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[Keyword] linking(9hit)

  • DiSCo: Distributed Scalable Compilation Tool for Heavy Compilation Workload

    Kyongjin JO  Seon Wook KIM  Jong-Kook KIM  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E96-D No:3

    The size and complexity of software in computer systems and even in consumer electronics is drastically and continuously increasing, thus increasing the compilation time. For example, the compilation time for building some of mobile phones' platform software takes several hours. In order to reduce the compilation time, this paper proposes a Distributed Scalable Compilation Tool, called DiSCo where full compilation passes such as preprocessing, compilation, and even linking are performed at remote machines, i.e. in parallel. To the best of our knowledge DiSCo is the first distributed compiler to support complete distributed processing in all the compilation passes. We use an extensive dependency analysis in parsing compilation commands for exploiting higher command-level parallelism, and we apply a file caching method and a network-drive protocol for reducing the remote compilation overhead and simplifying the implementation. Lastly, we minimize load imbalance and remote machine management overhead with our heuristic static scheduling method by predicting compilation time and considering the overheads invoked by the compilation process. Our evaluation using four large mobile applications and eight GNU applications shows that the performance of DiSCo is scalable and the performance is close to a profile scheduling.

  • Frequency Characteristics of Polymer Field-Effect Transistors with Self-Aligned Electrodes Investigated by Impedance Spectroscopy Open Access

    Hideyuki HATTA  Takashi NAGASE  Takashi KOBAYASHI  Mitsuru WATANABE  Kimihiro MATSUKAWA  Shuichi MURAKAMI  Hiroyoshi NAITO  


    E94-C No:11

    Solution-based organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) with low parasitic capacitance have been fabricated using a self-aligned method. The self-aligned processes using a cross-linking polymer gate insulator allow fabricating electrically stable polymer OFETs with small overlap area between the source-drain electrodes and the gate electrode, whose frequency characteristics have been investigated by impedance spectroscopy (IS). The IS of polymer OFETs with self-aligned electrodes reveals frequency-dependent channel formation process and the frequency response in FET structure.

  • Analyzing Bioelectric Potential Response of Plants Related to Photosynthesis under Blinking Irradiation

    Ki ANDO  Yuki HASEGAWA  Hitoshi MAEKAWA  Teruaki KATSUBE  


    E91-C No:12

    The bioelectric potential of plants is generated by ion concentration difference between inside and outside of plant cells. It has been reported that the bioelectric potential of leaves changes at the beginning of steady irradiation and intensity of the potential response increases with the photosynthetic rate. Although it has been reported that photosynthesis is accelerated by blinking irradiation, the potential response under the blinking irradiation have not been fully clarified. In this study, we measured the bioelectric potential and CO2 consumption of plants under various types of the blinking irradiation. This result showed that the potential response under the blinking irradiation has various behaviors and intensity of the response related to photosynthetic rate. We conclude that our method is suitable for monitoring the biological activity of plants such as photosynthesis.

  • Blinking Long-Range Connections Increase the Functionality of Locally Connected Networks

    Martin HASLER  Igor BELYKH  


    E88-A No:10

    Information processing with only locally connected networks such as cellular neural networks is advantageous for integrated circuit implementations. Adding long range connections can often enhance considerably their performance. It is sufficient to activate these connections randomly from time to time (blinking connections). This can be realized by sending packets on a communication network underlying the information processing network that is needed anyway for bringing information in and out of the locally connected network. We prove for the case of multi-stable networks that if the long-range connections are switched on and off sufficiently fast, the behavior of the blinking network is with high probability the same as the behavior of the time-averaged network. In the averaged network the blinking connections are replaced by fixed connections with low (average) coupling strength.

  • Adaptive Tessellation of PN Triangles Using Minimum-Artifact Edge Linking

    Yun-Seok CHOI  Kyu-Sik CHUNG  Lee-Sup KIM  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E87-A No:10

    The PN triangle method has a great significance in processing tessellation at the hardware level without software assistance. Despite its significance, however, the conventional PN triangle method has certain defects such as inefficient GE operation and degradation of visual quality. Because the method tessellates a curved surface according to the user-defined fixed LOD (Level Of Detail). In this paper, we propose adaptive tessellation of PN triangles using minimum-artifact edge linking. Through this method, higher efficiency of tessellation and better quality of scene are obtained by adaptivity and minimum-artifact edge linking, respectively. This paper also presents a hardware architecture of a PN triangle method using adaptive LOD, which is not a burden for overall 3D graphics hardware.

  • New Time-Stamping Scheme Using Mutual Communications with Pseudonymous Clients

    Akira YAMADA  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  Toshiaki TANAKA  Koji NAKAO  


    E87-A No:1

    Linking schemes have been proposed assuming the model where the time-stamp issuer need not be trusted. However, in that environment, a fake chain attack and forward or backward dating attacks are still a residual risk in Time-Stamping services (TSS). In this paper, we propose a new time-stamping scheme that focuses on these problems. In our scheme, we use pseudonyms to prevent the time-stamp issuer from dating the time that the specific entity requests. Our scheme doesn't rely on only one trustworthy entity, and uses mutual communication between each entity. Two types of entities, server and clients without any trustworthy entities are configured in our system. The server provides an anonymous communication channel, but doesn't provide TSS, and the clients are not only time-stamp requesters but also issuers. So, when a client requests a time-stamp from the system, it is issued by one of the other clients.

  • An Elastic Net Learning Algorithm for Edge Linking of Images

    Jiahai WANG  Zheng TANG  Qiping CAO  Xinshun XU  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E86-A No:11

    Edge linking is a fundamental computer vision task, yet presents difficulties arising from the lack of information in the image. Viewed as a constrained optimization problem, it is NP hard-being isomorphic to the classical Traveling Salesman Problem. This paper proposes a gradient ascent learning algorithm of the elastic net approach for edge linking of images. The learning algorithm has two phases: an elastic net phase, and a gradient ascent phase. The elastic net phase minimizes the path through the edge points. The procedure is equivalent to gradient descent of an energy function, and leads to a local minimum of energy that represents a good solution to the problem. Once the elastic net gets stuck in local minima, the gradient ascent phase attempts to fill up the valley by modifying parameters in a gradient ascent direction of the energy function. Thus, these two phases are repeated until the elastic net gets out of local minima and produces the shortest or better contour through edge points. We test the algorithm on a set of artificial images devised with the aim of demonstrating the sort of features that may occur in real images. For all problems, the systems are shown to be capable of escaping from the elastic net local minima and producing more meaningful contours than the original elastic net.

  • Fault-Tolerant Cube-Connected Cycles Architectures Capable of Quick Broadcasting by Using Spare Circuits

    Nobuo TSUDA  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerance

    E80-D No:9

    The construction of fault-tolerant processor arrays with interconnections of cube-connected cycles (CCCs) by using an advanced spare-connection scheme for k-out-of-n redundancies called "generalized additional bypass linking" is described. The connection scheme uses bypass links with wired OR connections to spare processing elements (PEs) without external switches, and can reconfigure complete arrays by tolerating faulty portions in these PEs and links. The spare connections are designed as a node-coloring problem of a CCC graph with a minimum distance of 3: the chromatic numbers corresponding to the number of spare PE connections were evaluated theoretically. The proposed scheme can be used for constructing various k-out-of-n configurations capable of quick broadcasting by using spare circuits, and is superior to conventional schemes in terms of extra PE connections and reconfiguration control. In particular, it allows construction of optimal r-fault-tolerant configurations that provide r spare PEs and r extra connections per PE for CCCs with 4x PEs (x: integer) in each cycle.

  • Template Based Method of Edge Linking with Low Distortion

    Fredrick L. MILLER  Junji MAEDA  Hiroshi KUBO  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E76-D No:6

    In the field of computer vision the detection of edges in an image serves to simplify the date in the early stages, into a form which is more easily processed by the computer. But because of noise or due to the inherent weaknesses of the chosen edge detector, gaps or interruptions in the edges may be formed. In order for further processing to proceed with accuracy and confidence, these gaps must be filled or linked to form a more continuous edge. Proposed in this paper is a unique method of edge linking. This method consists of three steps, labelling, linking and merging. The procedure makes use of global information in the labelling process and local information with the use of templates in the linking and merging processes. As a result of the unique way in which the gaps between edge segments are filled, distortion of the edge image is kept minimal. One other advantage of the proposed edge linker is that it can be used in combination with different edge detection schemes. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, comparisons are given. These include the linear feature extraction method of Zhou, upon which the proposed method is based and also outputs from a method described by Nevatia.