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[Keyword] incomplete information(5hit)

  • Traffic Engineering and Traffic Monitoring in the Case of Incomplete Information

    Kodai SATAKE  Tatsuya OTOSHI  Yuichi OHSITA  Masayuki MURATA  


    E102-B No:1

    Traffic engineering refers to techniques to accommodate traffic efficiently by dynamically configuring traffic routes so as to adjust to changes in traffic. If traffic changes frequently and drastically, the interval of route reconfiguration should be short. However, with shorter intervals, obtaining traffic information is problematic. To calculate a suitable route, accurate traffic information of the whole network must be gathered. This is difficult in short intervals, owing to the overhead incurred to monitor and collect traffic information. In this paper, we propose a framework for traffic engineering in cases where only partial traffic information can be obtained in each time slot. The proposed framework is inspired by the human brain, and uses conditional probability to make decisions. In this framework, a controller is deployed to (1) obtain a limited amount of traffic information, (2) estimate and predict the probability distribution of the traffic, (3) configure routes considering the probability distribution of future predicted traffic, and (4) select traffic that should be monitored during the next period considering the system performance yielded by route reconfiguration. We evaluate our framework with a simulation. The results demonstrate that our framework improves the efficiency of traffic accommodation even when only partial traffic information is monitored during each time slot.

  • A Bayesian Game to Estimate the Optimal Initial Resource Demand for Entrant Virtual Network Operators

    Abu Hena Al MUKTADIR  Ved P. KAFLE  Pedro MARTINEZ-JULIA  Hiroaki HARAI  


    E101-B No:3

    Network virtualization and slicing technologies create opportunity for infrastructure-less virtual network operators (VNOs) to enter the market anytime and provide diverse services. Multiple VNOs compete to provide the same kinds of services to end users (EUs). VNOs lease virtual resources from the infrastructure provider (InP) and sell services to the EUs by using the leased resources. The difference between the selling and leasing is the gross profit for the VNOs. A VNO that leases resources without precise knowledge of future demand, may not consume all the leased resources through service offers to EUs. Consequently, the VNO experiences loss and resources remain unused. In order to improve resource utilization and ensure that new entrant VNOs do not face losses, proper estimation of initial resource demand is important. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian game with Cournot oligopoly model to properly estimate the optimal initial resource demands for multiple entrant competing VNOs (players) with the objective of maximizing the expected profit for each VNO. The VNOs offer the same kinds of services to EUs with different qualities (player's type), which are public information. The exact service quality with which a VNO competes in the market is private information. Therefore, a VNO assumes the type of its opponent VNOs with certain probability. We derive the Bayesian Nash equilibrium (BNE) of the presented game and evaluate numerically the effect of service qualities and prices on the expected profit and market share of the VNOs.

  • Distributed Optimization with Incomplete Information for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

    Haibo DAI  Chunguo LI  Luxi YANG  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E100-A No:7

    In this letter, we propose two robust and distributed game-based algorithms, which are the modifications of two algorithms proposed in [1], to solve the joint base station selection and resource allocation problem with imperfect information in heterogeneous cellular networks (HCNs). In particular, we repeatedly sample the received payoffs in the exploitation stage of each algorithm to guarantee the convergence when the payoffs of some users (UEs) in [1] cannot accurately be acquired for some reasons. Then, we derive the rational sampling number and prove the convergence of the modified algorithms. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that two modified algorithms achieve good convergence performances and robustness in the incomplete information scheme.

  • Oligopoly Competition in Time-Dependent Pricing for Improving Revenue of Network Service Providers with Complete and Incomplete Information

    Cheng ZHANG  Bo GU  Kyoko YAMORI  Sugang XU  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E98-B No:1

    Network traffic load usually differs significantly at different times of a day due to users' different time-preference. Network congestion may happen in traffic peak times. In order to prevent this from happening, network service providers (NSPs) can either over-provision capacity for demand at peak times of the day, or use dynamic time-dependent pricing (TDP) scheme to reduce the demand at traffic peak times. Since over-provisioning network capacity is costly, many researchers have proposed TDP schemes to control congestion as well as to improve the revenue of NSPs. To the best of our knowledge, all the studies on TDP schemes consider only the monopoly or duopoly NSP case. In our previous work, the duopoly NSP case has been studied with the assumption that each NSP has complete information of quality of service (QoS) of the other NSP. In this paper, an oligopoly NSP case is studied. NSPs try to maximize their overall revenue by setting time-dependent price, while users choose NSPs by considering their own time preference, congestion status in the networks and the price set by the NSPs. The interactions among NSPs are modeled as an oligopoly Bertrand game. Firstly, assuming that each NSP has complete information of QoS of all NSPs, a unique Nash equilibrium of the game is established under the assumption that users' valuation of QoS is uniformly distributed. Secondly, the assumption of complete information of QoS of all NSPs is relaxed, and a learning algorithm is proposed for NSPs to achieve the Nash equilibrium of the game. Analytical and experimental results show that NSPs can benefit from TDP scheme, however, not only the competition effect but also the incomplete information among NSPs causes revenue loss for NSPs under the TDP scheme.

  • Pareto Improvement for Radio Resource Control under Incomplete Channel Information: A Game-Theoretical Approach

    Xiang DUAN  Zhisheng NIU  Junli ZHENG  

    PAPER-Mobile Radio

    E87-B No:5

    In wireless communication systems where users compete for limited bandwidth, radio resource control is essential for throughput enhancement and delay reduction. In this paper, we present a game-theoretical approach to distributed resource control in CDMA systems. Incomplete information about channel conditions is considered. The resource control problem is formulated as a noncooperative game of incomplete information, with which the existence and uniqueness of the Bayesian Nash equilibrium (BNE) of the game is investigated. Since the equilibrium is Pareto inefficient, we propose a pricing policy to the resource control game by adding a penalty price to user's transmission cost. With the adoption of the price, user's aggressive behavior is depressed, and Pareto improvement is achieved. Also the Pareto efficient BNE of the game with pricing is studied. Simulation results show that users can obtain higher throughput and lower average packet transmission delay by proper pricing policy. It is also verified that the scheme of pricing policy is robust when information of channel conditions is inaccurate.