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[Keyword] diameter(19hit)

  • Constructing Two Completely Independent Spanning Trees in Balanced Hypercubes

    Yi-Xian YANG  Kung-Jui PAI  Ruay-Shiung CHANG  Jou-Ming CHANG  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:12

    A set of spanning trees of a graphs G are called completely independent spanning trees (CISTs for short) if for every pair of vertices x, y∈V(G), the paths joining x and y in any two trees have neither vertex nor edge in common, except x and y. Constructing CISTs has applications on interconnection networks such as fault-tolerant routing and secure message transmission. In this paper, we investigate the problem of constructing two CISTs in the balanced hypercube BHn, which is a hypercube-variant network and is superior to hypercube due to having a smaller diameter. As a result, the diameter of CISTs we constructed equals to 9 for BH2 and 6n-2 for BHn when n≥3.

  • Internet Anomaly Detection Based on Complex Network Path

    Jinfa WANG  Siyuan JIA  Hai ZHAO  Jiuqiang XU  Chuan LIN  


    E101-B No:12

    Detecting anomalies, such as network failure or intentional attack in Internet, is a vital but challenging task. Although numerous techniques have been developed based on Internet traffic, detecting anomalies from the perspective of Internet topology structure is going to be possible because the anomaly detection of structured datasets based on complex network theory has become a focus of attention recently. In this paper, an anomaly detection method for the large-scale Internet topology is proposed to detect local structure crashes caused by the cascading failure. In order to quantify the dynamic changes of Internet topology, the network path changes coefficient (NPCC) is put forward which highlights the Internet abnormal state after it is attacked continuously. Furthermore, inspired by Fibonacci Sequence, we proposed the decision function that can determine whether the Internet is abnormal or not. That is the current Internet is abnormal if its NPCC is out of the normal domain calculated using the previous k NPCCs of Internet topology. Finally the new Internet anomaly detection method is tested against the topology data of three Internet anomaly events. The results show that the detection accuracy of all events are over 97%, the detection precision for three events are 90.24%, 83.33% and 66.67%, when k=36. According to the experimental values of index F1, larger values of k offer better detection performance. Meanwhile, our method has better performance for the anomaly behaviors caused by network failure than those caused by intentional attack. Compared with traditional anomaly detection methods, our work is more simple and powerful for the government or organization in items of detecting large-scale abnormal events.

  • Order Adjustment Approach Using Cayley Graphs for the Order/Degree Problem

    Teruaki KITASUKA  Takayuki MATSUZAKI  Masahiro IIDA  

    PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E101-D No:12

    The order/degree problem consists of finding the smallest diameter graph for a given order and degree. Such a graph is beneficial for designing low-latency networks with high performance for massively parallel computers. The average shortest path length (ASPL) of a graph has an influence on latency. In this paper, we propose a novel order adjustment approach. In the proposed approach, we search for Cayley graphs of the given degree that are close to the given order. We then adjust the order of the best Cayley graph to meet the given order. For some order and degree pairs, we explain how to derive the smallest known graphs from the Graph Golf 2016 and 2017 competitions.

  • Radio Wave Shadowing by Two-Dimensional Human BodyModel

    Mitsuhiro YOKOTA  Yoshichika OHTA  Teruya FUJII  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:1

    The radio wave shadowing by a two-dimensional human body is examined numerically as the scattering problem by using the Method of Moments (MoM) in order to verify the equivalent human body diameter. Three human body models are examined: (1) a circular cylinder, (2) an elliptical cylinder, and (3) an elliptical cylinder with two circular cylinders are examined. The scattered fields yields by the circular cylinder are compared with measured data. Since the angle of the model to an incident wave affects scattered fields in models other than a circular cylinder, the models of an elliptical cylinder and an elliptical cylinder with two circular cylinders are converted into a circular cylinder of equivalent diameter. The frequency characteristics for the models are calculated by using the equivalent diameter.

  • MFD Measurement of a Six-Mode Fiber with Low-Coherence Digital Holography Open Access

    Yuta WAKAYAMA  Hidenori TAGA  Takehiro TSURITANI  


    E100-B No:10

    This paper presents an application of low-coherence interferometry for measurement of mode field diameters (MFDs) of a few-mode fiber and shows its performance compared with another method using a mode multiplexer. We found that the presented method could measure MFDs in a few-mode fiber even without any special mode multiplexers.

  • A Multi-Domain Access Control Infrastructure Based on Diameter and EAP

    Souheil BEN AYED  Fumio TERAOKA  


    E95-D No:2

    The evolution of Internet, the growth of Internet users and the new enabled technological capabilities place new requirements to form the Future Internet. Many features improvements and challenges were imposed to build a better Internet, including securing roaming of data and services over multiple administrative domains. In this research, we propose a multi-domain access control infrastructure to authenticate and authorize roaming users through the use of the Diameter protocol and EAP. The Diameter Protocol is a AAA protocol that solves the problems of previous AAA protocols such as RADIUS. The Diameter EAP Application is one of Diameter applications that extends the Diameter Base Protocol to support authentication using EAP. The contributions in this paper are: 1) first implementation of Diameter EAP Application, called DiamEAP, capable of practical authentication and authorization services in a multi-domain environment, 2) extensibility design capable of adding any new EAP methods, as loadable plugins, without modifying the main part, and 3) provision of EAP-TLS plugin as one of the most secure EAP methods. DiamEAP Server basic performances were evaluated and tested in a real multi-domain environment where 200 users attempted to access network using the EAP-TLS method during an event of 4 days. As evaluation results, the processing time of DiamEAP using the EAP-TLS plugin for authentication of 10 requests is about 20 ms while that for 400 requests/second is about 1.9 second. Evaluation and operation results show that DiamEAP is scalable and stable with the ability to handle more than 6 hundreds of authentication requests per second without any crashes. DiamEAP is supported by the AAA working group of the WIDE Project.

  • Bending-Loss Insensitive Fiber with Hole-Assisted Structure Open Access

    Kazuhide NAKAJIMA  Tomoya SHIMIZU  Takashi MATSUI  Chisato FUKAI  Toshio KURASHIMA  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E94-B No:3

    The characteristics of hole-assisted fiber (HAF) are investigated both numerically and experimentally in terms of its applicability as a bending-loss insensitive fiber (BIF). We show that HAF with the desired mode-field diameter (MFD), bending-loss and cutoff wavelength characteristics can be roughly designed by taking a few specific structural parameters into consideration. We also show that an optical cord composed of adequately designed HAF realizes satisfactory transmission performance with respect to its multi-path interference (MPI) characteristics. These results reveal that a hole-assisted type BIF will be beneficial for realizing easy and economical installation and maintenance in future access networks.

  • Numerical Investigation of Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fibers with Strong Confinement Field

    Kenta KANESHIMA  Yoshinori NAMIHIRA  Nianyu ZOU  Hiroki HIGA  Yasunori NAGATA  


    E89-C No:6

    In this paper, the confinement loss of octagonal photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) with an isosceles triangle lattice of air-holes are numerically investigated. Taking into account the confinement loss, the mode field diameter (MFD), the effective area (Aeff) and the chromatic dispersion of octagonal PCFs are calculated, compared to conventional hexagonal PCFs. It is found from confinement loss and MFD results that the octagonal PCFs can confine the field strongly than the hexagonal PCFs due to the different air filling fraction. Moreover, it is shown that the octagonal PCFs are obtained not only positive but also negative larger dispersion values and smaller Aeff values compared to the hexagonal PCFs.

  • IETQ: An Incrementally Extensible Twisted Cube

    Jyh-Shan CHANG  Sao-Jie CHEN  Tzi-Dar CHIUEH  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E85-A No:5

    In this paper, a new family of interconnection networks which we call the Incrementally Extensible Twisted Cube (IETQ) is proposed. The topology of this network is a novel generalization of the twisted cube. It inherits all the merits but without the limitations owned by a twisted cube. First, this proposed IETQ is incrementally extensible and can be adapted for use in any number of nodes; therefore, this network is particularly well suited for the design of a distributed communication network with an arbitrary number of nodes. Second, the vertex connectivity of IETQ is n. Measured by this vertex connectivity, we demonstrate that this network is optimally fault-tolerant . And it is almost regular, because the difference between the maximum and minimum degree of any node in an IETQ is at most one. A shortestpath routing algorithm for IETQ is proposed to generate path for any given pair of vertices in the network. Third, comparing with most of the other competitors, the diameter of this IETQ network is only half in size. This low diameter helps to reduce the internode communication delay. Moreover, IETQ also possesses the property of a pancyclic network. This attractive property would enable us to map rings of any length into the proposed network.

  • Correction to the Diameter of Trivalent Cayley Graphs

    Satoshi OKAWA  


    E84-A No:5

    The trivalent Cayley graph TCn was introduced and investigated in [1],[2]. Though "the diameter" was presented in [2], unfortunately it was not the diameter but an upper bound of it. In this paper, a lower bound of the diameter dia(TCn) of the trivalent Cayley graph TCn is investigated and the formula dia(TCn) = 2n - 2 for n 3 is established.

  • Effective Use of Geometric Information for Clustering and Related Topics

    Tetsuo ASANO  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Algorithms for Geometric Problems

    E83-D No:3

    This paper surveys how geometric information can be effectively used for efficient algorithms with focus on clustering problems. Given a complete weighted graph G of n vertices, is there a partition of the vertex set into k disjoint subsets so that the maximum weight of an innercluster edge (whose two endpoints both belong to the same subset) is minimized? This problem is known to be NP-complete even for k = 3. The case of k=2, that is, bipartition problem is solvable in polynomial time. On the other hand, in geometric setting where vertices are points in the plane and weights of edges equal the distances between corresponding points, the same problem is solvable in polynomial time even for k 3 as far as k is a fixed constant. For the case k=2, effective use of geometric property of an optimal solution leads to considerable improvement on the computational complexity. Other related topics are also discussed.

  • A New Method of Estimating Coronary Artery Diameter Using Direction Codes in Angiographic Images

    ChunKee JEON  KwangNham KANG  TaeWon RHEE  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E81-D No:6

    The conventional method requires a centerline of a vessel to estimate the vessel diameter. Two methods of estimating the centerline of vessels have been reported: One is to manually define the centerline of the vessel. This potentially contributes to inter- and intra-observer variability. The orientation of the centerline has an effect on the diameter function since diameters are computed perpendicular to the centerline. And the other is to automatically detect the centerline of the vessel. But this is a very complicated method. In this paper, we propose a new method of estimating vessel diameter using direction codes without detecting centerline. Since this method detects the vessel boundary and direction code at the same time, it simplifies the procedure and reduces execution time in estimating the vessel diameter. Compared to a method that automatically estimates the vessel diameter using centerline, a proposed method provides an improved accuracy in image with poor contrast, branching or obstructed vessels. Also, this provides a good compression of boundary description. Our experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the technique using direction code for quantitative angiography. Experimental results justify the validity of the proposed method.

  • Sparse Spanning Subgraphs Preserving Connectivity and Distance between Vertices and Vertex Subsets

    Hiroyoshi MIWA  Hiro ITO  


    E81-A No:5

    This paper investigates the relations between the computational complexity and the restrictions for several problems that determine whether a given graph with edge costs and edge lengths has a spanning subgraph with such restrictions as the diameter, the connectivity, and the NA-distance and the NA-(edge)-connectivity proposed and investigated in [1]-[5]. The NA-distance and the NA-(edge)-connectivity are the measures for the distance and the connectivity between a vertex and a vertex subset (area). In this paper we prove that the minimum diameter spanning subgraph problem considering the restrictions of the diameter and the sum of edge costs is NP-complete even if the following restrictions are satisfied: all edge costs and all edge lengths are equal to one, and the upper bound of the diameter is restricted to four. Next, we prove that the minimum NA-distance spanning subgraph problem considering the restrictions of the NA-distances and the sum of edge costs is NP-complete even if the following conditions are satisfied: all edge costs and all edge lengths are equal to one, the upper bound of the NA-distance is restricted to four, each area is composed of a vertex, and the number of areas is restricted to two. Finally, we investigate the preserving NA-distance and NA-edge-connectivity spanning subgraph problem considering the preservations of the NA-distances and the NA-edge-connectivity and the restrictions of the sum of edge costs, and prove that a sparse spanning subgraph can be constructed in polynomial time if all edge costs are equal to one.

  • Model for Estimating Bending Loss in the 1.5 µm Wavelength Region

    Kyozo TSUJIKAWA  Masaharu OHASHI  Osamu KAWATA  


    E80-C No:7

    A model for estimating the bending loss of 1.3 µm zero-dispersion single-mode fibers at 1.58 µm from the value at 1.55 µm is investigated experimentally and theoretically. An approximated equation for estimating the bending loss ratio of 1.58 µm to 1.55 µm is proposed, which provides good agreement with the experimental results.

  • Assessment of Fatigue by Pupillary Response

    Atsuo MURATA  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E80-A No:7

    This study was conducted to assess the relationship between fatigue and pupillary responses. Pupillary responses, ECG and blood pressure were measured for 24 hours every 30 min in 8 subjects. A questionnaire was used to rate subjective feeling of fatigue. Twenty-four hours were divided equally into four 6-hour blocks. Subjective feeling of fatigue increased markedly in the fourth block, and the difference in subjective fatigue between fourth and first blocks was significant. Of nine pupillary responses, the pupil diameter was found to decrease with time. With respect to the function of the autonomic nervous system such as heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, only heart rate was found to be sensitive to the increased subjective feeling of fatigue. A significant difference was found in the mean pupil diameter and mean heart rate between the last and first blocks. This result indicates that pupil diameter is related to fatigue and can be used to assess fatigue. Possible implications for fatigue assessment are discussed.

  • Mesh Spiral and Mesh Random Networks

    Kazuhiko IWASAKI  Akinori FURUTA  

    PAPER-Interconnection Networks

    E79-D No:8

    A mesh spiral network (MSnet) and a mesh random (MRnet) are proposed. The MSnet consists of the 2-D torus and bypass links that keep the degree at six. The MRnet consists of the 2-D torus and random bypass links that keep the degree at six. The diameter and the average distance are calculated by using a computer program. The cost of the MSnet is slightly higher than that of the de Bruijn graph, and is about the same as the Star graph. The cost of the MRnet is better than that of the de Bruijn graph. The MSnet is proven to be maximally fault-tolerant. The upper bound of the MRnet size is also discussed.

  • Suitable Conditions for Connections through the Plated Through Hole of Printed Circuit Boards

    Hiroki OKA  Nobuaki SUGIURA  Kei-ichi YASUDA  


    E78-C No:3

    B-ISDN telecommunication systems will require signal processing speeds up to 600 Mbps or more. We must therefore consider the affects of signal reflection, signal attenuation, time dalay, and so on when designing these systems. The higher the signal speed, the larger the electrical noise induced around the connector, especially in the plated through holes (PTHs) area. This paper presents the results of our investigation focused on connector mounting configurations in the signal transmission line, especially whether or not signals transmit through the PTH in a printed circuit board (PCB). How the signal reflection characteristics depend upon transmission line configurations are discussed and experimental results and simulation analyses for a transmission line system using a small miniature A-type (SMA) connector as an example are performed. It is suggested that designs for future high-speed signal transmission circuits take into account the PTH diameter and/or the PTH pitch conditions, values for which can be determined from simulation analysis.

  • On Container Width and Length in Graphs, Groups,and Networks--Dedicated to Professor Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday--

    D.Frank HSU  


    E77-A No:4

    Graph parameters such as connectivity and diameter have been studied extensively due to their intrinsic importance in graph theory, combinatorics and their relations to (and applications in) fault tolerance and transmission delay in communications networks. The advent of VLSI technology and fiber optics material science has enabled us to design massively parallel processing computer systems and fast and complicated communications networks. All these systems increase their reliability by studying (among other) the existence of two (or more) disjoint paths connecting any two nodes. This paper addresses these issues by studying the width and length of containers in graphs and networks. In particular, the notions of w-distance and w-diameter on a graph are defined and studied which generalize both concepts of connectivity and diameter. Thses notions are also considered in finite groups. Other closely related parameters will be explored in the contexts of fault tolerance and routing. Known results are surveyed and open problems are offered for further investigation.

  • Optimum Mode Field Diameter Region in Thermally-Diffused Expanded Core Fiber

    Mitsuru KIHARA  Tsuyoshi NAKASHIMA  Michito MATSUMOTO  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E76-B No:1

    We indicate the existence of optimum expanded mode field diameters in thermally-diffused expanded core (TEC) fiber. The optimum ranges under our experimental conditions were from 14µm to 18µm for both 1.3µm-single-mode fiber and 1.55µm-dispersion-shifted fiber. By applying the TEC fiber fabricated in our experimental conditions to a multifiber connector, the connection loss can be reduced to less than 0.2dB without improving fiber and connector ferrule fabrication accuracy.