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3D Shape Reconstruction Using Three Light Sources in Image Scanner

Hiroyuki UKIDA, Katsunobu KONISHI

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Summary :

We suggest the method to recover the 3D shape of an object by using a color image scanner which has three light sources. The photometric stereo is traditional to recover the surface normals of objects using multiple light sources. In this method, it usually assumes distant light sources to make the optical models simple. But the light sources in the image scanner are so close to an object that the illuminant intensity varies with the distance from the light source, therefore these light sources should be modeled as the linear light sources. In this method, by using these models and two step algorithm; the initial estimation by the iterating computation and the optimization by the non-linear least square method, not only the surface normal but also the absolute distance from the light source to the surface can be estimated. By using this method, we can recover the 3D shape more precisely. In the experimental results, the 3D shape of real objects can be recovered and the effectiveness of the proposed method is shown.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E84-D No.12 pp.1713-1721
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on Machine Vision Applications)

