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[Author] Akinori KAWACHI(7hit)

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Akinori KAWACHI  


    E103-A No:10
  • Quantum Sampling for Balanced Allocations

    Kazuo IWAMA  Akinori KAWACHI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  


    E88-D No:1

    It is known that the original Grover Search (GS) can be modified to use a general value for the phase θ of the diffusion transform. Then, if the number of answers is relatively large, this modified GS can find one of the answers with probability one in a single iteration. However, such a quick and error-free GS can only be possible if we can initially adjust the value of θ correctly against the number of answers, and this seems very hard in usual occasions. A natural question now arises: Can we enjoy a merit even if GS is used without such an adjustment? In this paper, we give a positive answer using the balls-and-bins game in which the random sampling of bins is replaced by the quantum sampling, i.e., a single round of modified GS. It is shown that by using the quantum sampling: (i) The maximum load can be improved quadratically for the static model of the game and this improvement is optimal. (ii) That is also improved to O(1) for the continuous model if we have a certain knowledge about the total number of balls in the bins after the system becomes stable.

  • Compact Routing with Stretch Factor of Less Than Three

    Kazuo IWAMA  Akinori KAWACHI  


    E88-D No:1

    Cowen gave a universal compact routing algorithm with a stretch factor of three and table-size of O(n2/3log4/3n) based on a simple and practical model. (The table-size is later improved to O(n1/2log3/2n).) This paper considers, using the same model, how the necessary table-size differs if the stretch factor must be less than three. It is shown that: (i) There is a routing algorithm with a stretch factor of two whose table-size is (n -+ 2)log n. (ii) There is a network for which any routing algorithm that follows the model and with a stretch factor of less than three needs a table-size of (n - 2)log n in at least one node. Thus, we can only reduce roughly an additive log n (i.e., table-entries) from the trivial table-size of n log n which obviously enables shortest-path routing. Furthermore it turns out that we can reduce only an additive log n (i.e., only one table-entry) from the trivial n log n if we have to achieve a stretch factor of less than two. Thus the algorithm (i) is (roughly) tight both in its stretch factor and in its table-size.

  • Post-Challenge Leakage Resilient Public-Key Cryptosystem in Split State Model

    Eiichiro FUJISAKI  Akinori KAWACHI  Ryo NISHIMAKI  Keisuke TANAKA  Kenji YASUNAGA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:3

    Leakage resilient cryptography is often considered in the presence of a very strong leakage oracle: An adversary may submit arbitrary efficiently computable function f to the leakage oracle to receive f(x), where x denotes the entire secret that a party possesses. This model is somewhat too strong in the setting of public-key encryption (PKE). It is known that no secret-key leakage resilient PKE scheme exists if the adversary may have access to the secret-key leakage oracle to receive only one bit after it was given the challenge ciphertext. Similarly, there exists no sender-randomness leakage resilient PKE scheme if one-bit leakage occurs after the target public key was given to the adversary. At TCC 2011, Halevi and Lin have broken the barrier of after-the-fact leakage, by proposing the so-called split state model, where a secret key of a party is explicitly divided into at least two pieces, and the adversary may have not access to the entire secret at once, but each divided pieces, one by one. In the split-state model, they have constructed post-challenge secret-key leakage resilient CPA secure PKEs from hash proof systems, but the construction of CCA secure post-challenge secret-key leakage PKE has remained open. They have also remained open to construct sender-randomness leakage PKE in the split state model. This paper provides a solution to the open issues. We also note that the proposal of Halevi and Lin is post-challenge secret-key leakage CPA secure against a single challenge ciphertext; not against multiple challenges. We present an efficient generic construction that converts any CCA secure PKE scheme into a multiple-challenge CCA secure PKE that simultaneously tolerates post-challenge secret-key and sender-randomness leakage in the split state model, without any additional assumption. In addition, our leakage amount of the resulting schemes is the same as that of Halevi and Lin CPA PKE, i.e., (1/2+γ)l/2 where l denotes the length of the entire secret (key or randomness) and γ denotes a universal (possitive) constant less than 1/2. Our conversion is generic and available for many other public-key primitives. For instance, it can convert any identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme to a post-challenge master-key leakage and sender-randomness leakage secure IBE.

  • Quantum Query Complexity of Unitary Operator Discrimination Open Access

    Akinori KAWACHI  Kenichi KAWANO  Francois LE GALL  Suguru TAMAKI  


    E102-D No:3

    Unitary operator discrimination is a fundamental problem in quantum information theory. The basic version of this problem can be described as follows: Given a black box implementing a unitary operator U∈S:={U1, U2} under some probability distribution over S, the goal is to decide whether U=U1 or U=U2. In this paper, we consider the query complexity of this problem. We show that there exists a quantum algorithm that solves this problem with bounded error probability using $lceil{sqrt{6} heta_{ m cover}^{-1}} ceil$ queries to the black box in the worst case, i.e., under any probability distribution over S, where the parameter θcover, which is determined by the eigenvalues of $U_1^dagger {U_2}$, represents the “closeness” between U1 and U2. We also show that this upper bound is essentially tight: we prove that for every θcover > 0 there exist operators U1 and U2 such that any quantum algorithm solving this problem with bounded error probability requires at least $lceil{ rac{2}{3 heta_{ m cover}}} ceil$ queries under uniform distribution over S.

  • A Fourier-Analytic Approach to List-Decoding for Sparse Random Linear Codes

    Akinori KAWACHI  Ikko YAMANE  


    E98-D No:3

    It is widely known that decoding problems for random linear codes are computationally hard in general. Surprisingly, Kopparty and Saraf proved query-efficient list-decodability of sparse random linear codes by showing a reduction from a decoding problem for sparse random linear codes to that for the Hadamard code with small number of queries even under high error rate [11]. In this paper, we show a more direct list-decoding algorithm for sparse random linear codes with small number of queries from a Fourier-analytic approach.

  • Estimating the Gowers Norm of Modulo Functions over Prime Fields

    Akinori KAWACHI  Hidetoki TANAKA  Osamu WATANABE  


    E95-D No:3

    We show a technique for estimating an upper bound of the Gowers norm of modulo functions over prime fields, which reduces the estimation to the greatest common divisor of some periodic sequences. This estimation provides inapproximability of the modulo functions by low-degree polynomials over prime fields, which is a generalization of Viola and Wigderson's result in the case of the binary field.