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Current Status of Future Television System Development


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Summary :

The current state of development of the television broadcasting system of the future is described with regard to LSI development. It is no need to say that television broadcasting systems are very huge and require a large number of inexpensive LSI's. Hi-Vision broadcasting has already been started in Japan. In the United States, a digital terrestrial broadcasting system (ATV) will be standardized in the near future. On the other hand, the situation in Europe remains unclear but MPEG-2 is now in the stage of system finarizing. We also hear much about "multimedia" but the concept of multimedia broadcasting still requires a lot of time to be translated into reality. Some important current technical topics and related basic technologies are also described in this paper. They include DCT, Hybrid DCT coding, error correcting coding, coded modulation, and improvement of the MUSE system. Finally, the discussion considers the relationship between system development and VLSI technology and the importance of mutual understanding between VLSI engineers and system designers. Some possible requirements for VLSI development are also stated.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E77-C No.12 pp.1849-1858
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section INVITED PAPER (Special Issue on Multimedia, Analog and Processing LSIs)
Multimedia System LSIs

