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  • Exponential Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for Face Recognition

    Ruisheng RAN  Bin FANG  Xuegang WU  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E101-D No:5

    Neighborhood preserving embedding is a widely used manifold reduced dimensionality technique. But NPE has to encounter two problems. One problem is that it suffers from the small-sample-size (SSS) problem. Another is that the performance of NPE is seriously sensitive to the neighborhood size k. To overcome the two problems, an exponential neighborhood preserving embedding (ENPE) is proposed in this paper. The main idea of ENPE is that the matrix exponential is introduced to NPE, then the SSS problem is avoided and low sensitivity to the neighborhood size k is gotten. The experiments are conducted on ORL, Georgia Tech and AR face database. The results show that, ENPE shows advantageous performance over other unsupervised methods, such as PCA, LPP, ELPP and NPE. Another is that ENPE is much less sensitive to the neighborhood parameter k contrasted with the unsupervised manifold learning methods LPP, ELPP and NPE.

  • Static Representation Exposing Spatial Changes in Spatio-Temporal Dependent Data

    Hiroki CHIBA  Yuki HYOGO  Kazuo MISUE  

    PAPER-Elemental Technologies for human behavior analysis

    E101-D No:4

    Spatio-temporal dependent data, such as weather observation data, are data of which the attribute values depend on both time and space. Typical methods for the visualization of such data include plotting the attribute values at each point in time on a map and displaying series of the maps in chronological order with animation, or displaying them by juxtaposing horizontally or vertically. However, these methods are problematic in that they compel readers interested in grasping the spatial changes of the attribute values to memorize the representations on the maps. The problem is exacerbated by considering that the longer the time-period covered by the data, the higher the cognitive load. In order to solve these problems, the authors propose a visualization method capable of overlaying the representations of multiple instantaneous values on a single static map. This paper explains the design of the proposed method and reports two experiments conducted by the authors to investigate the usefulness of the method. The experimental results show that the proposed method is useful in terms of the speed and accuracy with which it reads the spatial changes and its ability to present data with long time series efficiently.

  • G-HBase: A High Performance Geographical Database Based on HBase

    Hong Van LE  Atsuhiro TAKASU  


    E101-D No:4

    With the recent explosion of geographic data generated by smartphones, sensors, and satellites, a data storage that can handle the massive volume of data and support high-computational spatial queries is becoming essential. Although key-value stores efficiently handle large-scale data, they are not equipped with effective functions for supporting geographic data. To solve this problem, in this paper, we present G-HBase, a high-performance geographical database based on HBase, a standard key-value store. To index geographic data, we first use Geohash as the rowkey in HBase. Then, we present a novel partitioning method, namely binary Geohash rectangle partitioning, to support spatial queries. Our extensive experiments on real datasets have demonstrated an improved performance with k nearest neighbors and range query in G-HBase when compared with SpatialHadoop, a state-of-the-art framework with native support for spatial data. We also observed that performance of spatial join in G-HBase is on par with SpatialHadoop and outperforms SJMR algorithm in HBase.

  • Color Image Enhancement Method with Variable Emphasis Degree

    Hiromu ENDO  Akira TAGUCHI  


    E101-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose a new enhancement method for color images. In color image processing, hue preserving is required. The proposed method is performed into HSI color space whose gamut is same as RGB color space. The differential gray-level histogram equalization (DHE) is effective for gray scale images. The proposed method is an extension version of the DHE for color images, and furthermore, the enhancement degree is variable by introducing two parameters. Since our processing method is applied to not only intensity but also saturation, the contrast and the colorfulness of the output image can be varied. It is an important issue how to determine the two parameters. Thus, we give the guideline for how to decide the two parameters. By using the guideline, users can easily obtain their own enhancement images.

  • Low-Latency Communication in LTE and WiFi Using Spatial Diversity and Encoding Redundancy

    Yu YU  Stepan KUCERA  Yuto LIM  Yasuo TAN  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E101-B No:4

    In mobile and wireless networks, controlling data delivery latency is one of open problems due to the stochastic nature of wireless channels, which are inherently unreliable. This paper explores how the current best-effort throughput-oriented wireless services might evolve into latency-sensitive enablers of new mobile applications such as remote three-dimensional (3D) graphical rendering for interactive virtual/augmented-reality overlay. Assuming that the signal propagation delay and achievable throughput meet the standard latency requirements of the user application, we examine the idea of trading excess/federated bandwidth for the elimination of non-negligible delay of data re-ordering, caused by temporal transmission failures and buffer overflows. The general system design is based on (i) spatially diverse data delivery over multiple paths with uncorrelated outage likelihoods; and (ii) forward packet-loss protection (FPP), creating encoding redundancy for proactive recovery of intolerably delayed data without end-to-end retransmissions. Analysis and evaluation are based on traces of real life traffic, which is measured in live carrier-grade long term evolution (LTE) networks and campus WiFi networks, due to no such system/environment yet to verify the importance of spatial diversity and encoding redundancy. Analysis and evaluation reveal the seriousness of the latency problem and that the proposed FPP with spatial diversity and encoding redundancy can minimize the delay of re-ordering. Moreover, a novel FPP effectiveness coefficient is proposed to explicitly represent the effectiveness of EPP implementation.

  • Impossible Differential Attack on Reduced Round SPARX-128/256

    Muhammad ELSHEIKH  Mohamed TOLBA  Amr M. YOUSSEF  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:4

    SPARX-128/256 is one of the two versions of the SPARX-128 block cipher family. It has 128-bit block size and 256-bit key size. SPARX has been developed using ARX-based S-boxes with the aim of achieving provable security against single-trail differential and linear cryptanalysis. In this letter, we propose 20-round impossible differential distinguishers for SPARX-128. Then, we utilize these distinguishers to attack 24 rounds (out of 40 rounds) of SPARX-128/256. Our attack has time complexity of 2232 memory accesses, memory complexity of 2160.81 128-bit blocks, and data complexity of 2104 chosen plaintexts.

  • Low Complexity Compressive Sensing Greedy Detection of Generalized Quadrature Spatial Modulation

    Rajesh RAMANATHAN  Partha Sharathi MALLICK  Thiruvengadam SUNDARAJAN JAYARAMAN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:3

    In this letter, we propose a generalized quadrature spatial modulation technique (GQSM) which offers additional bits per channel use (bpcu) gains and a low complexity greedy detector algorithm, structured orthogonal matching pursuit (S-OMP)- GQSM, based on compressive sensing (CS) framework. Simulation results show that the bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed greedy detector is very close to maximum likelihood (ML) and near optimal detectors based on convex programming.

  • Fully Verifiable Algorithm for Outsourcing Multiple Modular Exponentiations with Single Cloud Server

    Min DONG  Yanli REN  Guorui FENG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:3

    With the popularity of cloud computing services, outsourcing computation has entered a period of rapid development. Modular exponentiation is one of the most expensive operations in public key cryptographic systems, but the current outsourcing algorithms for modular exponentiations (MExps) with single server are inefficient or have small checkability. In this paper, we propose an efficient and fully verifiable algorithm for outsourcing multiple MExps with single untrusted server where the errors can be detected by an outsourcer with a probability of 1. The theory analysis and experimental evaluations also show that the proposed algorithm is the most efficient one compared with the previous work. Finally, we present the outsourcing schemes of digital signature algorithm (DSA) and attribute based encryption (ABE) as two applications of the proposed algorithm.

  • Generalized Spatial Modulation Based on Quaternary Quasi-Orthogonal Sequences

    Yulong SHANG  Hojun KIM  Hosung PARK  Taejin JUNG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:3

    The conventional generalized spatial modulation (GSM) simultaneously activates multiple transmit antennas in order to improve the spectral efficiency of the original SM. In this letter, to lessen the hardware burden of the multiple RF chains, we provide a new scheme that is designed by combining the GSM scheme using only two active antennas with quaternary quasi-orthogonal sequences of a length of two. Compared with the other SM schemes, the proposed scheme has significant benefits in average error performances and/or their hardware complexities of the RF systems.

  • An Efficient Content Search Method Based on Local Link Replacement in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

    Nagao OGINO  Takeshi KITAHARA  


    E101-B No:3

    Peer-to-peer overlay networks can easily achieve a large-scale content sharing system on the Internet. Although unstructured peer-to-peer networks are suitable for finding entire partial-match content, flooding-based search is an inefficient way to obtain target content. When the shared content is semantically specified by a great number of attributes, it is difficult to derive the semantic similarity of peers beforehand. This means that content search methods relying on interest-based locality are more advantageous than those based on the semantic similarity of peers. Existing search methods that exploit interest-based locality organize multiple peer groups, in each of which peers with common interests are densely connected using short-cut links. However, content searches among multiple peer groups are still inefficient when the number of incident links at each peer is limited due to the capacity of the peer. This paper proposes a novel content search method that exploits interest-based locality. The proposed method can organize an efficient peer-to-peer network similar to the semantic small-world random graph, which can be organized by the existing methods based on the semantic similarity of peers. In the proposed method, topology transformation based on local link replacement maintains the numbers of incident links at all the peers. Simulation results confirm that the proposed method can achieve a significantly higher ratio of obtainable partial-match content than existing methods that organize peer groups.

  • A Simple and Effective Generalization of Exponential Matrix Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Face Recognition

    Ruisheng RAN  Bin FANG  Xuegang WU  Shougui ZHANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E101-D No:1

    As an effective method, exponential discriminant analysis (EDA) has been proposed and widely used to solve the so-called small-sample-size (SSS) problem. In this paper, a simple and effective generalization of EDA is presented and named as GEDA. In GEDA, a general exponential function, where the base of exponential function is larger than the Euler number, is used. Due to the property of general exponential function, the distance between samples belonging to different classes is larger than that of EDA, and then the discrimination property is largely emphasized. The experiment results on the Extended Yale and CMU-PIE face databases show that, GEDA gets more advantageous recognition performance compared to EDA.

  • On the Design Rationale of SIMON Block Cipher: Integral Attacks and Impossible Differential Attacks against SIMON Variants

    Kota KONDO  Yu SASAKI  Yosuke TODO  Tetsu IWATA  


    E101-A No:1

    SIMON is a lightweight block cipher designed by NSA in 2013. NSA presented the specification and the implementation efficiency, but they did not provide detailed security analysis nor the design rationale. The original SIMON has rotation constants of (1,8,2), and Kölbl et al. regarded the constants as a parameter (a,b,c), and analyzed the security of SIMON block cipher variants against differential and linear attacks for all the choices of (a,b,c). This paper complements the result of Kölbl et al. by considering integral and impossible differential attacks. First, we search the number of rounds of integral distinguishers by using a supercomputer. Our search algorithm follows the previous approach by Wang et al., however, we introduce a new choice of the set of plaintexts satisfying the integral property. We show that the new choice indeed extends the number of rounds for several parameters. We also search the number of rounds of impossible differential characteristics based on the miss-in-the-middle approach. Finally, we make a comparison of all parameters from our results and the observations by Kölbl et al. Interesting observations are obtained, for instance we find that the optimal parameters with respect to the resistance against differential attacks are not stronger than the original parameter with respect to integral and impossible differential attacks. Furthermore, we consider the security against differential attacks by considering differentials. From the result, we obtain a parameter that is potential to be better than the original parameter with respect to security against these four attacks.

  • Privacy-Preserving Fingerprint Authentication Resistant to Hill-Climbing Attacks

    Haruna HIGO  Toshiyuki ISSHIKI  Kengo MORI  Satoshi OBANA  


    E101-A No:1

    This paper proposes a novel secure biometric authentication scheme. The scheme deals with fingerprint minutiae as the biometric feature and the matching is checked by a widely used technique. To discuss security, we formalize the model of secure biometric authentication scheme by abstracting the related and proposed schemes. The schemes which satisfy all the proposed security requirements are guaranteed to prevent leakage of biometric information and impersonation. In particular, the definition captures well-known and practical attacks including replay attacks and hill-climbing attacks. We prove that the proposed scheme achieves all the requirements if the additive homomorphic encryption scheme used in the scheme satisfies some additional properties. As far as we know, the proposed scheme is the first one that satisfies all the requirements. Also, we show that modified Elgamal cryptosystem satisfies all the properties under the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption.

  • Enhanced Performance of MUSIC Algorithm Using Spatial Interpolation in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems

    Seongwook LEE  Young-Jun YOON  Seokhyun KANG  Jae-Eun LEE  Seong-Cheol KIM  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose a received signal interpolation method for enhancing the performance of multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm. In general, the performance of the conventional MUSIC algorithm is very sensitive to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the received signal. When array elements receive the signals with nonuniform SNR values, the resolution performance is degraded compared to elements receiving the signals with uniform SNR values. Hence, we propose a signal calibration technique for improving the resolution of the algorithm. First, based on original signals, rough direction of arrival (DOA) estimation is conducted. In this stage, using frequency-domain received signals, SNR values of each antenna element in the array are estimated. Then, a deteriorated element that has a relatively lower SNR value than those of the other elements is selected by our proposed scheme. Next, the received signal of the selected element is spatially interpolated based on the signals received from the neighboring elements and the DOA information extracted from the rough estimation. Finally, fine DOA estimation is performed again with the calibrated signal. Simulation results show that the angular resolution of the proposed method is better than that of the conventional MUSIC algorithm. Also, we apply the proposed scheme to actual data measured in the testing ground, and it gives us more enhanced DOA estimation result.

  • Efficient Sphere Decoding Based on a Regular Detection Tree for Generalized Spatial Modulation MIMO Systems

    Hye-Yeon YOON  Gwang-Ho LEE  Tae-Hwan KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:1

    The generalized spatial modulation (GSM) is a new transmission technique that can realize high-performance multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems with a low RF complexity. This paper presents an efficient sphere decoding method used to perform the symbol detection for the generalized spatial modulation (GSM) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. In the proposed method, the cost metric is modified so that it does not include the cancellation of the nonexistent interference. The modified cost metric can be computed by formulating a detection tree that has a regular structure representing the transmit antenna combinations as well as the symbol vectors, both of which are detected efficiently by finding the shortest path on the basis of an efficient tree search algorithm. As the tree search algorithm is performed for the regular detection tree to compute the modified but mathematically-equivalent cost metric, the efficiency of the sphere decoding is improved while the bit-error rate performance is not degraded. The simulation results show that the proposed method reduces the complexity significantly when compared with the previous method: for the 6×6 64QAM GSM-MIMO system with two active antennas, the average reduction rate of the complexity is as high as 45.8% in the count of the numerical operations.

  • An Efficient Algorithm for Location-Aware Query Autocompletion Open Access

    Sheng HU  Chuan XIAO  Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:1

    Query autocompletion is an important and practical technique when users want to search for desirable information. As mobile devices become more and more popular, one of the main applications is location-aware service, such as Web mapping. In this paper, we propose a new solution to location-aware query autocompletion. We devise a trie-based index structure and integrate spatial information into trie nodes. Our method is able to answer both range and top-k queries. In addition, we discuss the extension of our method to support the error tolerant feature in case user's queries contain typographical errors. Experiments on real datasets show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods in terms of query processing performance.

  • Blur Map Generation Based on Local Natural Image Statistics for Partial Blur Segmentation

    Natsuki TAKAYAMA  Hiroki TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E100-D No:12

    Partial blur segmentation is one of the most interesting topics in computer vision, and it has practical value. The generation of blur maps is a crucial part of partial blur segmentation because partial blur segmentation involves producing a blur map and applying a segmentation algorithm to the blur map. In this study, we address two important issues in order to improve the discrimination of blur maps: (1) estimating a robust local blur feature to consider variations in the intensity amplitude and (2) a scheme for generating blur maps. We propose the ANGHS (Amplitude-Normalized Gradient Histogram Span) as a local blur feature. ANGHS represents the heavy-tailedness of a gradient distribution, where it is calculated from an image gradient normalized using the intensity amplitude. ANGHS is robust to variations in the intensity amplitude, and it can handle local regions in a more appropriate manner than previously proposed local blur features. Blur maps are affected by local blur features but also by the contents and sizes of local regions, and the assignment of blur feature values to pixels. Thus, multiple-sized grids and the EAI (Edge-Aware Interpolation) are employed in each task to improve the discrimination of blur maps. The discrimination of the generated blur maps is evaluated visually and statistically using numerous partial blur images. Comparisons with the results obtained by state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the high discrimination of the blur maps generated using the proposed method.

  • Design of New Spatial Modulation Scheme Based on Quaternary Quasi-Orthogonal Sequences

    Hojun KIM  Yulong SHANG  Taejin JUNG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:12

    In this paper, we propose a new spatial modulation (SM) scheme based on quaternary quasi-orthogonal sequences (Q-QOSs), referred to as Q-QOS-SM. First, the conventional SM and generalized-SM (GSM) schemes are reinterpreted as a new transmission scheme based on a spatial modulation matrix (SMM), whose column indices are used for the mapping of spatial-information bits unlike the conventional ones. Next, by adopting the SMM comprising the Q-QOSs, the proposed Q-QOS-SM that guarantees twice the number of spatial bits at a transmitter compared with the SM with a constraint of transmit antennas, is designed. From the computer-simulation results, the Q-QOS-SM is shown to achieve a greatly improved throughput compared with the conventional SM and GSM schemes, especially, for a large number of the receive antennas. This finding is mainly because the new scheme offers a much higher minimum Euclidean distance than the other schemes.

  • Spatially “Mt. Fuji” Coupled LDPC Codes

    Yuta NAKAHARA  Shota SAITO  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E100-A No:12

    A new type of spatially coupled low density parity check (SCLDPC) code is proposed. This code has two benefits. (1) This code requires less number of iterations to correct the erasures occurring through the binary erasure channel in the waterfall region than that of the usual SCLDPC code. (2) This code has lower error floor than that of the usual SCLDPC code. Proposed code is constructed as a coupled chain of the underlying LDPC codes whose code lengths exponentially increase as the position where the codes exist is close to the middle of the chain. We call our code spatially “Mt. Fuji” coupled LDPC (SFCLDPC) code because the shape of the graph representing the code lengths of underlying LDPC codes at each position looks like Mt. Fuji. By this structure, when the proposed SFCLDPC code and the original SCLDPC code are constructed with the same code rate and the same code length, L (the number of the underlying LDPC codes) of the proposed SFCLDPC code becomes smaller and M (the code lengths of the underlying LDPC codes) of the proposed SFCLDPC code becomes larger than those of the SCLDPC code. These properties of L and M enables the above reduction of the number of iterations and the bit error rate in the error floor region, which are confirmed by the density evolution and computer simulations.

  • Simulation of Reconstructed Holographic Images Considering Optical Phase Distribution in Small Liquid Crystal Pixels

    Yoshitomo ISOMAE  Yosei SHIBATA  Takahiro ISHINABE  Hideo FUJIKAKE  


    E100-C No:11

    We proposed the simulation method of reconstructed holographic images in considering phase distribution in the small pixels of liquid crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM) and clarified zero-order diffraction appeared on the reconstructed images when the phase distribution in a single pixel is non-uniform. These results are useful for design of fine LC-SLM for realizing wide-viewing-angle holographic displays.
