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[Keyword] CafeOBJ(10hit)

  • TESLA Source Authentication Protocol Verification Experiment in the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ Method: Experiences and Lessons Learned

    Iakovos OURANOS  Kazuhiro OGATA  Petros STEFANEAS  

    PAPER-Formal Verification

    E97-D No:5

    In this paper we report on experiences gained and lessons learned by the use of the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ method in the formal verification of TESLA source authentication protocol. These experiences can be a useful guide for the users of the OTS/CafeOBJ, especially when dealing with such complex systems and protocols.

  • An Algorithm for Allocating User Requests to Licenses in the OMA DRM System

    Nikolaos TRIANTAFYLLOU  Petros STEFANEAS  Panayiotis FRANGOS  

    PAPER-Formal Methods

    E96-D No:6

    The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Order of Rights Object Evaluation algorithm causes the loss of rights on contents under certain circumstances. By identifying the cases that cause this loss we suggest an algebraic characterization, as well as an ordering of OMA licenses. These allow us to redesign the algorithm so as to minimize the losses, in a way suitable for the low computational powers of mobile devices. In addition we provide a formal proof that the proposed algorithm fulfills its intent. The proof is conducted using the OTS/CafeOBJ method for verifying invariant properties.

  • Translation of State Machines from Equational Theories into Rewrite Theories with Tool Support

    Min ZHANG  Kazuhiro OGATA  Masaki NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Specification Translation

    E94-D No:5

    This paper presents a strategy together with tool support for the translation of state machines from equational theories into rewrite theories, aiming at automatically generating rewrite theory specifications. Duplicate effort can be saved on specifying state machines both in equational theories and rewrite theories, when we incorporate the theorem proving facilities of CafeOBJ with the model checking facilities of Maude. Experimental results show that efficiencies of the generated specifications by the proposed strategy are significantly improved, compared with those that are generated by three other existing translation strategies.

  • Towards Reliable E-Government Systems with the OTS/CafeOBJ Method

    Weiqiang KONG  Kazuhiro OGATA  Kokichi FUTATSUGI  

    PAPER-Formal Specification

    E93-D No:5

    System implementation for e-Government initiatives should be reliable. Unreliable system implementation could, on the one hand, be insufficient to fulfill basic system requirements, and more seriously on the other hand, break the trust of citizens on governments. The objective of this paper is to advocate the use of formal methods in general, the OTS/CafeOBJ method in particular in this paper, to help develop reliable system implementation for e-Government initiatives. An experiment with the OTS/CafeOBJ method on an e-Government messaging framework proposed for providing citizens with seamless public services is described to back up our advocation. Two previously not well-clarified problems of the framework and their potential harm realized in this experiment are reported, and possible ways of revisions to the framework are suggested as well. The revisions are proved to be sufficient for making the framework satisfy certain desired properties.

  • Generating Test Cases for Invariant Properties from Proof Scores in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method

    Masaki NAKAMURA  Takahiro SEINO  

    PAPER-Software Testing

    E92-D No:5

    In the OTS/CafeOBJ method, software specifications are described in CafeOBJ executable formal specification language, and verification is done by giving scripts to the CafeOBJ system. The script is called a proof score. In this study, we propose a test case generator from an OTS/CafeOBJ specification together with a proof score. Our test case generator gives test cases by analyzing the proof score. The test cases are used to test whether an implementation satisfies the specification and the property verified by the proof score. Since a proof score involves important information for verifying a property, the generated test cases are also expected to be suitable to test the property.

  • Proof Score Approach to Verification of Liveness Properties

    Kazuhiro OGATA  Kokichi FUTATSUGI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Software and Theory of Programs

    E91-D No:12

    Proofs written in algebraic specification languages are called proof scores. The proof score approach to design verification is attractive because it provides a flexible way to prove that designs for systems satisfy properties. Thus far, however, the approach has focused on safety properties. In this paper, we describe a way to verify that designs for systems satisfy liveness properties with the approach. A mutual exclusion protocol using a queue is used as an example. We describe the design verification and explain how it is verified that the protocol satisfies the lockout freedom property.

  • A Specification Translation from Behavioral Specifications to Rewrite Specifications

    Masaki NAKAMURA  Weiqiang KONG  Kazuhiro OGATA  Kokichi FUTATSUGI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Software and Theory of Programs

    E91-D No:5

    There are two ways to describe a state machine as an algebraic specification: a behavioral specification and a rewrite specification. In this study, we propose a translation system from behavioral specifications to rewrite specifications to obtain a verification system which has the strong points of verification techniques for both specifications. Since our translation system is complete with respect to invariant properties, it helps us to obtain a counter-example for an invariant property through automatic exhaustive searching for a rewrite specification.

  • An Algebraic Framework for Modeling of Mobile Systems

    Iakovos OURANOS  Petros STEFANEAS  Panayiotis FRANGOS  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems

    E90-A No:9

    We present MobileOBJ, a formal framework for specifying and verifying mobile systems. Based on hidden algebra, the components of a mobile system are specified as behavioral objects or Observational Transition Systems, a kind of transition system, enriched with special action and observation operators related to the distinct characteristics of mobile computing systems. The whole system comes up as the concurrent composition of these components. The implementation of the abstract model is achieved using CafeOBJ, an executable, industrial strength algebraic specification language. The visualization of the specification can be done using CafeOBJ graphical notation. In addition, invariant and behavioral properties of mobile systems can be proved through theorem proving techniques, such as structural induction and coinduction that are fully supported by the CafeOBJ system. The application of the proposed framework is presented through the modeling of a mobile computing environment and the services that need to be supported by the former.

  • A Behavioral Specification of Imperative Programming Languages

    Masaki NAKAMURA  Masahiro WATANABE  Kokichi FUTATSUGI  


    E89-A No:6

    In this paper, we give a denotational semantics of imperative programming languages as a CafeOBJ behavioral specification. Since CafeOBJ is an executable algebraic specification language, not only execution of programs but also semi-automatic verification of programs properties can be done. We first describe an imperative programming language with integer and Boolean types, called IPL. Next we discuss about how to extend IPL, that is, IPL with user-defined types. We give a notion of equivalent programs, which is defined by using the notion of the behavioral equivalence of behavioral specifications. We show a sufficient condition for the equivalence relation of programs, which reduces the task to prove programs to be equivalent.

  • Specification and Verification of a Single-Track Railroad Signaling in CafeOBJ

    Takahiro SEINO  Kazuhiro OGATA  Kokichi FUTATSUGI  


    E84-A No:6

    A signaling system for a single-track railroad has been specified in CafeOBJ. In this paper, we describe the specification of arbitrary two adjacent stations connected by a single line that is called a two-station system. The system consists of two stations, a railroad line (between the stations) that is also divided into some contiguous sections, signals and trains. Each object has been specified in terms of their behavior, and by composing the specifications with projection operations the whole specification has been described. A safety property that more than one train never enter a same section simultaneously has also been verified with CafeOBJ.