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[Author] Kenji YASUNAGA(11hit)

  • Post-Challenge Leakage Resilient Public-Key Cryptosystem in Split State Model

    Eiichiro FUJISAKI  Akinori KAWACHI  Ryo NISHIMAKI  Keisuke TANAKA  Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:3

    Leakage resilient cryptography is often considered in the presence of a very strong leakage oracle: An adversary may submit arbitrary efficiently computable function f to the leakage oracle to receive f(x), where x denotes the entire secret that a party possesses. This model is somewhat too strong in the setting of public-key encryption (PKE). It is known that no secret-key leakage resilient PKE scheme exists if the adversary may have access to the secret-key leakage oracle to receive only one bit after it was given the challenge ciphertext. Similarly, there exists no sender-randomness leakage resilient PKE scheme if one-bit leakage occurs after the target public key was given to the adversary. At TCC 2011, Halevi and Lin have broken the barrier of after-the-fact leakage, by proposing the so-called split state model, where a secret key of a party is explicitly divided into at least two pieces, and the adversary may have not access to the entire secret at once, but each divided pieces, one by one. In the split-state model, they have constructed post-challenge secret-key leakage resilient CPA secure PKEs from hash proof systems, but the construction of CCA secure post-challenge secret-key leakage PKE has remained open. They have also remained open to construct sender-randomness leakage PKE in the split state model. This paper provides a solution to the open issues. We also note that the proposal of Halevi and Lin is post-challenge secret-key leakage CPA secure against a single challenge ciphertext; not against multiple challenges. We present an efficient generic construction that converts any CCA secure PKE scheme into a multiple-challenge CCA secure PKE that simultaneously tolerates post-challenge secret-key and sender-randomness leakage in the split state model, without any additional assumption. In addition, our leakage amount of the resulting schemes is the same as that of Halevi and Lin CPA PKE, i.e., (1/2+γ)l/2 where l denotes the length of the entire secret (key or randomness) and γ denotes a universal (possitive) constant less than 1/2. Our conversion is generic and available for many other public-key primitives. For instance, it can convert any identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme to a post-challenge master-key leakage and sender-randomness leakage secure IBE.

  • Leakage-Resilience of Stateless/Stateful Public-Key Encryption from Hash Proofs

    Manh Ha NGUYEN  Kenji YASUNAGA  Keisuke TANAKA  


    E96-A No:6

    We consider the problem of constructing public-key encryption (PKE) schemes that are resilient to a-posteriori chosen-ciphertext and key-leakage attacks (LR-CCA2). In CTYPTO'09, Naor and Segev proved that the Naor-Yung generic construction of PKE which is secure against chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA2) is also secure against key-leakage attacks. They also presented a variant of the Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem, and showed that this PKE scheme is LR-CCA2-secure under the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. In this paper, we apply the generic construction of “Universal Hash Proofs and a Paradigm for Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Secure Public-Key Encryption” (EUROCRYPT'02) to generalize the above work of Naor-Segev. In comparing to the first construction of Naor-Segev, ours is more efficient because of not using simulation-sound NIZK. We also extend it to stateful PKE schemes. Concretely, we present the notion of LR-CCA2 attack in the case of stateful PKE, and a generic construction of stateful PKE that is secure against this attack.

  • Rational Proofs against Rational Verifiers

    Keita INASAWA  Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E100-A No:11

    Rational proofs, introduced by Azar and Micali (STOC 2012), are a variant of interactive proofs in which the prover is rational, and may deviate from the protocol for increasing his reward. Guo et al. (ITCS 2014) demonstrated that rational proofs are relevant to delegation of computation. By restricting the prover to be computationally bounded, they presented a one-round delegation scheme with sublinear verification for functions computable by log-space uniform circuits with logarithmic depth. In this work, we study rational proofs in which the verifier is also rational, and may deviate from the protocol for decreasing the prover's reward. We construct a three-message delegation scheme with sublinear verification for functions computable by log-space uniform circuits with polylogarithmic depth in the random oracle model.

  • Local Weight Distribution of the (256, 93) Third-Order Binary Reed-Muller Code


    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E90-A No:3

    Local weight distribution is the weight distribution of minimal codewords in a linear code. We give the local weight distribution of the (256, 93) third-order binary Reed-Muller code. For the computation, a coset partitioning algorithm is modified by using a binary shift invariance property. This reduces the time complexity by about 1/256 for the code. A necessary and sufficient condition for minimality in Reed-Muller codes is also presented.

  • Repeated Games for Generating Randomness in Encryption

    Kenji YASUNAGA  Kosuke YUZAWA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:4

    In encryption schemes, the sender may not generate randomness properly if generating randomness is costly, and the sender is not concerned about the security of a message. The problem was studied by the first author (2016), and was formalized in a game-theoretic framework. In this work, we construct an encryption scheme with an optimal round complexity on the basis of the mechanism of repeated games.

  • Public-Key Encryption with Lazy Parties

    Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:2

    In a public-key encryption scheme, if a sender is not concerned about the security of a message and is unwilling to generate costly randomness, the security of the encrypted message can be compromised. In this work, we characterize such lazy parties, who are regarded as honest parties, but are unwilling to perform a costly task when they are not concerned about the security. Specifically, we consider a rather simple setting in which the costly task is to generate randomness used in algorithms, and parties can choose either perfect randomness or a fixed string. We model lazy parties as rational players who behave rationally to maximize their utilities, and define a security game between the parties and an adversary. Since a standard secure encryption scheme does not work in this setting, we provide constructions of secure encryption schemes in various settings.

  • On the Limitations of Computational Fuzzy Extractors

    Kenji YASUNAGA  Kosuke YUZAWA  


    E106-A No:3

    We present a negative result of fuzzy extractors with computational security. Specifically, we show that, under a computational condition, a computational fuzzy extractor implies the existence of an information-theoretic fuzzy extractor with slightly weaker parameters. Our result implies that to circumvent the limitations of information-theoretic fuzzy extractors, we need to employ computational fuzzy extractors that are not invertible by non-lossy functions.

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Kenji YASUNAGA  


    E106-A No:9
  • Practical Card-Based Protocol for Three-Input Majority Open Access

    Kenji YASUNAGA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:11

    We present a card-based protocol for computing a three-input majority using six cards. The protocol essentially consists of performing a simple XOR protocol two times. Compared to the existing protocols, our protocol does not require private operations other than choosing cards.

  • List Decoding of Reed-Muller Codes Based on a Generalized Plotkin Construction

    Kenji YASUNAGA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E96-A No:7

    Gopalan, Klivans, and Zuckerman proposed a list-decoding algorithm for Reed-Muller codes. Their algorithm works up to a given list-decoding radius. Dumer, Kabatiansky, and Tavernier improved the complexity of the algorithm for binary Reed-Muller codes by using the well-known Plotkin construction. In this study, we propose a list-decoding algorithm for non-binary Reed-Muller codes as a generalization of Dumer et al.'s algorithm. Our algorithm is based on a generalized Plotkin construction, and is more suitable for parallel computation than the algorithm of Gopalan et al. Since the list-decoding algorithms of Gopalan et al., Dumer et al., and ours can be applied to more general codes than Reed-Muller codes, we give a condition for codes under which these list-decoding algorithms works.

  • Randomness Leakage in the KEM/DEM Framework

    Hitoshi NAMIKI  Keisuke TANAKA  Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Public Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    Recently, there have been many studies on constructing cryptographic primitives that are secure even if some secret information leaks. In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing public-key encryption schemes that are resilient to leaking the randomness used in the encryption algorithm. In particular, we consider the case in which public-key encryption schemes are constructed from the KEM/DEM framework, and the leakage of randomness in the encryption algorithms of KEM and DEM occurs independently. For this purpose, we define a new security notion for KEM. Then we provide a generic construction of a public-key encryption scheme that is resilient to randomness leakage from any KEM scheme satisfying this security. Also we construct a KEM scheme that satisfies the security from hash proof systems.