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[Keyword] arrays(88hit)


  • Modular Array Structures for Design and Multiplierless Realization of Two-Dimensional Linear Phase FIR Digital Filters

    Saed SAMADI  Akinori NISHIHARA  Nobuo FUJII  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E80-A No:4

    It is shown that two-dimensional linear phase FIR digital filters with various shapes of frequency response can be designed and realized as modular array structures free of multiplier coefficients. The design can be performed by judicious selection of two low order linear phase transfer functions to be used at each module as kernel filters. Regular interconnection of the modules in L rows and K columns conditioned with boundary coefficients 1, 0 and 1/2 results in higher order digital filters. The kernels should be chosen appropriately to, first, generate the desired shape of frequency response characteristic and, second, lend themselves to multiplierless realization. When these two requirements are satisfied, the frequency response can be refined to possess narrower transition bands by adding additional rows and columns. General properties of the frequency response of the array are investigated resulting in Theorems that serve as valuable tools towards appropriate selection of the kernels. Several design examples are given. The array structures enjoy several favorable features. Specifically, regularity and lack of multiplier coefficients makes it suitable for high-speed systolic VLSI implementation. Computational complexity of the structure is also studied.

  • Multiplierless Arrays for Realization of Lowpass and Highpass Linear Phase FIR Digital Filters

    Saed SAMADI  Akinori NISHIHARA  Nobuo FUJII  


    E79-A No:8

    A classs of type 1 linear phase FIR digital filters is proposed. The filter can be realized using a parallel, modular and regular array structure. It is shown that, under some simple constraints, the consisting modules of the array can be realized free of multiplier coefficients. Such two dimensional mesh arrays are specially suitable for realization with special-purpose systolic hardware for high-speed digital signal processing tasks. Compared to the array structure, proposed by the authors, for multiplierless realization of maximally flat FIR digital filters, this class needs less adders to fulfill the same magnitude response requirements. Another attractive property of the proposed array is that a number of highpass or lowpass filters with different passband widths can be realized simultaneously in a very economical way.

  • Eliminating the Quantization Problem in Signal Subspace Techniques

    Ioannis DACOS  Athanassios MANIKAS  


    E78-B No:11

    When signal subspace techniques, such as MuSIC, are used to locate a number of incident signals, an exhaustive search of the array manifold has to be carried out. This search involves the evaluation of a single cost function at a number of points which form a grid, resulting in quantization-error effects. In this paper a new algorithm is put forward to overcome the quantization problem. The algorithm uses a number of cost functions, and stages, equal to the number of incident signals. At each stage a new cost function is evaluated in a small number of "special" directions, known as characteristic points. For an N-element array the characteristic points, which can be pre-calculated from the array manifold curvatures, partition the array manifold into N-1 regions. By using a simple gradient algorithm, only a small area of one of these regions is searched at each stage, demonstrating the potential benefits of the proposed approach.

  • A Task Mapping Algorithm for Linear Array Processors

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  Yoshinori TAMURA  Kouichi UTSUMIYA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E77-D No:5

    The linear array processor architecture is an important class of interconnection structures that are suitable for VLSI. In this paper we study the problem of mapping a task tree onto a linear array to minimize the total execution time. First, an optimization algorithm is presented for a message scheduling probrem which occurs in the task tree mapping problem. Next, we give a heuristic algorithm for the task tree mapping problem. The algorithm partitions the node set of a task tree into clusters and maps these clusters onto processors. Simulation experiments showed that the proposed algorithm is much more efficient than a conventional algorithm.

  • Design of a Multiple-Valued Cellular Array

    Naotake KAMIURA  Yutaka HATA  Kazuharu YAMATO  


    E76-C No:3

    A method is proposed for realizing any k-valued n-variable function with a celluler array, which consists of linear arrays (called input arrays) and a rectangular array (called control array). In this method, a k-valued n-variable function is divided into kn-1 one-variable functions and remaining (n1)-variable function. The parts of one-variable functions are realized by the input arrays, remaintng the (n1)-variable function is realized by the control array. The array realizing the function is composed by connecting the input arrays with the control array. Then, this array requires (kn2)kn-1 cells and the number is smaller than the other rectangular arrays. Next, a ternary cell circuit and a literal circuit are actually constructed with CMOS transistors and NMOS pass transistors. The experiment shows that these circuits perform the expected operations.

  • Prospects for Multiple-Valued Integrated Circuits

    Kenneth Carless SMITH  P.Glenn GULAK  


    E76-C No:3

    The evolution of Multiple-Valued Logic (MVL) circuits has been inexorably tied to the rapid technological changes induced by evolving needs and emerging developments in computing methodologies. Unfortunately for MVL, the numbers of designers of technologies and circuits whose lives are dedicated to the improvement of binary techniques, are large and overwhelming. Correspondingly, technological developments in MVL typically await the appearance of a problem or technique in the larger binary world to motivate and/or make possible some new advance. Such opportunities are inevitably quite transient since each such problem is simultaneously attacked by many others of a more conventional bent, and, as well, each technological change begets yet another, quickly. It is in the sensing of this reality that the present paper is written. Correspondingly, its thrust is two-fold: One target is the possibility of encouraging a leap ahead through modest technological projection. The other is the possibility of identifying application areas that already exist in this unbalanced competition, but which are specially suited to multiple-valued solutions. For example, it has been clear for decades that one such area is that of arithmetic. Correspondingly, we in MVL must strive quickly to concentrate our efforts on applications that exploit such demonstrable strengths. Some such applications are includes here; others are visible historically, many probably remain to be found: Search on!

  • Scattering from Conductor or Complementary Aperture Array on a Semi-infinite Substrate

    Hideaki WAKABAYASHI  Masanobu KOMINAMI  Shinnosuke SAWA  Hiroshi NAKASHIMA  


    E75-A No:12

    Frequency Selective Screens (FSS) with conductor or complementary aperture array are investigated. The electric current distribution on conductor or the magnetic current distribution on aperture is determined by the moment method in the spectral domain. In addition, the power reflection coefficients are calculated and the scattering properties are considered.

  • Analysis of Fault Tolerance of Reconfigurable Arrays Using Spare Processors

    Kazuo SUGIHARA  Tohru KIKUNO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E75-D No:3

    This paper addresses fault tolerance of a processor array that is reconfigurable by replacing faulty processors with spare processors. The fault tolerance of such a reconfigurable array depends on not only an algorithm for spare processor assignment but also the folloving factor of an organization of spare processors in the reconfigurable array: the number of spare processors; the number of processors that can be replaced by each spare processor; and how spare processors are connected with processors. We discuss a relationship between fault tolerance of reconfigurable arrays and their organizations of spare processors in terms of the smallest size of fatal sets and the reliability function. The smallest size of fatal sets is the smallest number of faulty processors for which the reconfigurable array cannot be failure-free as a processor array system no matter what reconfiguration is used. The reliability function is a function of time t whose value is the probability that the reconfigurable array is failure-free as a processor array system by time t when the best possible reconfiguration is used. First, we show that the larger smallest size of fatal sets a reconfigurable array has, the larger reliability function it has by some time. It suggests that it is important to maximize the smallest size of fatal sets in orer to improve the reliability function as well. Second, we present the best possible smallest size of fatal sets for nn reconfigurable arrays using 2n spare processor each of which is connected with n processors. Third, we show that the nn reconfigurable array previously presented in a literature achieves the best smallest size of fatal sets. That is, it is optimum with respect to the smallest size of fatal sets. Fourth, we present an uppr bound of the reliability function of the optimum nn reconfigurable array using 2n spare processors.
