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Sectioned Optimization Methods for Image Restoration

Hiroshi KONDO

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Summary :

Sectioned optimization methods for image restoration is presented in order to restore the original image from the observation degraded by a point spread function and additive noise. This is a locally adaptive filter which minimizes the mean square errors of the estimate for each section of the image. The required information for this processing is derived from the observation as a proto-type and then it is modified to fit for processing in each section of the image by using an iterative algorithm. The simulation examples show that the restored image is always superior than that of the usual minimum mean square error-filter. This can not only be utilized for the usual degraded image but also for the image suffered from the band width compression in the image communication.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions Vol.E69-E No.12 pp.1342-1353
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Pattern Recognition and Learning

