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IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions

A Design Method of Pseudo-Self-Checking LSI System Using Cascode Voltage Switch Logic

Kunio NAKAGURO, Kunihiro ASADA

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Summary :

A novel design concept for pseudo-self-checking CMOS LSI is presented, where cascode voltage switch logic (CVSL) gates are utilized as two-rail logic elements accompanied by simple exclusive OR testable checker sircuits. The concept is described for both static and dynamic CVSL circuits. Fault-detection signals of the element CVSL gates are monitored by an nMOS-like OR tree, which consumes static power only when a fault is detected. The checking tree is neither dual nor two rail circuit for simplicity, the self-checking property of which is achieved by periodic testing. (we call it pseudo-selft-checking circuit) Through analytical comparison and comparison by examples, it has found that the hardware increase in terms of transistor number is less than 30%, compared with standard static CMOS design without self-checking capability.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions Vol.E73-E No.12 pp.1973-1978
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Special Section PAPER (Special Issue on the 3rd Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems)
VLSI Design

