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  • Coupled Star Network: A New Configuration for Optical Local Area Network

    Takeshi OTA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:2

    Theoretical network analysis of a network constructed of "Interconnectable Star Couplers" whose all diagonal elements of transmission matrix are zero is investigated. Under certain connection rules, Interconnectable Star Coupler can be connected each other without oscillation and ghost formation. The rules are: (1) Network should not contain any loop. (2)Only single port pair should be connected between neighbor star couplers. (3)Network shold not contain any usual star coulpler. "Coupled Star Network", which is constructed under the connection rules, is able to form Cascade Star topology, Stratified Star topology and their mixed topology. It is shown that the Coupled Star Network is equivalent to a large Interconnectable Star Coupler so that bidirectional communication, which can add confidentiality to the broadcasting bus and doubles communication capacity, is available. A new configuration of Coupled Star Network using passive Interconnectable Star Couplers and optical amplifiers is proposed. This network has two separated bidirectional communication channel which can be applied for so-called Multimedia LAN. As a result of comparison between Cascade Star topology and Stratifide Star topology, it is shown that the latter topology is superior to former topology, from the view point of signal degeneration and maximum round trip delay time. Cascade Star topology, however, is superior to Stratified Star topology from the angle of total fiber length. Accordingly, optimized network topology is thought to be mixed topology of these.

  • Experimentally Verified Majority and Minority Mobilities in Heavily Doped GaAs for Device Simulations

    Herbert S. BENNETT  Jeremiah R. LOWNEY  Masaaki TOMIZAWA  Tadao ISHIBASHI  


    E75-C No:2

    Low-field mobilities and velocity versus electric field relations are among the key input parameters for drift-diffusion simulations of field-effect and bipolar transistors. For example, most device simulations that treat scattering from ionized impurities contain mobilities or velocity versus field relations based on the Born approximation (BA). The BA is insensitive to the sign of the charged impurity and is especially poor for ionized impurity scattering because of the relatively strong scattering of long-wavelength carriers, which have low energies, and therefore violate the validity condition for the BA. Such carriers occur at high symmetry points in the Brillouin zone and are critical for device behavior. There has been a tendency in the past to assume that majority and minority mobilities are equal. This assumption can lead to incorrect interpretations of device data and thereby misleading design strategies based on such simulations. We have calculated the majority electron and minority hole mobilities in GaAs at 300 K for donor densities between 51016 and 11019 cm-3 and the majority hole and minority electron mobilities for acceptor densities between 51016 and 11020 cm-3. We have included all the important scattering mechanisms for GaAs: acoustic phonon, polar optic phonon, nonpolar optic phonon (holes only), piezoelectric, ionized impurity, carrier-carrier, and plasmon scattering. The ionized impurity and carrier-carrier scattering processes have been calculated with a quantum mechanical phase-shift analysis to obtain more accurate matrix elements for these two scattering mechanisms. We compare the total scattering rate for majority electrons due to ionized impurities based on exact phase shifts and on the BA used by Brooks-Herring. We also present additional data that show the differences between the exact phase-shift analyses and the BA for majority electron scattering rates as functions of carrier energy and scattering angle. These results show that the calculated low-field mobilities are in good agreement with experiment, but they predict that at high dopant densities minority mobilities should increase with increasing dopant density for a short range of densities. This effect occurs because of the reduction of plasmon scattering and the removal of carriers from carrier-carrier scattering because of the Pauli exclusion principle. Some recent experiments support this finding. These results are important for device modeling because of the need to have reliable values for the minority mobilities and velocity-field relations.

  • High-Temperature Superconducting Small Helical Antenna

    Keiichiro ITOH  Osamu ISHII  Yasuhiro KOSHIMOTO  Keizo CHO  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E75-C No:2

    To realize a highly efficient small antenna, high-Tc superconductors are adopted to fabricate both a self-resonating helical radiator and a quarter-wave matching circuit. The actual gain and bandwidth measured at 478 MHz using a 1/45-wavelength radiator were respectively 1.5 dBi and 0.35%, indicating that this type of antenna has a high radiation efficiency and a fairly wide bandwidth. It is also confirmed through experiments and theoretical simulations that a decrease in the surface resistance of the radiator more effectively improves the radiation efficiency than a decrease in the surface resistance of the matching circuit.

  • Information Retrieval Using Desired Impression Factors



    E75-A No:2

    Proposed here is an internal representation and mapping method for multimedia information in which retrieval is based on the impression documents desired to make. A user interface design for a system using this method is also proposed. The proposed internal representation and mapping method represents each desired document impression as an axis in a semantic space. Documents are represented as points in the space. Queries are represented as subspaces. The proposed user interface design employs a method of visual presentation of the semantic space. Pictorial examples are given to illustrate the range of impressions represented by the axes. The relations between the axes are represented by dispersion diagrams for the documents stored in the document base. With this method, the user can intuitively decide the appropriate subspace for his needs and can specify it directly. For evaluation purposes, a prototype system has been developed. An image retrieval experiment shows that the proposed internal representation and mapping method and the user interface design provide effective tools for information retrieval.

  • Trouble Communication Model in a Software Development Project



    E75-A No:2

    This paper deals with communication model in a software development project when there happens some trouble on it. First, we analyze a communication process in the real projects, and investigate what type of communication exists and which aspect is thought to be important by the members of the projects. Then we propose a communication model based on the analysis. We focus on the communication in case of troubles, and the process is modeled using charge, competence and knowledge of each member in the project. The features of the model lies in the ability to simulate communication route dynamically. The results of the simulation is compared with the real data, and also the use of the model for communication support system is discussed.

  • An Analysis of the Mechanism of Monochromatisation of Ne-A-H2 Filled Plasma Display Light

    Geavit MUSA  Cristian Petrica LUNGU  Alexandrina POPESCU  Alexandra BALTOG  

    PAPER-Electronic Displays

    E75-C No:2

    A yellow light emitting display using neon-hydrogen-argon mixture as filling gas is presented. Strong "monochromatisation" of the emitted light is reported for the first time on the wavelength λ585.3 nm. Experimental results on the dependence of the "monochromatisation effect" is given for various pressure values and filling gas composition. It is underlined the existence of a process of selective population of the upper level 3p[1/2]0 of the transition corressponding to the wavelength 585.3 nm. The obtained results are discussed in relation with the reported results on yellow light laser in which a discharge in neon-hydrogen mixture is used for laser radiation generation at λ585.3 nm. The proposed explanation of different authors on the upper level population through radiative or dissociative recombination of neon ions is discussed and a new hypothesis is advanced for the strong monochromatisation observed in neon-hydrogen or neon-hydrogen-argon filled displays. According to this hypothesis, in the feeding process of the upper level 3p[1/2]0 are taking part the neon metastable states too. If such an assumption will come true, cyclic processes in yellow light generation might appear.

  • A Control Method for an Uninterruptible Power Supply with a Bidirectional Cycloconverter

    Tadahito AOKI  Katsuichi YOTSUMOTO  Seiichi MUROYAMA  

    PAPER-Power Supply

    E75-B No:1

    This paper describes a new configuration and control method for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with a bidirectional cycloconverter. When commercial AC power is operating normally, the load is supplied by commercial AC power and the bidirectional cycloconverter operates as a battery charger. During interruptions of commercial AC power, the bidirectional cycloconverter operates as an inverter and supplies AC power to the load. Unlike a conventional UPS, this new configuration does not require a battery charger, so it can be small, light-weight, cost-effective, and highly efficient. The output voltage characteristics and the transient voltage drop in the output when commercial AC power fails are also discussed by numerical analysis and experiments.

  • Optimal Grain Size Determination for Tree-Structured Parallel Programs

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  


    E75-D No:1

    In this paper we study the problem of scheduling a tree-structured program on multiprocessors so as to minimize the total execution time, which includes communication delay between processors. It is assumed in the problem that a sufficiently large number of processors are available. It is known that if the program structures are restricted to be out-trees, the problem can be solved in O(n2) time, where n denotes the number of modules of a program. However, this problem is known to be NP-hard if the program structures are allowed to be in-trees. Up to now, no optimal algorithm, except an obvious one, was known for the latter case while some approximation algorithms were shown. We present an optimization algorithm with a nontrivial time bound O((1.52)nn log n) for the in-tree case.

  • Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organics in Comparison with Semiconductors and Dielectrics

    Takayoshi KOBAYASHI  


    E75-C No:1

    The nonlinear optical properties of organics with unsaturated bonds were compared with those of inorganics including semiconductors and dielectrics. Because of the mesomeric effect, namely quantum mechanical resonance effect among configurations, aromatic molecules and polymers have larger optical nonlinear parameters defined as δ(n)X(n)/(X(1))n both for the second (n2) and third-order (n3) nonlinearities. Experimental results of ultrafast nonlinear response of conjugated polymers, especially polydiacetylenes, were described and a model is proposed to explain the relaxation processes of photoexcitations in the conjugated polymers. Applying the model constructed on the basis of the extensive experimental study, we propose model polymers to obtain ultrafast resonant optical nonlinearity.

  • Exact Simulation of Picosecond Electrical Pulse Generation Using Nonlinear Microwave Transmission Lines

    Yongxi QIAN  Eikichi YAMASHITA  

    LETTER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E75-C No:1

    In this letter we study the wave propagation in a diode-equipped microstrip line and show that soliton generation at microwave frequencies is possible with monolithic fabrications of such nonlinear transmission lines. We propose that this phenomenon be utilized as a new method of obtaining ultrashort electrical pulses with picosecond durations. The perdicted soliton generation has been confirmed by computer simulations based on the harmonic balance method.

  • Coherent Optical Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) Homodyne System Using Phase-Diversity Receivers

    Ichiro SETO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-A No:1

    We propose Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) homodyne system using phase-diversity receivers and theoretically analyze its bit-error-rate (BER) performance. Since the proposed system uses polarization modulation and homodyne detection, it can cancel the phase noise and is attractive at a high bit-rate transmission. It is found that the receiver sensitivity of the proposed POLSK homodyne system is the same as that of POLSK heterodyne system and is much better than that of DPSK phase-diversity homodyne systems at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We also cosider theoretically the effect of the fluctuation of state of polarization (SOP) on the BER performance of POLSK homodyne system.

  • Human Interfaces in Telecommunications and Computers

    Takaya ENDO  


    E75-B No:1

    This paper discusses new trends and directions in human interface (HI) technologies, and the effects of HI technologies on human life or on social activities. This paper postulates that the HI subsumes man-machine interface, human-computer interaction, human-human interaction, human-organizational interface, human-environmental interface, human-social interface, etc. A new communication model, called Human Interface Communication Model (HICOM), and a new human dialogue model, called Human Interface Dialogue model (HIDIM), are derived by reexamining trends and directions on HI technologies from the viewpoint of functional meanings of interfaces, and from the viewpoint of a socially distributed cognition mechanism.

  • Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organics in Comparison with Semiconductors and Dielectrics

    Takayoshi KOBAYASHI  


    E75-A No:1

    The nonlinear optical properties of organics with unsaturated bonds were compared with those of inorganics including semiconductors and dielectrics. Because of the mesomeric effect, namely quantum mechanical resonance effect among configurations, aromatic molecules and polymers have larger optical nonlinear parameters defined as δ(n)=X(n)/(X(l))n both for the second (n=2) and third-order (n=3) nonlinearities. Experimental results of ultrafast nonlinear response of conjugated polymers, especially polydiacetylenes, were described and a model is proposed to explain the relaxation processes of photoexcitations in the conjugated polymers. Applying the model constructed on the basis of the extensive experimental study, we propose model polymers to obtain ultrafast resonant optical nonlinearity.

  • Knowledge-Based Protocol Design for Computer Communication Systems


    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E75-D No:1

    This paper proposes a knowledge-based design method of a protocol of a communication network system based on the knowledge-based design methodology for computer communication systems. In the proposed method, two knowledge models, i.e., the communication network architecture model (CNAM) and the communication protocol architecture model (CPAM), are introduced and a protocol design task is modeled as a successive transformation process of these knowledge models. Giving CNAM which represents the users' requirements concerning a communication network system, the requirements specification of a protocol is derived from CNAM and represented as CPAM. Then, the detailed requirements specification of a protocol is also derived from CPAM and represented by the formal description technique (FDT-Expressions). The derivations of CPAM and FDT-Expressions are executed by the transformation rules which represent the mappings between knowledge models. Due to formally defined knowledge models and mappings, the proposed method provides a framework of a systematic support of knowledge-based protocol design. In this paper, the formal definitions of CNAM and CPAM are given, then the derivation process of FDT-Expressions of a protocol is also formalized based on these knowledge models. Furthermore, a design example is demonstrated by using LOTOS as one of the FDT-Expressions of a protocol.

  • Parallel Rate-Variable Punctured Convolutional Coded PPM in Photon Communication

    Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-A No:1

    We propose parallel rate-variable punctured convolutional coded PPM in photon communication to achieve high energy information efficiency Ie for desired bit error rate (BER) and transmission bandwidth. We theoretically show the BER performance, bandwidth expansion factor β and necessary Ie to achieve BER=10-6 of the proposed systems for some combinations of code rates. It is found that the proposed system can achieve high Ie for desired BER and β by selecting a suitable combination of code rates depending on the channel conditions. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed system has better BER performance than RS-coded PPM in the range of small β.

  • Vertical to Surface Transmission Electro-Photonic Device (VSTEP) and Its Application to Optical Interconnection and Information Processing

    Kenichi KASAHARA  Takahiro NUMAI  Hideo KOSAKA  Ichiro OGURA  Kaori KURIHARA  Mitsunori SUGIMOTO  


    E75-C No:1

    The VSTEP concept and its practical application in the form of an LED-type pnpn-VSTEP demonstrating low power consumption through electro-photonic operational modes are both shown. Further, with focus primarily on the new laser-mode VSTEP with high-intensity light output and narrow optical beam divergence, the design features such as threshold gain and optical absorptivity, device fabrication, and characteristics are explained. The possibility of ultimate performance based mainly on electrical to optical power conversion efficiency, important from the application viewpoint of optical interconnection, are also discussed. Also, as two examples of functional optical interconnection achieved by VSTEP, serial-to-parallel data conversion and optical self-routing switches are shown. Finally, future opto-electronic technologies to be developed for two-dimensionally integrable surface-type optical semiconductor devices, including the VSTEP, are discussed.

  • Future Trends in Telecommunication Education

    Subbarayan PASUPATHY  


    E75-B No:1

    This article briefly looks at the future of telecommunication education in the universities as it evolves from present concerns and trends. Five year bachelor's programs and top-down curricular design will be common. Textbooks supplemented by advance organizers, instruction and testing according to individual learning styles and global integration of education using multi-media services and broadband technology will be some of the other features. Finally, the importance of industry-university partnership in all aspects of engineering education is emphasized.

  • Vertical to Surface Transmission Electro-Photonic Device (VSTEP) and Its Application to Optical Interconnection and Information Processing

    Kenichi KASAHARA  Takahiro NUMAI  Hideo KOSAKA  Ichiro OGURA  Kaori KURIHARA  Mitsunori SUGIMOTO  


    E75-A No:1

    The VSTEP concept and its practical application in the form of an LED-type pnpn-VSTEP demonstrating low power consumption through electro-photonic operational modes are both shown. Further, with focus primarily on the new laser-mode VSTEP with high-intensity light output and narrow optical beam divergence, the design features such as threshold gain and optical absorptivity, device fabrication, and characteristics are explained. The possibility of ultimate performance based mainly on electrical to optical power conversion efficiency, important from the application viewpoint of optical interconnection, are also discussed. Also, as two examples of functional optical interconnection achieved by VSTEP, serial-to-parallel data conversion and optical self-routing switches are shown. Finally, future opto-electronic technologies to be developed for two-dimensionally integrable surface-type optical semiconductor devices, including the VSTEP, are discussed.

  • Coherent Optical Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) Homodyne System Using Phase-Diversity Receivers

    Ichiro SETO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-C No:1

    We propose Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) homodyne system using phase-diversity receivers and theoretically analyze its bit-error-rate (BER) performance. Since the proposed system uses polarization modulation and homodyne detection, it can cancel the phase noise and is attractive at a high bit-rate transmission. It is found that the receiver sensitivity of the proposed POLSK homodyne system is the same as that of POLSK heterodyne system and is much better than that of DPSK phase-diversity homodyne systems at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We also cosider theoreically the effect of the fluctuation of state of polarization (SOP) on the BER performance of POLSK homodyne system.

  • Parallel Rate-Variable Punctured Convolutional Coded PPM in Photon Communication

    Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-C No:1

    We propose parallel rate-variable punctured convolutional coded PPM in photon communication to achieve high energy information efficiency Ie for desired bit error rate (BER) and transmission bandwidth. We theoretically show the BER performance, bandwidth expansion factor β and necessary Ie to achieve BER10-6 of the proposed systems for some combinations of code rates. It is found that the proposed system can achieve high Ie for desired BER and β by selecting a suitable combination of code rates depending on the channel conditions. Moreover, it is showm that the proposed system has better BER performance than RS-coded PPM in the range of small β.
