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[Keyword] relaxation time(6hit)

  • Optical Nonlinearity in CdSSe Microcrystallites Embedded in Glasses

    Hiroyuki SHINOJIMA  

    PAPER-Advanced Nano Technologies

    E90-C No:1

    We investigate the enhancement of the optical nonlinearity and the limit of the improvement of the response speed in CdSxSe1-x microcrystallites by measuring the effective optical nonlinear cross section (σeff), the energy decay time (T1) and the dephasing time in two kinds of semiconductor microcrystallites of CdS0.12Se0.8 microcrystallites embedded in alkaline multi-component glasses (CdSSeMs) and CdSe microcrystallites embedded in SiO2 thin film (CdSeMs). As the average radius of CdSSeMs decreases from 10 to 1 nm, the values of σeff and T1 gradually change from 2.610-16 to 1.110-16 cm2 and from dozens picoseconds to 4 psec, respectively. The size dependence of CdSSEMs shows that the energy level structure in the microcrystallite with a radius of less than a few nanometers is a two-level system, in which σeff is proportional to T2. The carrier recombination time (τ) of CdSSeMs with the average radius of 1 nm is estimated to 2 psec. As the average radius of a CdS0.12Se0.8 microcrystallite decreases from 9 to 3 nm, the values of T2 gradually change from 640 to 230 fsec at 18 K, respectively. The size and temperature dependences of T2 for the CdSSeMs show that there is the discrepancy between the theory and the measured T2. The discrepancy showes the presence of the acoustic-phonon-assisted relaxation processes other than the pure-dephasing processes. It is indicated that T2 becomes long by reducing the excessive acoustic-phonon-assisted relaxation processes, and that the longer T2 might enhance σeff. We investigate the enhancement of σeff in CdSeMs by making T2 longer. The τ, σeff, and T2 of CdSeM an average radius of 3 nm are 40 psec, 4.510-15 cm2, and 150 fsec at room temperature. The σeff is ten times as large as that of CdSSeM sample at the same average radius and the enhancement of σeff can be considered to be caused by the longer T2.

  • Efficient Full-Band Monte Carlo Simulation of Silicon Devices

    Christoph JUNGEMANN  Stefan KEITH  Martin BARTELS  Bernd MEINERZHAGEN  


    E82-C No:6

    The full-band Monte Carlo technique is currently the most accurate device simulation method, but its usefulness is limited because it is very CPU intensive. This work describes efficient algorithms in detail, which raise the efficiency of the full-band Monte Carlo method to a level where it becomes applicable in the device design process beyond exemplary simulations. The k-space is discretized with a nonuniform tetrahedral grid, which minimizes the discretization error of the linear energy interpolation and memory requirements. A consistent discretization of the inverse mass tensor is utilized to formulate efficient transport parameter estimators. Particle scattering is modeled in such a way that a very fast rejection technique can be used for the generation of the final state eliminating the main cause of the inefficiency of full-band Monte Carlo simulations. The developed full-band Monte Carlo simulator is highly efficient. For example, in conjunction with the nonself-consistent simulation technique CPU times of a few CPU minutes per bias point are achieved for substrate current calculations. Self-consistent calculations of the drain current of a 60nm-NMOSFET take about a few CPU hours demonstrating the feasibility of full-band Monte Carlo simulations.

  • Evaluating the Performance of Virtual Path Bandwidth Control in ATM Networks

    Shigeo SHIODA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:10

    The new algorithm for VP bandwidth control described and analyzed in this paper is a revised version of the Successive Modification Method. Its operation is based only on call-level performance (call blocking probabilities) measured in real time, without explicitly taking the cell-level performance into account. This algorithm does not need to predict future traffic demand and to perform network-wide optimization according to the predicted traffic. These features are well suited for a B-ISDN environment, with the variety of ATM bearer services and the uncertainty of their traffic demand and other characteristics. This paper describes the relationship between the proposed control and other traffic controls in ATM networks, such as CAC and VP shaping/policing. It also offers a solution to the problem of the competition that arises when several VPs in the same transmission path need increased bandwidth. Evaluation of the transient behavior of the VP bandwidth occupied by VCs shows that there is a lower limit in the control cycle and that this limit can be estimated as the longest average holding time of VCs among all services. Numerical results obtained using a call-by-call simulator show that proposed control is effective in preventing the performance degradation caused by a large traffic imbalance in communications networks. Comparison of the proposed control with a dynamical alternate routing for VC reveals that the VP bandwidth control is effective in relieving only the areas showing serious performance degradation, but that it is not so effective in improving the overall network performance.

  • Microwave Characteristics of High-Tc Superconductors by Improved Three-Fluid Model

    Tadashi IMAI  Takaaki SAKAKIBARA  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  


    E76-C No:8

    In order to explain the temperature and frequency characteristics of high-Tc superconductors, a new model is proposed, which will be called the improved three-fluid model, where the momentum relaxation time τ is assumed to depend on temperature in the superconducting and normal states, respectively, although τ has been assumed to be independent of temperature for the conventional three-fluid model. According to this model, the complex conductivity σ1jσ2 and the surface impedance ZsRsjXs, where Rs is the surface resistance and Xs is the surface reactance, are expressed as a function of temperature. The temperature dependences of Zs and for a YBCO bulk estimated using this model agree very well with ones measured by the dielectric-loaded cavity method in room to cryogenic temperature. In particular, a peak of σ1 observed just below the critical temperature Tc in experiments, appeared in the calculated results based on this model. This phenomenon has been already known in the BCS theory. Thus, it is verified that this model is useful to explain the microwave characteristics of high-Tc superconductors in room to cryogenic temperature. On the other hand, the residual normal electron density nres4.2541023 m-3 and the total electron density nt7.3081024 m-3 are obtained by calculation. The ratio nres/nt0.058 can be used as figure of merit to evaluate material quality of high-Tc superconductors; thus it means that there is 5.8% nonpairing electron in this YBCO bulk.

  • Future Prospects of MOS Devices for LSI

    Takuo SUGANO  


    E76-C No:7

    Scaling-down of MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors can be divided to semi-classical and quantum mechanical one. In the regime of semi-classical scaling-down the behavior of electrons and holes can be well described with the effective mass approximation and in the regime of quantum mechanical scaling-down the characteristics of electrons and holes as wave becomes markedly. The minimum size limit of MOSFETs scaled down in semi-classical regime is mainly determined by the subthreshold characteristics and the short channel effect on the threshold voltage and 0.1 µm will be the minimum channel length from practical viewpoints. Scaling down of MOSFETs enhances their operational speed, but the substrates with high resistivity which are often used in SOI (silicon on insulator) substrates result longer dielectric relaxation time. While the dielectric relaxation time becomes longer than the reciprocal of signal frequency, the semiconductors work as lossy dielectrics and may lead to new types of dynamic circuits. Modification of material properties utilizing the wave nature of electrons is an illustration of quantum mechanical way to improve characteristics of MOSFETs. Suppression of optical phonon scattering of two dimensional electrons by introducing two dimensional array of quantum dots into substrates is expected to improve high field characteristics of material. Brillouin zone folding is another way to control the band structure of materials, especially to make the indirect transition band structure to the direct transition band structure. Heat transfer from a chip severely limits the number of devices which can be integrated on the chip. Reduction of signal charge to electronic elementary charge, that is quantum limit, is expected to be useful for realization of nano-power electronics.

  • Spectral Structure of M/G/1 Systems: Asymptotic Behavior and Relaxation Time

    Julian KEILSON  Fumiaki MACHIHARA  Ushio SUMITA  


    E75-B No:12

    Let TBP be the server busy period of an M/G/1 queueing system characterized by arrival intensity λ and service time c.d.f. A(τ). In this paper, we investigate the regularity structure of the Laplace transform σBP(s)=E[] on the complex s-plane. It is shown, under certain broad conditions, that finite singular points of σBP(s) are all branch points. Furthermore the branch point s0 having the greatest real part is always purely negative and is of multiplicity two. The basic branch point s0 and the associated complex structure provide a basis for an asymptotic representation of various descriptive distributions of interest. For a natural relaxation time |s0|-1 of the M/G/1 system, some useful bounds are obtained and the asymptotic behavior as traffic intensity approaches one is also discussed. Detailed results of engineering value are provided for two important classes of service time distributions, the completely monotone class and the Erlang class.