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  • Bit Error Correctable Multiple Description Coding

    Kwang-Pyo CHOI  Chang-su HAN  Keun-Young LEE  


    E87-A No:6

    This paper proposes a new method, EC-MDC that can detect and correct bit errors in the bitstream generated by multiple description coding. The proposed method generates two sub-bitstreams having a few redundancies as much as conventional multiple description coding. If a sub-bitstream at one side has bit error, the bit error can be corrected by using sub-bitstream of the other side. In BER-SNR experiments, reconstruction quality of the proposed method shows about 11dB higher than that of the conventional MDC at BER < 10-3 when a sub-bitstream is corrupted.

  • High Resolution Local Polynomial Approximation Beamforming for Wide Band Moving Sources

    Do-Hyun PARK  Kyun-Kyung LEE  

    LETTER-Antenna and Propagation

    E87-B No:6

    The current letter extends narrow band (NB) local polynomial approximation (LPA) beamforming to wide band (WB) rapidly moving sources. Instead of the conventional beamformer weight in NB LPA, the proposed method adopts the steered minimum variance (STMV) method that can achieve a high resolution with short time observations. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated via computer simulations.

  • Frequency Band and Time Slot Selection Scheme for Downlink Packet Communications in Cellular Band Division MC-CDM Systems

    Kazuo MORI  Hideo KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Mobile Radio

    E87-B No:5

    Band Division MC-CDM (BD-MC-CDM) has been proposed for high quality wireless communications and has been investigated in terms of link level performance. In this paper, we investigate frequency band and time slot selection technique from the viewpoint of system level performance in order to realize the efficient BD-MC-CDM system under cellular environments. Then a downlink frequency band and time slot selection scheme is proposed for cellular BD-MC-CDM systems. The proposed scheme selects transmission frequency band according to the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) estimated by using the pilot signal at mobile stations and also selects transmission time slot by using the SIR threshold. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the downlink throughput but degrades delay performance and it has a trade off between throughput and delay performance. By selecting suitable control parameters, the proposed scheme achieves the throughput improvement without sacrificing the delay performance.

  • Sound Source Localization Using a Profile Fitting Method with Sound Reflectors

    Osamu ICHIKAWA  Tetsuya TAKIGUCHI  Masafumi NISHIMURA  


    E87-D No:5

    In a two-microphone approach, interchannel differences in time (ICTD) and interchannel differences in sound level (ICLD) have generally been used for sound source localization. But those cues are not effective for vertical localization in the median plane (direct front). For that purpose, spectral cues based on features of head-related transfer functions (HRTF) have been investigated, but they are not robust enough against signal variations and environmental noise. In this paper, we use a "profile" as a cue while using a combination of reflectors specially designed for vertical localization. The observed sound is converted into a profile containing information about reflections as well as ICTD and ICLD data. The observed profile is decomposed into signal and noise by using template profiles associated with sound source locations. The template minimizing the residual of the decomposition gives the estimated sound source location. Experiments show this method can correctly provide a rough estimate of the vertical location even in a noisy environment.

  • Adaptive Wireless Transmission Scheme Considering Stay Time in Spot Mobile Access

    Yuki MINODA  Katsutoshi TSUKAMOTO  Shozo KOMAKI  

    PAPER-Wireless LAN

    E87-B No:5

    In this paper, an adaptive transmission scheme considering the stay time in a spot mobile access system is proposed. The proposed adaptive transmission scheme selects the modulation format according to the user's stay time in the spot communication zone and the types of data requested by each user. In the proposed system, when the stay time of a user is short, high-speed modulation is selected for this user. When the stay time of a user is long, a more reliable modulation format is selected. The computer simulation results show that the proposed transmission scheme without any channel estimation can achieve the same or better performance than when using the modulation format fixedly when the carrier-to-noise ratio changes rapidly.

  • On the Performance of Multiuser Diversity under Explicit Quality of Service Constraints over Fading Channels

    Shiping DUAN  Youyun XU  Wentao SONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:5

    Multiuser diversity, identified by recent information theoretic results, is a form of diversity inherent in a wireless network. The diversity gain is obtained from independent time-varying fading channels across different users. The main practical issue in multiuser diversity is lack of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. This study proposes a wireless scheduling algorithm named MUDSEQ for downlink channels exploiting multiuser diversity under explicit QoS constraints. The numerical results demonstrate that the novel algorithm can yield non-negligible diversity gain even under tight QoS constraints and little scattering or slow fading environments. Additionally, a system framework for dynamic resource allocation based on the proposed algorithm is developed.

  • Pareto Improvement for Radio Resource Control under Incomplete Channel Information: A Game-Theoretical Approach

    Xiang DUAN  Zhisheng NIU  Junli ZHENG  

    PAPER-Mobile Radio

    E87-B No:5

    In wireless communication systems where users compete for limited bandwidth, radio resource control is essential for throughput enhancement and delay reduction. In this paper, we present a game-theoretical approach to distributed resource control in CDMA systems. Incomplete information about channel conditions is considered. The resource control problem is formulated as a noncooperative game of incomplete information, with which the existence and uniqueness of the Bayesian Nash equilibrium (BNE) of the game is investigated. Since the equilibrium is Pareto inefficient, we propose a pricing policy to the resource control game by adding a penalty price to user's transmission cost. With the adoption of the price, user's aggressive behavior is depressed, and Pareto improvement is achieved. Also the Pareto efficient BNE of the game with pricing is studied. Simulation results show that users can obtain higher throughput and lower average packet transmission delay by proper pricing policy. It is also verified that the scheme of pricing policy is robust when information of channel conditions is inaccurate.

  • QoS Provisioning Architecture for Next Generation Mobile Networks

    Osvaldo A. GONZALEZ  Michael NEEDHAM  

    PAPER-Mobility Management

    E87-B No:5

    Service differentiation has been a subject of research for the past few years in the IETF; and in the current Internet, IP flows are mostly treated in a best-effort approach. However, for next generation networks it is expected that users would like to obtain service differentiation based on their preferences or profiles as well as the different types of multimedia they opt to receive or send. In addition, current Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning architectures have been designed mostly for the fixed networks without taking into consideration the wireless or radio links special requirements, such as low bandwidth availability, error prone communications, etc. In this paper we propose a QoS provisioning architecture for next generation networks that uses a hybrid approach to deal with both the wireless and wired (fixed) part of the network. For administering the scarce resource of the radio environment, we have developed a resource allocation algorithm based on micro-economic principles that uses associated piecewise linear utility functions which describe the benefit a user receives from the allocation of various amounts of resource. For the wired part of the network we have also developed a Core-Stateless Utility based Rate allocation Framework (SURF) for performing traffic policing where the flow's requirements are expressed using utility functions. The core routers maintain no per-flow state and implement a simple packet level admission control algorithm that is based on a threshold utility value that is computed dynamically. To tie in these two mechanisms, we developed a signaling mechanism that collect network statistics when a user starts a call and a QoS administrator entity (or Broker) perform the computations for allocating resources based on the information of available resources in the fixed and the wireless sections of the network. A comparison between the hybrid approach and the SURF approach to show the performance of the proposed architecture is presented later in the paper.

  • Flexible Resource Allocation with Partial Resource Sharing and Minimum Overflow for Integrated Services


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:4

    Flexible Resource Allocation (FRA) strategies selectively control the transmission rates of users allowing them to specify maximum and minimum bandwidth requirements for the service type requested ensuring a minimum quality of service (QoS) is met. Complete, Partial, and Non Resource Sharing are the three types of resource sharing policies that can be used in systems with integrated services (voice, video and data) with different QoS and elasticities requirements. In this paper, an FRA strategy with Partial Resource Sharing, called Primary Unavailable Secondary Minimum (PUSMin), is presented. An analytical method is developed to assess its performance in an environment where several service types (with different bandwidth and elasticities requirements) exist. Results show that PUSMin decreases the resource reassignment rate as the offered traffic increases. This decreases the signalling overhead and computational complexity in the Base Station Controller (BSC) or Base Transceiver Station (BTS).

  • Adaptive MIMO Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection Based on Kernel Iterative Inversion

    Feng LIU  Taiyi ZHANG  Jiancheng SUN  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Systems

    E87-A No:3

    In this paper a new adaptive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channel estimation and multiuser detection algorithm based kernel space iterative inversion is proposed. The functions of output signals are mapped from a low dimensional space to a high dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The function of the output signals is represented as a linear combination of a set of basis functions, and a Mercer kernel function is constructed by the distribution function. In order to avoid finding the function f(.) and g(.), the correlation among the output signals is calculated in the low dimension space by the kernel. Moreover, considering the practical application, the algorithm is extended to online iteration of mixture system. The computer simulation results illustrated that the new algorithm increase the performance of channel estimation, the global convergence, and the system stability.

  • Predictive Resource Reservation in Wireless Cellular Networks

    Ruay-Shiung CHANG  Hsuan-Yan LU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:12

    Recently, wireless networks have become a major sector in the telecommunication industry. More and more applications seek to become wireless. However, a major obstacle in adapting wired applications to wireless is the quality of service problem. Although the wireless bandwidth is improving at a fast pace, it still is not enough for modern multimedia applications. Even if we solve the bandwidth problem, the mobility of users also poses challenges for QoS provision. If the user moves randomly, how and where can resources be reserved in advance for roaming users to move smoothly and seamlessly? In this paper, we propose a method for predictive resource reservation in wireless networks. Resources reserved but not used will seriously affect the system performance. Therefore, we also have mechanisms to release the reserved resources when it is not used within a time limit and allow resources to be used temporarily by another mobile user. We compare the performance of our method with those of fixed allocation scheme and shadow cluster scheme. The results indicate its effectiveness and feasibility.

  • An Efficient Resource Reservation Method over RSVP Using Moving History of a Mobile Host

    SeongGon CHOI  JunKyun CHOI  


    E86-B No:12

    The aim of this paper is to raise utilization of resource and handover success rate at handover time. The proposed method takes advantage of the moving history of a mobile host at connection admission control time. We demonstrate the benefit of the proposed method over previously proposed reservation schemes by simulation.

  • Bearing Estimation for Spatially Distributed Sources Using Differential Denoising Technique

    Shenjian LIU  Qun WAN  Yingning PENG  


    E86-B No:11

    In this paper, we consider the problem of bearing estimation for spatially distributed sources in unknown spatially-correlated noise. Assumed that the noise covariance matrix is centro-Hermitian, a differential denoising scheme is developed. Combined it with the classic DSPE algorithm, a differential denoising estimator is formulated. Its modified version is also derived. Exactly, the differential processing is first imposed on the covariance matrix of array outputs. The resulting differential signal subspace (DSS) is then utilized to weight array outputs. The noise components orthogonal to DSS are eliminated. Based on eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix of weighted array outputs, the DSPE null spectrum is constructed. The asymptotic performance of the proposed bearing estimator is evaluated in a closed form. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of bearing estimation in case of low signal-to-noise ratio, a modified differential denoising estimator is proposed. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed estimators under the low SNR case. The impacts of angular spread and number of sensors are also investigated.

  • A Graph Based Approach for an Extended Resource Planning and Line Balancing Problem

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Syoji YAMASHITA  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  Hideaki OHTA  Koichi FUKUMOTO  Yoichi NAGAO  


    E86-A No:11

    The present paper discusses an assembly line balancing problem (ALBP). ALBP discussed up to now does not consider rack spaces where tools or parts are stored. We introduce an extended resource planning and assembly line balancing problem that takes the rack space into account. An exact search method for solving the problem by using a graph structure, and a heuristics for the method are proposed. The proposed method is evaluated by computational experiments.

  • A Source Model with Probability Distribution over Word Set and Recurrence Time Theorem

    Masayuki GOTO  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Source Coding/Image Processing

    E86-A No:10

    Nishiara and Morita defined an i.i.d. word-valued source which is defined as a pair of an i.i.d. source with a countable alphabet and a function which transforms each symbol into a word over finite alphabet. They showed the asymptotic equipartition property (AEP) of the i.i.d. word-valued source and discussed the relation with source coding algorithm based on a string parsing approach. However, their model is restricted in the i.i.d. case and any universal code for a class of word-valued sources isn't discussed. In this paper, we generalize the i.i.d. word-valued source to the ergodic word-valued source which is defined by an ergodic source with a countable alphabet and a function from each symbol to a word. We show existence of entropy rate of the ergodic word-valued source and its formula. Moreover, we show the recurrence time theorem for the ergodic word-valued source with a finite alphabet. This result clarifies that Ziv-Lempel code (ZL77 code) is universal for the ergodic word-valued source.

  • Conditional Lempel-Ziv Complexity and Its Application to Source Coding Theorem with Side Information

    Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Shigeaki KUZUOKA  

    LETTER-Source Coding/Image Processing

    E86-A No:10

    This paper proposes the conditional LZ complexity and analyzes its property. Especially, we show an inequality corresponding to Ziv's inequality concerning a distinct parsing of a pair of sequences. Further, as a byproduct of the result, we show a simple proof of the asymptotical optimality of Ziv's universal source coding algorithm with side information.

  • Construction of a Piecewise Linear One-Dimensional Map Generating an Arbitrary Prescribed Tree Source

    Yasutada OOHAMA  Mariko SUEMITSU  Tohru KOHDA  


    E86-A No:9

    We consider the problem of constructing nonlinear dynamical systems that realize an arbitrary prescribed tree sources. We give a construction of dynamical systems by using piecewise-linear maps. Furthermore, we examine the obtained dynamical system to show that the structure of the memory of tree sources is characterized with some geometrical property of the constructed dynamical systems. Using a similar method, we also construct a dynamical system generating an arbitrary prescribed reverse tree source and show that the obtained dynamical system has some interesting geometrical property explicitly reflecting the tree structure of the memory of the reverse tree source.

  • Performance Analysis of Handoff for Virtual Cellular Network with Centralized/Distributed Resource Control

    Jumin LEE  Hyun-Ho CHOI  Jemin CHUNG  Dong-Ho CHO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E86-B No:9

    A Virtual Cellular Network (VCN) is a wireless cellular network wherein a single Mobile Station (MS) can communicate simultaneously with more than one Base Station (BS). In this paper, we analyze handoff for two kinds of VCN: a 'Distributed Resource-control VCN' (DR-VCN) and a 'Centralized Resource-control VCN' (CR-VCN). A VCN can take advantage of the fact that the same data is received by multiple base stations. The DR-VCN is a system in which every BS controls its own channels, while the CR-VCN is a system wherein a central station controls all system channels. Results from analysis and simulation show that both the new call drop rate and handoff refusal rate of the CR-VCN are much lower than those of the DR-VCN.

  • Resource-Optimal Software Pipelining Using Flow Graphs

    Dirk FIMMEL  Jan MULLER  Renate MERKER  

    INVITED PAPER-Software Systems and Technologies

    E86-D No:9

    We present a new approach to the loop scheduling problem, which excels previous solutions in two important aspects: The resource constraints are formulated using flow graphs, and the initiation interval λ is treated as a rational variable. The approach supports heterogeneous processor architectures and pipelined functional units, and the Integer Linear Programming implementation produces an optimum loop schedule, whereby a minimum λ is achieved. Our flow graph model facilitates the cyclic binding of loop operations to functional units. Compared to previous research results, the solution can provide faster loop schedules and a significant reduction of the problem complexity and solution time.

  • Concerning the Length of Time Slots for Efficient Gang Scheduling

    Bing Bing ZHOU  Andrzej M. GOSCINSKI  Richard P. BRENT  

    INVITED PAPER-Algorithms and Applications

    E86-D No:9

    Applying gang scheduling can alleviate the blockade problem caused by exclusively used space-sharing strategies for parallel processing. However, the original form of gang scheduling is not practical as there are several fundamental problems associated with it. Recently many researchers have developed new strategies to alleviate some of these problems. Unfortunately, one important problem has not been so far seriously addressed, that is, how to set the length of time slots to obtain a good performance of gang scheduling. In this paper we present a strategy to deal with this important issue for efficient gang scheduling.
