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[Author] Wei LUO(15hit)

  • Thresholding Based on Maximum Weighted Object Correlation for Rail Defect Detection

    Qingyong LI  Yaping HUANG  Zhengping LIANG  Siwei LUO  

    LETTER-Image Processing

    E95-D No:7

    Automatic thresholding is an important technique for rail defect detection, but traditional methods are not competent enough to fit the characteristics of this application. This paper proposes the Maximum Weighted Object Correlation (MWOC) thresholding method, fitting the features that rail images are unimodal and defect proportion is small. MWOC selects a threshold by optimizing the product of object correlation and the weight term that expresses the proportion of thresholded defects. Our experimental results demonstrate that MWOC achieves misclassification error of 0.85%, and outperforms the other well-established thresholding methods, including Otsu, maximum correlation thresholding, maximum entropy thresholding and valley-emphasis method, for the application of rail defect detection.

  • Normalized Joint Mutual Information Measure for Ground Truth Based Segmentation Evaluation

    Xue BAI  Yibiao ZHAO  Siwei LUO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E95-D No:10

    Ground truth based image segmentation evaluation paradigm plays an important role in objective evaluation of segmentation algorithms. So far, many evaluation methods in terms of comparing clusterings in machine learning field have been developed. However, most traditional pairwise similarity measures, which only compare a machine generated clustering to a “true” clustering, have their limitations in some cases, e.g. when multiple ground truths are available for the same image. In this letter, we propose utilizing an information theoretic measure, named NJMI (Normalized Joint Mutual Information), to handle the situations which the pairwise measures can not deal with. We illustrate the effectiveness of NJMI for both unsupervised and supervised segmentation evaluation.

  • An Association Rule Based Grid Resource Discovery Method

    Yuan LIN  Siwei LUO  Guohao LU  Zhe WANG  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E94-D No:4

    There are a great amount of various resources described in many different ways for service oriented grid environment, while traditional grid resource discovery methods could not fit more complex future grid system. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel grid resource discovery method based on association rule hypergraph partitioning algorithm which analyzes user behavior in history transaction records to provide personality service for user. And this resource discovery method gives a new way to improve resource retrieval and management in grid research.

  • Complex Cell Descriptor Learning for Robust Object Recognition

    Zhe WANG  Yaping HUANG  Siwei LUO  Liang WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E94-D No:7

    An unsupervised algorithm is proposed for learning overcomplete topographic representations of nature image. Our method is based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) model due to its superiority on feature extraction, and overcomes the weakness of traditional method in fast overcomplete learning. Besides, the learnt topographic representation, resembling receptive fields of complex cells, can be used as descriptors to extract invariant features. Recognition experiments on Caltech-101 dataset confirm that these complex cell descriptors are not only efficient in feature extraction but achieve comparable performances to traditional descriptors.

  • A Local Characteristic Image Restoration Based on Convolutional Neural Network

    Guohao LYU  Hui YIN  Xinyan YU  Siwei LUO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:8

    In this letter, a local characteristic image restoration based on convolutional neural network is proposed. In this method, image restoration is considered as a classification problem and images are divided into several sub-blocks. The convolutional neural network is used to extract and classify the local characteristics of image sub-blocks, and the different forms of the regularization constraints are adopted for the different local characteristics. Experiments show that the image restoration results by the regularization method based on local characteristics are superior to those by the traditional regularization methods and this method also has lower computing cost.

  • BRsyn-Caps: Chinese Text Classification Using Capsule Network Based on Bert and Dependency Syntax

    Jie LUO  Chengwan HE  Hongwei LUO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E107-D No:2

    Text classification is a fundamental task in natural language processing, which finds extensive applications in various domains, such as spam detection and sentiment analysis. Syntactic information can be effectively utilized to improve the performance of neural network models in understanding the semantics of text. The Chinese text exhibits a high degree of syntactic complexity, with individual words often possessing multiple parts of speech. In this paper, we propose BRsyn-caps, a capsule network-based Chinese text classification model that leverages both Bert and dependency syntax. Our proposed approach integrates semantic information through Bert pre-training model for obtaining word representations, extracts contextual information through Long Short-term memory neural network (LSTM), encodes syntactic dependency trees through graph attention neural network, and utilizes capsule network to effectively integrate features for text classification. Additionally, we propose a character-level syntactic dependency tree adjacency matrix construction algorithm, which can introduce syntactic information into character-level representation. Experiments on five datasets demonstrate that BRsyn-caps can effectively integrate semantic, sequential, and syntactic information in text, proving the effectiveness of our proposed method for Chinese text classification.

  • Visual Attention Guided Multi-Scale Boundary Detection in Natural Images for Contour Grouping

    Jingjing ZHONG  Siwei LUO  Qi ZOU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:3

    Boundary detection is one of the most studied problems in computer vision. It is the foundation of contour grouping, and initially affects the performance of grouping algorithms. In this paper we propose a novel boundary detection algorithm for contour grouping, which is a selective attention guided coarse-to-fine scale pyramid model. Our algorithm evaluates each edge instead of each pixel location, which is different from others and suitable for contour grouping. Selective attention focuses on the whole saliency objects instead of local details, and gives global spatial prior for boundary existence of objects. The evolving process of edges through the coarsest scale to the finest scale reflects the importance and energy of edges. The combination of these two cues produces the most saliency boundaries. We show applications for boundary detection on natural images. We also test our approach on the Berkeley dataset and use it for contour grouping. The results obtained are pretty good.

  • Contour Grouping and Object-Based Attention with Saliency Maps

    Jingjing ZHONG  Siwei LUO  Jiao WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E92-D No:12

    The key problem of object-based attention is the definition of objects, while contour grouping methods aim at detecting the complete boundaries of objects in images. In this paper, we develop a new contour grouping method which shows several characteristics. First, it is guided by the global saliency information. By detecting multiple boundaries in a hierarchical way, we actually construct an object-based attention model. Second, it is optimized by the grouping cost, which is decided both by Gestalt cues of directed tangents and by region saliency. Third, it gives a new definition of Gestalt cues for tangents which includes image information as well as tangent information. In this way, we can improve the robustness of our model against noise. Experiment results are shown in this paper, with a comparison against other grouping model and space-based attention model.

  • Salient Edge Detection in Natural Images

    Yihang BO  Siwei LUO  Qi ZOU  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E92-D No:5

    Salient edge detection which is mentioned less frequently than salient point detection is another important cue for subsequent processing in computer vision. How to find the salient edges in natural images is not an easy work. This paper proposes a simple method for salient edge detection which preserves the edges with more salient points on the boundaries and cancels the less salient ones or noise edges in natural images. According to the Gestalt Principles of past experience and entirety, we should not detect the whole edges in natural images. Only salient ones can be an advantageous tool for the following step just like object tracking, image segmentation or contour detection. Salient edges can also enhance the efficiency of computing and save the space of storage. The experiments show the promising results.

  • Active Contour Model Based on Salient Boundary Point Image for Object Contour Detection in Natural Image

    Yan LI  Siwei LUO  Qi ZOU  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E93-D No:11

    This paper combines the LBP operator and the active contour model. It introduces a salient gradient vector flow snake (SGVF snake), based on a novel edge map generated from the salient boundary point image (SBP image). The MDGVM criterion process helps to reduce feature detail and background noise as well as retaining the salient boundary points. The resultant SBP image as an edge map gives powerful support to the SGVF snake because of the inherent combination of the intensity, gradient and texture cues. Experiments prove that the MDGVM process has high efficiency in reducing outliers and the SGVF snake is a large improvement over the GVF snake for contour detection, especially in natural images with low contrast and small texture background.

  • JPEG Image Steganalysis Using Weight Allocation from Block Evaluation

    Weiwei LUO  Wenpeng ZHOU  Jinglong FANG  Lingyan FAN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:1

    Recently, channel-aware steganography has been presented for high security. The corresponding selection-channel-aware (SCA) detecting algorithms have also been proposed for improving the detection performance. In this paper, we propose a novel detecting algorithm of JPEG steganography, where the embedding probability and block evaluation are integrated into the new probability. This probability can embody the change due to data embedding. We choose the same high-pass filters as maximum diversity cascade filter residual (MD-CFR) to obtain different image residuals and a weighted histogram method is used to extract detection features. Experimental results on detecting two typical steganographic methods show that the proposed method can improve the performance compared with the state-of-art methods.

  • A QoS-Enabled Double Auction Protocol for the Service Grid

    Zhan GAO  Siwei LUO  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E93-D No:5

    Traditional double auction protocols only concern the price information of participants without considering their QoS requirements, which makes them unsuitable for the service grid. In this paper we first introduce QoS information into double auction to present the QoS-enabled Double Auction Protocol (QDAP). QDAP tries to assign the asks which have the least candidate bids firstly to make more participants trade and provides QoS guarantee at the same time. Simulation experiments have been performed to compare QDAP with two traditional double auction protocols and the result shows that QDAP is more suitable for the service grid.

  • Hash-Chain Improvement of Key Predistribution Schemes Based on Transversal Designs

    Qiang GAO  Wenping MA  Wei LUO  Feifei ZHAO  


    E101-A No:1

    Key predistribution schemes (KPSs) have played an important role in security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Due to comprehensive and simple structures, various types of combinatorial designs are used to construct KPSs. In general, compared to random KPSs, combinatorial KPSs have higher local connectivity but lower resilience against a node capture attack. In this paper, we apply two methods based on hash chains on KPSs based on transversal designs (TDs) to improve the resilience and the expressions for the metrics of the resulting schemes are derived.

  • Combining Boundary and Region Information with Bolt Prior for Rail Surface Detection

    Yaping HUANG  Siwei LUO  Shengchun WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E95-D No:2

    Railway inspection is important in railway maintenance. There are several tasks in railway inspection, e.g., defect detection and bolt detection. For those inspection tasks, the detection of rail surface is a fundamental and key issue. In order to detect rail defects and missing bolts, one must know the exact location of the rail surface. To deal with this problem, we propose an efficient Rail Surface Detection (RSD) algorithm that combines boundary and region information in a uniform formulation. Moreover, we reevaluate the rail location by introducing the top down information–bolt location prior. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can detect the rail surface efficiently.

  • A Fast Algorithm for Learning the Overcomplete Image Prior

    Zhe WANG  Siwei LUO  Liang WANG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E93-D No:2

    In this letter, we learned overcomplete filters to model rich priors of nature images. Our approach extends the Gaussian Scale Mixture Fields of Experts (GSM FOE), which is a fast approximate model based on Fields of Experts (FOE). In these previous image prior model, the overcomplete case is not considered because of the heavy computation. We introduce the assumption of quasi-orthogonality to the GSM FOE, which allows us to learn overcomplete filters of nature images fast and efficiently. Simulations show these obtained overcomplete filters have properties similar with those of Fields of Experts', and denoising experiments also show the superiority of our model.