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This paper describes a new method for the concurrent detection of faults in instruction level parallel (ILP) processors. This method uses the No OPeration (NOP) instruction slots that under branches, resource conflicts and some kind of data dependencies fill some of the pipelines (stages) in an ILP processor. NOPs are replaced by the copy of an effective instruction running in another pipeline. This allows the checking of the pipelines running the original instruction and its copy (ies), by the comparison of the outputs of their stages during the execution of the replicated instruction. We show some figures obtained for the application of this method to a two-pipeline superscalar processor.
Alberto Palacios PAWLOVSKY Sachio NAITO
This paper describes a new method for verifying designs at the RTL with respect to their specifications at the functional level. The base of the verification method shown here is the translation of the specification and design representations to graph models, where the descriptions common to both representations have a symbolic representation. These symbol labeled graphs are then simplified and, by solving the all node-pair path expression problem for them, a pair of regular expressions is obtained for every two nodes in the graphs. The first regular expression in each pair represents the flow of control and the second one the flow of data between the corresponding nodes. The process of verification is carried out by checking whether or not every pair of regular expressions of the specification has a corresponding pair in the design.
Alberto Palacios PAWLOVSKY Makoto HANAWA Kenji KANEKO
In arithmetic units multiplication is a very important operation. It is a common approach to use the modified Booth's algorithm to reduce the number of partial products in a multiplication and speed it up. In this letter we show two circuits that fuse the usually separate functions of generating the partial products and selecting them. The circuits designed in DPL (Double Pass-transistor Logic) are bigger in MOS transistors, but are faster and, function at higher frequencies than a typical CMOS implementation. One of our circuits also has lower power consumption.
Alberto Palacios PAWLOVSKY Makoto HANAWA Osamu NISHII Tadahiko NISHIMUKAI
Advances in semiconductor technology have made it possible to develop an experimental 1000 MIPS superscalar RISC processor. The high performance of this processor was obtained using architectural concepts such as multiple CPU configuration, superscalar microarchitecture, and high-speed device technology. This paper focuses on the novel features of this RISC processor, its device technology, architectural characteristics and one technology that has been devised to make its integer CPU cores fault-tolerant.