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[Author] Koji NUIDA(16hit)

  • Tight Security of Twin-DH Hashed ElGamal KEM in Multi-User Setting

    Yuji HASHIMOTO  Koji NUIDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  


    E105-A No:3

    It is an important research area to construct a cryptosystem that satisfies the security for multi-user setting. In addition, it is desirable that such a cryptosystem is tightly secure and the ciphertext size is small. For IND-CCA public key encryption schemes for multi-user setting with constant-size ciphertexts tightly secure under the DH assumptions, in 2020, Y. Sakai and G. Hanaoka firstly proposed such a scheme (implicitly based on hybrid encryption paradigm) under the DDH assumption. More recently, Y. Lee et al. proposed such a hybrid encryption scheme (with slightly stronger security) where the assumption for the KEM part is weakened to the CDH assumption. In this paper, we revisit the twin-DH hashed ElGamal KEM with even shorter ciphertexts than those schemes, and prove that its IND-CCA security for multi-user setting is in fact tightly reducible to the CDH assumption.

  • Efficiency and Accuracy Improvements of Secure Floating-Point Addition over Secret Sharing Open Access

    Kota SASAKI  Koji NUIDA  


    E105-A No:3

    In secure multiparty computation (MPC), floating-point numbers should be handled in many potential applications, but these are basically expensive. In particular, for MPC based on secret sharing (SS), the floating-point addition takes many communication rounds though the addition is the most fundamental operation. In this paper, we propose an SS-based two-party protocol for floating-point addition with 13 rounds (for single/double precision numbers), which is much fewer than the milestone work of Aliasgari et al. in NDSS 2013 (34 and 36 rounds, respectively) and also fewer than the state of the art in the literature. Moreover, in contrast to the existing SS-based protocols which are all based on “roundTowardZero” rounding mode in the IEEE 754 standard, we propose another protocol with 15 rounds which is the first result realizing more accurate “roundTiesToEven” rounding mode. We also discuss possible applications of the latter protocol to secure Validated Numerics (a.k.a. Rigorous Computation) by implementing a simple example.

  • An Efficient Secure Division Protocol Using Approximate Multi-Bit Product and New Constant-Round Building Blocks Open Access

    Keitaro HIWATASHI  Satsuya OHATA  Koji NUIDA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E105-A No:3

    Integer division is one of the most fundamental arithmetic operators and is ubiquitously used. However, the existing division protocols in secure multi-party computation (MPC) are inefficient and very complex, and this has been a barrier to applications of MPC such as secure machine learning. We already have some secure division protocols working in Z2n. However, these existing results have drawbacks that those protocols needed many communication rounds and needed to use bigger integers than in/output. In this paper, we improve a secure division protocol in two ways. First, we construct a new protocol using only the same size integers as in/output. Second, we build efficient constant-round building blocks used as subprotocols in the division protocol. With these two improvements, communication rounds of our division protocol are reduced to about 36% (87 rounds → 31 rounds) for 64-bit integers in comparison with the most efficient previous one.

  • Card-Based Protocols Using Regular Polygon Cards

    Kazumasa SHINAGAWA  Takaaki MIZUKI  Jacob C.N. SCHULDT  Koji NUIDA  Naoki KANAYAMA  Takashi NISHIDE  Goichiro HANAOKA  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E100-A No:9

    Cryptographic protocols enable participating parties to compute any function of their inputs without leaking any information beyond the output. A card-based protocol is a cryptographic protocol implemented by physical cards. In this paper, for constructing protocols with small numbers of shuffles, we introduce a new type of cards, regular polygon cards, and a new protocol, oblivious conversion. Using our cards, we construct an addition protocol on non-binary inputs with only one shuffle and two cards. Furthermore, using our oblivious conversion protocol, we construct the first protocol for general functions in which the number of shuffles is linear in the number of inputs.

  • Toward Finite-Runtime Card-Based Protocol for Generating a Hidden Random Permutation without Fixed Points

    Yuji HASHIMOTO  Koji NUIDA  Kazumasa SHINAGAWA  Masaki INAMURA  Goichiro HANAOKA  


    E101-A No:9

    In the research area of card-based secure computation, one of the long-standing open problems is a problem proposed by Crépeau and Kilian at CRYPTO 1993. This is to develop an efficient protocol using a deck of physical cards that generates uniformly at random a permutation with no fixed points (called a derangement), where the resulting permutation must be secret against the parties in the protocol. All the existing protocols for the problem have a common issue of lacking a guarantee to halt within a finite number of steps. In this paper, we investigate feasibility and infeasibility for the problem where both a uniformly random output and a finite runtime is required. First, we propose a way of reducing the original problem, which is to sample a uniform distribution over an inefficiently large set of the derangements, to another problem of sampling a non-uniform distribution but with a significantly smaller underlying set. This result will be a base of a new approach to the problem. On the other hand, we also give (assuming the abc conjecture), under a certain formal model, an asymptotic lower bound of the number of cards for protocols solving the problem using uniform shuffles only. This result would give a supporting evidence for the necessity of dealing with non-uniform distributions such as in the aforementioned first part of our result.

  • Secure Grouping Protocol Using a Deck of Cards

    Yuji HASHIMOTO  Kazumasa SHINAGAWA  Koji NUIDA  Masaki INAMURA  Goichiro HANAOKA  


    E101-A No:9

    We consider a problem, which we call secure grouping, of dividing a number of parties into some subsets (groups) in the following manner: Each party has to know the other members of his/her group, while he/she may not know anything about how the remaining parties are divided (except for certain public predetermined constraints, such as the number of parties in each group). In this paper, we construct an information-theoretically secure protocol using a deck of physical cards to solve the problem, which is jointly executable by the parties themselves without a trusted third party. Despite the non-triviality and the potential usefulness of the secure grouping, our proposed protocol is fairly simple to describe and execute. Our protocol is based on algebraic properties of conjugate permutations. A key ingredient of our protocol is our new techniques to apply multiplication and inverse operations to hidden permutations (i.e., those encoded by using face-down cards), which would be of independent interest and would have various potential applications.

  • Short Lattice Signature Scheme with Tighter Reduction under Ring-SIS Assumption

    Kaisei KAJITA  Go OHTAKE  Kazuto OGAWA  Koji NUIDA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E106-A No:3

    We propose a short signature scheme under the ring-SIS assumption in the standard model. Specifically, by revisiting an existing construction [Ducas and Micciancio, CRYPTO 2014], we demonstrate lattice-based signatures with improved reduction loss. As far as we know, there are no ways to use multiple tags in the signature simulation of security proof in the lattice tag-based signatures. We address the tag-collision possibility in the lattice setting, which improves reduction loss. Our scheme generates tags from messages by constructing a scheme under a mild security condition that is existentially unforgeable against random message attack with auxiliary information. Thus our scheme can reduce the signature size since it does not need to send tags with the signatures. Our scheme has short signature sizes of O(1) and achieves tighter reduction loss than that of Ducas et al.'s scheme. Our proposed scheme has two variants. Our scheme with one property has tighter reduction and the same verification key size of O(log n) as that of Ducas et al.'s scheme, where n is the security parameter. Our scheme with the other property achieves much tighter reduction loss of O(Q/n) and verification key size of O(n), where Q is the number of signing queries.

  • Linear Algebraic Approach to Strongly Secure Ramp Secret Sharing for General Access Structures with Application to Symmetric PIR



    E106-A No:3

    Ramp secret sharing is a variant of secret sharing which can achieve better information ratio than perfect schemes by allowing some partial information on a secret to leak out. Strongly secure ramp schemes can control the amount of leaked information on the components of a secret. In this paper, we reduce the construction of strongly secure ramp secret sharing for general access structures to a linear algebraic problem. As a result, we show that previous results on strongly secure network coding imply two linear transformation methods to make a given linear ramp scheme strongly secure. They are explicit or provide a deterministic algorithm while the previous methods which work for any linear ramp scheme are non-constructive. In addition, we present a novel application of strongly secure ramp schemes to symmetric PIR in a multi-user setting. Our solution is advantageous over those based on a non-strongly secure scheme in that it reduces the amount of communication between users and servers and also the amount of correlated randomness that servers generate in the setup.

  • Efficient Supersingularity Testing of Elliptic Curves Using Legendre Curves

    Yuji HASHIMOTO  Koji NUIDA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:9

    There are two types of elliptic curves, ordinary elliptic curves and supersingular elliptic curves. In 2012, Sutherland proposed an efficient and almost deterministic algorithm for determining whether a given curve is ordinary or supersingular. Sutherland's algorithm is based on sequences of isogenies started from the input curve, and computation of each isogeny requires square root computations, which is the dominant cost of the algorithm. In this paper, we reduce this dominant cost of Sutherland's algorithm to approximately a half of the original. In contrast to Sutherland's algorithm using j-invariants and modular polynomials, our proposed algorithm is based on Legendre form of elliptic curves, which simplifies the expression of each isogeny. Moreover, by carefully selecting the type of isogenies to be computed, we succeeded in gathering square root computations at two consecutive steps of Sutherland's algorithm into just a single fourth root computation (with experimentally almost the same cost as a single square root computation). The results of our experiments using Magma are supporting our argument; for cases of characteristic p of 768-bit to 1024-bit lengths, our proposed algorithm for characteristic p≡1 (mod 4) runs in about 61.5% of the time and for characteristic p≡3 (mod 4) also runs in about 54.9% of the time compared to Sutherland's algorithm.

  • Efficient Construction of CGL Hash Function Using Legendre Curves

    Yuji HASHIMOTO  Koji NUIDA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:9

    The CGL hash function is a provably secure hash function using walks on isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves. A dominant cost of its computation comes from iterative computations of power roots over quadratic extension fields. In this paper, we reduce the necessary number of power root computations by almost half, by applying and also extending an existing method of efficient isogeny sequence computation on Legendre curves (Hashimoto and Nuida, CASC 2021). We also point out some relationship between 2-isogenies for Legendre curves and those for Edwards curves, which is of independent interests, and develop a method of efficient computation for 2e-th roots in quadratic extension fields.

  • On Extension of Evaluation Algorithms in Keyed-Homomorphic Encryption

    Hirotomo SHINOKI  Koji NUIDA  


    E107-A No:3

    Homomorphic encryption (HE) is public key encryption that enables computation over ciphertexts without decrypting them. To overcome an issue that HE cannot achieve IND-CCA2 security, the notion of keyed-homomorphic encryption (KH-PKE) was introduced (Emura et al., PKC 2013), which has a separate homomorphic evaluation key and can achieve stronger security named KH-CCA security. The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, recall that the syntax of KH-PKE assumes that homomorphic evaluation is performed for single operations, and KH-CCA security was formulated based on this syntax. Consequently, if the homomorphic evaluation algorithm is enhanced in a way of gathering up sequential operations as a single evaluation, then it is not obvious whether or not KH-CCA security is preserved. In this paper, we show that KH-CCA security is in general not preserved under such modification, while KH-CCA security is preserved when the original scheme additionally satisfies circuit privacy. Secondly, Catalano and Fiore (ACM CCS 2015) proposed a conversion method from linearly HE schemes into two-level HE schemes, the latter admitting addition and a single multiplication for ciphertexts. In this paper, we extend the conversion to the case of linearly KH-PKE schemes to obtain two-level KH-PKE schemes. Moreover, based on the generalized version of Catalano-Fiore conversion, we also construct a similar conversion from d-level KH-PKE schemes into 2d-level KH-PKE schemes.

  • Correlated Randomness Reduction in Domain-Restricted Secure Two-Party Computation

    Keitaro HIWATASHI  Koji NUIDA  


    E107-A No:3

    Secure two-party computation is a cryptographic tool that enables two parties to compute a function jointly without revealing their inputs. It is known that any function can be realized in the correlated randomness (CR) model, where a trusted dealer distributes input-independent CR to the parties beforehand. Sometimes we can construct more efficient secure two-party protocol for a function g than that for a function f, where g is a restriction of f. However, it is not known in which case we can construct more efficient protocol for domain-restricted function. In this paper, we focus on the size of CR. We prove that we can construct more efficient protocol for a domain-restricted function when there is a “good” structure in CR space of a protocol for the original function, and show a unified way to construct a more efficient protocol in such case. In addition, we show two applications of the above result: The first application shows that some known techniques of reducing CR size for domain-restricted function can be derived in a unified way, and the second application shows that we can construct more efficient protocol than an existing one using our result.

  • Elliptic Curve Method Using Complex Multiplication Method Open Access

    Yusuke AIKAWA  Koji NUIDA  Masaaki SHIRASE  


    E102-A No:1

    In 2017, Shirase proposed a variant of Elliptic Curve Method combined with Complex Multiplication method for generating certain special kinds of elliptic curves. His algorithm can efficiently factorize a given composite integer when it has a prime factor p of the form 4p=1+Dv2 for some integer v, where -D is an auxiliary input integer called a discriminant. However, there is a disadvantage that the previous method works only for restricted cases where the class polynomial associated to -D has degree at most two. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the previous algorithm to the cases of class polynomials having arbitrary degrees, which enlarges the class of composite integers factorizable by our algorithm. We also extend the algorithm to more various cases where we have 4p=t2+Dv2 and p+1-t is a smooth integer.

  • An Efficient 2-Secure and Short Random Fingerprint Code and Its Security Evaluation

    Koji NUIDA  Satoshi FUJITSU  Manabu HAGIWARA  Hideki IMAI  Takashi KITAGAWA  Kazuto OGAWA  Hajime WATANABE  


    E92-A No:1

    The code length of Tardos's collusion-secure fingerprint code is of theoretically minimal order with respect to the number of adversarial users (pirates). However, the constant factor should be further reduced for practical implementation. In this article, we improve the tracing algorithm of Tardos's code and propose a 2-secure and short random fingerprint code, which is secure against collusion attacks by two pirates. Our code length is significantly shorter than that of Tardos's code and its tracing error probability is practically small.

  • Secure Computation Protocols Using Polarizing Cards

    Kazumasa SHINAGAWA  Takaaki MIZUKI  Jacob C. N. SCHULDT  Koji NUIDA  Naoki KANAYAMA  Takashi NISHIDE  Goichiro HANAOKA  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E99-A No:6

    It is known that, using just a deck of cards, an arbitrary number of parties with private inputs can securely compute the output of any function of their inputs. In 2009, Mizuki and Sone constructed a six-card COPY protocol, a four-card XOR protocol, and a six-card AND protocol, based on a commonly used encoding scheme in which each input bit is encoded using two cards. However, up until now, there are no known results to construct a set of COPY, XOR, and AND protocols based on a two-card-per-bit encoding scheme, which all can be implemented using only four cards. In this paper, we show that it is possible to construct four-card COPY, XOR, and AND protocols using polarizing plates as cards and a corresponding two-card-per-bit encoding scheme. Our protocols use a minimum number of cards in the setting of two-card-per-bit encoding schemes since four cards are always required to encode the inputs. Moreover, we show that it is possible to construct two-card COPY, two-card XOR, and three-card AND protocols based on a one-card-per-bit encoding scheme using a common reference polarizer which is a polarizing material accessible to all parties.

  • Constant-Round Client-Aided Two-Server Secure Comparison Protocol and Its Applications

    Hiraku MORITA  Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG  Tadanori TERUYA  Satsuya OHATA  Koji NUIDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  


    E103-A No:1

    We present an improved constant-round secure two-party protocol for integer comparison functionality, which is one of the most fundamental building blocks in secure computation. Our protocol is in the so-called client-server model, which is utilized in real-world MPC products such as Sharemind, where any number of clients can create shares of their input and distribute to the servers who then jointly compute over the shares and return the shares of the result to the client. In the client-aided client-server model, as mentioned briefly by Mohassel and Zhang (S&P'17), a client further generates and distributes some necessary correlated randomness to servers. Such correlated randomness admits efficient protocols since otherwise, servers have to jointly generate randomness by themselves, which can be inefficient. In this paper, we improve the state-of-the-art constant-round comparison protocols by Damgå rd et al. (TCC'06) and Nishide and Ohta (PKC'07) in the client-aided model. Our techniques include identifying correlated randomness in these comparison protocols. Along the way, we also use tree-based techniques for a building block, which deviate from the above two works. Our proposed protocol requires only 5 communication rounds, regardless of the bit length of inputs. This is at least 5 times fewer rounds than existing protocols. We implement our secure comparison protocol in C++. Our experimental results show that this low-round complexity benefits in high-latency networks such as WAN. We also present secure Min/Argmin protocols using the secure comparison protocol.