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[Keyword] DCT(89hit)


  • Improvement of Performance in DCT and SSKF Image Coding Systems for Negatively-Correlated Signal Input by Signal Modulation

    S. A. Asghar BEHESHTI SHIRAZI  Yoshitaka MORIKAWA  Hiroshi HAMADA  

    PAPER-Source Encoding

    E78-B No:11

    This paper deals with the improvement of performance in the transform and subband image coding systems with negatively-correlated input signal. Using a more general source model than the AR(1) model as an input, the coding performance for the transform and subband coding schemes is evaluated in terms of the coding gain over PCM. The source model used here has such resonant band characteristics that its power spectrum has a peak at some frequency between 0 and π/2 for positive autocorrelation and between π/2 and π for negative autocorrelation. It is shown that coding schemes are classified into two classes; one has the pairwise mirror-image property in their filter banks and performs symmetrically regardless of the sign of the autocorrelation, and the other has no that property and performs asymmetrically with inferior performance for negative autocorrelation. Among the well-known transform and subband coding schemes, the DHT and QMF coding systems belong to the former class and the DCT and SSKF coding systems to the latter. In order to remedy the inferior performance, we propose the method in which one modulates the negatively-correlated signal sequences by the alternating sign signal with unity magnitude (-1)n to convert them into positively-correlated sequences. The algorithms are presented for the DCT and SSKF image coding systems with the adaptive signal modulation. In the DCT coding systems, we are particularly concerned with the DCT-based hierarchical progressive coding mode of operation, since the signal modulation works well for that coding mode. The SSKF image coding system has the regular quad-tree structure with three stages. The simulation results for test images show that our method can successfully be applied to the images with a considerable amount of energy in the frequency range higher than π/2 in horizontal or vertical direction, such as fingerprints and textile patterns sampled at a rate close to the Nyquist rate. The paper closes with a brief introduction to the modification of our DCT-based method.

  • Two-Dimensional Discrete Orthogonal Transforms by Means of Two-Dimensional LMS Adaptive Algorithms

    Tokunbo OGUNFUNMI  Michael AU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:9

    This paper establishes a general relation between the two-dimensional Least Mean Square (2-D LMS) algorithm and 2-D discrete orthogonal transforms. It is shown that the 2-D LMS algorithm can be used to compute the forward as well as the inverse 2-D orthogonal transforms in general for any input by suitable choice of the adaptation speed. Simulations are presented to verify the general relationship results.

  • High-Speed Digital Circuit for Discrete Cosine Transform

    Motonobu TONOMURA  


    E78-A No:8

    This paper deals with a high-speed digital circuit for discrete cosine transform (DCT). We propose a new algorithm that reduces the number of calculations for partial sum-of-products in the DCT and synthesize the small gate depth circuit of DCT by using carry-propagation-free adders based on redundant binary {1,0,1} representation. The gate depth is only half to one third that of the conventional algorithms with the same number of gates.

  • Current Status of Future Television System Development

    Yuichi NINOMIYA  

    INVITED PAPER-Multimedia System LSIs

    E77-C No:12

    The current state of development of the television broadcasting system of the future is described with regard to LSI development. It is no need to say that television broadcasting systems are very huge and require a large number of inexpensive LSI's. Hi-Vision broadcasting has already been started in Japan. In the United States, a digital terrestrial broadcasting system (ATV) will be standardized in the near future. On the other hand, the situation in Europe remains unclear but MPEG-2 is now in the stage of system finarizing. We also hear much about "multimedia" but the concept of multimedia broadcasting still requires a lot of time to be translated into reality. Some important current technical topics and related basic technologies are also described in this paper. They include DCT, Hybrid DCT coding, error correcting coding, coded modulation, and improvement of the MUSE system. Finally, the discussion considers the relationship between system development and VLSI technology and the importance of mutual understanding between VLSI engineers and system designers. Some possible requirements for VLSI development are also stated.

  • A Convolution Property for Sinusoidal Unitary Transforms

    Yasuo YOSHIDA  


    E77-A No:5

    This paper shows that a convolution property holds for sixteen members of a sinusoidal unitary transform family (DCTs and DSTs), on condition that an impulse response is an even function. Instead of the periodicity of an input signal assumed in the DFT case, DCTs require the input signal to be even symmetric outside boundaries and DSTs require it to be odd symmetric. The property is obtained by solving the eigenvalue problem of the matrices representing the convolution. The content of the property is that the DCT (or the DST) element of the output signal is the product of the DCT (or the DST) element of the input signal and the DFT element of the impulse response. The result for the well-known DCT is useful for a strongly-correlated signal and two examples demonstrate it.

  • A Method for Estimating the Mean-Squared Error of Distributed Arithmetic

    Jun TAKEDA  Shin-ichi URAMOTO  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:1

    It is important for LSI system designers to estimate computational errors when designing LSI's for numeric computations. Both for the prediction of the errors at an early stage of designing and for the choice of a proper hardware configuration to achieve a target performance, it is desirable that the errors can be estimated in terms of a minimum of parameters. This paper presents a theoretical error analysis of multiply-accumulation implemented by distributed arithmetic(DA) and proposes a new method for estimating the mean-squared error. DA is a method of implementing the multiply-accumulation that is defined as an inner product of an input vector and a fixed coefficient vector. Using a ROM which stores partial products. DA calculates the output by accumulating the partial products bitserially. As DA uses no parallel multipliers, it needs a smaller chip area than methods using parallel multipliers. Thus DA is effectively utilitzed for the LSI implementation of a digital signal processing system which requires the multiply-accumulation. It has been known that, if the input data are uniformly distributed, the mean-squared error of the multiply-accumulation implemented by DA is a function of only the word lengths of the input, the output, and the ROM. The proposed method for the error estimation can calculate the mean-squared error by using the same parameters even when the input data are not uniformly distributed. The basic idea of the method is to regard the input data as a combination of uniformly distributed partial data with a different word length. Then the mean-squared error can be predicted as a weighted sum of the contribution of each partial data, where the weight is the ratio of the partial data to the total input data. Finally, the method is applied to a two-dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) and the practicability of the method is confirmed by computer simulations of the IDCT implemented by DA.

  • Design of Subband Codec for HDTV Transmission

    Kazunari IRIE  Yasuyuki OKUMURA  Naoya SAKURAI  Ryozo KISHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Communication Terminal and Equipment

    E76-B No:11

    High Definition Television (HDTV) is likely to be one of the major services in the Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN). The transmission of HDTV signals on digital networks requires the adoption of sophisticated compression techniques to limit the bit-rate requirements and to provide high-quality and cost-effective network services. A flexible coding scheme that supports various bit-rates is needed to support the various services expected which will have different requirements. This paper describes the design of an HDTV codec based on a subband DCT coding algorithm that can encode original 1.2 Gb/s HDTV signals to less than 50Mb/s. A configuration that efficiently bridges HDTV and standard TV signals is also proposed. Computer simulation results show that the degradation caused by the bridging function is insignificant. In the coder, first stage quadrature mirror filters (QMFs) decompose the input signal into two bands in the horizontal direction, while the second stage filters decompose the two bands into four bands in the vertical direction. Adaptive DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) is adopted for horizontal-low and vertical-low (LL) signal coding. High-band signals are coded by adaptive DPCM and PCM. To maximize bit-rate reduction efficiency, DCT coding is adaptively applied to either the intra-field signals, the inter-field signals, or the motion compensated inter-frame signals. Bi-directional inter-frame prediction is applied to the adaptive DCT coding to improve coding performance at low bit rates. The same prediction mode as for LL signal is applied to adaptive DPCM coding of LH and HL signals. Compatibility is realized by a configuration in which both the TV signal components and the residual signal, derived by subtracting the TV signal from the LL signal, are encoded.

  • Characterization and Application of Lumped Double Crosstie Slow-Wave Transmission Lines

    Hideki KAMITSUNA  Hiroyo OGAWA  


    E76-C No:6

    This paper describes the characteristics and application of lumped double crosstie slow-wave transmission lines (DCT-SLWs) which we previously proposed. Firstly, the relationship between the DCT-SLW's characteristics and their parameters, i. e. triplate stripline widths and inductor resistances, are numerically and experimentally investigated. Excellent slow-wave lines with both high slow-wave factors (1240) and a wide characteristic impedance range (35100Ω) are achieved in good agreement with calculated results. A 50-Ω DCT-SLW that reduces circuit area more than 80%, and has an insertion loss less than that of 22-µm-wide TFMS lines is achieved by adapting a low-loss inductor in the frequencies below 14.5 GHz. Secondly, the application of DCT-SLW to non-dispersive, dispersive delay lines and branch-line hybrids is discussed. Specifically, very small 4-GHz-band branch-line hybrids are fabricated in a chip area of 0.7 mm2. Fundamental microwave circuits utilizing slow-wave lines in MMICs are demonstrated for the first time.

  • Subband DCT Codec Applied to HDTV Transmission System

    Naoya SAKURAI  Kazunari IRIE  Ryozo KISHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E76-B No:4

    The transmission of HDTV signals on digital networks requires adoption of sophisticated compression techniques to limit the bit-rate requirements and to provide a high-quality and reliable services to customers. This paper describes system design and transmission characteristics of an adaptive subband DCT codec that can encode original 1.2Gb/s HDTV signals at 156Mb/s. The performance of the codec was evaluated using motion picture signals. The characteristics obtained with the codec was found to maintain good picture quality.
