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IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions

Analog Bandwidth Compression of HDTV Signals--TAT--


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Summary :

The TAT system is an efficient analog bandwidth compression scheme for the HDTV. It compresses the bandwidth by reducing the pixels selectively from the non-detailed portions of the picture. The bandwidth can be reduced to half or less, while keeping high resolution in the detailed portions. In this paper, the basic concept, key techniques and some recent results of the TAT system are presented. First, it must be emphasized that the TAT system is a hybrid system of fixed subsampling and variable subsampling. The basic pixels obtained by the fixed subsampling transmit the basic structure of the picture. The additional pixels obtained by the variable subsampling transmit the details of the picture necessary for the HDTV. The concept of complementary subsampling is proposed and a restoration scheme of the removed high frequency component of the subsampled pixels is derived. Applying the concept to the TAT system, simultaneous transmission of an HDTV picture and an aliasing-free subsampled picture compatible with the current TV becomes possible. An efficient mode decision algorithm which determines the location of the additional pixels is developed. Time-varying fluctuation and partial degradation of resolution were observed in pictures having rich details. They are suppressed by introducing the control of mode transition and the interframe interpolation mode into the mode decision.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions Vol.E73-E No.5 pp.621-629
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section INVITED PAPER (Special Issue on Information Theory and Its Applications)

