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[Keyword] FPT(3hit)

  • Revisiting the Top-Down Computation of BDD of Spanning Trees of a Graph and Its Tutte Polynomial Open Access

    Farley Soares OLIVEIRA  Hidefumi HIRAISHI  Hiroshi IMAI  

    PAPER-Graph algorithms

    E102-A No:9

    Revisiting the Sekine-Imai-Tani top-down algorithm to compute the BDD of all spanning trees and the Tutte polynomial of a given graph, we explicitly analyze the Fixed-Parameter Tractable (FPT) time complexity with respect to its (proper) pathwidth, pw (ppw), and obtain a bound of O*(Bellmin{pw}+1,ppw}), where Belln denotes the n-th Bell number, defined as the number of partitions of a set of n elements. We further investigate the case of complete graphs in terms of Bell numbers and related combinatorics, obtaining a time complexity bound of Belln-O(n/log n).

  • The Complexity of Induced Tree Reconfiguration Problems

    Kunihiro WASA  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Hiroki ARIMURA  


    E102-D No:3

    Given two feasible solutions A and B, a reconfiguration problem asks whether there exists a reconfiguration sequence (A0=A, A1,...,Aℓ=B) such that (i) A0,...,Aℓ are feasible solutions and (ii) we can obtain Ai from Ai-1 under the prescribed rule (the reconfiguration rule) for each i ∈ {1,...,ℓ}. In this paper, we address the reconfiguration problem for induced trees, where an induced tree is a connected and acyclic induced subgraph of an input graph. We consider the following two rules as the prescribed rules: Token Jumping: removing u from an induced tree and adding v to the tree, and Token Sliding: removing u from an induced tree and adding v adjacent to u to the tree, where u and v are vertices of an input graph. As the main results, we show that (I) the reconfiguration problemis PSPACE-complete even if the input graph is of bounded maximum degree, (II) the reconfiguration problem is W[1]-hard when parameterized by both the size of induced trees and the length of the reconfiguration sequence, and (III) there exists an FPT algorithm when the problem is parameterized by both the size of induced trees and the maximum degree of an input graph under Token Jumping and Token Sliding.

  • A Novel Static Prediction Scheme for Filter Cache Structures



    E87-C No:4

    Energy dissipation in cache memories is becoming a major design issue for embedded microprocessors. Predictive filter cache based instruction cache hierarchy has been shown to effectively reduce the energy-delay product. In this paper, a simplified pattern prediction algorithm is proposed for the filter cache hierarchy. The prediction scheme relies on the static nature of the hit or miss pattern of the instruction access streams. The static patterns are maintained in a small 32x1-bit wide Static Pattern Table (SPT). Our investigations show that the proposed prediction algorithm is superior to that based on Next Fetch Prediction Table (NFPT) for all the benchmarks simulated. With the proposed approach, energy delay product reduction of up to 6.79% was evident when compared with that using NFPT. Moreover, since the prediction scheme is based on the static assignment of patterns, it lends well for area and power efficient implementation than that employs dynamic pattern prediction although it is marginally inferior (i.e. 0.69%) in term of energy delay product.