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IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications

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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E107-B No.9  (Publication Date:2024/09/01)

    Regular Section
  • A Distributed Efficient Blockchain Oracle Scheme for Internet of Things Open Access

    Youquan XIAN  Lianghaojie ZHOU  Jianyong JIANG  Boyi WANG  Hao HUO  Peng LIU  

    PAPER-Network System


    In recent years, blockchain has been widely applied in the Internet of Things (IoT). Blockchain oracle, as a bridge for data communication between blockchain and off-chain, has also received significant attention. However, the numerous and heterogeneous devices in the IoT pose great challenges to the efficiency and security of data acquisition for oracles. We find that the matching relationship between data sources and oracle nodes greatly affects the efficiency and service quality of the entire oracle system. To address these issues, this paper proposes a distributed and efficient oracle solution tailored for the IoT, enabling fast acquisition of real-time off-chain data. Specifically, we first design a distributed oracle architecture that combines both Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) devices and ordinary devices to improve system scalability, considering the heterogeneity of IoT devices. Secondly, based on the trusted node information provided by TEE, we determine the matching relationship between nodes and data sources, assigning appropriate nodes for tasks to enhance system efficiency. Through simulation experiments, our proposed solution has been shown to effectively improve the efficiency and service quality of the system, reducing the average response time by approximately 9.92% compared to conventional approaches.

  • Stop-Probability-Based Network Topology Discovery Method Open Access

    Yuguang ZHANG  Zhiyong ZHANG  Wei ZHANG  Deming MAO  Zhihong RAO  



    Using a limited number of probes has always been a focus in interface-level network topology probing to discover complete network topologies. Stop-set-based network topology probing methods significantly reduce the number of probes sent but suffer from the side effect of incomplete topology information discovery. This study proposes an optimized probing method based on stop probabilities (SPs) that builds on existing stop-set-based network topology discovery methods to address the issue of incomplete topology information owing to multipath routing. The statistics of repeat nodes (RNs) and multipath routing on the Internet are analyzed and combined with the principles of stop-set-based probing methods, highlighting that stopping probing at the first RN compromises the completeness of topology discovery. To address this issue, SPs are introduced to adjust the stopping strategy upon encountering RNs during probing. A method is designed for generating SPs that achieves high completeness and low cost based on the distribution of the number of RNs. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the proposed stop-probability-based probing method almost completely discovers network nodes and links across different regions and times over a two-year period, while significantly reducing probing redundancy. In addition, the proposed approach balances and optimizes the trade-off between complete topology discovery and reduced probing costs compared with existing topology probing methods. Building on this, the factors influencing the probing cost of the proposed method and methods to further reduce the number of probes while ensuring completeness are analyzed. The proposed method yields universally applicable SPs in the current Internet environment.

  • SLARS: Secure Lightweight Authentication for Roaming Service in Smart City Open Access

    Hakjun LEE  



    Smart cities aim to improve the quality of life of citizens and efficiency of city operations through utilization of 5G communication technology. Based on various technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data, they provide smart services in terms of urban planning, development, and management for solving problems such as fine dust, traffic congestion and safety, energy efficiency, water shortage, and an aging population. However, as smart city has an open network structure, an adversary can easily try to gain illegal access and perform denial of service and sniffing attacks that can threaten the safety and privacy of citizens. In smart cities, the global mobility network (GLOMONET) supports mobile services between heterogeneous networks of mobile devices such as autonomous vehicles and drones. Recently, Chen et al. proposed a user authentication scheme for GLOMONET in smart cities. Nevertheless, we found some weaknesses in the scheme proposed by them. In this study, we propose a secure lightweight authentication for roaming services in a smart city, called SLARS, to enhance security. We proved that SLARS is more secure and efficient than the related authentication scheme for GLOMONET through security and performance analysis. Our analysis results show that SLARS satisfies all security requirements in GLOMONET and saves 72.7% of computation time compared to that of Chen et al.’s scheme.

  • A Novel 3D Non-Stationary Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channel Model with Circular Arc Motions Open Access

    Zixv SU  Wei CHEN  Yuanyuan YANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    In this paper, a cluster-based three-dimensional (3D) non-stationary vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) channel model with circular arc motions and antenna rotates is proposed. The channel model simulates the complex urban communication scenario where clusters move with arbitrary velocities and directions. A novel cluster evolution algorithm with time-array consistency is developed to capture the non-stationarity. For time evolution, the birth-and-death (BD) property of clusters including birth, death, and rebirth are taken into account. Additionally, a visibility region (VR) method is proposed for array evolution, which is verified to be applicable to circular motions. Based on the Taylor expansion formula, a detailed derivation of space-time correlation function (ST-CF) with circular arc motions is shown. Statistical properties including ST-CF, Doppler power spectrum density (PSD), quasi-stationary interval, instantaneous Doppler frequency, root mean square delay spread (RMS-DS), delay PSD, and angular PSD are derived and analyzed. According to the simulated results, the non-stationarity in time, space, delay, and angular domains is captured. The presented results show that motion modes including linear motions as well as circular motions, the dynamic property of the scattering environment, and the velocity of the vehicle all have significant impacts on the statistical properties.

  • Modulation Recognition of Communication Signals Based on Cascade Network Open Access

    Yanli HOU  Chunxiao LIU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    To improve the recognition rate of the end-to-end modulation recognition method based on deep learning, a modulation recognition method of communication signals based on a cascade network is proposed, which is composed of two networks: Stacked Denoising Auto Encoder (SDAE) network and DCELDNN (Dilated Convolution, ECA Mechanism, Long Short-Term Memory, Deep Neural Networks) network. SDAE network is used to denoise the data, reconstruct the input data through encoding and decoding, and extract deep information from the data. DCELDNN network is constructed based on the CLDNN (Convolutional, Long Short-Term Memory, Fully Connected Deep Neural Networks) network. In the DCELDNN network, dilated convolution is used instead of normal convolution to enlarge the receptive field and extract signal features, the Efficient Channel Attention (ECA) mechanism is introduced to enhance the expression ability of the features, the feature vector information is integrated by a Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer, and signal features are extracted by the DCELDNN network efficiently. Finally, end-to-end classification recognition of communication signals is realized. The test results on the RadioML2018.01a dataset show that the average recognition accuracy of the proposed method reaches 63.1% at SNR of -10 to 15 dB, compared with CNN, LSTM, and CLDNN models, the recognition accuracy is improved by 25.8%, 12.3%, and 4.8% respectively at 10 dB SNR.