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[Keyword] Hadamard(61hit)


  • A Ternary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set Having Wide Inter-Subset Zero-Correlation Zone

    Takafumi HAYASHI  Takao MAEDA  Shinya MATSUFUJI  Satoshi OKAWA  


    E94-A No:11

    The present paper introduces a novel construction of ternary sequences having a zero-correlation zone. The cross-correlation function and the side-lobe of the auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence set is zero for the phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. The proposed sequence set consists of more than one subset having the same member size. The correlation function of the sequences of a pair of different subsets, referred to as the inter-subset correlation function, has a wider zero-correlation zone than that of the correlation function of sequences of the same subset (intra-subset correlation function). The wide inter-subset zero-correlation enables performance improvement during application of the proposed sequence set. The proposed sequence set has a zero-correlation zone for periodic, aperiodic, and odd correlation functions.

  • On Balanced Semi-Bent Functions with High Algebraic Degrees

    YeFeng HE  WenPing MA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:3

    A class of balanced semi-bent functions with an even number of variables is proposed. It is shown that they include one subclass of semi-bent functions with maximum algebraic degrees. Furthermore, an example of semi-bent functions in a small field is given by using the zeros of some Kloosterman sums. Based on the result given by S.Kim et al., an example of infinite families of semi-bent functions is also obtained.

  • Tx and Rx Modulation MIMO Radar System with Orthogonal Codes

    Takashi MIWA  Yoshiyasu NAKANO  Yoshiki YAMAKOSHI  


    E94-B No:2

    A transmitting and receiving modulation MIMO radar system is effective to obtaining 3D resolution without a 2D array and to simplification of the electronic circuits in Tx and Rx array. But the dynamic range of the conventional system is limited by the interchannel interference of the used preferred pair M-sequence codes for Tx and Rx modulation. This paper presents a TRM-MIMO radar system based on orthogonal coded theory. We derive a condition which the Tx and Rx codes doubly modulated at the Tx and Rx arrays should satisfy. The acquisition time and code length is theoretically discussed. The experiments are carried out in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method by using a developed TRM-MIMO radar system with Hadamard codes. As the result, it is found that the proposed orthogonal code modulation method achieves more than 20 dB improvement of the dynamic range which is limited due to the interchannel interference of a moving clutter in a conventional system with M-sequence codes. Moreover, 5 times faster acquisition time is achieved.

  • Binary Sequence Pairs with Two-Level Correlation and Cyclic Difference Pairs

    Seok-Yong JIN  Hong-Yeop SONG  


    E93-A No:11

    We investigate binary sequence pairs with two-level correlation in terms of their corresponding cyclic difference pairs (CDPs). We define multipliers of a cyclic difference pair and present an existence theorem for multipliers, which could be applied to check the existence/nonexistence of certain hypothetical cyclic difference pairs. Then, we focus on the ideal case where all the out-of-phase correlation coefficients are zero. It is known that such an ideal binary sequence pair exists for length υ = 4u for every u ≥ 1. Using the techniques developed here on the theory of multipliers of a CDP and some exhaustive search, we are able to determine that, for lengths υ ≤ 30, (1) there does not exist "any other" ideal/ binary sequence pair and (2) every example in this range is equivalent to the one of length υ = 4u above. We conjecture that if there is a binary sequence pair with an ideal two-level correlation then its in-phase correlation must be 4. This implies so called the circulant Hadamard matrix conjecture.

  • Population Estimation of RFID Tags Using Hadamard Footprints

    Joontae KIM  Seung-Ri JIN  Dong-Jo PARK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:9

    A novel method is proposed that can estimate the tag population in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems by using a Hadamard code for the tag response. We formulate the maximum likelihood estimator for the tag population using the number of observed footprints. The lookup table of the estimation algorithm has low complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed estimator performs considerably better than the conventional schemes.

  • Integer Discrete Cosine Transform via Lossless Walsh-Hadamard Transform with Structural Regularity for Low-Bit-Word-Length

    Taizo SUZUKI  Masaaki IKEHARA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E93-A No:4

    This paper presents an integer discrete cosine transform (IntDCT) with only dyadic values such as k/2n (k, n∈ in N). Although some conventional IntDCTs have been proposed, they are not suitable for lossless-to-lossy image coding in low-bit-word-length (coefficients) due to the degradation of the frequency decomposition performance in the system. First, the proposed M-channel lossless Walsh-Hadamard transform (LWHT) can be constructed by only (log2M)-bit-word-length and has structural regularity. Then, our 8-channel IntDCT via LWHT keeps good coding performance even if low-bit-word-length is used because LWHT, which is main part of IntDCT, can be implemented by only 3-bit-word-length. Finally, the validity of our method is proved by showing the results of lossless-to-lossy image coding in low-bit-word-length.

  • Constructions of Factorizable Multilevel Hadamard Matrices

    Shinya MATSUFUJI  Pingzhi FAN  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E92-A No:12

    Factorization of Hadamard matrices can provide fast algorithm and facilitate efficient hardware realization. In this letter, constructions of factorizable multilevel Hadamard matrices, which can be considered as special case of unitary matrices, are inverstigated. In particular, a class of ternary Hadamard matrices, together with its application, is presented.

  • New Construction of Generalized Hadamard Matrices

    Fanxin ZENG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E92-A No:9

    Based on trace function over finite field GF(pn ), new construction of generalized Hadamard matrices with order pn is presented, where p is prime and n is even. The rows in new generalized Hadamard matrices are cyclically distinct and have large linear span, which greatly improves the security of the system employing them as spreading sequences.

  • Joint Timing and Channel Estimation for Ultra-Wideband Signals

    Tao LIU  Shihua ZHU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:2

    This paper is concerned with timing synchronization of high rates UWB signals operating in a dense multipath environment, where access must tackle inter-frame interference (IFI), inter-symbol interference (ISI) and even multi-user interference (MUI). A training-based joint timing and channel estimation scheme is proposed, which is resilient to IFI, ISI, MUI and pulse distortion. A low-complexity detection scheme similar to transmit-reference (TR) scheme comes out as a by-product. For saving the training symbols, we further develop an extended decision-directed (DD) scheme. A lower bound on the probability of correct detection is derived which agrees well with the simulated result for moderate to high SNR values. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a significant performance gain in terms of mean square error and bit error rate in comparison to the "timing with dirty templates" (TDT) algorithms.

  • New Families of Optimal Zero Correlation Zone Sequences Based on Interleaved Technique and Perfect Sequences

    Zhengchun ZHOU  Zhen PAN  Xiaohu TANG  


    E91-A No:12

    In this paper, based on interleaved technique, we present a new method of constructing zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence sets. For any perfect sequence of length m(2k+1) with m > 2, k ≥ 0 and an arbitrary Hadamard matrix of order T > 2, the proposed construction can generate new optimal ZCZ sequence sets in which all the sequences are cyclically distinct.

  • A Class of Cocyclic Quasi Jacket Block Matrix

    Moon Ho LEE  Subash Shree POKHREL  Wen Ping MA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E90-A No:12

    In this letter, we present quasi-Jacket block matrices over GF(2), i.e., binary matrices which all are belong to a class of cocyclic matrices. These matrices are may be useful in digital signal processing, CDMA, and coded modulation. Based on Circular Permutation Matrix (CPM) cocyclic quasi-Jacket block low-density matrix is introduced in this letter which is useful in coding theory. Additionally, we show that the fast algorithm of quasi-Jacket block matrix.

  • An Integrated Sequence Construction of Binary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequences

    Takafumi HAYASHI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E90-A No:10

    The present paper introduces an integrated construction of binary sequences having a zero-correlation zone. The cross-correlation function and the side-lobe of the auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence set is zero for the phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. The proposed method enables more flexible design of the binary zero-correlation zone sequence set with respect to its member size, length, and width of zero-correlation zone. Several previously reported sequence construction methods of binary zero-correlation zone sequence sets can be explained as special cases of the proposed method.

  • Doubly Stochastic Processing on Jacket Matrices

    Jia HOU  Moon Ho LEE  Kwangjae LEE  

    LETTER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E89-A No:11

    In this letter, we define the generalized doubly stochastic processing via Jacket matrices of order-2n and 2n with the integer, n≥2. Different from the Hadamard factorization scheme, we propose a more general case to obtain a set of doubly stochastic matrices according to decomposition of the fundaments of Jacket matrices. From order-2n and order-2n Jacket matrices, we always have the orthostochastoc case, which is the same as that of the Hadamard matrices, if the eigenvalue λ1 = 1, the other ones are zeros. In the case of doubly stochastic, the eigenvalues should lead to nonnegative elements in the probability matrix. The results can be applied to stochastic signal processing, pattern analysis and orthogonal designs.

  • Binary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set Construction Using a Cyclic Hadamard Sequence

    Takafumi HAYASHI  


    E89-A No:10

    The present paper introduces a new construction of a class of binary periodic sequence set having a zero-correlation zone (hereinafter binary ZCA sequence set). The cross-correlation function and the side-lobe of the auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence set is zero for the phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. The present paper shows that such a construction generates a binary ZCA sequence set by using a cyclic difference set and a collection of mutually orthogonal complementary sets.

  • On the Classification of Cyclic Hadamard Sequences

    Solomon W. GOLOMB  


    E89-A No:9

    Binary sequences with two-level periodic autocorrelation correspond directly to cyclic (v, k, λ)-designs. When v = 4t-1, k = 2t -1 and λ = t-1, for some positive integer t, the sequence (or design) is called a cyclic Hadamard sequence (or design). For all known examples, v is either a prime number, a product of twin primes, or one less than a power of 2. Except when v = 2k-1, all known examples are based on quadratic residues (using the Legendre symbol when v is prime, and the Jacobi symbol when v = p(p+2) where both p and p+2 are prime); or sextic residues (when v is a prime of the form 4a2 + 27). However, when v = 2k-1, many constructions are now known, including m-sequences (corresponding to Singer difference sets), quadratic and sextic residue sequences (when 2k-1 is prime), GMW sequences and their generalizations (when k is composite), certain term-by-term sums of three and of five m-sequences and more general sums of trace terms, several constructions based on hyper-ovals in finite geometries (found by Segre, by Glynn, and by Maschietti), and the result of performing the Welch-Gong transformation on some of the foregoing.

  • A Quantum Protocol to Win the Graph Colouring Game on All Hadamard Graphs

    David AVIS  Jun HASEGAWA  Yosuke KIKUCHI  Yuuya SASAKI  


    E89-A No:5

    This paper deals with graph colouring games, an example of pseudo-telepathy, in which two players can convince a verifier that a graph G is c-colourable where c is less than the chromatic number of the graph. They win the game if they convince the verifier. It is known that the players cannot win if they share only classical information, but they can win in some cases by sharing entanglement. The smallest known graph where the players win in the quantum setting, but not in the classical setting, was found by Galliard, Tapp and Wolf and has 32,768 vertices. It is a connected component of the Hadamard graph GN with N=c=16. Their protocol applies only to Hadamard graphs where N is a power of 2. We propose a protocol that applies to all Hadamard graphs. Combined with a result of Frankl, this shows that the players can win on any induced subgraph of G12 having 1609 vertices, with c=12. Moreover combined with a result of Godsil and Newman, our result shows that all Hadamard graphs GN (N ≥ 12) and c=N yield pseudo-telepathy games.

  • Fast Jacket Transform Algorithm Based on Simple Matrices Factorization

    Moon Ho LEE  Ju Yong PARK  Jia HOU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E88-A No:8

    In this paper, we briefly describe a fast Jacket transform based on simple matrices factorization. The proposed algorithm needs fewer and simpler computations than that of the existing methods, which are RJ's [2], Lee's [7] and Yang's algorithm [8]. Therefore, it can be easily applied to develop the efficient fast algorithm for signal processing and data communications.

  • Complex Hadamard Codes

    WenPing MA  MoonHo LEE  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E88-A No:1

    In this letter, a method to construct good binary and quaternary error correcting codes, called complex Hadamard codes, based on a complex Hadamard matrix is presented. The related properties of the codes are analyzed. In addition, through the operation in Z4 domain, a new simplex soft-decision decoding algorithm for the complex Hadamard codes is also proposed.

  • Generalizing the Hadamard Matrix Using the Reverse Jacket Matrix

    Seung-Rae LEE  Wook Hyun KWON  Koeng-Mo SUNG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:10

    In this paper, the previous definition of the Reverse Jacket matrix (RJM) is revised and generalized. In particular, it is shown that the inverse of the RJM can be obtained easily by a constructive approach similar to that used for the RJM itself. As new results, some useful properties of RJMs, such as commutativity and the Hamiltonian symmetry appearing in half the blocks of a RJM, are shown, and also 1-D fast Reverse Jacket transform (FRJT) is presented. The algorithm of the FRJT is remarkably efficient than that of the center-weighted Hadamard transform (CWHT). The FRJT is extended in terms of the Kronecker products of the Hadamard matrix. The 1-D FRJT is applied to the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) with order 4, and the N-point DFT can be expressed in terms of matrix decomposition by using 4 4 FRJT.

  • Complex Hadamard Transforms: Properties, Relations and Architecture

    Bogdan J. FALKOWSKI  Susanto RAHARDJA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:8

    In this article, it is shown that Unified Complex Hadamard Transform (UCHT) can be derived from Walsh functions and through direct matrix operation. Unique properties of UCHT are analyzed. Recursive relations through Kronecker product can be applied to the basic matrices to obtain higher dimensions. These relations are the basis for the flow diagram of a constant-geometry iterative VLSI hardware architecture. New Normalized Complex Hadamard Transform (NCHT) matrices are introduced which are another class of complex Hadamard matrices. Relations of UCHT and NCHT with other discrete transforms are discussed.
