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[Author] Takanori ISOBE(25hit)


  • Tweakable TWINE: Building a Tweakable Block Cipher on Generalized Feistel Structure

    Kosei SAKAMOTO  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  Nao SHIBATA  Maki SHIGERI  Hiroyasu KUBO  Yuki FUNABIKI  Andrey BOGDANOV  Sumio MORIOKA  Takanori ISOBE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:12

    Tweakable block cipher (TBC) is an extension of conventional block cipher. We study how to build a TBC based on generalized Feistel structure (GFS), a classical block cipher construction. While known dedicated TBC proposals are based on substitution-permutation network (SPN), GFS has not been used for building TBC. In particular, we take 64-bit GFS block cipher TWINE and try to make it tweakable with a minimum change. To find a best one from a large number of candidates, we performed a comprehensive search with a help of mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solver. As a result, our proposal TWINE is quite efficient, has the same number of rounds as TWINE with extremely simple tweak schedule.

  • On Design of Robust Lightweight Stream Cipher with Short Internal State

    Subhadeep BANIK  Takanori ISOBE  Masakatu MORII  


    E101-A No:1

    The stream cipher Sprout with a short internal state was proposed in FSE 2015. Although the construction guaranteed resistance to generic Time Memory Data Tradeoff attacks, there were some weaknesses in the design and the cipher was completely broken. In this paper we propose a family of stream ciphers LILLE in which the size of the internal state is half the size of the secret key. Our main goal is to develop robust lightweight stream cipher. To achieve it, our cipher based on the two-key Even Mansour construction and thus its security against key/state recovery attacks reduces to a well analyzed problem. We also prove that like Sprout, the construction is resistant to generic Time Memory Data Tradeoff attacks. Unlike Sprout, the construction of the cipher guarantees that there are no weak key-IV pairs which produce a keystream sequence with short period or which make the algebraic structure of the cipher weaker and easy to cryptanalyze. The reference implementations of all members of the LILLE family with standard cell libraries based on the STM 90nm and 65nm processes were also found to be smaller than Grain v1 while security of LILLE family depend on reliable problem in the symmetric cryptography.

  • Cryptanalysis of Reduced Kreyvium

    Yuhei WATANABE  Takanori ISOBE  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:9

    Kreyvium is a NLFSR-based stream cipher which is oriented to homomorphic-ciphertext compression. This is a variant of Trivium with 128-bit security. Designers have evaluated the security of Kreyvium and concluded that the resistance of Kreyvium to the conditional differential cryptanalysis is at least the resistance of Trivium, and even better. However, we consider that this attack is effective for reduced Kreyvium due to the structure of it. This paper shows the conditional differential cryptanalysis for Kreyvium, and we propose distinguishing and key recovery attacks. We show how to arrange differences and conditions to obtain good higher-order conditional differential characteristics. We use two types of higher-order conditional differential characteristics to find a distinguisher, e.g. the bias of higher-order conditional differential characteristics of a keystream and the probabilistic bias of them. In the first one, we obtain the distinguisher on Kreyvium with 730 rounds from 20-th order characteristics. In the second one, we obtain the distinguisher on Kreyvium with 899 rounds from 25-th order conditional differential characteristics. Moreover, we show the key recovery attack on Kreyvium with 736 rounds from 20-th order characteristics. We experimentally confirm all our attacks. The second distinguisher shows that we can obtain the distinguisher on Kreyvium with more rounds than the distinguisher on Trivium. Therefore, Kreyvium has a smaller security margin than Trivium for the conditional differential cryptanalysis.

  • Meet-in-the-Middle Key Recovery Attacks on a Single-Key Two-Round Even-Mansour Cipher

    Takanori ISOBE  Kyoji SHIBUTANI  


    E102-A No:1

    We propose new key recovery attacks on the two-round single-key n-bit Even-Mansour ciphers (2SEM) that are secure up to 22n/3 queries against distinguishing attacks proved by Chen et al. Our attacks are based on the meet-in-the-middle technique which can significantly reduce the data complexity. In particular, we introduce novel matching techniques which enable us to compute one of the two permutations without knowing a part of the key information. Moreover, we present two improvements of the proposed attack: one significantly reduces the data complexity and the other reduces the time complexity. Compared with the previously known attacks, our attack first breaks the birthday barrier on the data complexity although it requires chosen plaintexts. When the block size is 64 bits, our attack reduces the required data from 245 known plaintexts to 226 chosen plaintexts with keeping the time complexity required by the previous attacks. Furthermore, by increasing the time complexity up to 262, the required data is further reduced to 28, and DT=270, where DT is the product of data and time complexities. We show that our data-optimized attack requires DT=2n+6 in general cases. Since the proved lower bound on DT for the single-key one-round n-bit Even-Mansour ciphers is 2n, our results imply that adding one round to one-round constructions does not sufficiently improve the security against key recovery attacks. Finally, we propose a time-optimized attacks on 2SEM in which, we aim to minimize the number of the invocations of internal permutations.

  • A Chosen-IV Key Recovery Attack on Py and Pypy

    Takanori ISOBE  Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Hidenori KUWAKADO  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Application Information Security

    E92-D No:1

    In this paper, we propose an effective key recovery attack on stream ciphers Py and Pypy with chosen IVs. Our method uses an internal-state correlation based on the vulnerability that the randomization of the internal state in the KSA is inadequate, and it improves two previous attacks proposed by Wu and Preneel (a WP-1 attack and a WP-2 attack). For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the WP-1 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 272. First, we improve the WP-1 attack by using the internal-state correlation (called a P-1 attack). For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the P-1 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 248, which is 1/224 of that of the WP-1 attack. The WP-2 attack is another improvement on the WP-1 attack, and it has been known as the best previous attack against Py and Pypy. For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the WP-2 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 224. Second, we improve the WP-2 attack by using the internal-state correlation as well as the P-1 attack (called a P-2 attack). For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the P-2 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 224, which is the same capability as that of the WP-2 attack. However, when the IV size is from 64 bits to 120 bits, the P-2 attack is more effective than the WP-2 attack. Thus, the P-2 attack is the known best attack against Py and Pypy.

  • Practical Integral Distinguishers on SNOW 3G and KCipher-2

    Jin HOKI  Kosei SAKAMOTO  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  Takanori ISOBE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E104-A No:11

    In this paper, we explore the security against integral attacks on well-known stream ciphers SNOW 3G and KCipher-2. SNOW 3G is the core of the 3GPP confidentiality and integrity algorithms UEA2 and UIA2, and KCipher-2 is a standard algorithm of ISO/IEC 18033-4 and CRYPTREC. Specifically, we investigate the propagation of the division property inside SNOW 3G and KCipher-2 by the Mixed-Integer Linear Programming to efficiently find an integral distinguisher. As a result, we present a 7-round integral distinguisher with 23 chosen IVs for KCipher-2. As far as we know, this is the first attack on a reduced variant of KCipher-2 by the third party. In addition, we present a 13-round integral distinguisher with 27 chosen IVs for SNOW 3G, whose time/data complexity is half of the previous best attack by Biryukov et al.

  • Security Evaluation of Initialization Phases and Round Functions of Rocca and AEGIS

    Nobuyuki TAKEUCHI  Kosei SAKAMOTO  Takanori ISOBE  


    E106-A No:3

    Authenticated-Encryption with Associated-Data (AEAD) plays an important role in guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity in network communications. To meet the requirements of high-performance applications, several AEADs make use of AES New Instructions (AES-NI), which can conduct operations of AES encryption and decryption dramatically fast by hardware accelerations. At SAC 2013, Wu and Preneel proposed an AES-based AEAD scheme called AEGIS-128/128L/256, to achieve high-speed software implementation. At FSE 2016, Jean and Nikolić generalized the construction of AEGIS and proposed more efficient round functions. At ToSC 2021, Sakamoto et al. further improved the constructions of Jean and Nikolić, and proposed an AEAD scheme called Rocca for beyond 5G. In this study, we first evaluate the security of the initialization phases of Rocca and AEGIS family against differential and integral attacks using MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) tools. Specifically, according to the evaluation based on the lower bounds for the number of active S-boxes, the initialization phases of AEGIS-128/128L/256 are secure against differential attacks after 4/3/6 rounds, respectively. Regarding integral attacks, we present the integral distinguisher on 6 rounds and 6/5/7 rounds in the initialization phases of Rocca and AEGIS-128/128L/256, respectively. Besides, we evaluate the round function of Rocca and those of Jean and Nikolić as cryptographic permutations against differential, impossible differential, and integral attacks. Our results indicate that, for differential attacks, the growth rate of increasing the number of active S-boxes in Rocca is faster than those of Jean and Nikolić. For impossible differential and integral attacks, we show that the round function of Rocca achieves the sufficient level of the security against these attacks in smaller number of rounds than those of Jean and Nikolić.

  • mPoW: How to Make Proof of Work Meaningful

    Takaki ASANUMA  Takanori ISOBE  


    E106-A No:3

    Proof of Work (PoW), which is a consensus algorithm for blockchain, entails a large number of meaningless hash calculations and wastage of electric power and computational resources. In 2021, it is estimated that the PoW of Bitcoin consumes as much electricity as Pakistan's annual power consumption (91TWh). This is a serious problem against sustainable development goals. To solve this problem, this study proposes Meaningful-PoW (mPoW), which involves a meaningful calculation, namely the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) to PoW. Specifically, by using the intermediate values that are periodically generated through GA calculations as an input to the Hashcash used in Bitcoin, it is possible to make this scheme a meaningful calculation (GA optimization problem) while maintaining the properties required for PoW. Furthermore, by applying a device-binding technology, mPoW can be ASIC resistant without the requirement of a large memory. Thus, we show that mPoW can reduce the excessive consumption of both power and computational resources.

  • Full Plaintext Recovery Attacks on RC4 Using Multiple Biases

    Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Takanori ISOBE  Yuhei WATANABE  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Based Cryptography

    E98-A No:1

    RC4 is a widely-used stream cipher, adopted in many standard protocols, such as WEP, WPA and SSL/TLS, as a standard encryption algorithm. Isobe et al. proposed a plaintext recovery attack on RC4 in the broadcast setting, where the same plaintext is encrypted with different secret keys. Their attack is able to recover the first 257bytes by exploiting the biases of the initial bytes of a keystream. In this paper, we propose two types of full plaintext recovery attacks that are able to recover all the bytes, even after the 258th byte, of a plaintext, unlike Isobe et al.'s attack. To achieve this, we combine the use of multiple keystream biases appropriately. The first attack utilizes the initial byte biases and Mantin's long-term bias. This attack can recover the first 1000 terabytes of a plaintext from 234 ciphertexts with a probability of almost one. The second attack is based on two long-term biases. Since this attack does not rely on the biases of the initial bytes of the RC4 keystream, it can recover any byte of a plaintext, even if the initial bytes are disregarded. Given 235 ciphertexts encrypted by different keys, any byte of a target plaintext can be recovered with a probability close to one.

  • Analysis and Improvements of the Full Spritz Stream Cipher

    Subhadeep BANIK  Takanori ISOBE  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E100-A No:6

    Spritz is a stream cipher proposed by Rivest and Schuldt at the rump session of CRYPTO 2014. It is intended to be a replacement of the popular RC4 stream cipher. In this paper we propose distinguishing attacks on the full Spritz, based on a short-term bias in the first two bytes of a keystream and a long-term bias in the first two bytes of every cycle of N keystream bytes, where N is the size of the internal permutation. Our attacks are able to distinguish a keystream of the full Spritz from a random sequence with samples of first two bytes produced by 244.8 multiple key-IV pairs or 260.8 keystream bytes produced by a single key-IV pair. These biases are also useful in the event of plaintext recovery in a broadcast attack. In the second part of the paper, we look at a state recovery attack on Spritz, in a special situation when the cipher enters a class of weak states. We determine the probability of encountering such a state, and demonstrate a state recovery algorithm that betters the 21400 step algorithm of Ankele et al. at Latincrypt 2015. Finally we propose a simple fix that removes the bias in the first two keystream bytes. The countermeasure requires only one additional memory access and hence does not diminish software performance substantially, and in fact the loss in software speed is only around 1.5%.

  • On Optimality of the Round Function of Rocca

    Nobuyuki TAKEUCHI  Kosei SAKAMOTO  Takanori ISOBE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:1

    At ToSC 2021, Sakamoto et al. proposed Rocca, an AES-based encryption scheme, for Beyond 5G applications. They presented a class of round functions that achieved impressive performance in software by improving the design strategy for constructing an efficient AES-based round function that was proposed by Jean and Nikolić at FSE 2016. In this paper, we revisit their design strategy for finding more efficient round functions. We add new requirements further to improve speed of Rocca. Specifically, we focus on the number of temporary registers for updating the round function and search for round functions with the minimum number of required temporary registers. As a result, we find a class of round functions with only one required temporary register, while round function of Rocca requires two temporary registers. We show that new round functions are significantly faster than that of Rocca on the latest Ice Lake and Tiger Lake architectures. We emphasize that, regarding speed, our round functions are optimal among the Rocca class of round functions because the search described in this paper covers all candidates that satisfy the requirements of Rocca.

  • Comprehensive Analysis of Initial Keystream Biases of RC4

    Takanori ISOBE  Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Yuhei WATANABE  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Symmetric Key Based Cryptography

    E97-A No:1

    After the disclosure of the RC4 algorithm in 1994, a number of keystream biases of RC4 were reported, e.g., Mantin and Shamir showed that the second byte of the keystream is biased to 0, Sepehrdad et al. found that the l-th byte of the keystream is biased to -l, and Maitra et al. showed that 3rd to 255th bytes of the keystream are also biased to 0, where l is the keylength in byte. However, it is unknown that which bias is strongest in each byte of initial bytes. This paper comprehensively analyzes initial keystream biases of RC4. In particular, we introduce several new biases in the initial (1st to 257th) bytes of the RC4 keystream, which are substantially stronger than known biases. Combining the new biases with the known ones, a complete list of strongest single-byte biases in the first 257bytes of the RC4 keystream is constructed for the first time. Then, we show that our set of these biases are applicable to plaintext recovery attacks, key recovery attacks and distinguishing attacks.

  • A Proof of Work Based on Key Recovery Problem of Cascade Block Ciphers with ASIC Resistance

    Takaki ASANUMA  Takanori ISOBE  


    E105-D No:2

    Hashcash, which is a Proof of Work (PoW) of bitcoin, is based on a preimage problem of hash functions of SHA-2 and RIPEMD. As these hash functions employ the Merkle-Damgard (MD) construction, a preimage can be found with negligible memory. Since such calculations can be accelerated by dedicated ASICs, it has a potential risk of a so-called 51% attack. To address this issue, we propose a new PoW scheme based on the key recovery problem of cascade block ciphers. By choosing the appropriate parameters, e.g., block sizes and key sizes of underlying block ciphers, we can make this problem a memory-hard problem such that it requires a lot of memory to efficiently solve it. Besides, we can independently adjust the required time complexity and memory complexity, according to requirements by target applications and progress of computational power.

  • Virtual Vault: A Practical Leakage Resilient Scheme Using Space-Hard Ciphers

    Yuji KOIKE  Takuya HAYASHI  Jun KURIHARA  Takanori ISOBE  


    E104-A No:1

    Due to the legal reform on the protection of personal information in US/Japan and the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, service providers are obliged to more securely manage the sensitive data stored in their server. In order to protect this kind of data, they generally employ a cryptographic encryption scheme and secure key management schemes such as a Hardware Security Module (HSM) and Trusted Platform Module (TPM). In this paper, we take a different approach based on the space-hard cipher. The space-hard cipher has an interesting property called the space hardness. Space hardness guarantees sufficient security against the adversary who gains a part of key data, e.g., 1/4 of key data. Combined with a simple network monitoring technique, we develop a practical leakage resilient scheme Virtual Vault, which is secure against the snapshot adversary who has full access to the memory in the server for a short period. Importantly, Virtual Vault is deployable by only a low-price device for network monitoring, e.g. L2 switch, and software of space-hard ciphers and packet analyzer, while typical solutions require a dedicated hardware for secure key managements such as HSM and TPM. Thus, Virtual Vault is easily added on the existing servers which do not have such dedicated hardware.

  • Further Results on Efficient Implementations of Block Cipher Linear Layers

    Subhadeep BANIK  Yuki FUNABIKI  Takanori ISOBE  


    E104-A No:1

    At the FSE conference of ToSC 2018, Kranz et al. presented their results on shortest linear programs for the linear layers of several well known block ciphers in literature. Shortest linear programs are essentially the minimum number of 2-input xor gates required to completely describe a linear system of equations. In the above paper the authors showed that the commonly used metrics like d-xor/s-xor count that are used to judge the “lightweightedness” do not represent the minimum number of xor gates required to describe a given MDS matrix. In fact they used heuristic based algorithms of Boyar-Peralta and Paar to find implementations of MDS matrices with even fewer xor gates than was previously known. They proved that the AES mixcolumn matrix can be implemented with as little as 97 xor gates. In this paper we show that the values reported in the above paper are not optimal. By suitably including random bits in the instances of the above algorithms we can achieve implementations of almost all matrices with lesser number of gates than were reported in the above paper. As a result we report an implementation of the AES mixcolumn matrix that uses only 95 xor gates. In FSE conference of ToSC 2019, Li et al. had tweaked the Boyar-Peralta algorithm to get low depth implementations of many matrices. We show that by introducing randomness in the tweaked algorithm, it is again possible to get low depth implementations with lesser number of gates than the above paper. As a result, we report a depth implementation of the AES mixcolumn matrix that uses only 103 xor gates, which is 2 gates less than the previous implementation. In the second part of the paper, we observe that most standard cell libraries contain both 2 and 3-input xor gates, with the silicon area of the 3-input xor gate being smaller than the sum of the areas of two 2-input xor gates. Hence when linear circuits are synthesized by logic compilers (with specific instructions to optimize for area), most of them would return a solution circuit containing both 2 and 3-input xor gates. Thus from a practical point of view, reducing circuit size in presence of these gates is no longer equivalent to solving the shortest linear program. In this paper we show that by adopting a graph based heuristic it is possible to convert a circuit constructed with 2-input xor gates to another functionally equivalent circuit that utilizes both 2 and 3-input xor gates and occupies less hardware area. As a result we obtain more lightweight implementations of all the matrices listed in the ToSC paper.

  • Preimage Attacks on Reduced Troika with Divide-and-Conquer Methods

    Fukang LIU  Takanori ISOBE  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:11

    Troika is a recently proposed sponge-based hash function for IOTA's ternary architecture and platform, which is developed by CYBERCRYPT and is now used in IOTA's blockchain. In this paper, we introduce the preimage attack on 2/3 rounds of Troika with a divide-and-conquer approach. Firstly, we propose the equivalent conditions to determine whether a message is the preimage with an algebraic method. As a result, for the preimage attack on two-round Troika, we can search the preimage only in a valid smaller space and efficiently enumerate the messages which can satisfy most of the equivalent conditions with a guess-and-determine technique. Our experiments show that the time complexity of the preimage attack on 2-round Troika can be improved to 379 from 3243. For the preimage attack on 3-round Troika, the MILP-based method is applied to achieve the optimal time complexity, which is 327 times faster than brute force.

  • MILP-Aided Security Evaluation of Differential Attacks on KCipher-2

    Jin HOKI  Kosei SAKAMOTO  Fukang LIU  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  Takanori ISOBE  


    E104-A No:1

    This paper investigates the security of KCipher-2 against differential attacks. We utilize an MILP-based method to evaluate the minimum number of active S-boxes in each round. We try to construct an accurate model to describe the 8-bit truncated difference propagation through the modular addition operation and the linear transformation of KCipher-2, respectively, which were omitted or simplified in the previous evaluation by Preneel et al. In our constructed model, the difference characteristics neglected in Preneel et al.'s evaluation can be taken into account and all valid differential characteristics can be covered. As a result, we reveal that the minimal number of active S-boxes is 25 over 15 rounds in the related IV setting and it is 17 over 24 rounds in the related IV-key setting. Therefore, this paper shows for the first time that KCipher-2 is secure against the related IV differential attack.

  • Security of Related-Key Differential Attacks on TWINE, Revisited

    Kosei SAKAMOTO  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  Nao SHIBATA  Maki SHIGERI  Hiroyasu KUBO  Yuki FUNABIKI  Takanori ISOBE  


    E103-A No:1

    In this paper, we revisit related-key security of TWINE block cipher with 80-bit and 128-bit keys. Using an MILP-aided automatic search algorithm, we point out the previous evaluation of TWINE with a 80-bit key is wrong, and give a corrected evaluation result. Besides, we show a first security evaluation of TWINE with a 128-bit key in the related-key setting, which was infeasible due to the high computation cost in the original proposal.

  • Security Analysis and Countermeasures of an End-to-End Encryption Scheme of LINE

    Takanori ISOBE  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:1

    In this paper, we analyze the security of an end-to-end encryption scheme (E2EE) of LINE, a.k.a Letter Sealing. LINE is one of the most widely-deployed instant messaging applications, especially in East Asia. By a close inspection of their protocols, we give several attacks against the message integrity of Letter Sealing. Specifically, we propose forgery and impersonation attacks on the one-to-one message encryption and the group message encryption. All of our attacks are feasible with the help of an end-to-end adversary, who has access to the inside of the LINE server (e.g. service provider LINE themselves). We stress that the main purpose of E2EE is to provide a protection against the end-to-end adversary. In addition, we found some attacks that even do not need the help of E2E adversary, which shows a critical security flaw of the protocol. Our results reveal that the E2EE scheme of LINE do not sufficiently guarantee the integrity of messages compared to the state-of-the-art E2EE schemes such as Signal, which is used by WhatApp and Facebook Messenger. We also provide some countermeasures against our attacks. We have shared our findings with LINE corporation in advance. The LINE corporation has confirmed our attacks are valid as long as the E2E adversary is involved, and officially recognizes our results as a vulnerability of encryption break.

  • Theoretical Understanding of Some Conditional and Joint Biases in RC4 Stream Cipher

    Sonu JHA  Subhadeep BANIK  Takanori ISOBE  Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Santanu SARKAR  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:11

    In this paper we present proofs for the new biases in RC4 which were experimentally found and listed out (without theoretical justifications and proofs) in a paper by Vanhoef et al. in USENIX 2015. Their purpose was to exploit the vulnerabilities of RC4 in TLS using the set of new biases found by them. We also show (and prove) new results on couple of very strong biases residing in the joint distribution of three consecutive output bytes of the RC4 stream cipher. These biases provides completely new distinguisher for RC4 taking roughly O(224) samples to distinguish streams of RC4 from a uniformly random stream. We also provide a list of new results with proofs relating to some conditional biases in the keystreams of the RC4 stream cipher.
