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  • An Algebraic Approach to Guarantee Harmonic Balance Method Using Grobner Base

    Masakazu YAGI  Takashi HISAKADO  Kohshi OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Analysis, Modelng and Simulation

    E91-A No:9

    Harmonic balance (HB) method is well known principle for analyzing periodic oscillations on nonlinear networks and systems. Because the HB method has a truncation error, approximated solutions have been guaranteed by error bounds. However, its numerical computation is very time-consuming compared with solving the HB equation. This paper proposes an algebraic representation of the error bound using Grobner base. The algebraic representation enables to decrease the computational cost of the error bound considerably. Moreover, using singular points of the algebraic representation, we can obtain accurate break points of the error bound by collisions.

  • A Deep Monotone Approximation Operator Based on the Best Quadratic Lower Bound of Convex Functions

    Masao YAMAGISHI  Isao YAMADA  


    E91-A No:8

    This paper presents a closed form solution to a problem of constructing the best lower bound of a convex function under certain conditions. The function is assumed (I) bounded below by -ρ, and (II) differentiable and its derivative is Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constant L. To construct the lower bound, it is also assumed that we can use the values ρ and L together with the values of the function and its derivative at one specified point. By using the proposed lower bound, we derive a computationally efficient deep monotone approximation operator to the level set of the function. This operator realizes better approximation than subgradient projection which has been utilized, as a monotone approximation operator to level sets of differentiable convex functions as well as nonsmooth convex functions. Therefore, by using the proposed operator, we can improve many signal processing algorithms essentially based on the subgradient projection.

  • An Efficient Bottom-up Filtering of XML Messages by Exploiting the Postfix Commonality of XPath Queries

    Jaehoon KIM  Youngsoo KIM  Seog PARK  

    PAPER-Contents Technology and Web Information Systems

    E91-D No:8

    Recently, for more efficient filtering of XML data, YFilter system has been suggested to exploit the prefix commonalities that exist among path expressions. Sharing the prefix commonality gives the benefit of improving filtering performance through the tremendous reduction in filtering machine size. However, exploiting the postfix commonality can also be useful for an XML filtering situation. For example, when a stream of XML messages does not have any defined schema, or users cannot remember the defined schema exactly, users often use the partial matching path queries which begins with the descendant axis ("//"), e.g., '//science/article/title', '//entertainment/article/title', and '//title'. If so, the registered XPath queries are most likely to have the postfix commonality, e.g., the sample queries share the partial path expressions 'article/title' and 'title'. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a bottom-up filtering approach exploiting the postfix commonality against the top-down approach of YFilter exploiting the prefix commonality. Some experimental results show that our method has better filtering performance when registered XPath queries mainly consist of the partial matching path queries with the postfix commonality.

  • A Nonlinear Approach to Robust Routing Based on Reinforcement Learning with State Space Compression and Adaptive Basis Construction

    Hideki SATOH  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E91-A No:7

    A robust routing algorithm was developed based on reinforcement learning that uses (1) reward-weighted principal component analysis, which compresses the state space of a network with a large number of nodes and eliminates the adverse effects of various types of attacks or disturbance noises, (2) activity-oriented index allocation, which adaptively constructs a basis that is used for approximating routing probabilities, and (3) newly developed space compression based on a potential model that reduces the space for routing probabilities. This algorithm takes all the network states into account and reduces the adverse effects of disturbance noises. The algorithm thus works well, and the frequencies of causing routing loops and falling to a local optimum are reduced even if the routing information is disturbed.

  • Compensation Effect of Quasi-Inverse Filter (QIF) on Frequency Characteristic Distortion in Wideband Systems

    Mitoshi FUJIMOTO  Haiyan ZHAO  Toshikazu HORI  


    E91-B No:6

    High-speed wireless communication systems have attracted much attention in recent years. To achieve a high-speed wireless communication system that utilizes an ultra-wide-frequency band, a broadband antenna is required. However, it is difficult to obtain an antenna that has uniform characteristics in a broad frequency band. Moreover, propagation characteristics are distorted in a multi-path environment. Thus, the communication quality tends to degrade due to the distortion in the frequency characteristics of the wideband communication system. This paper proposes a quasi-inverse filter (QIF) to improve the compensation effect for the transmitter antenna. Furthermore, we propose a method that employs the newly developed QIF that compensates for frequency characteristic distortion. We evaluate different configurations for the compensation system employing a pre-filter and post-filter in the wideband communication system. The effectiveness of the QIF in the case of severe distortion is verified by computer simulation. The proposed method is applied to a disc monopole antenna as a concrete example of a broadband antenna, and the compensation effect for the antenna is indicated.

  • On the Use of Structures for Spoken Language Understanding: A Two-Step Approach

    Minwoo JEONG  Gary Geunbae LEE  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E91-D No:5

    Spoken language understanding (SLU) aims to map a user's speech into a semantic frame. Since most of the previous works use the semantic structures for SLU, we verify that the structure is useful even for noisy input. We apply a structured prediction method to SLU problem and compare it to an unstructured one. In addition, we present a combined method to embed long-distance dependency between entities in a cascaded manner. On air travel data, we show that our approach improves performance over baseline models.

  • Enhanced Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Weight Matchings of Graphs

    Daisuke TAKAFUJI  Satoshi TAOKA  Yasunori NISHIKAWA  Toshimasa WATANABE  


    E91-A No:4

    The subject of this paper is maximum weight matchings of graphs. An edge set M of a given graph G is called a matching if and only if any pair of edges in M share no endvertices. A maximum weight matching is a matching whose total weight (total sum of edge-weights) is maximum among those of G. The maximum weight matching problem (MWM for short) is to find a maximum weight matching of a given graph. Polynomial algorithms for finding an optimum solution to MWM have already been proposed: for example, an O(|V|4) time algorithm proposed by J. Edmonds, and an O(|E||V|log |V|) time algorithm proposed by H.N. Gabow. Some applications require obtaining a matching of large total weight (not necessarily a maximum one) in realistic computing time. These existing algorithms, however, spend extremely long computing time as the size of a given graph becomes large, and several fast approximation algorithms for MWM have been proposed. In this paper, we propose six approximation algorithms GRS+, GRS_F+, GRS_R+, GRS_S+, LAM_a+ and LAM_as+. They are enhanced from known approximation ones by adding some postprocessings that consist of improved search of weight augmenting paths. Their performance is evaluated through results of computing experiment.

  • Reinforcement Learning with Orthonormal Basis Adaptation Based on Activity-Oriented Index Allocation

    Hideki SATOH  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E91-A No:4

    An orthonormal basis adaptation method for function approximation was developed and applied to reinforcement learning with multi-dimensional continuous state space. First, a basis used for linear function approximation of a control function is set to an orthonormal basis. Next, basis elements with small activities are replaced with other candidate elements as learning progresses. As this replacement is repeated, the number of basis elements with large activities increases. Example chaos control problems for multiple logistic maps were solved, demonstrating that the method for adapting an orthonormal basis can modify a basis while holding the orthonormality in accordance with changes in the environment to improve the performance of reinforcement learning and to eliminate the adverse effects of redundant noisy states.

  • TM Plane Wave Reflection and Transmission from a One-Dimensional Random Slab

    Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E91-C No:4

    This paper deals with a TM plane wave reflection and transmission from a one-dimensional random slab with stratified fluctuation by means of the stochastic functional approach. Based on a previous manner [IEICE Trans. Electron. E88-C, 4, pp.713-720, 2005], an explicit form of the random wavefield is obtained in terms of a Wiener-Hermite expansion with approximate expansion coefficients (Wiener kernels) under small fluctuation. The optical theorem and coherent reflection coefficient are illustrated in figures for several physical parameters. It is then found that the optical theorem by use of the first two or three order Wiener kernels holds with good accuracy and a shift of Brewster's angle appears in the coherent reflection.

  • A Conservative Framework for Safety-Failure Checking

    Frederic BEAL  Tomohiro YONEDA  Chris J. MYERS  

    PAPER-Verification and Timing Analysis

    E91-D No:3

    We present a new framework for checking safety failures. The approach is based on the conservative inference of the internal states of a system by the observation of the interaction with its environment. It is based on two similar mechanisms : forward implication, which performs the analysis of the consequences of an input applied to the system, and backward implication, that performs the same task for an output transition. While being a very simple approach, it is general and we believe it can yield efficient algorithms in different safety-failure checking problems. As a case study, we have applied this framework to an existing problem, the hazard checking in (speed-independent) asynchronous circuits. Our new methodology yields an efficient algorithm that performs better or as well as all existing algorithms, while being more general than the fastest one.

  • Recognizing Reverberant Speech Based on Amplitude and Frequency Modulation

    Yotaro KUBO  Shigeki OKAWA  Akira KUREMATSU  Katsuhiko SHIRAI  

    PAPER-ASR under Reverberant Conditions

    E91-D No:3

    We have attempted to recognize reverberant speech using a novel speech recognition system that depends on not only the spectral envelope and amplitude modulation but also frequency modulation. Most of the features used by modern speech recognition systems, such as MFCC, PLP, and TRAPS, are derived from the energy envelopes of narrowband signals by discarding the information in the carrier signals. However, some experiments show that apart from the spectral/time envelope and its modulation, the information on the zero-crossing points of the carrier signals also plays a significant role in human speech recognition. In realistic environments, a feature that depends on the limited properties of the signal may easily be corrupted. In order to utilize an automatic speech recognizer in an unknown environment, using the information obtained from other signal properties and combining them is important to minimize the effects of the environment. In this paper, we propose a method to analyze carrier signals that are discarded in most of the speech recognition systems. Our system consists of two nonlinear discriminant analyzers that use multilayer perceptrons. One of the nonlinear discriminant analyzers is HATS, which can capture the amplitude modulation of narrowband signals efficiently. The other nonlinear discriminant analyzer is a pseudo-instantaneous frequency analyzer proposed in this paper. This analyzer can capture the frequency modulation of narrowband signals efficiently. The combination of these two analyzers is performed by the method based on the entropy of the feature introduced by Okawa et al. In this paper, in Sect. 2, we first introduce pseudo-instantaneous frequencies to capture a property of the carrier signal. The previous AM analysis method are described in Sect. 3. The proposed system is described in Sect. 4. The experimental setup is presented in Sect. 5, and the results are discussed in Sect. 6. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method by continuous digit recognition of reverberant speech. The proposed system exhibits considerable improvement with regard to the MFCC feature extraction system.

  • Improved Fading Scheme for Spatio-Temporal Error Concealment in Video Transmission

    Min-Cheol HWANG  Jun-Hyung KIM  Chun-Su PARK  Sung-Jea KO  

    PAPER-Image Coding and Video Coding

    E91-A No:3

    Error concealment at a decoder is an efficient method to reduce the degradation of visual quality caused by channel errors. In this paper, we propose a novel spatio-temporal error concealment algorithm based on the spatial-temporal fading (STF) scheme which has been recently introduced. Although STF achieves good performance for the error concealment, several drawbacks including blurring still remain in the concealed blocks. To alleviate these drawbacks, in the proposed method, hybrid approaches with adaptive weights are proposed. First, the boundary matching algorithm and the decoder motion vector estimation which are well-known temporal error concealment methods are adaptively combined to compensate for the defect of each other. Then, an edge preserved method is utilized to reduce the blurring effects caused by the bilinear interpolation for spatial error concealment. Finally, two concealed results obtained by the hybrid spatial and temporal error concealment are pixel-wisely blended with adaptive weights. Experimental results exhibit that the proposed method outperforms conventional methods including STF in terms of the PSNR performance as well as subjective visual quality, and the computational complexity of the proposed method is similar to that of STF.

  • Theoretical Results about MIMO Minimal Distance Precoder and Performances Comparison

    Baptiste VRIGNEAU  Jonathan LETESSIER  Philippe ROSTAING  Ludovic COLLIN  Gilles BUREL  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:3

    This study deals with two linear precoders: the maximization of the minimum Euclidean distance between received symbol-vectors, called here max-dmin, and the maximization of the post-processing signal-to-noise ratio termed max-SNR or beamforming. Both have been designed for reliable MIMO transmissions operating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. Here, we will explain why performances in terms of bit error rates show a significant enhancement of the max-dmin over the max-SNR whenever the number of antennas is increased. Then, from theoretical developments, we will demonstrate that, like the max-SNR precoder, the max-dmin precoder achieves the maximum diversity order, which is warrant of reliable transmissions. The current theoretical knowledge will be applied to the case-study of a system with two transmit- or two receive-antennas to calculate the probability density functions of two channel parameters directly linked to precoder performances for uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. At last, this calculation will allow us to quickly get the BER of the max-dmin precoder further to the derivation of a tight semi-theoretical approximation.

  • Stability-Guaranteed Width Control for Hot Strip Mill

    Cheol Jae PARK  I Cheol HWANG  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E91-A No:3

    We propose a stability-guaranteed width control (SGWC) for the hot strip finishing mill. It is shown that the proposed SGWC guarantees the stability of the width controller by the universal approximation of the neural network. It is shown through the field test in the hot strip mill of POSCO that the stability of the width controller is guaranteed by the proposed control scheme.

  • An Edge-Preserving Super-Precision for Simultaneous Enhancement of Spacial and Grayscale Resolutions

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Toshinori OHTSUKA  Isao YAMADA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  


    E91-A No:2

    In this paper, we propose a method that recovers a smooth high-resolution image from several blurred and roughly quantized low-resolution images. For compensation of the quantization effect we introduce measurements of smoothness, Huber function that is originally used for suppression of block noises in a JPEG compressed image [Schultz & Stevenson '94] and a smoothed version of total variation. With a simple operator that approximates the convex projection onto constraint set defined for each quantized image [Hasegawa et al. '05], we propose a method that minimizes these cost functions, which are smooth convex functions, over the intersection of all constraint sets, i.e. the set of all images satisfying all quantization constraints simultaneously, by using hybrid steepest descent method [Yamada & Ogura '04]. Finally in the numerical example we compare images derived by the proposed method, Projections Onto Convex Sets (POCS) based conventinal method, and generalized proposed method minimizing energy of output of Laplacian.

  • A Polyphase Transfer Function Design Based on Frequency Transformation from Prototype LPF

    Cosy MUTO  


    E91-A No:2

    In this paper, a frequency transformation for designing polyphase transfer functions is proposed. A modification to the bilinear LP-LP transformation, which assigns both stopband edges on negative frequency range whereas passband edges are on positive one, results polyphase transfer functions. Design examples show validity of the proposed method.

  • Improved Approximation Algorithms for Item Pricing with Bounded Degree and Valuation

    Ryoso HAMANE  Toshiya ITOH  

    PAPER-Approximation Algorithms

    E91-D No:2

    When a store sells items to customers, the store wishes to decide the prices of the items to maximize its profit. If the store sells the items with low (resp. high) prices, the customers buy more (resp. less) items, which provides less profit to the store. It would be hard for the store to decide the prices of items. Assume that a store has a set V of n items and there is a set C of m customers who wish to buy those items. The goal of the store is to decide the price of each item to maximize its profit. We refer to this maximization problem as an item pricing problem. We classify the item pricing problems according to how many items the store can sell or how the customers valuate the items. If the store can sell every item i with unlimited (resp. limited) amount, we refer to this as unlimited supply (resp. limited supply). We say that the item pricing problem is single-minded if each customer j ∈ C wishes to buy a set ej ⊆ V of items and assigns valuation w(ej) ≥ 0. For the single-minded item pricing problems (in unlimited supply), Balcan and Blum regarded them as weighted k-hypergraphs and gave several approximation algorithms. In this paper, we focus on the (pseudo) degree of k-hypergraphs and the valuation ratio, i.e., the ratio between the smallest and the largest valuations. Then for the single-minded item pricing problems (in unlimited supply), we show improved approximation algorithms (for k-hypergraphs, general graphs, bipartite graphs, etc.) with respect to the maximum (pseudo) degree and the valuation ratio.

  • Fullband Simulation of Nano-Scale MOSFETs Based on a Non-equilibrium Green's Function Method

    Helmy FITRIAWAN  Matsuto OGAWA  Satofumi SOUMA  Tanroku MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E91-C No:1

    The analysis of multiband quantum transport simulation in double-gate metal oxide semiconductor field effects transistors (DG-MOSFETs) is performed based on a non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism coupled self-consistently with the Poisson equation. The empirical sp3s* tight binding approximation (TBA) with nearest neighbor coupling is employed to obtain a realistic multiband structure. The effects of non-parabolic bandstructure as well as anisotropic features of Si are studied and analyzed. As a result, it is found that the multiband simulation results on potential and current profiles show significant differences, especially in higher applied bias, from those of conventional effective mass model.

  • Type-Based Detection with a Fusion Center Performing the Sequential Test in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Dmitry KRAMAREV  Insoo KOO  Kiseon KIM  


    E90-B No:12

    In this paper, we propose a sequential type-based detection scheme for wireless sensor networks in the case of spatially and temporally identically and independently distributed observations. First, we investigate the optimal sequential detection rule of the proposed scheme, and then with the motivation of reducing the computational complexity of the optimal detection rule, we consider an approximation scheme and derive a suboptimal detection rule. We also compare the performances of the type-based sequential detection scheme with those of the non-sequential type-based detection scheme in terms of both average number of observations and total energy consumption, and determine the region of individual node power where the proposed scheme outperforms the non-sequential scheme. In addition, we show that the approximated detection rule provides the similar results as the optimal detection rule with a significant reduction of the computational complexity, which makes the approximated detection rule useful for real-time applications.

  • Design Method for Numerical Function Generators Using Recursive Segmentation and EVBDDs

    Shinobu NAGAYAMA  Tsutomu SASAO  Jon T. BUTLER  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis and Verification

    E90-A No:12

    Numerical function generators (NFGs) realize arithmetic functions, such as ex,sin(πx), and , in hardware. They are used in applications where high-speed is essential, such as in digital signal or graphics applications. We introduce the edge-valued binary decision diagram (EVBDD) as a means of reducing the delay and memory requirements in NFGs. We also introduce a recursive segmentation algorithm, which divides the domain of the function to be realized into segments, where the given function is realized as a polynomial. This design reduces the size of the multiplier needed and thus reduces delay. It is also shown that an adder can be replaced by a set of 2-input AND gates, further reducing delay. We compare our results to NFGs designed with multi-terminal BDDs (MTBDDs). We show that EVBDDs yield a design that has, on the average, only 39% of the memory and 58% of the delay of NFGs designed using MTBDDs.
