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Artifact Removal Using Attention Guided Local-Global Dual-Stream Network for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction

Chang SUN, Yitong LIU, Hongwen YANG

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Summary :

Sparse-view CT reconstruction has gained significant attention due to the growing concerns about radiation safety. Although recent deep learning-based image domain reconstruction methods have achieved encouraging performance over iterative methods, effectively capturing intricate details and organ structures while suppressing noise remains challenging. This study presents a novel dual-stream encoder-decoder-based reconstruction network that combines global path reconstruction from the entire image with local path reconstruction from image patches. These two branches interact through an attention module, which enhances visual quality and preserves image details by learning correlations between image features and patch features. Visual and numerical results show that the proposed method has superior reconstruction capabilities to state-of-the-art 180-, 90-, and 45-view CT reconstruction methods.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E107-D No.8 pp.1105-1109
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Type of Manuscript
Biological Engineering

1.  Introduction

Computed Tomography (CT) is a widely used medical imaging modality for diagnosing various injuries, diseases, and radiation therapy. However, concerns about the potentially harmful effects of radiation and the need for radiation protection have become crucial issues in CT scans, as high radiation doses can increase the risk of cellular DNA damage and cancer later in life. To address these concerns, the International Commission on Radiologic Protection (ICRP) introduced the “As Low As Reasonably Achievable” (ALARA) principle in 1977, which aims to strike a balance between the risks and benefits of radiation used for diagnostics. One technique used to reduce CT radiation doses is sparse-view CT scanning, which involves acquiring fewer measurements of projection data. However, this approach often leads to high levels of noise and streak artifacts in the reconstructed images. Consequently, researchers have devoted their efforts to developing advanced image reconstruction methods to mitigate these challenges and enable the practical implementation of sparse-view CT scanners.

Recently, different kinds of deep learning (DL)-based sparse view CT reconstruction algorithms have been proposed, demonstrating superior reconstructed image quality over traditional iterative methods. These DL methods can be classified into four categories: post-processing in the image domain [1]-[4], pre-processing in the projection domain [5], joint processing in the projection and image domains [6], and direct reconstruction in the projection domain [7]. In this study, we focus on artifact removal and structure refinement of sparse-view CT images in the image domain. The image-domain-based approach is not required for projection data, making it more advantageous in combination with commercial CT reconstruction software.

Image-domain DL-based reconstruction methods usually utilize convolutional neural networks (CNN) to improve initial reconstructions (often obtained from filtered back projection, FBP) by supervised learning. DD-Net [1], Improved GoogLeNet [2] and Framing U-Net [3] are popular end-to-end image-domain DL methods that improve image quality using extensive training datasets and advanced DL networks. Recently, influential ideas in deep learning, such as GAN [8], attention mechanisms [9] have been applied in sparse-view CT reconstruction, e.g., Lee et al. [4] designed a multi-level wavelet convolutional neural network combining a wavelet transform with modified U-Net, showing better streak artifact suppression capability than the standard U-Net. However, the previous methods did not consider the potential benefits of utilizing local details from image patches and structural information derived from the entire image to achieve a balance between noise reduction and the preservation of structural details. Therefore, this study aims to address this gap by proposing a solution that effectively combines artifact removal and structure refinement in sparse-view CT reconstruction.

This study presents an end-to-end dual-stream, sparse-view CT reconstruction network, as shown in Fig. 1. This network comprises two components: global path reconstruction and local path reconstruction. Both paths utilize the encoder-decoder architecture, consisting of an encoder and a decoder, to reconstruct the entire image and image patches, respectively. The shared encoder ensures that image features and patch features are embedded within the same feature context. However, different decoder facilities reconstruct image features and patch features at different levels of detail. Furthermore, the local path reconstruction incorporates an attention module designed to capture long-range dependencies among deep features of patches and the entire image. Unlike the attention modules used in FRD-Net [10], our attention module focuses on exploiting the self-similarity between patch-based and image-based features.

Fig. 1  Overview of the proposed network.

The proposed method has two advantages: Firstly, it learns from multiple spatial scale inputs, including image-scale and patch-scale, enabling the exploration of global and local features. Secondly, the model fully exploits long-range correlations between patch features and image features by the attention mechanisms, resulting in better performance on local details preservation and global structure reconstruction.

2.  Proposed Method

2.1  Global Branch

The encoder extract the deep features of the image \(f_g \in \mathbb{R}^{c\times h_g \times w_g}\) from the input image \(X\in \mathbb{R}^{H\times W}\), and then the decoder predicts the denoised image \(Y_g\) from \(f_g\). In this study, we designed two specific instantiations for the encoder (Table 1) and decoder (Table 2). It should be mentioned that each convolutional layer and transposed convolutional layer is followed by a BatchNormalization and a ReLu function. Besides, a sigmoid function is implied at the end of the decoder to scale the output into \([0, 1]\).

Table 1   Our encoder with ResNet-34 [11] backbone. The input dimensions for an image and a patch are \(1\times 512\times 512\) and \(1\times 256\times 256\), respectively. Residual blocks are shown in brackets

Table 2  Network architecture of the decoder module.

2.2  Local Branch

The input image is first divided into \(m\) un-overlapping patches, and then the encoder extracts the deep patch features \(f_p\in \mathbb{R}^{c\times h_p\times w_p}\). After that, each patch feature \(f_p\) goes through an attention module to capture global contextual information from the image feature \(f_g\).

As shown in Fig. 2, a multi-head self-attention mechanism [9] is adopted in the transformer block. The patch feature \(f_p\) is transformed into the query matrices \(Q\). The image feature \(f_g\) is transformed into the key matrice \(K\) and the value matrice \(V\). Then the scaled dot-product attention [9] \(F_{HEAD}()\) is performed on the \(Q\), \(K\), \(V\), followed by a linear transform \(F_{LINEAR}()\). After that, the output feature is reshaped and concatenated with \(f_p\) and fed into the feed-forward layer \(F_{FORWARD}()\). Finally, the weighted patch feature is calculated by adding the \(f_p\) and the output of \(F_{FORWARD}()\). After going through \(n\) stacked transformer blocks, the decoder block reconstructs the patch features.

Fig. 2   Architecture of the attention module. The attention module is composed of a stack of \(n\) transformer blocks \(F_{TRAN}()\). \(F_{TRAN}()\) contains an attention layer \(F_{ATTEN}()\) and a feed-forward block \(F_{FORWARD}()\). \(F_{ATTEN}()\) consists of \(N_h\) parallelly calculated attention heads \(F_{HEAD}()\) and a linear block \(F_{LINEAR}()\).

In this study, we divided the input image into \(m=4\) patches, set the number of transformer blocks \(n=8\), and the number of attention heads \(N_h=8\). The dimensions of queries, keys and values vectors are 64. The feed-forward block contains two convolutional layers with kernel size 1. Each convolutional layer is followed by batch normalization and the ReLu function.

2.3  Loss Function

Denote the ground-truth image, the output of the global branch and the output of the local branch as \(Y\), \(Y_g\) and \(Y_p\), respectively. The training loss is defined as the sum of the mean square error (MSE) between \(Y\) and \(Y_g\), and the MSE between \(Y\) and \(Y_p\).

\[\begin{align} L_{loss}=\alpha \left \|Y-Y_g \right \|_2^2+\left \|Y-Y_p \right \|_2^2 \tag{1} \end{align}\]

\(\alpha\) is a tradeoff parameter.

3.  Experiments and Results

3.1  Experiment Datasets

An open clinical dataset LungCT-Diagnosis [12], [13] is adopted in this study. 60 lung CT scans acquired between the years 2006 and 2009 are selected, including 4609 images with pixel size \(512\times 512\). The CT scans are divided into three datasets: 43 scans for training (3198 images), 5 scans (408 images) for validation and 12 scans (1003 images) for testing.

To model degradation in a real CT scanner, the CT image pixel in terms of a Hounsfield Units (HU) value is first converted to an attenuation coefficient value of \(\mu\). After that, given a number of projection views, the Operator Discretization Library (ODL) [14] is used to generate tomographic projection data \(S\) in a commonly used fan beam geometry: the radius of the source and detector are 346 and 261, respectively. Then we simulated Poisson noise and Gaussian noise to the final intensities of the X-ray and recalculated \(S\) using the Beer-Lambert Law [15].

3.2  Experiment Setup

All the models are implemented by PyTorch and trained on a single GPU (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti) using the Adam optimizer (\(\beta _1 = 0.9\) and \(\beta _2 = 0.999\)). We trained the models in 65 epochs (batch size = 2), starting with a learning rate of \(1\times 10^{-4}\) and reducing it by half at the 50th epoch. We test the performance of the model per epoch on the validation dataset and select the best model with the lowest MSE.

PSNR and SSIM are used for quantitative evaluation. For calculation, we used a [\(-\)1000, 1500] HU window for all images and normalized the CT values to [0,255].

3.3  Ablation Study of Training Loss

An ablation study was conducted to analyze the effect of \(\alpha\) on the reconstruction performance. The results are summarized in Fig. 3 (a). It can be seen that \(\alpha=0.25\) has the worst PSNR on the validation dataset, \(\alpha=0.5\) has a slight improvement, and \(\alpha=1\) achieves the best reconstruction performance in terms of PSNR. Hence, \(\alpha=1\) is chosen for the rest of the experiments.

Fig. 3   Results of ablation study. (a) Comparison of PSNR of models trained with different \(\alpha\) parameters on the validation dataset. (b) Comparison of PSNR of models trained with different number of transformer blocks \(n\) on the validation dataset. (c) Comparison of PSNR of models trained with different number of local patches \(m\) on the validation dataset. (d) Comparison of running time of models trained with different number of local patches \(m\).

3.4  Ablation Study of Number of Transformer Blocks

We performed an ablation study to compare the performance of models with different numbers of transformer blocks \(n\). In this experiment, we tested \(n=5,6,7,8\) as shown in Fig. 3 (b). It can be noticed that the PSNR shows a slight improvement as \(n\) increases from 5 to 7, while \(n=8\) shows a relatively more considerable improvement compared to \(n=7\). However, as \(n\) increases to 9, the performance of the reconstructed model decreases severely, suggesting that a large number of transformer blocks may lead to overfitting the model to the training dataset. Hence, \(n=8\) is chosen for the rest of the experiments.

3.5  Ablation Study of Patch Size

In the local branch of the proposed network, we first divided the input image into \(m\) patches. We performed an ablation study to compare the performance of models with \(m=4\), \(m=16\) and \(m=32\). The results are summarized in Fig. 3 (c). It can be seen that the PSNR on the validation dataset of \(m=4\) and \(m=16\) are larger than that of \(m=32\). Besides, we compared the running time (s) per image of these three models. Specifically, we run each model ten times each (reconstructing one image each time) and calculate the running time for each run. Finally, the average of the ten running times is used as the metric. The results are shown in Fig. 3 (d). The running time for \(m=4\), \(m=16\) and \(m=32\) are 0.109s, 0.207s and 0.718s per image. Considering the computation load and the reconstruction image quality, \(m=4\) is chosen for the rest of the experiments.

3.6  Ablation Study of Attention Module

To understand the contribution of the attention module to the proposed network, we designed two additional baseline models, Image_model and Patch_model for evaluation. Image_model retains only the global branches of the proposed architecture, while Patch_model includes local branches without attention modules. The numerical results summarized in Table 3 show that our model produces the highest PSNR and SSIM for all 180 views, 90 views, and 45 views-reconstruction, which validates the effectiveness of the attention module and dual-stream learning strategy. Figure 4 compares the de-artifacting performance of different methods visually, where our method better preserves delicate structures and removes streaking artifacts.

Table 3  Comparison of average PSNR/SSIM in ablation study of attention module.

Fig. 4  Visual results of zoomed-images in the ablation study of attention modules.

3.7  Comparison with Existing Methods

We compared the performance of the proposed method with the state-of-the-art image-domain-based DL methods Zhang [1], Xie [2], Han [3] and Lee [4]. Table 4 shows that our method performs best regarding PSNR and SSIM. We also compared the running speed of these methods. FBP, Zhang [1], Xie [2], Han [3], Lee [4] and the proposed method take about 0.038s, 0.045s, 0.042s, 0.142s, 0.077s and 0.109s to reconstruct a CT image on GPU. It shows that our model achieves comparable reconstruction speed. The zoomed visual results are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the proposed method eliminates most of the artifacts and suppresses the noise compared to other state-of-the-art methods.

Table 4  Comparison of average PSNR/RMSE between different reconstruction algorithms on the test dataset.

Fig. 5  Comparison of different reconstruction algorithms. Visual results of zoomed-in images.

4.  Conclusion

In this study, we propose an attention-guided local-global dual-stream encoder-decoder network to improve the image quality of sparse-view CT reconstruction. By exploiting the correlation between the patch features in the local path and the image features in the global path, the proposed method combines detailed information from the patches and the global structure of the whole image. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed model and show its potential to suppress streak artifacts and preserve detail structure, which is expected to provide practical guidance for improving the de-artifacting ability of image-domain methods in sparse-view CT reconstruction tasks.


C. Sun is supported by BUPT Excellent Ph.D. Students Foundation (CX2022203).


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Chang SUN
  Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Yitong LIU
  Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Hongwen YANG
  Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
