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[Author] Miyako OHKUBO(8hit)

  • Efficient Threshold Signer-Ambiguous Signatures from Variety of Keys

    Masayuki ABE  Miyako OHKUBO  Koutarou SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E87-A No:2

    This paper presents an efficient and generic solution in the following scenario: There are n independent people using variety of signature schemes such as DSS, RSA, Schnorr, and so on, and a subset of them attempts to sign a document without being identified which subset they are. This is a generalized scenario of the Ring Signatures by Rivest, Shamir and Tauman, whose original scenario limits the subset to be a single person and the base signature scheme to be RSA/Rabin schemes. Our scheme allows any signature schemes based on sigma-protocols and claw-free permutations. It also offers shorter signatures and less computation compared to known generic construction. The security is argued in the random oracle model as well as previous schemes and shows that our scheme achieves reduction cost linear in the number of hash queries while it is square for previous generic constructions.

  • Relations among Notions of Privacy for RFID Authentication Protocols

    Daisuke MORIYAMA  Shin'ichiro MATSUO  Miyako OHKUBO  

    PAPER-Public Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    We present the relationship between privacy definitions for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) authentication protocols. The security model is necessary for ensuring security or privacy, but many researchers present different privacy concepts for RFID authentication and the technical relationship among them is unclear. We reconsider the zero-knowledge based privacy proposed by Deng et al. at ESORICS 2010 and show that this privacy is equivalent to indistinguishability based privacy proposed by Juels and Weis. We also provide the implication and separation between these privacy definitions and the simulation based privacy proposed by Paise and Vaudenay at AsiaCCS 2008 based on the public verifiability of the communication message.

  • Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Short Ciphertexts

    Jae Hong SEO  Tetsutaro KOBAYASHI  Miyako OHKUBO  Koutarou SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E94-A No:1

    We propose an anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption (anonymous HIBE) scheme with short ciphertexts. Prior to our work, most anonymous HIBE schemes have long ciphertexts increased according to the hierarchical depth of recipient. The size of the ciphertext in our scheme does not depend on the depth of the hierarchy. Moreover, our scheme achieves the lowest computational cost because during the decryption phase the computational cost of decryption is constant. The security can be proven under reasonable assumptions without using random oracles. Our scheme achieves selective-ID security notion.

  • Fast and Scalable Bilinear-Type Conversion Method for Large Scale Crypto Schemes Open Access

    Masayuki ABE  Fumitaka HOSHINO  Miyako OHKUBO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:1

    Bilinear-type conversion is to translate a cryptographic scheme designed over symmetric bilinear groups into one that works over asymmetric bilinear groups with small overhead regarding the size of objects concerned in the target scheme. In this paper, we address scalability for converting complex cryptographic schemes. Our contribution is threefold. Investigating complexity of bilinear-type conversion. We show that there exists no polynomial-time algorithm for worst-case inputs under standard complexity assumption. It means that bilinear-type conversion in general is an inherently difficult problem. Presenting a new scalable conversion method. Nevertheless, we show that large-scale conversion is indeed possible in practice when the target schemes are built from smaller building blocks with some structure. We present a novel conversion method, called IPConv, that uses 0-1 Integer Programming instantiated with a widely available IP solver. It instantly converts schemes containing more than a thousand of variables and hundreds of pairings. Application to computer-aided design. Our conversion method is also useful in modular design of middle to large scale cryptographic applications; first construct over simpler symmetric bilinear groups and run over efficient asymmetric groups. Thus one can avoid complication of manually allocating variables over asymmetric bilinear groups. We demonstrate its usefulness by somewhat counter-intuitive examples where converted DLIN-based Groth-Sahai proofs are more compact than manually built SXDH-based proofs. Though the early purpose of bilinear-type conversion is to save existing schemes from attacks against symmetric bilinear groups, our new scalable conversion method will find more applications beyond the original goal. Indeed, the above computer-aided design can be seen as a step toward automated modular design of cryptographic schemes.

  • A Length-invariant Hybrid Mix

    Miyako OHKUBO  Masayuki ABE  


    E84-A No:4

    This paper presents a Mix-net that has the following properties; (1) it efficiently handles long plaintexts that exceed the modulus size of the underlying public-key encryption scheme as well as very short ones (length-flexibility), (2) input ciphertext length is not impacted by the number of mix-servers (length-invariance), and (3) its security in terms of anonymity can be proven in a formal way (probable security). If desired, one can add robustness so that it outputs correct results in the presence of corrupt users and servers. The security is proven in such a sense that breaking the anonymity of our Mix-net is equivalent to breaking the indistinguishability assumption of the underlying symmetric encryption scheme or the Decision Diffie-Hellman assumption.

  • 1-out-of-n Signatures from a Variety of Keys

    Masayuki ABE  Miyako OHKUBO  Koutarou SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Asymmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    This paper addresses how to use public-keys of several different signature schemes to generate 1-out-of-n signatures. Previously known constructions are for either RSA-type keys only or DL-type keys only. We present a widely applicable method to construct a 1-out-of-n signature scheme that allows mixture use of different flavors of keys at the same time. The resulting scheme is more efficient than previous schemes even if it is used only with a single type of keys. With all DL-type keys, it yields shorter signatures than the ones of the previously known scheme based on the witness indistinguishable proofs by Cramer, et al. With all RSA-type keys, it reduces both computational and storage costs compared to that of the Ring signatures by Rivest, et al.

  • On the Definitions of Anonymity for Ring Signatures

    Miyako OHKUBO  Masayuki ABE  

    PAPER-Security Notions

    E91-A No:1

    This paper studies the relations among several definitions of anonymity for ring signature schemes in the same attack environment. It is shown that one intuitive and two technical definitions we consider are asymptotically equivalent, and the indistinguishability-based technical definition is the strongest, i.e., the most secure when achieved, when the exact reduction cost is taken into account. We then extend our result to the threshold case where a subset of members cooperate to create a signature. The threshold setting makes the notion of anonymity more complex and yields a greater variety of definitions. We explore several notions and observe certain relation does not seem hold unlike the simple single-signer case. Nevertheless, we see that an indistinguishability-based definition is the most favorable in the threshold case. We also study the notion of linkability and present a simple scheme that achieves both anonymity and linkability.

  • Opcount: A Pseudo-Code Performance Estimation System for Pairing-Based Cryptography Open Access

    Masayuki ABE  Fumitaka HOSHINO  Miyako OHKUBO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:9

    We propose a simple framework for evaluating the performance of pairing-based cryptographic schemes for various types of curves and parameter settings. The framework, which we call ‘Opcount’, enables the selection of an appropriate curve and parameters by estimating the performance of a cryptographic scheme from a pseudo-code describing the cryptographic scheme and an implementation-information database that records the performance of basic operations in curves targeted for evaluation. We apply Opcount to evaluate and compare the computational efficiency of several structure-preserving signature schemes that involve tens of pairing products in their signature verification. In addition to showing the usefulness of Opcount, our experiments also reveal the overlooked importance of taking account of the properties of underlying curves when optimizing computations and demonstrate the impact of tight security reductions.