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Electrochemomechanical Deformation in Poly (o-methoxyaniline)

Masamitsu KANEKO, Keiichi KANETO

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Summary :

Electrochemomechanical deformation (ECMD) of poly(o-methoxyaniline) (PoMAn) film has been studied in various acid solutions, such as Cl-, HSO4-, BF4-, and p-toluene sulfate. The magnitude of ECMD of the film depends linearly on the degree of oxidation of the film similarly to the case of polyaniline (PAn). 2. 53% of deformation ratios along the stretched direction are obtained for 30% of reduction. In contrast to that of PAn, however, the ECMDs of PoMAn do not markedly depend on the kind of anions. Transient responses of current and deformation are investigated by the potential application stepwise and the diffusion coefficient of ions in films. The results are discussed in terms of the effect of substituted methoxy group.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics Vol.E81-C No.7 pp.1064-1069
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Organic Materials for Optics and Electronics)

