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[Keyword] structural liveness(3hit)

  • Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Structural Liveness for General Petri Nets--Virtual Deadlock-Trap Properties--

    Tadashi MATSUMOTO  Ken SAIKUSA  Kohkichi TSUJI  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E78-A No:12

    Up to now, the only useful and well-known structural or initial-marking-based necessary and sufficient liveness conditions of Petri nets have only been those of an extended free-choice (EFC) net and its subclasses such as a free-choice (FC) net, a forward conflict free (FCF) net, a marked graph (MG), and a state machine (SM). All the above subclasses are activated only by deadlock-trap properties (i.e., real d-t properties in this paper), which mean that every minimal structural deadlock (MSDL ND=(SD, TD, FD, MoD)) in a net contains at least one live minimal structural trap (MSTR NT=(ST, TT, FT, MoT)) which is initially marked. However, the necessary and sufficient liveness conditions for EFCF, EBCF, EMGEFCFEBCF, AC (EFCFC), and the net with kindling traps NKT have recently been determined, in which each MSDL without real d-t properties was also activated by a new type of trap of trap, i.e., behavioral traps (BTRs), which are defined by introducing a virtual MSTR, a virtual maximal structural trap (virtual STR), a virtual MSDL, and a virtual maximal structural deadlock (virtual SDL) into a target MSDL. In this paper, a structural or initial-marking-based necessary and sufficient condition for local liveness (i.e., virtual deadlock-trap properties) of each MSDL ND s.t. SDST, SDST, SDST (but ND s.t. SDST is dead owing to real deadlock-trap properties) in a general Petri net N is presented by extending that in NKT. Specifically, live minimal behavioral traps (MBTRs) as well as live maximal behavioral traps (BTRs), i.e., virtual deadlock-trap properties, in a general Petri net N are characterized using the real d-t properties of each MSDL ND s.t. SDST for a general Petri net N, which were also obtained by extending the concept of return paths in NKT in connection with an MSDL which contains at least one MSTR and by using the concepts of T-cornucopias and absolute T-cornucopias in a subclass Ñ of N. In other words, BTRs are defined by introducing a virtual MSTR, a virtual STR, a virtual MSDL, and a virtual SDL into a target MSDL without real d-t properties. Additionally, a structural or initial-marking-based necessary and sufficient condition for liveness of a new subclass Nn of a general Petri net N (i.e., a general Petri net without time) is derived, and the usefulness of the obtained results is also discussed.

  • Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Structural Liveness for General Petri Nets with Globally Structural Live Minimal Deadlocks

    Tadashi MATSUMOTO  Shinichi YAMAZAKI  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E78-A No:12

    If a general Petri net N = (S, T, F, Mo) is transition-live under Mo, it is evident that each maximal structural deadlock SDL(D) in N as well as each minimal structural deadlock MSDL (ND) in each D is also transition-live under Mo. However, since the converse of the latter of the above is not always true, it is important to obtain the conditions for this converse to be true if we want to have a useful necessary and sufficient "initial-marking-based" or "structural" liveness condition for N. Up to now, usefull and well-known structural or initial-marking-based necessary and sufficient liveness conditions of Petri nets have only been those of an asymmetric choice (AC) net and its subclasses such as an EFC net, an FC net, an FCF net, MG, and SM. However, all the above subclasses are activated only by real or virtual deadlock-trap properties which are local liveness for each minimal deadlocks; in other words, the above topics of this paper are unconditionally satisfied in those subclasses because of their special structure of nets. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient structural liveness condition for a general Petri net N with globally structural live minimal structural deadlocks is presented as follows: The next () or () is satisfied. () N has no SDL D. () If N has at least one SDL D, () or () is satisfied under the condition that each MSDL ND in N is transition-live under Mo. () N has no singular MSDL (α) (i.e., (α-) and (α-)). () If N has at least one singular MSDL (α-)((α-), resp.), every semi-MDSL ()((), resp.) NDS = (SDS, TDS, FDS, MoDS with respect to each singular MSDL (α-)((α-), resp.), is transition-live under the MoDS under the condition of "the condition (**)", where the locally structural liveness for this NDS means (1) or (2)((3), resp.) of Lemma 4-4 and "the condition (**)" is defined in Lemma 4-7 of this paper. The relationship between the above results and the liveness problem for N is also shown.

  • Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Structural Liveness for General Petri Nets--Real Deadlock-Trap Properties--

    Tadashi MATSUMOTO  Ken SAIKUSA  Shinichi YAMAZAKI  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E78-A No:12

    Petri nets are useful in modeling and analyzing various types of discrete-event systems such as parallel processing systems, distributed systems, and sequential control systems, because Petri nets can easily be used to represent such properties of these systems as concurrency, nondecidability, and causality. Various behavioral analytic problems on Petri nets are reduced to reachability and liveness on them. It is also known that the decidability of liveness is equivalent to that of reachability which is solvable. However, useful necessary and sufficient structural liveness conditions have been given only for extended free-choice (EFC) nets and their subclasses. Moreover recently, a necessary and sufficient structural liveness condition for a useful subclass NKT=(SKT, TKT, FKT, MoKT) (i.e., a Petri net in which each minimal structural deadlock (MSDL) contains at least one real or virtual kindling trap, each locally structural-live MSDL ND=(SD, TD, FD, MoD) is never globally dead even if all key transitions for local liveness of each MSDL are controlled by the net of SKTSD s.t. SKTSD, and there exists no singular MSDL of type (α)) has also been given. In this paper, in order to give one of the bases for a necessary and sufficient "structural" or "initial-marking-based" liveness condition for a general Petri net N, we will, first, directly present a necessary and sufficient local liveness condition for each MSDL with a real deadlock-trap structure in a subclass Ñ (N) using the net structure and initial token distribution and extending basic concepts used in NKT, where Ñ is a general Petri net without live behavioral traps, local liveness means a useful necessary condition for the above final goal, and real deadlock-trap structure means that each MSDL in Ñ contains at least one minimal structural trap. Secondly, a new subclass is shown in which, if the above locally structural liveness condition for each MSDL holds, then the whole-net liveness is also guaranteed. It is also argued that the obtained results are applicable to describing new live behavioral traps and deriving a necessary and sufficient structural liveness condition, which is the final goal in this work, for a general Petri net N.