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[Keyword] patterned media(9hit)

  • Mutual Information Approximation Based Polar Code Design for 4Tb/in2 2D-ISI Channels

    Lingjun KONG  Haiyang LIU  Jin TIAN  Shunwai ZHANG  Shengmei ZHAO  Yi FANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:8

    In this letter, a method for the construction of polar codes based on the mutual information approximation (MIA) is proposed for the 4Tb/in2 two-dimensional inter-symbol interference (2D-ISI) channels, such as the bit-patterned magnetic recording (BPMR) and two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR). The basic idea is to exploit the MIA between the input and output of a 2D detector to establish a log-likelihood ratio (LLR) distribution model based on the MIA results, which compensates the gap caused by the 2D ISI channel. Consequently, the polar codes obtained by the optimization techniques previously developed for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels can also have satisfactory performances over 2D-ISI channels. Simulated results show that the proposed polar codes can outperform the polar codes constructed by the traditional methods over 4Tb/in2 2D-ISI channels.

  • A Simple Inter-Track Interference Subtraction Technique in Bit-Patterned Media Recording (BPMR) Systems

    Chaiwat BUAJONG  Chanon WARISARN  

    PAPER-Storage Technology

    E101-C No:5

    In this paper, we demonstrate how to subtract the intertrack interference (ITI) before the decoding process in multi-track multi-head bit-patterned media recording (BPMR) system, which can obtain a better bit error rate (BER) performance. We focus on the three-track/three-head BPMR channel and propose the ITI subtraction technique that performs together with a rate-5/6 two dimensional (2D) modulation code. Since the coded system can provide the estimated recorded bit sequence with a high reliability rate for the center track. However, the upper and lower data sequences still be interfered with their sidetracks, which results to have a low reliability rate. Therefore, we propose to feedback the data from the center and upper tracks for subtracting the ITI effect of the lower track. Meanwhile, the feedback data from the center and lower tracks will be also used to subtract the ITI effect of the upper track. The use of our proposed technique can effectively reduce the severity of ITI effect which caused from the two sidetracks. The computer simulation results in the presence of position and size fluctuations show that the proposed system yields better BER performance than a conventional coded system, especially when an areal density (AD) is ultra high.

  • Multi-Track Joint Decoding Schemes Using Two-Dimensional Run-Length Limited Codes for Bit-Patterned Media Magnetic Recording

    Hidetoshi SAITO  

    PAPER-Signal Processing for Storage

    E99-A No:12

    This paper proposes an effective signal processing scheme using a modulation code with two-dimensional (2D) run-length limited (RLL) constraints for bit-patterned media magnetic recording (BPMR). This 2D signal processing scheme is applied to be one of two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR) schemes for shingled magnetic recording on bit patterned media (BPM). A TDMR scheme has been pointed out an important key technology for increasing areal density toward 10Tb/in2. From the viewpoint of 2D signal processing for TDMR, multi-track joint decoding scheme is desirable to increase an effective transfer rate because this scheme gets readback signals from several adjacent parallel tracks and detect recorded data written in these tracks simultaneously. Actually, the proposed signal processing scheme for BPMR gets mixed readback signal sequences from the parallel tracks using a single reading head and these readback signal sequences are equalized to a frequency response given by a desired 2D generalized partial response system. In the decoding process, it leads to an increase in the effective transfer rate by using a single maximum likelihood (ML) sequence detector because the recorded data on the parallel tracks are decoded for each time slot. Furthermore, a new joint pattern-dependent noise-predictive (PDNP) sequence detection scheme is investigated for multi-track recording with media noise. This joint PDNP detection is embed in a ML detector and can be useful to eliminate media noise. Using computer simulation, it is shown that the joint PDNP detection scheme is able to compensate media noise in the equalizer output which is correlated and data-dependent.

  • Soft-Output Decoding Approach of 2D Modulation Codes in Bit-Patterned Media Recording Systems


    PAPER-Storage Technology

    E98-C No:12

    The two-dimensional (2D) interference is one of the major impairments in bit-patterned media recording (BPMR) systems due to small bit and track pitches, especially at high recording densities. To alleviate this problem, we introduced a rate-4/5 constructive inter-track interference (CITI) coding scheme to prevent the destructive data patterns to be written onto a magnetic medium for an uncoded BPMR system, i.e., without error-correction codes. Because the CITI code produces only the hard decision, it cannot be employed in a coded BPMR system that uses a low-density parity-check (LDPC) code. To utilize it in an iterative decoding scheme, we propose a soft CITI coding scheme based on the log-likelihood ratio algebra implementation in Boolean logic mappings in order that the soft CITI coding scheme together with a modified 2D soft-output Viterbi algorithm (SOVA) detector and a LDPC decoder will jointly perform iterative decoding. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a significant performance improvement, in particular when an areal density (AD) is high and/or the position jitter is large. Specifically, at a bit-error rate of 10-4 and no position jitter, the proposed system can provide approximately 1.8 and 3.5 dB gain over the conventional coded system without using the CITI code at the ADs of 2.5 and 3.0 Tera-bit per square inch (Tb/in2), respectively.

  • A TMR Mitigation Method Based on Readback Signal in Bit-Patterned Media Recording


    PAPER-Storage Technology

    E98-C No:8

    Track mis-registration (TMR) is one of the major problems in high-density magnetic recording systems such as bit-patterned media recording (BPMR). In general, TMR results from the misalignment between the center of the read head and that of the main track, which can deteriorate the system performance. Although TMR can be handled by a servo system, this paper proposes a novel method to alleviate the TMR effect, based on the readback signal. Specifically, the readback signal is directly used to estimate a TMR level and is then further processed by the suitable target and equalizer designed for such a TMR level. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method can sufficiently estimate the TMR level and then helps improve the system performance if compared to the conventional receiver that does not employ a TMR mitigation method, especially when an areal density is high and/or a TMR level is large.

  • An ITI-Mitigating 5/6 Modulation Code for Bit-Patterned Media Recording


    PAPER-Storage Technology

    E98-C No:6

    In bit-patterned media recording (BPMR), the readback signal is severely corrupted by the inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-track interference (ITI), especially at high recording densities, due to small bit and track pitches. One way to alleviate the ITI effect is to encode an input data sequence before recording, so as to avoid some data patterns that easily cause an error at the data detection process. This paper proposes an ITI-mitigating 5/6 modulation code for a multi-track multi-head BPMR system to eliminate the data patterns that lead to severe ITI. Specifically, each of the 5 user bits is converted into a 6-bit codeword in the form of a 3-by-2 data array, based on a look-up table. Experimental results indicate that the system with the proposed coding scheme outperforms that without coding, especially when an areal density is high and/or the position jitter is large.

  • Deposition of Inclined Magnetic Anisotropy Film by Oblique Incidence Collimated Sputtering

    Naoki HONDA  Akito HONDA  


    E96-C No:12

    Deposition of inclined anisotropy film for bit-patterned media was studied using an oblique incidence collimated sputtering. Pt underlayer increased the inclination angle of magnetic layer more than 5° on a Ta seed layer. Further increase of the angle was obtained by annealing Pt/Ru underlayer resulting an inclination angle of 9.4° for a Co-Cr15.5 film on the underlayer. The magnetic properties of the Co-Cr15.5 film with an inclined orientation was estimated comparing measured hysteresis loops with simulated ones, which indicated to have inclined magnetic anisotropy with an anisotropy field of about 4.5kOe and a deflection angle of the anisotropy about the same as that of the crystalline orientation.

  • A Recorded-Bit Patterning Scheme with Accumulated Weight Decision for Bit-Patterned Media Recording



    E96-C No:12

    To achieve high recording density in a bit-patterned media recording system, the spacing between data bit islands in both the along-track and the across-track directions must be decreased, thus leading to the increase of two-dimensional (2D) interference. One way to reduce the 2D interference is to apply a 2D coding scheme on a data sequence before recording; however, this method usually requires many redundant bits, thus lowering a code rate. Therefore, we propose a novel 2D coding scheme referred to as a recorded-bit patterning (RBP) scheme to mitigate the 2D interference, which requires no redundant bits at the expense of using more buffer memory. Specifically, an input data sequence is first split into three tracks in which will then be rotated to find the best 3-track data pattern based on a look-up table before recording, such that the shifted data tracks yield the least effect of 2D interference in the readback signal. Numerical results indicate that the proposed RBP scheme provides a significant performance improvement if compared to a conventional system (without 2D coding), especially when the recording density is high and/or the position jitter noise is large.

  • Simulation Study of Factors That Determine Write Margins in Patterned Media

    Naoki HONDA  Kiyoshi YAMAKAWA  Kazuhiro OUCHI  


    E90-C No:8

    Shift margins in down and cross track directions and skew angle were investigated using micromagnetic simulation with a shielded planar head for patterned media with an areal density of 1 Tbit/in2. The shift margins were quantitatively estimated using parameters of the head field and the magnetic properties of media. It is essential to use a head with a higher field gradient and a medium with a small field width between saturation and nucleation fields, to obtain a larger down track shift margin, and a head with a narrower cross track field distribution to obtain a larger cross track shift margin and skew angle margin.