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IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions

An Approach for Topological Routing by W-Graph

Hua-An ZHAO, Wataru MAYEDA

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Summary :

A new approach for topological routing is proposed by W-graph. We employ a W-graph Gw(V, E, W) for indicating all nets which will be assigned to two-layer, where V is a set of all terminals, E is a set of edges corresponding to two-terminal nets and W is a set of wild components corresponding to multi-terminal nets. Such that the topological routing problem can be considered as: Given a circle H containing V in the sequence corresponding to terminals on the boundary of routing region, then drawing H Gw on a plane with minimum number of created vertices (crossing points on H).

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions Vol.E73-E No.11 pp.1785-1788
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section LETTER (Special Issue on 1990 Autumn Natl. Conv. IEICE)
Graphs and Networks

