs with high probability, i.e., >99.9%. Filling this theoretical-practical gap would lead to an understanding of the computational hardness of the SVP. In this paper, we try to fill the gap in 3,4 and 5 dimensions and obtain two results. First, we prove that given a 3,4 or 5-dimensional LLL-reduced basis, the shortest vector is one of the basis vectors or it is a limited integer linear combination of the basis vectors. In particular, we construct explicit representations of the shortest vector by using the LLL-reduced basis. Our analysis yields a necessary and sufficient condition for checking whether the output of the LLL algorithm contains the shortest vector or not. Second, we estimate the failure probability that a 3-dimensional random LLL-reduced basis does not contain the shortest vector. The upper bound seems rather tight by comparison with a Monte Carlo simulation.

  • Better Lattice Constructions for Solving Multivariate Linear Equations Modulo Unknown Divisors

    Atsushi TAKAYASU  Noboru KUNIHIRO  


    E97-A No:6

    At CaLC 2001, Howgrave-Graham proposed the polynomial time algorithm for solving univariate linear equations modulo an unknown divisor of a known composite integer, the so-called partially approximate common divisor problem. So far, two forms of multivariate generalizations of the problem have been considered in the context of cryptanalysis. The first is simultaneous modular univariate linear equations, whose polynomial time algorithm was proposed at ANTS 2012 by Cohn and Heninger. The second is modular multivariate linear equations, whose polynomial time algorithm was proposed at Asiacrypt 2008 by Herrmann and May. Both algorithms cover Howgrave-Graham's algorithm for univariate cases. On the other hand, both multivariate problems also become identical to Howgrave-Graham's problem in the asymptotic cases of root bounds. However, former algorithms do not cover Howgrave-Graham's algorithm in such cases. In this paper, we introduce the strategy for natural algorithm constructions that take into account the sizes of the root bounds. We work out the selection of polynomials in constructing lattices. Our algorithms are superior to all known attacks that solve the multivariate equations and can generalize to the case of arbitrary number of variables. Our algorithms achieve better cryptanalytic bounds for some applications that relate to RSA cryptosystems.

  • A Compact Digital Signature Scheme Based on the Module-LWR Problem Open Access

    Hiroki OKADA  Atsushi TAKAYASU  Kazuhide FUKUSHIMA  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E104-A No:9

    We propose a new lattice-based digital signature scheme MLWRSign by modifying Dilithium, which is one of the second-round candidates of NIST's call for post-quantum cryptographic standards. To the best of our knowledge, our scheme MLWRSign is the first signature scheme whose security is based on the (module) learning with rounding (LWR) problem. Due to the simplicity of the LWR, the secret key size is reduced by approximately 30% in our scheme compared to Dilithium, while achieving the same level of security. Moreover, we implemented MLWRSign and observed that the running time of our scheme is comparable to that of Dilithium.

  • On the Complexity of the LWR-Solving BKW Algorithm Open Access

    Hiroki OKADA  Atsushi TAKAYASU  Kazuhide FUKUSHIMA  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E103-A No:1

    The Blum-Kalai-Wasserman algorithm (BKW) is an algorithm for solving the learning parity with noise problem, which was then adapted for solving the learning with errors problem (LWE) by Albrecht et al. Duc et al. applied BKW also to the learning with rounding problem (LWR). The number of blocks is a parameter of BKW. By optimizing the number of blocks, we can minimize the time complexity of BKW. However, Duc et al. did not derive the optimal number of blocks theoretically, but they searched for it numerically. Duc et al. also showed that the required number of samples for BKW for solving LWE can be dramatically decreased using Lyubashevsky's idea. However, it is not shown that his idea is also applicable to LWR. In this paper, we theoretically derive the asymptotically optimal number of blocks, and then analyze the minimum asymptotic time complexity of the algorithm. We also show that Lyubashevsky's idea can be applied to LWR-solving BKW, under a heuristic assumption that is regularly used in the analysis of LPN-solving BKW. Furthermore, we derive an equation that relates the Gaussian parameter σ of LWE and the modulus p of LWR. When σ and p satisfy the equation, the asymptotic time complexity of BKW to solve LWE and LWR are the same.

  • General Bounds for Small Inverse Problems and Its Applications to Multi-Prime RSA

    Atsushi TAKAYASU  Noboru KUNIHIRO  


    E100-A No:1

    In 1999, Boneh and Durfee introduced the small inverse problem, which solves the bivariate modular equation x(N+y)≡1(mod e. Absolute values of solutions for x and y are bounded above by X=Nδ and Y=Nβ, respectively. They solved the problem for β=1/2 in the context of small secret exponent attacks on RSA and proposed a polynomial time algorithm that works when δ<(7-2√7)/6≈0.284. In the same work, the bound was further improved to δ<1-1/≈2≈0.292. Thus far, the small inverse problem has also been analyzed for an arbitrary β. Generalizations of Boneh and Durfee's lattices to obtain the stronger bound yielded the bound δ<1-≈β. However, the algorithm works only when β≥1/4. When 0<β<1/4, there have been several works where the authors claimed their results are the best. In this paper, we revisit the problem for an arbitrary β. At first, we summarize the previous results for 0<β<1/4. We reveal that there are some results that are not valid and show that Weger's algorithms provide the best bounds. Next, we propose an improved algorithm to solve the problem for 0<β<1/4. Our algorithm works when δ<1-2(≈β(3+4β)-β)/3. Our algorithm construction is based on the combinations of Boneh and Durfee's two forms of lattices and it is more natural compared with previous works. For the cryptographic application, we introduce small secret exponent attacks on Multi-Prime RSA with small prime differences.