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Advanced Scanning Diversity for a Digital FM Land Mobile Radio

Fumiyuki ADACHI

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Summary :

Multipath fading is one of the most serious problems for signal transmission in land mobile radio. To combat this problem, the application of advanced scanning diversity to a digital FM land mobile radio with limiter discriminator detection is described. The basic difference between advanced scanning diversity and conventional scanning diversity is in the switching rate when two diversity antennas are in simultaneous fades. In advanced scanning diversity, the switching rate is set to the optimum switching rate for the periodic switching diversity. The diversity effect on average BER performance is theoretically analyzed. The diversity effect on average BER performance in a 600 bps Manchester coded digital FM signal is verified by laboratory and field tests. The experimental tests prove that the advanced scanning diversity is superior to both scanning diversity and periodic switching diversity.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions Vol.E66-E No.5 pp.283-289
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Diversity Reception

