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[Keyword] social networks(18hit)

  • Maximizing External Action with Information Provision Over Multiple Rounds in Online Social Networks

    Masaaki MIYASHITA  Norihiko SHINOMIYA  Daisuke KASAMATSU  Genya ISHIGAKI  


    E106-D No:5

    Online social networks have increased their impact on the real world, which motivates information senders to control the propagation process of information to promote particular actions of online users. However, the existing works on information provisioning seem to oversimplify the users' decision-making process that involves information reception, internal actions of social networks, and external actions of social networks. In particular, characterizing the best practices of information provisioning that promotes the users' external actions is a complex task due to the complexity of the propagation process in OSNs, even when the variation of information is limited. Therefore, we propose a new information diffusion model that distinguishes user behaviors inside and outside of OSNs, and formulate an optimization problem to maximize the number of users who take the external actions by providing information over multiple rounds. Also, we define a robust provisioning policy for the problem, which selects a message sequence to maximize the expected number of desired users under the probabilistic uncertainty of OSN settings. Our experiment results infer that there could exist an information provisioning policy that achieves nearly-optimal solutions in different types of OSNs. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that the proposed robust policy can be such a universally optimal solution.

  • A Spectral-Based Model for Describing Social Polarization in Online Communities Open Access

    Tomoya KINOSHITA  Masaki AIDA  


    E105-B No:10

    The phenomenon known as social polarization, in which a social group splits into two or more groups, can cause division of the society by causing the radicalization of opinions and the spread of misinformation, is particularly significant in online communities. To develop technologies to mitigate the effects of polarization in online social networks, it is necessary to understand the mechanism driving its occurrence. There are some models of social polarization in which network structure and users' opinions change, based on the quantified opinions held by the users of online social networks. However, they are based on the interaction between users connected by online social networks. Current recommendation systems offer information from unknown users who are deemed to have similar interests. We can interpret this situation as being yielded non-local effects brought on by the network system, it is not based on local interactions between users. In this paper, based on the spectral graph theory, which can describe non-local effects in online social networks mathematically, we propose a model of polarization that user behavior and network structure change while influencing each other including non-local effects. We investigate the characteristics of the proposed model. Simultaneously, we propose an index to evaluate the degree of network polarization quantitatively, which is needed for our investigations.

  • HeteroRWR: A Novel Algorithm for Top-k Co-Author Recommendation with Fusion of Citation Networks

    Sufen ZHAO  Rong PENG  Meng ZHANG  Liansheng TAN  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:1

    It is of great importance to recommend collaborators for scholars in academic social networks, which can benefit more scientific research results. Facing the problem of data sparsity of co-author recommendation in academic social networks, a novel recommendation algorithm named HeteroRWR (Heterogeneous Random Walk with Restart) is proposed. Different from the basic Random Walk with Restart (RWR) model which only walks in homogeneous networks, HeteroRWR implements multiple random walks in a heterogeneous network which integrates a citation network and a co-authorship network to mine the k mostly valuable co-authors for target users. By introducing the citation network, HeteroRWR algorithm can find more suitable candidate authors when the co-authorship network is extremely sparse. Candidate recommenders will not only have high topic similarities with target users, but also have good community centralities. Analyses on the convergence and time efficiency of the proposed approach are presented. Extensive experiments have been conducted on DBLP and CiteSeerX datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that HeteroRWR outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods in terms of precision and recall rate even in the case of incorporating an incomplete citation dataset.

  • NFRR: A Novel Family Relationship Recognition Algorithm Based on Telecom Social Network Spectrum

    Kun NIU  Haizhen JIAO  Cheng CHENG  Huiyang ZHANG  Xiao XU  


    E102-D No:4

    There are different types of social ties among people, and recognizing specialized types of relationship, such as family or friend, has important significance. It can be applied to personal credit, criminal investigation, anti-terrorism and many other business scenarios. So far, some machine learning algorithms have been used to establish social relationship inferencing models, such as Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayesian and so on. Although these algorithms discover family members in some context, they still suffer from low accuracy, parameter sensitive, and weak robustness. In this work, we develop a Novel Family Relationship Recognition (NFRR) algorithm on telecom dataset for identifying one's family members from its contact list. In telecom dataset, all attributes are divided into three series, temporal, spatial and behavioral. First, we discover the most probable places of residence and workplace by statistical models, then we aggregate data and select the top-ranked contacts as the user's intimate contacts. Next, we establish Relational Spectrum Matrix (RSM) of each user and its intimate contacts to form communication feature. Then we search the user's nearest neighbors in labelled training set and generate its Specialized Family Spectrum (SFS). Finally, we decide family relationship by comparing the similarity between RSM of intimate contacts and the SFS. We conduct complete experiments to exhibit effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and experimental results also show that it has a lower complexity.

  • Robust Image Identification with DC Coefficients for Double-Compressed JPEG Images

    Kenta IIDA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E102-D No:1

    In the case that images are shared via social networking services (SNS) and cloud photo storage services (CPSS), it is known that the JPEG images uploaded to the services are mostly re-compressed by the providers. Because of such a situation, a new image identification scheme for double-compressed JPEG images is proposed in this paper. The aim is to detect a single-compressed image that has the same original image as the double-compressed ones. In the proposed scheme, a feature extracted from only DC coefficients in DCT coefficients is used for the identification. The use of the feature allows us not only to robustly avoid errors caused by double-compression but also to perform the identification for different size images. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed one in terms of the querying performance.

  • Review Rating Prediction on Location-Based Social Networks Using Text, Social Links, and Geolocations

    Yuehua WANG  Zhinong ZHONG  Anran YANG  Ning JING  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:9

    Review rating prediction is an important problem in machine learning and data mining areas and has attracted much attention in recent years. Most existing methods for review rating prediction on Location-Based Social Networks only capture the semantics of texts, but ignore user information (social links, geolocations, etc.), which makes them less personalized and brings down the prediction accuracy. For example, a user's visit to a venue may be influenced by their friends' suggestions or the travel distance to the venue. To address this problem, we develop a review rating prediction framework named TSG by utilizing users' review Text, Social links and the Geolocation information with machine learning techniques. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework.

  • Robust Image Identification without Visible Information for JPEG Images

    Kenta IIDA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E101-D No:1

    A robust identification scheme for JPEG images is proposed in this paper. The aim is to robustly identify JPEG images that are generated from the same original image, under various compression conditions such as differences in compression ratios and initial quantization matrices. The proposed scheme does not provide any false negative matches in principle. In addition, secure features, which do not have any visual information, are used to achieve not only a robust identification scheme but also secure one. Conventional schemes can not avoid providing false negative matches under some compression conditions, and are required to manage a secret key for secure identification. The proposed scheme is applicable to the uploading process of images on social networks like Twitter for image retrieval and forensics. A number of experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method outperforms conventional ones in terms of query performances, while keeping a reasonable security level.

  • Fraud Analysis and Detection for Real-Time Messaging Communications on Social Networks Open Access

    Liang-Chun CHEN  Chien-Lung HSU  Nai-Wei LO  Kuo-Hui YEH  Ping-Hsien LIN  


    E100-D No:10

    With the successful development and rapid advancement of social networking technology, people tend to exchange and share information via online social networks, such as Facebook and LINE.Massive amounts of information are aggregated promptly and circulated quickly among people. However, with the enormous volume of human-interactions, various types of swindles via online social networks have been launched in recent years. Effectively detecting fraudulent activities on social networks has taken on increased importance, and is a topic of ongoing interest. In this paper, we develop a fraud analysis and detection system based on real-time messaging communications, which constitute one of the most common human-interacted services of online social networks. An integrated platform consisting of various text-mining techniques, such as natural language processing, matrix processing and content analysis via a latent semantic model, is proposed. In the system implementation, we first collect a series of fraud events, all of which happened in Taiwan, to construct analysis modules for detecting such fraud events. An Android-based application is then built for alert notification when dubious logs and fraud events happen.

  • l-Close Range Friends Query on Social Grid Index

    Changbeom SHIM  Wooil KIM  Wan HEO  Sungmin YI  Yon Dohn CHUNG  


    E100-D No:4

    The development of smart devices has led to the growth of Location-Based Social Networking Services (LBSNSs). In this paper, we introduce an l-Close Range Friends query that finds all l-hop friends of a user within a specified range. We also propose a query processing method on Social Grid Index (SGI). Using real datasets, the performance of our method is evaluated.

  • Exploiting Social Relationship for Opportunistic Routing in Mobile Social Networks

    Zhenxiang GAO  Yan SHI  Shanzhi CHEN  Qihan LI  


    E98-B No:10

    Routing is a challenging issue in mobile social networks (MSNs) because of time-varying links and intermittent connectivity. In order to enable nodes to make right decisions while forwarding messages, exploiting social relationship has become an important method for designing efficient routing protocols in MSNs. In this paper, we first use the temporal evolution graph model to accurately capture the dynamic topology of the MSN. Based on the model, we introduce the social relationship metric for detecting the quality of human social relationship from contact history records. Utilizing this metric, we propose social relationship based betweenness centrality metric to identify influential nodes to ensure messages forwarded by the nodes with stronger social relationship and higher likelihood of contacting other nodes. Then, we present SRBet, a novel social-based forwarding algorithm, which utilizes the aforementioned metric to enhance routing performance. Simulations have been conducted on two real world data sets and results demonstrate that the proposed forwarding algorithm achieves better performances than the existing algorithms.

  • A Novel Optimal Social Trust Path Selection Algorithm for Large-Scale Complex Social Networks

    Lianggui LIU  Huiling JIA  


    E97-B No:9

    With the phenomenal explosion in online services, social networks are becoming an emerging ubiquitous platform for numerous services where service consumers require the selection of trustworthy service providers before invoking services with the help of other intermediate participants. Under this circumstance, evaluation of the trustworthiness of the service provider along the social trust paths from the service consumer to the service provider is required and to this end, selection of the optimal social trust path (OSTP) that can yield the most trustworthy evaluation result is a pre-requisite. OSTP selection with multiple quality of trust (QoT) constraints has been proven to be NP-Complete. Heuristic algorithms with polynomial and pseudo-polynomial-time complexities are often used to deal with this problem. However, existing solutions cannot guarantee the search efficiency, that is, they have difficulty in avoiding suboptimal solutions during the search process. Quantum annealing uses delocalization and tunneling to avoid local minima without sacrificing execution time. Several recent studies have proven that it is a promising way to tackle many optimization problems. In this paper, we propose a novel quantum annealing based OSTP selection algorithm (QA_OSTP) for large-scale complex social networks. Experiments show that QA_OSTP has better performance than its heuristic counterparts.

  • CROP: Community-Relevance-Based Opportunistic Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks

    Je-Wei CHANG  Chien CHEN  


    E97-B No:9

    Researchers have developed several social-based routing protocols for delay tolerant networks (DTNs) over the past few years. Two main routing metrics to support social-based routing in DTNs are centrality and similarity metrics. These two metrics help packets decide how to travel through the network to achieve short delay or low drop rate. This study presents a new routing scheme called Community-Relevance based Opportunistic routing (CROP). CROP uses a different message forwarding approach in DTNs by combining community structure with a new centrality metric called community relevance. One fundamental change in this approach is that community relevance values do not represent the importance of communities themselves. Instead, they are computed for each community-community relationship individually, which means that the level of importance of one community depends on the packet's destination community. The study also compares CROP with other routing algorithms such as BubbleRap and SimBet. Simulation results show that CROP achieves an average delivery ratio improvement of at least 30% and can distribute packets more fairly within the network.

  • Building a Dynamic Social Community with Non Playable Characters

    Justin PERRIE  Ling LI  

    PAPER-Social Networks

    E97-D No:8

    A challenge faced by the video game industry is to develop believable and more intelligent Non-Playable Characters (NPCs). To tackle this problem a low-cost and simple approach has been proposed in this research, which is the development of a gossip virtual social network for NPCs. The network allows simple individual NPCs to communicate their knowledge amongst themselves. The communication within this social network is governed by social-psychological rules. These rules are categorized into four types: Contact, whether the NPC are within a contactable range of each other; Observation, whether the NPCs actually want to talk to each other based on their personal traits; Status, the current representation of the NPCs; and Relationships which determines the long term ties of the NPCs. Evaluations of the proposed gossip virtual social network was conducted, both through statistical analysis and a survey of real users. Highly satisfactory results have been achieved.

  • Culture Based Preference for the Information Feeding Mechanism in Online Social Networks Open Access

    Arunee RATIKAN  Mikifumi SHIKIDA  


    E97-D No:4

    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have recently been playing an important role in communication. From the audience aspect, they enable audiences to get unlimited information via the information feeding mechanism (IFM), which is an important part of the OSNs. The audience relies on the quantity and quality of the information served by it. We found that existing IFMs can result in two problems: information overload and cultural ignorance. In this paper, we propose a new type of IFM that solves these problems. The advantage of our proposed IFM is that it can filter irrelevant information with consideration of audiences' culture by using the Naïve Bayes (NB) algorithm together with features and factors. It then dynamically serves interesting and important information based on the current situation and preference of the audience. This mechanism helps the audience to reduce the time spent in finding interesting information. It can be applied to other cultures, societies and businesses. In the near future, the audience will be provided with excellent, and less annoying, communication. Through our studies, we have found that our proposed IFM is most appropriate for Thai and some groups of Japanese audiences under the consideration of audiences' culture.

  • Fast Trust Computation in Online Social Networks

    Safi-Ullah NASIR  Tae-Hyung KIM  


    E96-B No:11

    Computing the level of trust between two indirectly connected users in an online social network (OSN) is a problem that has received considerable attention of researchers in recent years. Most algorithms focus on finding the most accurate prediction of trust; however, little work has been done to make them fast enough to be applied on today's very large OSNs. To address this need we propose a method for fast trust computation that is suitable for very large social networks. Our method uses min-max trust propagation strategies along with the landmark based method. Path strength of every node is pre-computed to and from a small set of reference users or landmarks. Using these pre-computed values, we estimate the strength of trust paths from the source user to in-neighbors of the target user. The final trust estimate is obtained by aggregating information from most reliable in-neighbors of the target user. We also describe how the landmark based method can be used for fast trust computation according to other trust propagation models. Experiments on a variety of real social network datasets verify the efficiency and accuracy of our method.

  • Link Prediction in Social Networks Using Information Flow via Active Links

    Lankeshwara MUNASINGHE  Ryutaro ICHISE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:7

    Link prediction in social networks, such as friendship networks and coauthorship networks, has recently attracted a great deal of attention. There have been numerous attempts to address the problem of link prediction through diverse approaches. In the present paper, we focused on predicting links in social networks using information flow via active links. The information flow heavily depends on link activeness. The links become active if the interactions happen frequently and recently with respect to the current time. The time stamps of the interactions or links provide vital information for determining the activeness of the links. In the present paper, we introduced a new algorithm, referred to as T_Flow, that captures the important aspects of information flow via active links in social networks. We tested T_Flow with two social network data sets, namely, a data set extracted from Facebook friendship network and a coauthorship network data set extracted from ePrint archives. We compare the link prediction performances of T_Flow with the previous method PropFlow. The results of T_Flow method revealed a notable improvement in link prediction for facebook data and significant improvement in link prediction for coauthorship data.

  • Discovery of Information Diffusion Process in Social Networks

    Kwanho KIM  Jae-Yoon JUNG  Jonghun PARK  

    LETTER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E95-D No:5

    Information diffusion analysis in social networks is of significance since it enables us to deeply understand dynamic social interactions among users. In this paper, we introduce approaches to discovering information diffusion process in social networks based on process mining. Process mining techniques are applied from three perspectives: social network analysis, process discovery and community recognition. We then present experimental results by using a real-life social network data. The proposed techniques are expected to employ as new analytical tools in online social networks such as blog and wikis for company marketers, politicians, news reporters and online writers.

  • Time Score: A New Feature for Link Prediction in Social Networks

    Lankeshwara MUNASINGHE  Ryutaro ICHISE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E95-D No:3

    Link prediction in social networks, such as friendship networks and coauthorship networks, has recently attracted a great deal of attention. There have been numerous attempts to address the problem of link prediction through diverse approaches. In the present paper, we focus on the temporal behavior of the link strength, particularly the relationship between the time stamps of interactions or links and the temporal behavior of link strength and how link strength affects future link evolution. Most previous studies have not sufficiently discussed either the impact of time stamps of the interactions or time stamps of the links on link evolution. The gap between the current time and the time stamps of the interactions or links is also important to link evolution. In the present paper, we introduce a new time-aware feature, referred to as time score, that captures the important aspects of time stamps of interactions and the temporality of the link strengths. We also analyze the effectiveness of time score with different parameter settings for different network data sets. The results of the analysis revealed that the time score was sensitive to different networks and different time measures. We applied time score to two social network data sets, namely, Facebook friendship network data set and a coauthorship network data set. The results revealed a significant improvement in predicting future links.