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Transmission over 80 km at 10 Gb/s Using the Amplifier- and Modulator-Integrated Laser Diode

In KIM, Byung-Kwon KANG, Yu-Dong BAE, Byeonghoon PARK, Sang-Moon LEE, Young Hyun KIM, Dong-Hoon JANG

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Summary :

We demonstrated the transmission over 80 km at 10 Gb/s by using the amplifier and electroabsorption-modulator integrated laser diode. Tilt-facet antireflection window is implemented, inside of which a monitor photodiode is monolithically integrated for accurate power regulation. To better control the amplifier-input power and to reduce the feedback of the amplified spontaneous emission, an attenuator is incorporated by means of the inner-window. By amplifying the modulated signal and compensating modulator-chirp by gain-saturation in the amplifier, high power optical transmission is achieved from a device with -10 dB attenuation at total laser and amplifier currents of 200 mA.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E88-C No.5 pp.984-989
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Joint Special Section on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
Optical Active Devices and Modules

