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IEICE TRANSACTIONS on transactions

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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E59 No.12  (Publication Date:1976/12/25)

    Regular Section
  • Mission Reliability for a 2-Dissimilar Unit Warm Standby System with Allowed Down Time and Allowed Number of Failures

    Masanori KODAMA  

    PAPER-Circuits and Systems


    This paper considers a 2-dissimilar unit warm standby system. The failure rates are constant but the repair rates need not be constant. We shall say that a major breakdown occurs in the system when both unit fail. The system fails if one unit under repair is not repaired within a fixed time measured from the instant at which major breakdown occurs, or if the number of major breakdowns during the mission period exceeds a fixed number. As a special case, this number is allowed to be infinite". The Laplace transform of the reliability and the mean time to system failure (MTSF) are derived. The special case of constant failure and repair rates is treated. We present the asymptotic results which describe the performance of system with short mean repair time. Also the case when allowed down time is negligible, compared to the mission time, is discussed.

  • Improvements in Direct Pulse Code Modulation of Semiconductor Lasers by Optical Feedback

    Kohroh KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Optical and Quantum Electronics


    As a new method to improve pulse code modulation properties of semiconductor lasers, optical feedback is proposed where a part of the light output from a modulated laser is fed back into itself, with a time delay considerably less than one relaxation oscillation (RO) period. Rate equation approach is applied to investigate the modulation characteristics. Modulation bit rates for small pattern effects depend on the RO period and the current pulse width, and they appear discontinuously. By optical feedback, the RO period increases, and it becomes possible to decrease pattern effects at any given modulation period, if it is larger than the RO period without optical feedback. For current pulses with a short duration, output waveforms are improved by optical feedback through increase in the first RO spike width and elimination of its second spike. In preliminary experiments, using GaAs-AlXGa1XAs double heterostructure lasers with a combination of a microlens and a flat mirror, qualitative agreements were obtained between theoretical and experimental results. Improvements in the modulated output waveforms were observed for PCM-RZ pulses at up to 500 Mb/s.

  • Thermal Change of Re-Entrant Hysteresis Loop and Coercive Force in GdIG

    Keizo HISATAKE  

    LETTER-Materials and Parts


    Anomalous re-entrant hysteresis loops and maximum of the coercive force have been found near 130 K in polycrystalline GdIG ferrite. A qualitative explanation of the observed phenomena is given. It is suggested based on the Snoek's model of magnetic after effect that Fe2 ion may be responsible for pinning the domain wall.

  • Some Results on the Number of Comparisons in Selection Algorithms

    Kohei NOSHITA  

    LETTER-Automata and Languages


    Several basic properties of minimum-comparison selection algorithms are shown, and some exact values are obtained for Vt(n) for small n, where Vt(n) denotes the number of comparisons necessary to select the t-th largest of n elements. The upper bound for V5(10) is reduced to 16. Those results improve the table of the best upper bounds known for Vt(n) in the Knuth's book (Sorting and Searching).