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SLARS: Secure Lightweight Authentication for Roaming Service in Smart City

Hakjun LEE

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Summary :

Smart cities aim to improve the quality of life of citizens and efficiency of city operations through utilization of 5G communication technology. Based on various technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data, they provide smart services in terms of urban planning, development, and management for solving problems such as fine dust, traffic congestion and safety, energy efficiency, water shortage, and an aging population. However, as smart city has an open network structure, an adversary can easily try to gain illegal access and perform denial of service and sniffing attacks that can threaten the safety and privacy of citizens. In smart cities, the global mobility network (GLOMONET) supports mobile services between heterogeneous networks of mobile devices such as autonomous vehicles and drones. Recently, Chen et al. proposed a user authentication scheme for GLOMONET in smart cities. Nevertheless, we found some weaknesses in the scheme proposed by them. In this study, we propose a secure lightweight authentication for roaming services in a smart city, called SLARS, to enhance security. We proved that SLARS is more secure and efficient than the related authentication scheme for GLOMONET through security and performance analysis. Our analysis results show that SLARS satisfies all security requirements in GLOMONET and saves 72.7% of computation time compared to that of Chen et al.’s scheme.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E107-B No.9 pp.595-606
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript

1.  Introduction

With the emergence of IoT technology, a smart city aims to improve the efficiency of city operation and the quality of life of its citizens through the integration of 5G communication technology with the city’s physical infrastructure [1]. A smart city is a new model that utilizes IoT, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data to provide smart services for urban planning, development, and management, aiming to address various challenges such as fine dust, traffic congestion, safety, energy efficiency, water shortage, and an aging population [2]-[4].

To efficiently respond to various events occurring in a city, the scale of smart cities is growing by linking data between city services and regions [5]. When transmitting data, such as images, energy, traffic, health, and payment, generated by various devices in the city, it is necessary to encrypt sensitive information. However, a smart city’s open network structure, linked with a cyber-physical system (CPS), can be targeted by adversaries. Illegal access, denial of service, and sniffing attacks can threaten the safety and privacy of citizens [6].

As the demand for mobile services in wireless networks increases in smart cities, authentication schemes for global mobility network (GLOMONET) that support the mobility of terminals, such as mobile devices, autonomous vehicles, and drones, have been proposed [7]-[9]. Global roaming is a service that allows users to move across heterogeneous networks in a smart city. A mobile user (MU) can then access the foreign network. In a mobile network, users can freely move to a foreign network managed by a foreign agent (FA) with the help of a home network and then access smart city services. In other words, an FA performs a mutual authentication using a home agent (HA) to verify the legitimacy of the user. The scenario of GLOMONET in a smart city is shown in Fig. 1. When a security breach occurs in the CPS of a smart city, it can cause paralysis of the city administration, financial damages, and even prove fatal for the public, industry, and citizens. Therefore, reliable security must be applied across data creation, collection, storage, analysis, sharing, and deletion stages. Thus, the authentication of citizens or IoT devices, the subjects of data generation, is essential.

Fig. 1  Scenario of GLOMONET in smart city.

Recently, various roaming authentication schemes have been proposed to support GLOMONET. Zhu [10] first proposed a user-authentication scheme for roaming in a wireless network. Using a temporary certificate, MU and FA establish a session key. However, Lee et al. [11] reported that the scheme proposed by Zhu et al. [10] was vulnerable to forgery attacks and did not achieve perfect backward secrecy and mutual authentication. Subsequently, Lee et al. [11] presented a new enhancement using hashes, XOR, and symmetric-key cryptography. It was more efficient than the scheme proposed by Zhu et al. [10]. Wu et al. [12] found that Lee et al.’s [11] scheme did not achieve perfect backward secrecy and anonymity and they proposed a new authentication scheme. However, Xu et al. [13] and Lee et al. [14] reported that the scheme proposed by Wu et al. [13] did not guarantee anonymity. Kang et al. [15] proposed an enhancement to improve the security of WSN. However, Karuppia and Saravana [16] found that Kang et al.’s scheme [15] was vulnerable to user impersonation and off-line password guessing attacks, and did not ensure user anonymity and perfect forward secrecy. Karuppia and Saravana [16] proposed a user authentication scheme in GLOMONET for roaming services by improving Kang et al.’s scheme [15]. In addition, they argued that the results of the comparative analysis show that their proposed scheme is more secure than other related-schemes. However, Li et al. [17] observed that the scheme proposed by Karuppia and Saravana [16] still had several weaknesses such as imperfect forward secrecy, session key leakage, and no session key updates.

As the concept of a smart city is being discussed along with Industry 4.0, user authentication methods in smart cities are also being studied. For GLOMONET in smart cities, Li et al. [17] improved the scheme of Karuppia and Saravana [16] and presented a new user authentication and key agreement scheme to guarantee user anonymity using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Although they achieved a significant improvement in efficiency compared with the schemes of Kang et al. [15] and Karuppia and Saravana [16], Xie and Hwang [18] reported that Li et al.’s scheme [17] was vulnerable to impersonation attacks and did not protect against offline password-guessing attacks. Xie and Hwang [18] proposed a new authentication scheme to enhance the security of GLOMONET in smart cities. Recently, Chen et al. [19] have reported that the scheme proposed by Xie et al. [18] does not support session key updates and locally verifies the identity of the user. To supplement this and increase performance efficiency, they proposed a new ECC-based authentication method. Nevertheless, we found that the scheme of Chen et al. [19] is still weak. Therefore, in this study, we propose a new authentication method to achieve safe user roaming services in smart cities.

The contributions of this study are as follows.

  1. We first define the security requirements for GLOMONET. Then, we conduct a security analysis of Chen et al.’s scheme [19] and report that it is vulnerable to FA impersonation and known-session attack.

  2. To enhance the security and efficiency of GLOMONET in smart cities, we propose a secure lightweight authentication for roaming service in smart cities called SLARS. We apply three-factor authentication to strengthen the privacy of mobile users and use only XOR and hash functions to improve performance efficiency.

  3. Finally, we present the results of security and performance analysis of SLARS with the related authentication scheme for GLOMONET.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides preliminary knowledge on this study and introduces the background of the topic. In Sects. 3 and 4, we review and cryptoanalysis of Chen et al.’s scheme, respectively. In Sect. 5, the proposed authentication scheme is presented. Section 6 provides a security analysis of the proposed scheme using a random oracle model, ProVerif, and BAN logic. In Sect. 7, we compare the performance of the proposed scheme with those of other schemes. Finally, in Sect. 8, the conclusions of this study are presented.

2.  Preliminaries

In this section, we explain the network model, bio-hash function, and adversarial model. The notations used in this study are shown in Table 1.

Table 1  Notations.

2.1  Network Model and Authentication Process

The schemes for GLOMONET presented in this study are based on the following network model.

  1. \(MU_i\) sends an authentication request to \(FA_j\) to use the roaming service.

  2. After receiving the request, \(FA_j\) sends the request for verifying the legitimacy of \(MU_i\)’s request to \(HA_k\).

  3. \(HA_k\) checks the request received from \(FA_j\), authenticates \(MU_i\), and responds to \(FA_j\).

  4. \(FA_j\) sends a response to \(MU_i\), and then \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) mutually establish a session key.

2.2  Elliptic Curve Cryptography

ECC is based on the logarithm problems expressed in the point addition and multiplication of elliptic curves [20], [21]. An elliptic curve is given by \(E_p (a,b):y^2=x^3+ax+b\) mod \(p\) over a finite field \(F_p\), where \(p\) is the prime order and \(a,b \in F_p\) such that \(p>3\) and \(4a^3+27b^2 \neq 0\) mod \(p\). The point multiplication over \(E_p (a,b)\) is defined through a repetitive addition as \(P+P+\cdots +P\) (\(a\) times) =\(aP\), where \(P\) is a point on \(E_p (a,b)\) and \(a\in F_p^*\) is a random integer. The security of ECC relies on the following assumption:

  1. Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP): Given \(P, aP \in E_p (a,b)\), it is computationally infeasible to find a within polynomial time.

  2. Elliptic curve computational Diffie-Hellman problem (ECCDHP): Given \(aP,bP \in E_p (a,b)\), it is computationally infeasible to find \(abP\) in polynomial time.

2.3  Bio-Hash Function

Two-factor user authentication using pins, passwords, and tokens that can be forgotten or stolen is vulnerable to device theft and impersonation attacks. Recently, many researchers have applied biohases for three-factor user authentication [22]-[24]. In biometrics, the imprint biometric characteristics can vary because of external reasons such as dry or cracked skin or dust on the imprint sensor, causing a false rejection. To solve this problem, Jin et al. [29] proposed a two-factor authentication method based on the dot product between tokenized pseudorandom numbers and user-specific fingerprint characteristics. They created a set of user-specific compact codes called biohash codes. It uses a pseudo-random number of user-specific tokens to randomly map biometric features to binary strings.

2.4  Adversarial Model

In this study, we considered the following adversarial model [25]-[27]:

  1. By controlling a public channel, an attacker can eavesdrop on messages between \(MU_i\), \(FA_j\) and \(HA_k\), and then modify or replay them to impersonate participants.

  2. An attacker can perform a side-channel attack to extract information stored in the smart card.

  3. An attacker can discover sensitive information by combining eavesdropping and the extracted messages.

3.  Review of Chen et al.’s Scheme

Chen et al.’s scheme consists of MU registration, mutual authentication, password change, and session key update phases. In this section, we describe these schemes in detail.

3.1  MU Registration Phase

In this step, \(MU_i\) registers his/her identity with \(HA_k\), and then \(HA_k\) issues secret parameters to be used for mutual authentication. The detailed registration process is as follows:

  1. \(MU_i\) selects \(ID_U\), \(PW_U\), and random \(r \in Z_q^*\), computes \(FID_U=h(ID_U||r)\), and sends the registration request with \(<ID_U, FID_U>\) to \(HA_k\).

  2. \(HA_k\) select a random \(n_H \in Z_q^*\), computes \(R_U=h(FID_U||x)\), and \(DID_U=h(x)\oplus \{FID_U||n_H\}\), stores \(<DID_U, R_U, h(\cdot), P, ID_H >\) in the smart card, and sends it to \(MU_i\).

  3. After receiving the smart card, \(MU_i\) computes \(r^*=h(ID_U||PW_U) \oplus r\), \(V_U=h(ID_U||PW_U||r)\), and \(R_U^*=R_U\oplus r\), and finally stores \(<r^*, V_U, R_U^*, DID_U, h(\cdot), P, ID_H >\) in the smart card.

3.2  Mutual Authentication Phase

In this step, the pre-registered \(MU_i\) performs mutual authentication to establish a session key with \(FA_j\) with the help of \(HA_k\). The detailed process is as follows:

  1. \(MU_i\) inputs \(ID_U\) and \(PW_U\), computes \(r=h(ID_U||PW_U) \oplus r^*\) and checks \(V_U=h(ID_U||PW_U||r)\). If they are not equal, \(MU_i\) terminates this process; otherwise, \(MU_i\) computes \(FID_U=h(ID_U||r)\), \(R_U=R_U^*\oplus r\), \(a=f(ID_U||T_{seed}) \in Z_q^*\), \(Q_1=aP\), and \(Q_2=h(DID_U||R_U||Q_1||FID_U||ID_F||ID_H)\), and sends the message \(M_1=<ID_F, ID_H, DID_U, Q_1, Q_2>\) to \(FA_j\), where \(T_{seed}\) is seed to generate a random number and \(f()\) is a number-generating function.

  2. After receiving the message, \(FA_j\) selects a random \(b \in Z_q^*\), computes \(W_1=bP\) and \(W_2=h(M_1||W_1||K_{FH}||ID_F||ID_H)\), and sends the message \(M_2=<M_1, W_1, W_2>\) to \(HA_k\).

  3. \(HA_k\) first checks \(W_2=h(M_1||W_1||K_{FH}||ID_F||ID_H)\). If they are not equal, \(HA_k\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(HA_k\) retrieves \(FID_U\) and \(n_H\) by calculating \(\{FID_U, n_H\}=h(x)\oplus DID_U\) and computes \(R_U=h(FID_U||x)\). \(HA_k\) then checks \(Q_2=h(DID_U||R_U||Q_1||FID_U||ID_F||ID_H)\). If they are not equal, \(HA_k\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(HA_k\) selects a random \(n_H^{new} \in Z_q^*\), computes \(DID_U^{new}=h(x)\oplus \{FID_U||n_H^{new}\}\), \(E_1=h(R_U)\oplus DID_U^{new}\), \(E_2=h(R_U||Q_1||W_1||DID^{new}_U)\), and \(E_3=h(K_{FH}||Q_1||W_1||ID_F||ID_H||E_1||E_2)\), and sends the massage \(M_3=<Q_1, E_1, E_2, E_3>\) to \(FA_j\).

  4. \(FA_j\) checks \(E_3=h(K_{FH}||Q_1||W_1||ID_F||ID_H||E_1||E_2)\). If they are not equal, \(FA_j\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(FA_j\) computes \(SK_{F}=h(bQ_1)\) and \(B_3=h(SK_{F}||E_1||E_2)\), and sends the message \(M_4=<E_1, E_2, W_1, B_3>\) to \(MU_i\).

  5. \(MU_i\) computes \(DID_U^{new}=E_1 \oplus h(R_U)\) and \(SK_{U}=h(aW_1)\), \(SK_{ij}=h_1(PK_i||ID_j||K_3||K_4)\), and checks \(B_3=h(SK_{U}||E_1||E_2)\). If they are equal, \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) successfully establish the session key \(SK\).

3.3  Password Change Phase

\(MU_i\), who wants to change the password performs the following procedure locally:

  1. \(MU_i\) inputs \(ID_U\) and \(PW_U\), computes \(r=h(ID_U||PW_U) \oplus r^*\) and checks \(V_U=h(ID_U||PW_U||r)\). If they are not equal, \(MU_i\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(MU_i\) selects a new password \(PW_U^{new}\).

  2. \(MU_i\) computes \(r^{new*}=h(ID_U||PW_U^{new}) \oplus r\) and \(V_U^{new}=h(ID_U||PW_U^{new}||r)\), and replace \(r^*\) and \(V_U\) with \(r^{new*}\) and \(V_U^{new}\), respectively.

3.4  Session Key Update Phase

If \(MU_i\) is within the coverage of \(FA_j\) for a long period, the session key should be updated regularly. In this step, the process of updating an existing session key with a new one is explained.

  1. \(MU_i\) selects a random \(a_U \in Z_q^*\) and computes \(H_1=a_UP\), \(H_2=h(H_1||SK_U^{i-1})\) where \(SK^{i-1}\) is the \(i-1\)th session key. Then, \(MU_i\) sends \(M_1=<H_1, H_2>\) to \(FA_j\).

  2. \(FA_j\) checks \(H_2=h(H_1||SK_F^{i-1})\). If they are equal, \(FA_j\) selects a random \(b_F \in Z_q^*\), computes \(J_1=b_FP\), \(SK_F^i=h(b_FH_1)\), and \(J_2=h(SK_F^i||SK_F^{i-1})\), and sends \(M_2=<J_1, J_2>\) to \(MU_i\).

  3. After receiving the message, \(MU_i\) computes \(SK_U^i=h(a_U J_1)\) and checks \(J_2=h(SK_U^i||SK_U^{i-1})\). If they are equal, then \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) successfully update the session key.

4.  Cryptoanalysis of Chen et al.’s Scheme

This section describes in detail how Chen et al.’s scheme [19] is vulnerable to FA impersonation and ephemeral key known session-specific temporary information attacks.

4.1  FA Impersonation Attack

An attacker masquerading as \(FA_j\) can perform an impersonation attack in the following manner:

  1. First, the attacker obtains \(M_2\) and \(M_3\) by eavesdropping the public messages.

  2. The attacker generates a random number \(b^A\), and uses \(Q_1\), \(E_1\), and \(E_2\) included in \(M_3\) to compute \(SK^A=h(b^AQ_1)=h(b^AaP)\), \(W_1^A=b^AP\), and \(B_3^A=h(SK^A||E_1 ||E_2)\).

  3. The attacker generates \(M_4=<E_1, E_2, W_1^A, B_3>\) and transmits them to \(MU\).

  4. According to the authentication process, \(MU\) calculates \(SKu=h(aW_1^A)=h(ab^AP)\) and then verifies the correctness of \(B_3\). Finally, \(MU\) agrees with the session key of the attacker.

Therefore, Chen et al.’s scheme is prone to \(FA_j\) impersonation attack.

4.2  Key Known Session-Specific Temporary Information Attack

If the attacker determines the random values constituting the session key in some way, he/she can attempt to calculate it. In Chen et al.’s scheme, the session key was \(SK=h(abP)\). Here, \(P\) is a public parameter in the ECC system. Therefore, if the attacker knows the random values \(a_U\) and \(b_F\), he/she can easily compute the session key and pretend to be \(MU\) or \(FA_j\). Therefore, Chen et al.’s scheme is prone to known session-specific temporary information attacks.

5.  Proposed Scheme

In this section, we describe the proposed SLARS. It consists of MU registration, mutual authentication, password change, and session-key update phases.

5.1  MU Registration Phase

In the registration phase of SLARS, \(MU_i\) registers with \(HA_k\) and is issued encrypted secret parameters of \(HA_k\) to be used later to prove its identity. The detailed process, which is illustrated in Fig. 2, is as follows:

Fig. 2  MU registration phase of SLARS.

  1. \(MU_i\) selects \(ID_U\), \(PW_U\), \(BIO_U\) and random \(r \in Z_q^*\), computes \(FID_U=h(ID_U||r)\) and \(PB_U=h(PW_U||H(BIO_U))\), and sends the registration request with \(<ID_U, FID_U>\) to \(HA_k\).

  2. \(HA_k\) selects a random \(n_H \in Z_q^*\), computes \(R_U=h(FID_U||x)\), and \(DID_U=h(x)\oplus \{FID_U||n_H\}\), stores \(<DID_U, R_U, h(\cdot), ID_H >\) in the smart card, and sends it to \(MU_i\).

  3. After receiving the smart card, \(MU_i\) computes \(r^*=h(ID_U||PB_U) \oplus r\), \(V_U=h(ID_U||PB_U||r)\), and \(R_U^*=R_U\oplus r\), and finally stores \(<r^*, V_U, R_U^*, DID_U, h(\cdot), ID_H >\) in the smart card.

5.2  Mutual Authentication Phase

In this step, \(MU_i\) performs mutual authentication to establish a session key with \(FA_j\) with the help of \(HA_k\). The detailed process, as depicted in Fig. 3, is as follows.

  1. \(MU_i\) inputs \(ID_U\), \(PW_U\) and \(BIO_U\), computes \(PB_U=h(PW_U||H(BIO_U))\) and \(r=h(ID_U||PW_U) \oplus r^*\), and checks \(V_U=h(ID_U||PB_U||r)\). If they are not equal, \(MU_i\) terminates this process; otherwise, \(MU_i\) selects \(a_U \in Z_q^*\), computes \(FID_U=h(ID_U||r)\), \(R_U=R_U^*\oplus r\), \(Q_1=R_U \oplus a_U\), and \(Q_2=h(DID_U||R_U||a_U||FID_U||ID_F||ID_H)\), and sends the message \(M_1=<ID_F, ID_H, DID_U, Q_1, Q_2>\) to \(FA_j\).

  2. After receiving the message \(M_1\), \(FA_j\) selects a random \(b_F \in Z_q^*\), computes \(W_1=h(M_1||K_{FH}||ID_F||ID_H)\oplus b_F\) and \(W_2=h(W_1||b_F)\), and sends the message \(M_2=<M_1, W_1, W_2>\) to \(HA_k\).

  3. After receiving the message \(M_2\), \(HA_k\) computes \(b=h(M_1||K_{FH}||ID_F||ID_H) \oplus b_F\) and checks \(W_2=h(W_1||b_F)\). If they are not equal, \(HA_k\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(HA_k\) retrieves \(FID_U\) and \(n_H\) by calculating \(\{FID_U, n_H\}=h(x)\oplus DID_U\), and then computes \(R_U=h(FID_U||x)\), and \(a_U=R_U \oplus Q_1\). \(HA_k\) then checks \(Q_2=h(DID_U||R_U||a_U||FID_U||ID_F||ID_H)\). If they are not equal, \(HA_k\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(HA_k\) selects a random \(n_H^{new} \in Z_q^*\), computes \(DID_U^{new}=h(x)\oplus \{FID_U||n_H^{new}\}\), \(E_1=h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)\), \(E_2=h(R_U) \oplus DID^{new}_U\), \(E_3=h(K_{FH}||b_F)\oplus E_1\), \(E_4=a_U \oplus b_F\), and \(E_5=h(K_{FH}||b_F||E_1)\), and sends \(M_3=<E_2, E_3, E_4, E_5>\) to \(FA_j\).

  4. \(FA_j\) computes \(a_U=E_4 \oplus b_F\) and \(E_1=h(K_{FH}||b_F) \oplus E_3\), and checks \(E_5=h(K_{FH}||b_F||E_1)\). If they are not equal, \(FA_j\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(FA_j\) computes \(SK_{F}=h(E_1||a_U||b_F)\), \(W_3=b_F \oplus h(E_1||a_U)\), and \(W_4=h(SK_{F}||M_1||E_2)\). Then it sends the message \(M_2=<E_2, W_3, W_4>\) to \(MU_i\).

  5. \(MU_i\) computes \(DID_U^{new}=E_2 \oplus h(R_U)\), \(b_F=W_3 \oplus h(h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)||a_U)\) and \(SK_{U}=h(h(DID_U^{new}|| FID_U)||a_U||b_F)\), and checks \(W_4=h(SK_{U}||M_1||E_2)\). If they are equal, \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) successfully establish the session key \(SK\).

Fig. 3  Mutual authentication phase of SLARS.

5.3  Password Change Phase

In this phase, \(MU_i\) locally changes the password using the following procedure:

  1. \(MU_i\) inputs \(ID_U\), \(PW_U\) and \(BIO_U\), computes \(PB_U=h(PW_U||H(BIO_U))\) and \(r=h(ID_U||PB_U) \oplus r^*\), and checks \(V_U=h(ID_U||PB_U||r)\). If they are not equal, \(MU_i\) terminates the process; otherwise, \(MU_i\) selects a new password \(PW_U^{new}\).

  2. \(MU_i\) computes \(r^{new*}=h(ID_U||PB_U^{new}) \oplus r\) and \(V_U^{new}=h(ID_U||PB_U^{new}||r)\), and replaces \(r^*\) and \(V_U\) with \(r^{new*}\) and \(V_U^{new}\).

5.4  Session Key Update Phase

This phase is performed for the session key update when \(MU_i\) remains in \(FA_j\) for a long time, as shown in Fig. 4.

  1. \(MU_i\) selects a random \(a_U \in Z_q^*\) and computes \(H_1=a_U \oplus h(SK_U^{i-1})\), \(H_2=h(H_1||SK_U^{i-1}||a_U)\) where \(SK^{i-1}\) is the \(i-1\)th session key. Then, \(MU_i\) sends \(M_1=<H_1, H_2>\) to \(FA_j\).

  2. \(FA_j\) computes \(a_U= H_1 \oplus h(SK_U^{i-1})\) and checks \(H_2=h(H_1||SK_F^{i-1}||a_U)\). If they are same, \(FA_j\) selects a random \(b_F \in Z_q^*\), computes \(J_1=b_F \oplus a_U\), \(SK_F^i=h(SK_U^{i-1}||a_U||b_F)\), and \(J_2=h(SK_F^i||SK_F^{i-1})\), and sends \(M_2=<J_1, J_2>\) to \(MU_i\).

  3. After receiving the message, \(MU_i\) computes \(b_F=J_1 \oplus a_U\) and \(SK_U^i=h(SK_U^{i-1}||a_U||b_F)\). \(MU_i\) finally checks \(J_2=h(SK_U^i||SK_U^{i-1})\). If they are equal, then \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) successfully update the session key.

Fig. 4  Session key update phase of SLARS.

6.  Security Analysis of the Proposed Scheme

6.1  Informal Security Analysis

In this section, we conduct an informal security analysis to demonstrate that SLARS is secure against various known attacks.

Table 2  Comparison of security requirements.

6.1.1  User Anonymity

In the proposed scheme, the real \(ID_U\) of \(MU_i\) is included in \(DID_U\) and transmitted through a public channel. \(ID_U\) is protected by a hashed secret key \(x\), as well as random numbers \(r\) and \(n_H\). It is difficult for an attacker to find these three values directly, which makes it impossible to determine the \(ID_U\). Moreover, \(DID_U^{new}=h(x)\oplus \{FID_U||n_H^{new}\}\) is updated for each session. Therefore, the proposed scheme guarantees user anonymity.

6.1.2  Untraceability

In the proposed scheme, all values included in \(M_1-M_4\) transmitted through the public channel contain random numbers. In addition, these random numbers are changed every session and are never reused. Therefore, since the attacker cannot track the activities of the communication participants, the proposed scheme satisfies untraceability.

6.1.3  Resistance to Stolen-Mobile Device Attack

An adversary can potentially steal \(MU_i\)’s mobile device and access \(<r^*, V_U, R_U^*, DID_U, h(\cdot), ID_H >\) through a side-channel attack. However, the disclosure of \(ID_U\) and \(PW_U\) relies on XOR or biohash functions that are fortified by the values of \(r\) and \(BIO_U\), rendering it practically unfeasible for the adversary to ascertain this information. Moreover, the generation of an authentication request message, essential for impersonating \(MU_i\), necessitates access to \(FID_U\), which remains shielded by the secret key \(x\) of \(HA_k\). Consequently, even if an attacker acquires \(MU_i\)’s mobile device, he/she cannot obtain sensitive information or disguise it as \(MU_i\). Therefore, the proposed scheme is secure against a stolen-mobile device attack.

6.1.4  Resistance to Replay Attack

To maliciously generate a session key and mimic either \(MU_i\) or \(FA_j\) by replaying messages \(M_1\) and \(M_4\), an adversary requires a random number \(a_U\) or \(b_F\). The acquisition of \(a_U\) necessitates access to \(R_U\) and \(FID_U\), while obtaining \(b_F\) requires knowledge of \(K_{FH}\). However, the adversary is unable to deduce these values from publicly transmitted messages. Consequently, the proposed scheme effectively mitigates the risks associated with potential replay attacks.

6.1.5  Mutual Authentication

In the proposed scheme, \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) establish a session key using \(HA_k\). After \(HA_k\) receives \(DID_U\) from message \(M_1\), \(HA_k\) retrieves \(FID_U\) and \(n_H\) by calculating \(\{FID_U, n_H\}=h(x)\oplus DID_U\) using its own secret key and then verifies the identity of \(MU_i\) by checking \(Q_2=h(DID_U||R_U||a_U||FID_U||ID_F||ID_H)\). \(FA_j\) is authenticated to \(HA_k\) using \(W_1\), which is created using \(K_{FH}\). After \(HA_k\) successfully authenticates \(FA_j\) and \(MU_i\), \(HA_k\) can obtain the random numbers \(a_U\) and \(b_F\). Then, \(HA_k\) transmits \(E_4\) to \(FA_j\), and \(FA_j\) obtains the random \(a_U=E_4 \oplus b_F\) and \(E_1=h(K_{FH}||b_F) \oplus E_3=h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)\) that only \(MU_i\) can calculate. \(MU_i\) obtains \(b_F\) from \(W_3 \oplus h(h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)||a_U)\). Finally, \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) compute the session key \(SK=h(h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)||a_U||b_F)\) using the parameters obtained through mutual authentication. Thus, the proposed scheme provides mutual authentication.

6.1.6  Forward Secrecy

In the proposed scheme, the random numbers \(a_U\) and \(b_F\) included in the session key are not reused for every session. In other words, they are updated with new values. Therefore, an attacker is unable to infer any relevance from the past, present, and future session keys. Therefore, the proposed scheme satisfies the forward secrecy requirement.

6.1.7  Session Key Agreement and Verification

In the proposed scheme, \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) generate session key \(SK=h(h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)||a_U||b_F)\) through mutual authentication. The \(FA_j\) transmits \(W_4=h(SK_{F}||M_1||E_2)\) to \(MU_i\). Then, \(MU_i\) checks whether \(W_4\) is legitimate by using the generated session key. Through this process, \(MU_i\) verifies that the same session key has been exchanged between them. Therefore, the proposed scheme satisfies the session key agreement.

6.1.8  Resistance to User Impersonation Attack

In the proposed scheme, an attacker can attempt to impersonate a \(MU_i\). Nevertheless, our scheme ensures resistance against stolen-mobile device attacks. Furthermore, the proposed scheme guarantees mutual authentication and verifies the validity of the session key. Therefore, the proposed scheme is secure against a user impersonation attack.

6.1.9  Resistance to FA Impersonation Attack

In the proposed scheme, an attacker can create a random \(b_A\) and attempt to impersonate \(FA_j\). However, without \(K_{FH}\) shared by \(FA_j\) and \(HA_k\), a valid message cannot be generated and the random number \(a_U\) of \(MU_i\) cannot be determined. Therefore, the proposed scheme is safe from FA impersonation attacks.

6.1.10  Local User Verification

In the proposed scheme, the identity of \(MU_i\) is verified before a mutual authentication request message is generated. \(MU_i\) can generate the same value as \(V_U\) stored in the smart card by correctly entering \(ID_ {U}, PW_ {U}\), and \(BIO_ {U}\). Therefore, the proposed scheme can block malicious access locally.

6.1.11  Resistance to Stolen-Verifier Attack

In the proposed scheme, \(HA_k\) does not maintain a verifier table because it does not store any sensitive information for authenticating \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\). Therefore, an attacker cannot perform a stolen-verifier attack.

6.1.12  Resistance to Known Session-Specific Temporary Information Attack

If an attacker knows the random \(a_U\) and \(b_F\) constituting the session key, he/she can try to determine the session key. However, to calculate the session key, \(E_1\) together with two random numbers is required. Because an attacker cannot determine \(FID_U\), the proposed scheme is secure from known session-specific temporary information attacks.

6.2  Formal Analysis Using ProVerif

ProVerif is an automated verification tool that formally performs security analysis of cryptographic protocols based on various cryptographic primitives, such as RSA, ECC, bilinear pairing, and hash functions [28]. ProVerif verifies whether confidentiality and authentication properties are satisfied through proofs of conformance, reachability, and equivalence of protocols. In various network environments, ProVerif is used to check the security properties of authentication protocols. In this subsection, we present the entire ProVerif code for performing a formal analysis of SLARS and its results.

In Table 3, we define the public and secure channels between the participants, predefined constants, secret keys, session keys, cryptographic functions, and communication events for each node.

Table 3  ProVerif for definitions.

We define the simulation codes for \(MU_i\), \(FA_j\), and \(HA_k\) in the registration phase and the mutual authentication phases in Tables 4, 5, and 6, respectively.

Table 4  ProVerif code to simulate MU.

Table 5  ProVerif code to simulate FA.

Table 6  ProVerif code to simulate HA.

In Table 7, we define the simulation code for attacker’s capabilities to reveal session keys \(SK_{U}\) and \(SK_{F}\). Then, it verifies that the internodal relationships of the proposed scheme follow the accurate procedure.

Table 7  ProVerif code to simulate attacker’s capabilities.

Figure 5 shows the simulation results when all authentication parameters, queries, and events are accurate, each participant achieves mutual authentication, and the session key is securely generated between \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\).

Fig. 5  Simulation results.

6.3  Authentication Proof Using BAN Logic

BAN logic [29] is a well-known formal logic for analyzing the security of cryptographic protocols. This subsection validates the legitimacy of session keys distributed to \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\). The basic notation for BAN logic is as follows:

  • \(P \triangleleft C\): Participant \(P\) sees condition \(C\).

  • \(P \mid\equiv C\): \(C\) is believed by \(P\)

  • \(\sharp (C)\): It makes a fresh \(C\).

  • \(P \mid\sim C\): \(P\) expresses \(C\).

  • \(P_1 \overset{K}{\longleftrightarrow} P_2\): Two participants \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) share a secret key \(K\).

  • \(P \Rightarrow C\): \(C\) is handled by \(P\).

  • \((C)_K\): Perform the cryptographic operation on \(C\) using \(K\).

BAN logic also offers the following five logic rules:

  • Rule 1 (Message-meaning rule): \(\frac{P_1\mid\equiv P_1\overset{K}{\leftrightarrow} P_2, P_1 \triangleleft <C>_{ K}}{ P_1\mid\equiv P_2\mid\sim C}\), and if \(P_1\) trusts that the key \(K\) is shared with \(P_2\), \(P_1\) sees \(C\) combined with \(K\), and then \(P_1\) trusts \(P_2\) once said \(C\).

  • Rule 2 (Nonce-verification rule): \(\frac{P_1 \mid\equiv \# (C), P_1\mid\equiv P_2\mid\sim C}{P_1\mid\equiv P_2\mid\equiv C}\): if \(P_1\) trusts that \(C\)’s freshness and \(P_1\) trusts \(P_2\) once said \(C\), then \(P_1\) trusts that \(P_2\) trusts \(C\).

  • Rule 3 (Believe rule): \(\frac{P\mid\equiv C, P\mid\equiv M}{P\mid\equiv (C, M)}\): if \(P\) trusts \(C\) and \(M\), \((C, M)\) are also trusted by \(P\).

  • Rule 4 (Freshness-conjuncatenation rule): \(\frac{P\mid\equiv \#(C)}{P\mid\equiv \#(C, M)}\): if the freshness of \(C\) is trusted by \(P\), then \(P\) can trust the freshness of the full condition.

  • Rule 5 (Jurisdiction rule): \(\frac{P_1\mid\equiv P_2\mid\Rightarrow C, P_1\mid\equiv P_2\mid\equiv C}{P_1\mid\equiv C}\): if \(P_1\) trusts that \(P_2\) has jurisdiction over \(C\), and \(P_1\) trusts that \(P_2\) trusts condition \(C\), then \(P_1\) also trusts \(C\).

Through our analysis, the following four goals can be satisfied:

  • Goal 1: \(MU \mid\equiv (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\)

  • Goal 2: \(FA \mid\equiv (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\)

  • Goal 3: \(MU \mid\equiv FA \mid\equiv (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\)

  • Goal 4: \(FA \mid\equiv MU \mid\equiv (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\)

Next, all transmitted messages can be transmuted into an idealized form as follows:

  • Using \(M_1=<ID_F, ID_H, DID_U, Q_1, Q_2>\), \(MU \rightarrow FA\): \(DID_U=h(x)\oplus \{FID_U||n_H\}\), \(Q_1=R_U \oplus a_U\), \(Q_2=h(DID_U||R_U||a_U||FID_U||ID_F||ID_H)\). This is reduced to \(MSG_1:(ID_F, ID_H, FID_U, R_U, a_U)_x\).

  • Using \(M_2=<M_1, W_1, W_2>\), \(FA \rightarrow HA\): \(W_1=h(M_1||K_{FH}||ID_F||ID_H)\oplus b_F\), \(W_2=h(W_1||b_F)\). This is reduced to \(MSG_2: (M_1, ID_F, ID_H, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\).

  • Using \(M_3=<E_2, E_3, E_4, E_5>\), \(HA \rightarrow FA\): \(E_1=h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)\), \(E_2=h(R_U)\oplus DID_U^{new}\), \(E_3=b_F \oplus E_1\), \(E_4=a_U \oplus b_F\), \(E_5=h(K_{FH}||b_F||E_1)\). This is reduced to \(MSG_3: (FID_U, R_U, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\).

  • Using \(M_4=<E_2, W_3, W_4>\), \(FA \rightarrow MU\): \(W_3= b_F \oplus h(E_1||a_U)\) and \(W_4=h(SK_{F}||M_1||E_2)\). This is reduced to \(MSG_4: (FID_U, R_U, a_U, b_F)_{x}\).

  • A1: \(MU \mid\equiv\sharp (a_U)\)

  • A2: \(FA \mid\equiv\sharp (b_F)\)

  • A3: \(FA \mid\equiv (FA \overset{K_{FH}}{\longleftrightarrow}HA)\)

  • A4: \(HA \mid\equiv (FA \overset{K_{FH}}{\longleftrightarrow}HA)\)

  • A5: \(MU \mid\equiv (MU \overset{x}{\longleftrightarrow}HA)\)

  • A6: \(HA \mid\equiv (MU \overset{x}{\longleftrightarrow}HA)\)

  • A7: \(FA \mid\equiv (MU \overset{a_U}{\longleftrightarrow} FA)\)

  • A8: \(MU \mid\equiv (MU \overset{b_F}{\longleftrightarrow} FA)\)

  • A9: \(MU \mid\equiv FA \Rightarrow (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow} FA)\)

  • A10: \(FA \mid\equiv MU \Rightarrow (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow} FA)\)

We then describe our main proof using predefined information, including five logic rules, four messages, and ten assumptions.

  • From \(M_1\), we obtain V1: \(FA \triangleleft(ID_F, ID_H, FID_U, R_U)_{a_U}\)

  • Based on Assumption A5 and Rule 1, we derive V2: \(FA \mid\equiv MU \mid\sim (\, ID_F, ID_H, FID_U, R_U)_{a_U}\)

  • Based on Assumption A1 and Rule 4, we derive V3 as follows: \(FA \mid\equiv \sharp (\, ID_F, ID_H, FID_U, R_U)_{a_U}\)

  • Based on V1, V2 and Rule 2, we derive V4: \(FA \mid\equiv MU \mid\equiv (\, ID_F, ID_H, FID_U, R_U)_{a_U}\)

  • From \(M_2\), we obtain V5: \(HA \triangleleft (\, M_1, ID_F, ID_H, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • Based on Assumption A5 and Rule 1, we derive V6: \(HA \mid\equiv FA \mid\sim (\, M_1, ID_F, ID_H, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • Based on Assumption A1 and Rule 4, we derive V7 as follows: \(HA \mid\equiv \sharp (\, M_1, ID_F, ID_H, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • Based on V1, V2 and Rule 2, we derive V8: \(HA \mid\equiv FA \mid\equiv (\, M_1, ID_F, ID_H, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • From \(M_3\), we obtain V9: \(FA \triangleleft (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • Based on Assumption A5 and Rule 1, we derive V10: \(FA \mid\equiv HA \mid\sim (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • Based on Assumption A1 and Rule 4, we derive V11 as follows: \(FA \mid\equiv \sharp (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U, a_U, b_F)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • Based on V1, V2 and Rule 2, we derive V12: \(FA \mid\equiv HA \mid\equiv (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U, a_U, b)_{K_{FH}}\)

  • From \(M_4\), we obtain V13: \(MU \triangleleft (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U)_{b_F}\)

  • Based on Assumption A5 and Rule 1, we derive V14: \(MU \mid\equiv FA \mid\sim (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U)_{b_F}\)

  • Based on Assumption A1 and Rule 4, we derive V15 as follows: \(MU \mid\equiv \sharp (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U)_{b_F}\)

  • Based on V1, V2 and Rule 2, we derive V16: \(MU \mid\equiv FA \mid\equiv (\, DID_U^{new}, FID_U)_{b_F}\)

  • Based on V8, \(SK_{F}=h(E_1||a_U||b_F)\), and \(E_1=h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)\), we derive V17 as follows: \(MU \mid\equiv(MU \overset{SK_F}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\) (Goal 1)

  • Based on V6 and \(SK_{U}=h(h(DID_U^{new}||FID_U)||a_U||b_F)\), we derive V18: \(FA \mid\equiv(MU \overset{SK_U}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\) (Goal 2)

  • Based on A9, V8 and Rule 5, we derive V19 as follows: \(MU \mid\equiv FA\mid\equiv (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\) (Goal 3)

  • Based on A10, V9 and Rule 5, we derive V20 as follows: \(FA \mid\equiv MU \mid\equiv (MU \overset{SK}{\longleftrightarrow}FA)\) (Goal 4)

Thus, \(MU_i\) and \(FA_j\) achieve mutual authentication and the session key \(SK\) is securely shared between them by achieving Goals 1, 2, 3, and 4.

7.  Performance Analysis

In this section, we conduct a performance analysis of SLARS in terms of computational and communication costs and compare the results with those from related studies based on the same communication mechanism. We consider 320-bit elliptic multiplication, 1024-bit-modular exponentiation with a large integer \(n\), 128-bit advanced encryption standard (AES), and 256-bit hash function.

We measured the computation time for each cryptographic primitive by assuming the computing power of each participant as follows; the results are summarized in Table 8.

Table 8  Execution time of cryptographic operation (ms).

  1. \(MU_i\): Galaxy Note 20 Device, AP; Octa-Core Processor ※3.09GHz + 2.42GHz*3 + 1.8Ghz*4, 8G memory, OS; Android 11, and Android Studio and Software Development Kits tools using the Java Pairing-Based Cryptography Library (JPBC) Library 2.0.0.

  2. \(FA_j\) and \(HA_k\) : CPU; Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60 GHz Quad-Core, 16G memory, OS; Win10 64 bit, and Eclipse IDE using the JPBC Library 2.0.0.

Table 9 and Fig. 6 present the performance comparison results for the schemes of Karuppia and Saravana [16], Li et al. [17], Xie et al. [18], Chen et al. [19], and our SLARS in terms of the computational cost of \(MU_i\), \(FA_j\) and \(HA_k\) in the mutual authentication phase. As listed in the table, the computational costs of the schemes proposed by Karuppia and Saravana [16], Li et al. [17], Xie et al. [18], Chen et al. [19], and SLARS were \(22T_h+3T_e+1T_s \approx{17.06}{ms}\), \(17T_h+6T_m\approx{85.22}{ms}\), \(20T_h+7T_m \approx{96.19}{ms}\), \(19T_h+4T_m\approx {60.28}{ms}\), and \(32T_h \approx{16.47}{ms}\), respectively. This shows that SLARS has the lowest computational cost compared to the related schemes.

Table 9  Comparison of the computational cost.

Fig. 6  Comparison of the computational cost.

To compare the communication costs of the mutual authentication phases, we assumed that the lengths of identity, timestamp, and random number are 128, 32, and 64 bits, respectively. As shown in Table 10 and Fig. 7, the total communication costs of the schemes of Karuppia and Saravana [16], Li et al. [17], Xie et al. [18], Chen et al. [19], and SLARS were 4768, 4208, 4256, 5364 and 4416 bits, respectively.

Table 10  Comparison of computational cost (bits).

Fig. 7  Comparison of communication cost (bits).

As we can see, the communication cost of SLARS is slightly higher than that of Li et al. and Xie et al., whereas the computation cost is the lowest. This is an improvement of approximately 73\(\%\) when compared with the scheme of Chen et al, the most recent study.

8.  Conclusions

In this study, we demonstrated weaknesses in the recently proposed user authentication schemes for enhancing security in GLOMONET. We reported a vulnerability in Chen et al.’s scheme: an adversary can pretend to be an FA by information attack and obtain the session key for a known session-specific temporary information attack. To address vulnerabilities, we proposed SLARS. Further, we performed informal and formal analyses using BAN logic and Proverif to verify the safety of SLARS against various known attacks. In addition, our proposed scheme, which was designed using only XOR and hash functions, improved the efficiency and significantly reduced the computational cost when compared to those of other schemes using ECC and exponential operations as cryptographic primitives for authentication. Consequently, SLARS was proven to be more efficient and secure than other related schemes for roaming services in smart cities.


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Hakjun LEE
  Department of Computer Engineering at Kyungnam University

received the B.S. degree in Software Engineering from the Korea National University of Transportation, South Korea, in 2015. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University in 2018 and 2022, respectively. He is also currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Kyungnam University, South Korea. His current research interests include Cryptography, Authentication Protocols, and Blockchain.
