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[Keyword] line segment(8hit)

  • Single-Line Text Detection in Multi-Line Text with Narrow Spacing for Line-Based Character Recognition

    Chee Siang LEOW  Hideaki YAJIMA  Tomoki KITAGAWA  Hiromitsu NISHIZAKI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E106-D No:12

    Text detection is a crucial pre-processing step in optical character recognition (OCR) for the accurate recognition of text, including both fonts and handwritten characters, in documents. While current deep learning-based text detection tools can detect text regions with high accuracy, they often treat multiple lines of text as a single region. To perform line-based character recognition, it is necessary to divide the text into individual lines, which requires a line detection technique. This paper focuses on the development of a new approach to single-line detection in OCR that is based on the existing Character Region Awareness For Text detection (CRAFT) model and incorporates a deep neural network specialized in line segmentation. However, this new method may still detect multiple lines as a single text region when multi-line text with narrow spacing is present. To address this, we also introduce a post-processing algorithm to detect single text regions using the output of the single-line segmentation. Our proposed method successfully detects single lines, even in multi-line text with narrow line spacing, and hence improves the accuracy of OCR.

  • Line Segment Detection Based on False Peak Suppression and Local Hough Transform and Application to Nuclear Emulsion

    Ye TIAN  Mei HAN  Jinyi ZHANG  

    This article has been retracted at the request of the authors.
    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:11

    This paper mainly proposes a line segment detection method based on pseudo peak suppression and local Hough transform, which has good noise resistance and can solve the problems of short line segment missing detection, false detection, and oversegmentation. In addition, in response to the phenomenon of uneven development in nuclear emulsion tomographic images, this paper proposes an image preprocessing process that uses the “Difference of Gaussian” method to reduce noise and then uses the standard deviation of the gray value of each pixel to bundle and unify the gray value of each pixel, which can robustly obtain the linear features in these images. The tests on the actual dataset of nuclear emulsion tomographic images and the public YorkUrban dataset show that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of convolutional neural network or vision in transformer-based event classification for alpha-decay events in nuclear emulsion. In particular, the line segment detection method in the proposed method achieves optimal results in both accuracy and processing speed, which also has strong generalization ability in high quality natural images.

  • Hardware Implementation of Euclidean Projection Module Based on Simplified LSA for ADMM Decoding

    Yujin ZHENG  Junwei ZHANG  Yan LIN  Qinglin ZHANG  Qiaoqiao XIA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:11

    The Euclidean projection operation is the most complex and time-consuming of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) decoding algorithms, resulting in a large number of resources when deployed on hardware platforms. We propose a simplified line segment projection algorithm (SLSA) and present the hardware design and the quantization scheme of the SLSA. In simulation results, the proposed SLSA module has a better performance than the original algorithm with the same fixed bitwidths due to the centrosymmetric structure of SLSA. Furthermore, the proposed SLSA module with a simpler structure without hypercube projection can reduce time consuming by up to 72.2% and reduce hardware resource usage by more than 87% compared to other Euclidean projection modules in the experiments.

  • Combining Boundary and Region Information with Bolt Prior for Rail Surface Detection

    Yaping HUANG  Siwei LUO  Shengchun WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E95-D No:2

    Railway inspection is important in railway maintenance. There are several tasks in railway inspection, e.g., defect detection and bolt detection. For those inspection tasks, the detection of rail surface is a fundamental and key issue. In order to detect rail defects and missing bolts, one must know the exact location of the rail surface. To deal with this problem, we propose an efficient Rail Surface Detection (RSD) algorithm that combines boundary and region information in a uniform formulation. Moreover, we reevaluate the rail location by introducing the top down information–bolt location prior. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can detect the rail surface efficiently.

  • Text Line Segmentation in Handwritten Document Images Using Tensor Voting

    Toan Dinh NGUYEN  Gueesang LEE  


    E94-A No:11

    A novel grouping approach to segment text lines from handwritten documents is presented. In this text line segmentation algorithm, for each text line, a text string that connects the center points of the characters in this text line is built. The text lines are then segmented using the resulting text strings. Since the characters of the same text line are situated close together and aligned on a smooth curve, 2D tensor voting is used to reduce the conflicts when building these text strings. First, the text lines are represented by separate connected components. The center points of these connected components are then encoded by second order tensors. Finally, a voting process is applied to extract the curve saliency values and normal vectors, which are used to remove outliers and build the text strings. The experimental results obtained from the test dataset of the ICDAR 2009 Handwriting Segmentation Contest show that the proposed method generates high detection rate and recognition accuracy.

  • A New Efficient Stereo Line Segment Matching Algorithm Based on More Effective Usage of the Photometric, Geometric and Structural Information

    Ghader KARIMIAN  Abolghasem A. RAIE  Karim FAEZ  

    PAPER-Stereo and Multiple View Analysis

    E89-D No:7

    In this paper, a new stereo line segment matching algorithm is presented. The main purpose of this algorithm is to increase efficiency, i.e. increasing the number of correctly matched lines while avoiding the increase of mismatches. In this regard, the reasons for the elimination of correct matches as well as the existence of the erroneous ones in some existing algorithms have been investigated. An attempt was also made to make efficient uses of the photometric, geometric and structural information through the introduction of new constraints, criteria, and procedures. Hence, in the candidate determination stage of the designed algorithm two new constraints, in addition to the reliable epipolar, maximum and minimum disparity and orientation similarity constraints were employed. In the process of disambiguation and final matches selection, being the main problem of the matching issue, regarding the employed constraints, criterion function and its optimization, it is a completely new development. The algorithm was applied to the images of several indoor scenes and its high efficiency illustrated by correct matching of 96% of the line segments with no mismatches.

  • Nonlinear Attractive Force Model for Perceptual Clustering and Geometrical Illusions

    Hiroyuki MATSUNAGA  Kiichi URAHAMA  

    PAPER-Neural Nets and Human Being

    E79-A No:10

    A mathematical model based on an optimization formulation is presented for perceptual clustering of dot patterns. The features in the present model are its nonlinearity enabling the model to reveal hysteresis phenomena and its scale invariance. The clustering of dots is given by the mutual linking of dots by virtual lines. Every dot is assumed to be perceived at locations displaced from their original places. It is exemplified with simulations that the model can produce a hierarchical clustering of dots by variation in thresholds for the wiring of virtual lines and also the model can additionally reproduce some geometrical illusions semiquantitatively. This model is further extended for perceptual grouping in line segment patterns and geometrical illusions obsrved in those patterns are reproduced by the extended model.

  • Refinements and Evaluations of Line-Based Pose Enumeration from a Single Image

    Takeshi SHAKUNAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E79-D No:9

    This paper proposes robust algorithms for linebased pose enumeration from a single view, and it reports on their evaluations by simulations. The proposed algorithms incorporate two major refinements into the algorithms originally proposed by Shakunaga [1]. The first refinement, introduction of zone-crossing detection to the 1-d search remarkably decreases the rate of overlooking a correct pose. The second refinement, adaptive selection of a PAT pair considerably reduces the average estimation error. Simulation results show that pose estimation precision depends primarily on the precision of line detection. Although the refinements are widely effective, they are more effective for more precise line detection. For 99% of rigid body samples, the algorithm can estimate rotation with an error of less than 2 degrees, and for 99.9% of the samples, the error is less than 10 degrees. Simulation experiments for articulated objects show similar results by using the second algorithm. The effectiveness of the algorithms is verified in an alignment approach by simulations.