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[Author] Sei TAKANO(9hit)

  • Cooperative VM Migration: A Symbiotic Virtualization Mechanism by Leveraging the Guest OS Knowledge

    Ryousei TAKANO  Hidemoto NAKADA  Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Yoshio TANAKA  Tomohiro KUDOH  


    E96-D No:12

    A virtual machine (VM) migration is useful for improving flexibility and maintainability in cloud computing environments. However, VM monitor (VMM)-bypass I/O technologies, including PCI passthrough and SR-IOV, in which the overhead of I/O virtualization can be significantly reduced, make VM migration impossible. This paper proposes a novel and practical mechanism, called Symbiotic Virtualization (SymVirt), for enabling migration and checkpoint/restart on a virtualized cluster with VMM-bypass I/O devices, without the virtualization overhead during normal operations. SymVirt allows a VMM to cooperate with a message passing layer on the guest OS, then it realizes VM-level migration and checkpoint/restart by using a combination of a user-level dynamic device configuration and coordination of distributed VMMs. We have implemented the proposed mechanism on top of QEMU/KVM and the Open MPI system. All PCI devices, including Infiniband, Ethernet, and Myrinet, are supported without implementing specific para-virtualized drivers; and it is not necessary to modify either of the MPI runtime and applications. Using the proposed mechanism, we demonstrate reactive and proactive FT mechanisms on a virtualized Infiniband cluster. We have confirmed the effectiveness using both a memory intensive micro benchmark and the NAS parallel benchmark.

  • A Multi-Tenant Resource Management System for Multi-FPGA Systems

    Miho YAMAKURA  Ryousei TAKANO  Akram BEN AHMED  Midori SUGAYA  Hideharu AMANO  


    E104-D No:12

    FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based accelerators are attracting significant interest in cloud computing systems. Combining multi-FPGA systems with cloud computing brings a new perspective to the reconfigurable computing research. However, the multi-tenancy of a multi-FPGA system has not been fully discussed in the previous researches. In this paper, we propose a multi-tenant resource management system, named FiC-RM, for a multi-FPGA cloud system. FiC-RM provides users with a set of FPGA resources according to their requirements and allows them to exclusively access FPGA boards and the interconnection network. To achieve this, we propose a placement algorithm which is a key to efficiently share the limited resources. We demonstrate FiC-RM controls a practical scale multi-FPGA system. Moreover, Our simulation study shows that our placement algorithm achieved 3 to 4% improvement in the average resource usage and a 20-second reduction in the response time, compared to other existing naive algorithms.

  • Fogcached: A DRAM/NVMM Hybrid KVS Server for Edge Computing

    Kouki OZAWA  Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Ryousei TAKANO  Midori SUGAYA  


    E104-D No:12

    With the development of IoT devices and sensors, edge computing is leading towards new services like autonomous cars and smart cities. Low-latency data access is an essential requirement for such services, and a large-capacity cache server is needed on the edge side. However, it is not realistic to build a large capacity cache server using only DRAM because DRAM is expensive and consumes substantially large power. A hybrid main memory system is promising to address this issue, in which main memory consists of DRAM and non-volatile memory. It achieves a large capacity of main memory within the power supply capabilities of current servers. In this paper, we propose Fogcached, that is, the extension of a widely-used KVS (Key-Value Store) server program (i.e., Memcached) to exploit both DRAM and non-volatile main memory (NVMM). We used Intel Optane DCPM as NVMM for its prototype. Fogcached implements a Dual-LRU (Least Recently Used) mechanism that seamlessly extends the memory management of Memcached to hybrid main memory. Fogcached reuses the segmented LRU of Memcached to manage cached objects in DRAM, adds another segmented LRU for those in DCPM and bridges the LRUs by a mechanism to automatically replace cached objects between DRAM and DCPM. Cached objects are autonomously moved between the two memory devices according to their access frequencies. Through experiments, we confirmed that Fogcached improved the peak value of a latency distribution by about 40% compared to Memcached.

  • A Software-based NVM Emulator Supporting Read/Write Asymmetric Latencies

    Atsushi KOSHIBA  Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Ryousei TAKANO  Mitaro NAMIKI  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E102-D No:12

    Non-volatile memory (NVM) is a promising technology for low-energy and high-capacity main memory of computers. The characteristics of NVM devices, however, tend to be fundamentally different from those of DRAM (i.e., the memory device currently used for main memory), because of differences in principles of memory cells. Typically, the write latency of an NVM device such as PCM and ReRAM is much higher than its read latency. The asymmetry in read/write latencies likely affects the performance of applications significantly. For analyzing behavior of applications running on NVM-based main memory, most researchers use software-based emulation tools due to the limited number of commercial NVM products. However, these existing emulation tools are too slow to emulate a large-scale, realistic workload or too simplistic to investigate the details of application behavior on NVM with asymmetric read/write latencies. This paper therefore proposes a new NVM emulation mechanism that is not only light-weight but also aware of a read/write latency gap in NVM-based main memory. We implemented the prototype of the proposed mechanism for the Intel CPU processors of the Haswell architecture. We also evaluated its accuracy and performed case studies for practical benchmarks. The results showed that our prototype accurately emulated write-latencies of NVM-based main memory: it emulated the NVM write latencies in a range from 200 ns to 1000 ns with negligible errors from 0.2% to 1.1%. We confirmed that the use of our emulator enabled us to successfully estimate performance of practical workloads for NVM-based main memory, while an existing light-weight emulation model misestimated.

  • High-Resolution Timer-Based Packet Pacing Mechanism on the Linux Operating System

    Ryousei TAKANO  Tomohiro KUDOH  Yuetsu KODAMA  Fumihiro OKAZAKI  


    E94-B No:8

    Packet pacing is a well-known technique for reducing the short-time-scale burstiness of traffic, and software-based packet pacing has been categorized into two approaches: the timer interrupt-based approach and the gap packet-based approach. The former was originally hard to implement for Gigabit class networks because it requires the operating system to handle too frequent periodic timer interrupts, thus incurring a large overhead. On the other hand, a gap packet-based packet pacing mechanism achieves precise pacing without depending on the timer resolution. However, in order to guarantee the accuracy of rate control, the system must be able to transmit packets at the wire rate. In this paper, we propose a high-resolution timer-based packet pacing mechanism that determines the transmission timing of packets by using a sub-microsecond resolution timer. The high-resolution timer is a light-weight mechanism compared to the traditional low-resolution periodic timer. With recent progress in hardware protocol offload technologies and multicore-aware network protocol stacks, we believe high-resolution timer-based packet pacing has become practical. Our experimental results show that the proposed mechanism can work on a wider range of systems without degrading the accuracy of rate control. However, a higher CPU load is observed when the number of traffic classes increases, compared to a gap packet-based pacing mechanism.

  • Disaggregated Accelerator Management System for Cloud Data Centers

    Ryousei TAKANO  Kuniyasu SUZAKI  

    LETTER-Software System

    E104-D No:3

    A conventional data center that consists of monolithic-servers is confronted with limitations including lack of operational flexibility, low resource utilization, low maintainability, etc. Resource disaggregation is a promising solution to address the above issues. We propose a concept of disaggregated cloud data center architecture called Flow-in-Cloud (FiC) that enables an existing cluster computer system to expand an accelerator pool through a high-speed network. FlowOS-RM manages the entire pool resources, and deploys a user job on a dynamically constructed slice according to a user request. This slice consists of compute nodes and accelerators where each accelerator is attached to the corresponding compute node. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of FiC in a proof of concept experiment running a distributed deep learning application on the prototype system. The result successfully warrants the applicability of the proposed system.

  • Fast Live Migration for IO-Intensive VMs with Parallel and Adaptive Transfer of Page Cache via SAN

    Soramichi AKIYAMA  Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Ryousei TAKANO  Shinichi HONIDEN  

    PAPER-Operating system

    E99-D No:12

    Live migration plays an important role on improving efficiency of cloud data centers by enabling dynamically replacing virtual machines (VMs) without disrupting services running on them. Although many studies have proposed acceleration mechanisms of live migration, IO-intensive VMs still suffer from long total migration time due to a large amount of page cache. Existing studies for this problem either force the guest OS to delete the page cache before a migration, or they do not consider dynamic characteristics of cloud data centers. We propose a parallel and adaptive transfer of page cache for migrating IO-intensive VMs which (1) does not delete the page cache and is still fast by utilizing the storage area network of a data center, and (2) achieves the shortest total migration time without tuning hand-crafted parameters. Experiments showed that our method reduces total migration time of IO-intensive VMs up to 33.9%.

  • Hybrid Electrical/Optical Switch Architectures for Training Distributed Deep Learning in Large-Scale

    Thao-Nguyen TRUONG  Ryousei TAKANO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E104-D No:8

    Data parallelism is the dominant method used to train deep learning (DL) models on High-Performance Computing systems such as large-scale GPU clusters. When training a DL model on a large number of nodes, inter-node communication becomes bottle-neck due to its relatively higher latency and lower link bandwidth (than intra-node communication). Although some communication techniques have been proposed to cope with this problem, all of these approaches target to deal with the large message size issue while diminishing the effect of the limitation of the inter-node network. In this study, we investigate the benefit of increasing inter-node link bandwidth by using hybrid switching systems, i.e., Electrical Packet Switching and Optical Circuit Switching. We found that the typical data-transfer of synchronous data-parallelism training is long-lived and rarely changed that can be speed-up with optical switching. Simulation results on the Simgrid simulator show that our approach speed-up the training time of deep learning applications, especially in a large-scale manner.

  • A Prompt Report on the Performance of Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Module

    Takahiro HIROFUCHI  Ryousei TAKANO  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E103-D No:5

    In this prompt report, we present the basic performance evaluation of Intel Optane Data Center Persistent Memory Module (Optane DCPMM), which is the first commercially-available, byte-addressable non-volatile memory modules released in April 2019. Since at the moment of writing only a few reports on its performance were published, this letter is intended to complement other performance studies. Through experiments using our own measurement tools, we obtained that the latency of random read-only access was approximately 374 ns. That of random writeback-involving access was 391 ns. The bandwidths of read-only and writeback-involving access for interleaved memory modules were approximately 38 GB/s and 3 GB/s, respectively.