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  • Computational Complexity of Manipulating Binary Decision Diagrams

    Yasuhiko TAKENAGA  Shuzo YAJIMA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E77-D No:6

    An Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) is a graph representation of a Boolean function. According to its good properties, BDD's are widely used in various applications. In this paper, we investigate the computational complexity of basic operations on BDD's. We consider two important operations: reduction of a BDD and binary Boolean operations based on BDD's. This paper shows that both the reduction of a BDD and the binary Boolean operations based on BDD's are NC1-reducible to REACHABILITY. That is, both of the problems belong to NC2. In order to extend the results to the BDD's with output inverters, we also considered the transformations between BDD's and BDD's with output inverters. We show that both of the transformations are also NC1-reducible to REACHBILITY.

  • A Noninvasive Method for Dielectric Property Measurement of Biological Tissues

    Jianqing WANG  Tasuku TAKAGI  


    E77-B No:6

    A noninvasive method for measuring complex permittivity of biological tissues is proposed. The noninvasive method is based on an inverse scattering technique which employs an iterative procedure. The iterative procedure consists of solving an electric field integral equation using the method of moments and minimizing the square difference between calculated and measured scattered fields. Implementation of the noninvasive method requires the knowledge of the target shape, the incident and measured scattered fields. Based on the noninvasive method, a measuring system of complex permittivity is developed and its reliability is verified.

  • A Measurement Method of Complex Permittivity at Pseudo Microwave Frequencies Using a Cavity Resonator Filled with Dielectric Material

    Akira NAKAYAMA  


    E77-C No:6

    This paper describes a nondestructive measurement method for complex permittivity of dielectric material at pseudo microwave frequencies. The resonator used in this study has a cylindrical cavity filled with a sapphire material of a well known complex permittivity. The resonator is divided into two parts at the center. A dielectric substrate specimen is clamped with these halves. Relative permittivity εand loss tangent tan δ of the specimen are obtained at 3 GHz using the TE011 resonance mode. The accuracy of the present method is evaluated through the comparison of the measured values by the new method with those at around 10 GHz by the conventional empty cavity resonator method. The errors of measurements are smaller than 1% and 1105 for εand tan δ, respectively.

  • Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy and Optical Characterization of TMPD Adsorbed Cn TCNQ Labgmuir-Blodgett Films

    Shigekazu KUNIYOSHI  Masataka NAGAOKA  Kazuhiro KUDO  Shin-ichi TERASHITA  Yukihiro OZAKI  Keiji IRIYAMA  Kuniaki TANAKA  


    E77-C No:5

    To investigate the effect of alkyl chain length and adsorption time on the charge-transfer complex formation, ultraviolet-visible absorption and inelastic electron tunneling (IET) spectroscopy measurements were carried out for the tetramethylphenylenediamine (TMPD; donor molecule) adsorbed dodecyl-, pentadecyl- and octadecyl-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. In the optical absorption spectra, the main peak of LB films shows a red-shift depending on alkyl chain length and adsorption time. Furthermore, the dependence on alkyl chain length and adsorption time are also shown in the IET spectra. These results demonstrate that adsorption LB methods enable to control the adsorption ratio of functional molecules and the CT complex formation.

  • Hierarchical Properties of Realtime One-Way Alternating Multi-Stack-Counter Automata

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  


    E77-A No:4

    This paper investigates the accepting powers of one-way alternating multi-stack-counter automata (lamsca's) and one-way alternating multi-counter automata (lamsca's) which operate in realtime. For each k1, let 1ASCA (k, real) (1ACA(k, real)) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating k-stach-counter (k-counter) automata, and let 1USCA(k, real)(1UCA(k, real)) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating k-stack-counter (k-counter) automata with only universal states. We first investigate a relationship between the accepting powers of realtime lamsca's (lamca's) with only universal states, with only existential states, and with full alternation. We then investigate hierarchical properties based on the numbers of counters and stackcounters, and show, for example, that for each k1, 1USCA(k+1, real)-1ASCA(k, real)φ and 1UCA(k+1, real)-1ACA(k, real)φ. We finally investigate a relationship between the accepting powers of realtime lamsca's and lamca's, and show, for example, that there are no i and j such that 1UCA(i, real)=1USCA(j, real), and 1USCA(k, real)-1ACA(k, real)φ for each k1.

  • On the Complexity of Protocol Validation Problems for Protocols with Bounded Capacity Channels

    Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Yoshihiro TAKADA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E77-A No:4

    In this paper, it is proven that the following three decision problems on validation of protocols with bounded capacity channels are NP-complete. (1) Given a protocol with the channel capacity being 1, determine whether or not there exist deadlocks in the protocol. (2) Given a protocol with the channel capacity being 1, determine whether or not there exist unspecified receptions in the protocol. (3) Given a protocol with the channel capacity being 2, determine whether or not there exist overflows such that the channel capacity is not bounded by 1 in the protocol. These results suggest that, even when all channeles in a protocol are bounded by 1 or 2, protocol validation should be in general interactable. It also clarifies the boundary of computational complexity of protocol validation problems because the channel capacity 0 does not allow protocols to transmit and recieve messages.

  • Stochastic Relaxation for Continuous Values--Standard Regularization Based on Gaussian MRF--

    Sadayuki HONGO  Isamu YOROIZAWA  


    E77-D No:4

    We propose a fast computation method of stochastic relaxation for the continuous-valued Markov random field (MRF) whose energy function is represented in the quadratic form. In the case of regularization in visual information processing, the probability density function of a state transition can be transformed to a Gaussian function, therefore, the probablistic state transition is realized with Gaussian random numbers whose mean value and variance are calculated based on the condition of the input data and the neighborhood. Early visual information processing can be represented with a coupled MRF model which consists of continuity and discontinuity processes. Each of the continuity or discontinuity processes represents a visual property, which is like an intensity pattern, or a discontinuity of the continuity process. Since most of the energy function for early visual information processing can be represented by the quadratic form in the continuity process, the probability density of local computation variables in the continuity process is equivalent to the Gaussian function. If we use this characteristic, it is not necessary for the discrimination function computation to calculate the summation of the probabilities corresponding to all possible states, therefore, the computation load for the state transition is drastically decreased. Furthermore, if the continuous-valued discontinuity process is introduced, the MRF model can directly represent the strength of discontinuity. Moreover, the discrimination function of this energy function in the discontinuity process, which is linear, can also be calculated without probability summation. In this paper, a fast method for calculating the state transition probability for the continuous-valued MRF on the visual informtion processing is theoretically explained. Next, initial condition dependency, computation time and dependency on the statistical estimation of the condition are investigated in comparison with conventional methods using the examples of the data restoration for a corrupted square wave and a corrupted one-dimensional slice of a natural image.

  • An Improved Reflection Wave Method for Measurement of Complex Permittivity at 100 MHz-1GHz

    Akira NAKAYAMA  Kazuya SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E77-C No:4

    An improved reflection wave method was described for measurement of complex permittivity of low-loss materials over 100MHz-1GHz range. The residual impedance Zr and stray admittance Ys surrounding the test sample, which terminated the transmission line, were evaluated using sapphire as a reference material. The correction by the obtained Zr and Ys gave accurate values of complex permittivities of alumina and mullite ceramics as 100MHz-1GHz.

  • An 0(mn) Algorithm for Embedding Graphs into a 3-Page Book


    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E77-A No:3

    This paper studies the problem of embedding a graph into a book with nodes on a line along the spine of the book and edges on the pages in such a way that no edge crosses another. Atneosen as well as Bernhart and Kainen has shown that every graph can be embedded into a 3-page book when each edge can be embedded in more than one page. The time complexity of Bernhart and Kainen's method is Ω(ν(G)), where ν(G) is the crossing number of a graph G. A new 0(mn) algorithm is derived in this paper for embedding a graph G=(V, E), where m=│E│ and n= │V│ . The number of points at which edges cross over the spine in embedding a complete graph into a 3-page book is also investigated.

  • A Family of Generalized LR Parsing Algorithms Using Ancestors Table

    Hozumi TANAKA  K.G. SURESH  Koichi YAMADA  


    E77-D No:2

    A family of new generalized LR parsing algorithms are proposed which make use of a set of ancestors tables introduced by Kipps. As Kipps's algorithm does not give us a method to extract any parsing results, his algorithm is not considered as a practical parser but as a recognizer. In this paper, we will propose two methods to extract all parse trees from a set of ancestors tables in the top vertices of a graph-structured stack. For an input sentence of length n, while the time complexity of the Tomita parser can exceed O(n3) for some context-free grammars (CFGs), the time complexity of our parser is O(n3) for any CFGs, since our algorithm is based on the Kipps's recognizer. In order to extract a parse tree from a set of ancestors tables, it takes time in order n2. Some preliminary experimental results are given to show the efficiency of our parsers over Tomita parser.

  • On the Knowledge Tightness of Zero-Knowledge Proofs

    Toshiya ITOH  Atsushi KAWAKUBO  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper, we study the knowledge tightness of zero-knowledge proofs. To this end, we present a new measure for the knowledge tightness of zero-knowledge proofs and show that if a language L has a bounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 2 - |x|-c for some c 0, then L BPP and that any language L AM has a bounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 2-2-O(|x|) under the assumption that collision intractable hash functions exist. This implies that in the case of a bounded round zero-knowledge proof for a language L BPP, the optimal knowledge tightness is "2" unless AM = BPP. In addition, we show that any language L IP has an unbounded round zero-knowledge proof with knowledge tightness t(|x|) 1.5 under the assumption that nonuniformly secure probabilistic encryptions exist.

  • On the Knowledge Complexity of Arthur-Merlin Games

    Toshiya ITOH  Tatsuhiko KAKIMOTO  


    E77-A No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the knowledge complexity of interactive proof systems and show that (1) under the blackbox simulation, if a language L has a bounded move public coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense, then the language L itself has a one move interactive proof system; and (2) under the blackbox simulation, if a language L has a three move private coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense, then the language L itself has a one move interactive proof system. These results imply that as long as the blackbox simulation is concerned, any language L AM\MA is not allowed to have a bounded move public coin (or three move private coin) interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the hint sense unless AM = AM. In addition, we present a definite distinction between knowledge complexity in the hint sense and in the strict oracle sense, i.e., any language in AM (resp. IP) has a two (resp. unbounded) move public coin interactive proof system with polynomially bounded knowledge complexity in the strict oracle sense.

  • A Note on Leaf Reduction Theorem for Reversal- and Leaf-Bounded Alternating Turing Machines

    Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  Takashi MIYAZAKI  

    LETTER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:10

    There have been several studies related to a reduction of the amount of computational resources used by Turing machines. As consequences, linear speed-up theorem" tape compression theorem", and reversal reduction theorem" have been obtained. In this paper, we consider reversal- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines, and then show that the number of leaves can be reduced by a constant factor without increasing the number of reversals. Thus our results say that a constant factor on the leaf complexity does not affect the power of reversal- and leaf-bounded alternating Turing machines

  • A Note on One-Way Multicounter Machines and Cooperating Systems of One-Way Finite Automata

    Yue WANG  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    LETTER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:10

    For each two positive integers r, s, let [1DCM(r)-Time(ns)] ([1NCM(r)-Time(ns)]) and [1DCM(r)-Space(ns)] ([1NCM(r)-Space(ns)]) be the classes of languages accepted in time ns and in space ns, respectively, by one-way deterministic (nondeterministic) r-counter machines. We show that for each X{D, N}, [1XCM(r)-Time(ns)][1XCM(r+1)-Time(ns)] and [1XCM(r)-Space(ns)][1XCM(r+1)-Space(ns)]. We also investigate the relationships between one-way multicounter machines and cooperating systems of one-way finite automata. In particular, it is shown that one-way (one-) counter machines and cooperating systems of two one-way finite automata are equivalent in accepting power.

  • Overlapped Decompositions for Communication Complexity Driven Multilevel Logic Synthesis

    Kuo-Hua WANG  Ting-Ting HWANG  Cheng CHEN  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E76-D No:9

    Reducing communication complexity is a viable approach to multilevel logic synthesis. A communication complexity based approach was proposed previously. In the previous works, only disjoint input decomposition was considered. However, for certain types of circuits, the circuit size can be reduced by using overlapped decomposition. In this paper, we consider overlapped decompositions. Some design issues for overlapped decompositions such as detecting globals" and deriving subfunctions are addressed. Moreover, the Decomposition Don't Cares (DDC) is considered for improving the decomposed results. By using these techniques together, the area and delay of circuits can be further minimized.

  • An Architecture for Parallelism of OPS5 Production Systems

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  Etsuro HONDA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E76-D No:8

    In this paper we propose an architecture and an algorithm for the parallel execution of OPS5 production systems. It is known that current OPS5 production system interpreters spend almost 90% of their execution time in the match step. Thus, in this paper we focus on the speedup of the match step. The match algorithm used in OPS5 is called Rete and the algorithm uses a special kind of a date-flow network compiled from the left hand sides of rules. To achieve the maximum degree of parallelism of a given OPS5 program by as few processors as possible, the proposed parallel machine uses loosely coupled multiprocessors. Parallel machines designed for fine-grain parallelism, such as DADO, also use loosely coupled multiprocessors. However, the proposed machine differs from such machines at the following points: use of powerful processors which have large amounts of memories and small cycle times; use of a shared Rete network (parallel machines designed for fine-grain parallelism use an unshared Rete network); high hardware utilization. Basic ideas of the proposed parallel machine are as follows. (1) Use of a modified Rete network in which node sharing is used only for constant-test nodes and each memory node is lumped with the child two-input node. (2) Static allocation of the nodes of the modified Rete network onto processors. (3) Partition of the set of processors into three subsets: constant-test node processors, two-input node processors and conflict-set processors. (4) Use of a ring network for the interconnection network among two-input node processors. In addition to an architecture for parallel execution of OPS5 production systems, we propose a scheme for mapping the modified Rete network into the proposed architecture. The results of simulation experiments showed that the proposed architecture is promising for parallel execution of OPS5 production systems.

  • Microwave Characteristics of High-Tc Superconductors by Improved Three-Fluid Model

    Tadashi IMAI  Takaaki SAKAKIBARA  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  


    E76-C No:8

    In order to explain the temperature and frequency characteristics of high-Tc superconductors, a new model is proposed, which will be called the improved three-fluid model, where the momentum relaxation time τ is assumed to depend on temperature in the superconducting and normal states, respectively, although τ has been assumed to be independent of temperature for the conventional three-fluid model. According to this model, the complex conductivity σ1jσ2 and the surface impedance ZsRsjXs, where Rs is the surface resistance and Xs is the surface reactance, are expressed as a function of temperature. The temperature dependences of Zs and for a YBCO bulk estimated using this model agree very well with ones measured by the dielectric-loaded cavity method in room to cryogenic temperature. In particular, a peak of σ1 observed just below the critical temperature Tc in experiments, appeared in the calculated results based on this model. This phenomenon has been already known in the BCS theory. Thus, it is verified that this model is useful to explain the microwave characteristics of high-Tc superconductors in room to cryogenic temperature. On the other hand, the residual normal electron density nres4.2541023 m-3 and the total electron density nt7.3081024 m-3 are obtained by calculation. The ratio nres/nt0.058 can be used as figure of merit to evaluate material quality of high-Tc superconductors; thus it means that there is 5.8% nonpairing electron in this YBCO bulk.

  • On Malign Input Distributions for Algorithms

    Kojiro KABAYASHI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:6

    By a measure we mean a function µ from {0, 1}* (the set of all binary sequences) to real numbers such that µ(x)0 and µ({0, 1}*). A malign measure is a measure such that if an input x in {0, 1}n (the set of all binary sequences of length n) is selected with the probability µ(x)/µ ({0, 1}n) then the worst-case computation time tWOA (n) and the average-case computation time tav,µA(n) of an algorithm A for inputs of length n are functions of n of the same order for any algorithm A. Li and Vitányi found that measures that are known as a priori measures are malign. We prove that a priori" -ness and malignness are different in one strong sense.

  • Nondeterminism, Bi-immunity and Almost-Everywhere Complexity

    John G. GESKE  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E76-D No:6

    The main result of this paper is an almost-everywhere hierarchy theorem for nondeterministic space that is as tight as the well-known infinitely-often hierarchy theorems for deterministic and nondeterministic space. In addition, we show that the complexity-theoretic notion of almost-everywhere complex functions is identical to the recursion-theoretic notion of bi-immune sets in the nondeterministic space domain. Finally, we investigate bi-immunity in nondeterministic and alternating time complexity classes and derive a similar hierarchy result for alternating time.

  • Some Hierarchy Results on Multihead Automata over a One-Letter Alphabet

    Yue WANG  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    PAPER-Automaton, Language and Theory of Computing

    E76-D No:6

    The hierarchies of multihead finite automata over a one-letter alphabet are investigated. Let SeH(k) [NSeH(k) ] denote the class of languages over a one-letter alphabet accepted by deterministic [nondeterministic] sensing two-way k-head finite automata. Let H (k)s[NH(k)s] denote the class of sets of square tapes over a one-letter alphabet accepted by two-dimensional four-way deterministic [nondeterministic] k-head finite automata. Let SeH(k)s[NSeH(k)s] denote the class of sets of square tapes over a one-letter alphabet accepted by two-dimensional four-way sensing deterministic [nondeterministic] k-head finite automata. This paper shows that SeH(k) SeH(k1) and NSeH(k) NSeH(k1) hold for all k3. It is also shown that H(k)s[NH(k)s] H(k1)s[NH (k1)s] and SeH (k)s[NSeH(k)s] SeH(k1)s[NSeH(k1)s] hold for all k1.
