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Quantum Communication and Related Technologies

Yoshihisa YAMAMOTO

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Summary :

The standard quantum limit (SQL) for optical communication is imposed by the quantum noise of a laser light (coherent state) and by the quantum noise of a photon absorbing detector (vacuum field fluctuation). In this paper, we will review the origins of the SQL for optical communications and emerging new technologies for surpassing the SQL. An amplitude squeezed state of light has smaller photon counting noise than a coherent state of light. The squeezed amplitude noise of more than 10 dB below the shot noise level was observed in a semiconductor laser. A quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement makes it possible to read signal information without absorbing signal photons, i.e. without destroying signal information. Experimental efforts to realize the QND measurement of photon number are proceeding in several laboratories.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions Vol.E73-E No.10 pp.1598-1610
Publication Date
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Type of Manuscript
Special Section INVITED PAPER (Special Issue on Communication Theory and Its Applications)

