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  • Towards Finding Code Snippets on a Question and Answer Website Causing Mobile App Vulnerabilities

    Hiroki NAKANO  Fumihiro KANEI  Yuta TAKATA  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  

    PAPER-Mobile Application and Web Security

    E101-D No:11

    Android app developers sometimes copy code snippets posted on a question-and-answer (Q&A) website and use them in their apps. However, if a code snippet has vulnerabilities, Android apps containing the vulnerable snippet could also have the same vulnerabilities. Despite this, the effect of such vulnerable snippets on the Android apps has not been investigated in depth. In this paper, we investigate the correspondence between the vulnerable code snippets and vulnerable apps. we collect code snippets from a Q&A website, extract possibly vulnerable snippets, and calculate similarity between those snippets and bytecode on vulnerable apps. Our experimental results show that 15.8% of all evaluated apps that have SSL implementation vulnerabilities (Improper host name verification), 31.7% that have SSL certificate verification vulnerabilities, and 3.8% that have WEBVIEW remote code execution vulnerabilities contain possibly vulnerable code snippets from Stack Overflow. In the worst case, a single problematic snippet has caused 4,844 apps to contain a vulnerability, accounting for 31.2% of all collected apps with that vulnerability.

  • Weighting Estimation Methods for Opponents' Utility Functions Using Boosting in Multi-Time Negotiations

    Takaki MATSUNE  Katsuhide FUJITA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E101-D No:10

    Recently, multi-issue closed negotiations have attracted attention in multi-agent systems. In particular, multi-time and multilateral negotiation strategies are important topics in multi-issue closed negotiations. In multi-issue closed negotiations, an automated negotiating agent needs to have strategies for estimating an opponent's utility function by learning the opponent's behaviors since the opponent's utility information is not open to others. However, it is difficult to estimate an opponent's utility function for the following reasons: (1) Training datasets for estimating opponents' utility functions cannot be obtained. (2) It is difficult to apply the learned model to different negotiation domains and opponents. In this paper, we propose a novel method of estimating the opponents' utility functions using boosting based on the least-squares method and nonlinear programming. Our proposed method weights each utility function estimated by several existing utility function estimation methods and outputs improved utility function by summing each weighted function. The existing methods using boosting are based on the frequency-based method, which counts the number of values offered, considering the time elapsed when they offered. Our experimental results demonstrate that the accuracy of estimating opponents' utility functions is significantly improved under various conditions compared with the existing utility function estimation methods without boosting.

  • Computational Complexity and Polynomial Time Procedure of Response Property Problem in Workflow Nets

    Muhammad Syafiq BIN AB MALEK  Mohd Anuaruddin BIN AHMADON  Shingo YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Formal Approaches

    E101-D No:6

    Response property is a kind of liveness property. Response property problem is defined as follows: Given two activities α and β, whenever α is executed, is β always executed after that? In this paper, we tackled the problem in terms of Workflow Petri nets (WF-nets for short). Our results are (i) the response property problem for acyclic WF-nets is decidable, (ii) the problem is intractable for acyclic asymmetric choice (AC) WF-nets, and (iii) the problem for acyclic bridge-less well-structured WF-nets is solvable in polynomial time. We illustrated the usefulness of the procedure with an application example.

  • Automatic Generation of Mixed Integer Programming for Scheduling Problems Based on Colored Timed Petri Nets

    Andrea Veronica PORCO  Ryosuke USHIJIMA  Morikazu NAKAMURA  


    E101-A No:2

    This paper proposes a scheme for automatic generation of mixed-integer programming problems for scheduling with multiple resources based on colored timed Petri nets. Our method reads Petri net data modeled by users, extracts the precedence and conflict relations among transitions, information on the available resources, and finally generates a mixed integer linear programming for exactly solving the target scheduling problem. The mathematical programing problems generated by our tool can be easily inputted to well-known optimizers. The results of this research can extend the usability of optimizers since our tool requires just simple rules of Petri nets but not deep mathematical knowledge.

  • Synthesizing Pareto Efficient Intelligible State Machines from Communication Diagram

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Formal tools

    E100-D No:6

    For a service-oriented architecture based system, the problem of synthesizing a concrete model, i.e., behavioral model, for each service configuring the system from an abstract specification, which is referred to as choreography, is known as the choreography realization problem. In this paper, we assume that choreography is given by an acyclic relation. We have already shown that the condition for the behavioral model is given by lower and upper bounds of acyclic relations. Thus, the degree of freedom for behavioral models increases; developing algorithms of synthesizing an intelligible model for users becomes possible. In this paper, we introduce several metrics for intelligibility of state machines, and study the algorithm of synthesizing Pareto efficient state machines.

  • Validating DCCP Simultaneous-Open and Feature Negotiation Procedures


    PAPER-Formal techniques

    E100-D No:6

    This paper presents the formal analysis of the feature negotiation and connection management procedures of the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP). Using state space analysis we discover an error in the DCCP specification, that result in both ends of the connection having different agreed feature values. The error occurs when the client ignores an unexpected Response packet in the OPEN state that carries a valid Confirm option. This provides an evidence that the connection management procedure and feature negotiation procedures interact. We also propose solutions to rectify the problem.

  • Some Constructions for Fractional Repetition Codes with Locality 2

    Mi-Young NAM  Jung-Hyun KIM  Hong-Yeop SONG  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E100-A No:4

    In this paper, we examine the locality property of the original Fractional Repetition (FR) codes and propose two constructions for FR codes with better locality. For this, we first derive the capacity of the FR codes with locality 2, that is the maximum size of the file that can be stored. Construction 1 generates an FR code with repetition degree 2 and locality 2. This code is optimal in the sense of achieving the capacity we derived. Construction 2 generates an FR code with repetition degree 3 and locality 2 based on 4-regular graphs with girth g. This code is also optimal in the same sense.

  • Structural and Behavioral Properties of Well-Structured Workflow Nets

    Zhaolong GOU  Shingo YAMAGUCHI  


    E100-A No:2

    Workflow nets (WF-nets for short) are a standard way to automate business processes. Well-Structured WF-nets (WS WF-nets for short) are an important subclass of WF-nets because they have a well-balanced capability to expression power and analysis power. In this paper, we revealed structural and behavioral properties of WS WF-nets. Our results on structural properties are: (i) There is no EFC but non-FC WF-net in WS WF-nets; (ii) A WS WF-net is sound iff it is a van Hee et al.'s ST-net. Our results on behavioral properties are: (i) Any WS WF-net is safe; (ii) Any WS WF-net is separable; (iii) A necessary and sufficient condition on reachability of sound WS WF-net (N,[pIk]). Finally we illustrated the usefulness of the proposed properties with an application example of analyzing workflow evolution.

  • Online Unit Clustering with Capacity Constraints

    Tetsuya ARAKI  Koji M. KOBAYASHI  

    LETTER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E100-A No:1

    The online unit clustering problem is one of the most basic clustering problems proposed by Chan and Zarrabi-Zadeh (WAOA2007 and Theory of Computing Systems 45(3), 2009). Several variants of this problem have been extensively studied. In this letter, we propose a new variant of the online unit clustering problem, called the online unit clustering problem with capacity constraints. For this problem, we use competitive analysis to evaluate the performance of an online algorithm. Then, we develop an online algorithm whose competitive ratio is at most 3.178, and show that a lower bound on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm is 2.

  • Accelerating Reachability Analysis on Petri Net for Mutual Exclusion-Based Deadlock Detection

    Yunkai DU  Naijie GU  Xin ZHOU  

    PAPER-Distributed system

    E99-D No:12

    Petri Net (PN) is a frequently-used model for deadlock detection. Among various detection methods on PN, reachability analysis is the most accurate one since it never produces any false positive or false negative. Although suffering from the well-known state space explosion problem, reachability analysis is appropriate for small- and medium-scale programs. In order to mitigate the explosion problem several kinds of techniques have been proposed aiming at accelerating the reachability analysis, such as net reduction and abstraction. However, these techniques are for general PN and do not take the particularity of application into consideration, so their optimization potential is not adequately developed. In this paper, the feature of mutual exclusion-based program is considered, therefore several strategies are proposed to accelerate the reachability analysis. Among these strategies a customized net reduction rule aims at reducing the scale of PN, two marking compression methods and two pruning methods can reduce the volume of reachability graph. Reachability analysis on PN can only report one deadlock on each path. However, the reported deadlock may be a false alarm in which situation real deadlocks may be hidden. To improve the detection efficiency, we proposed a deadlock recovery algorithm so that more deadlocks can be detected in a shorter time. To validate the efficiency of these methods, a prototype is implemented and applied to SPLASH2 benchmarks. The experimental results show that these methods accelerate the reachability analysis for mutual exclusion-based deadlock detection significantly.

  • Competitive Strategies for Evacuating from an Unknown Affected Area

    Qi WEI  Xuehou TAN  Bo JIANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:10

    This article presents efficient strategies for evacuating from an unknown affected area in a plane. Evacuation is the process of movement away from a threat or hazard such as natural disasters. Consider that one or n(n ≥ 3) agents are lost in an unknown convex region P. The agents know neither the boundary information of P nor their positions. We seek competitive strategies that can evacuate the agent from P as quickly as possible. The performance of the strategy is measured by a competitive ratio of the evacuation path over the shortest path. We give a 13.812-competitive spiral strategy for one agent, and prove that it is optimal among all monotone and periodic strategies by showing a matching lower bound. Also, we give a new competitive strategy EES for n(n ≥ 3) agents and adjust it to be more efficient with the analysis of its performance.

  • Superclass Extraction Problem of Workflow Nets and a Solution Procedure Based on Process Mining Technique

    Shingo YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E99-A No:9

    An organization may have two or more similar workflows as a result of workflow evolutions or mergers and acquisitions. We should grasp the common behavior of those workflows to consolidate the management of them and/or to do business process reengineering. Workflows can be modeled as a particular class of Petri nets, called workflow nets. The common behavior of two or more workflow nets can be represented as a superclass under the behavioral inheritance of those workflow nets. In this paper, we tackled a problem of extracting a superclass from two workflow nets, named Superclass Extraction problem. We first gave a definition of the problem. Next we proposed a procedure to solve the problem on the basis of process mining technique. Then we gave an application of the proposed procedure.

  • Behavioral Equivalence of Security-Oriented Interactive Systems

    Guanjun LIU  Changjun JIANG  


    E99-D No:8

    In the classical computation theory, the language of a system features the computational behavior of the system but it does not distinguish the determinism and nondeterminism of actions. However, Milner found that the determinism and nondeterminism affect the interactional behavior of interactive systems and thus the notion of language does not features the interactional behavior. Therefore, Milner proposed the notion of (weak) bisimulation to solve this problem. With the development of internet, more and more interactive systems occur in the world, such as electronic trading system. Security is one of the most important topics for these systems. We find that different security policies can also affect the interactional behavior of a system, which exactly is the reason why a good policy can strengthen the security. In other words, two interactive systems with different security policies are not of an equivalent behavior although their functions (or business processes) are identical. However, the classic (weak) bisimulation theory draws an opposite conclusion that their behaviors are equivalent. The notion of (weak) bisimulation is not suitable for these security-oriented interactive systems since it does not consider a security policy. This paper proposes the concept of secure bisimulation in order to solve the above problem.

  • Competitive Analysis for the 3-Slope Ski-Rental Problem with the Discount Rate

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Shunsuke SATOU  Toshihiro FUJITO  


    E99-A No:6

    In the 3-slope ski-rental problem, the player is asked to determine a strategy, that is, (i) whether to buy a ski wear and then a ski set separately, or to buy them at once for a discount price, and (ii) when to buy these goods. If the player has not got any thing, he/she can rent it for some price. The objective is to minimize the total cost, under the assumption that the player does not know how many times he/she goes skiing in the future. We reveal that even with a large discount for buying at once available, there is some price setting for which to buy the goods separately is a more reasonable choice. We also show that the performance of the optimal strategy may become arbitrarily worse, when a large discount is offered.

  • Online Weight Balancing on the Unit Circle

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Takahiro SEKI  Toshihiro FUJITO  


    E99-D No:3

    We consider a problem as follows: Given unit weights arriving in an online manner with the total cardinality unknown, upon each arrival we decide where to place it on the unit circle in $mathbb{R}^{2}$. The objective is to set the center of mass of the placed weights as close to the origin as possible. We apply competitive analysis defining the competitive difference as a performance measure. We first present an optimal strategy for placing unit weights which achieves a competitive difference of $ rac{1}{5}$. We next consider a variant in which the destination of each weight must be chosen from a set of positions that equally divide the unit circle. We give a simple strategy whose competitive difference is 0.35. Moreover, in the offline setting, several conditions for the center of mass to lie at the origin are derived.

  • Time Performance Optimization and Resource Conflicts Resolution for Multiple Project Management

    Cong LIU  Jiujun CHENG  Yirui WANG  Shangce GAO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E99-D No:3

    Time performance optimization and resource conflict resolution are two important challenges in multiple project management contexts. Compared with traditional project management, multi-project management usually suffers limited and insufficient resources, and a tight and urgent deadline to finish all concurrent projects. In this case, time performance optimization of the global project management is badly needed. To our best knowledge, existing work seldom pays attention to the formal modeling and analyzing of multi-project management in an effort to eliminate resource conflicts and optimizing the project execution time. This work proposes such a method based on PRT-Net, which is a Petri net-based formulism tailored for a kind of project constrained by resource and time. The detailed modeling approaches based on PRT-Net are first presented. Then, resource conflict detection method with corresponding algorithm is proposed. Next, the priority criteria including a key-activity priority strategy and a waiting-short priority strategy are presented to resolve resource conflicts. Finally, we show how to construct a conflict-free PRT-Net by designing resource conflict resolution controllers. By experiments, we prove that our proposed priority strategy can ensure the execution time of global multiple projects much shorter than those without using any strategies.

  • Competitive Analysis for the Flat-Rate Problem

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Atsushi MATSUDA  Toshihiro FUJITO  


    E99-D No:3

    We consider a problem of the choice of price plans offered by a telecommunications company: a “pay-as-you-go” plan and a “flat-rate” plan. This problem is formulated as an online optimization problem extending the ski-rental problem, and analyzed using the competitive ratio. We give a lemma for easily calculating the competitive ratio. Based on the lemma, we derive a family of optimal strategies for a realistic class of instances.

  • Properties and Decision Procedure for Bridge-Less Workflow Nets

    Shingo YAMAGUCHI  Mohd Anuaruddin BIN AHMADON  


    E99-A No:2

    Many actual systems, e.g. computer programs, can be modeled as a subclass of Petri nets, called bridge-less workflow nets. For bridge-less workflow nets, we revealed the following properties: (i) any acyclic bridge-less workflow net is free choice; (ii) an acyclic bridge-less workflow net is sound iff it is well-structured; and (iii) any sound bridge-less workflow net is well-structured. We also proposed a necessary and sufficient condition to decide whether a given workflow net is bridge-less, and then constructed a polynomial-time procedure for it.

  • Optimality of Tweak Functions in CLOC

    Hayato KOBAYASHI  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  Tetsu IWATA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:10

    An Authenticated Encryption scheme is used to guarantee both privacy and authenticity of digital data. At FSE 2014, an authenticated encryption scheme called CLOC was proposed. CLOC is designed to handle short input data efficiently without needing heavy precomputation nor large memory. This is achieved by making various cases of different treatments in the encryption process depending on the input data. Five tweak functions are used to handle the conditional branches, and they are designed to satisfy 55 differential probability constraints, which are used in the security proof of CLOC. In this paper, we show that all these 55 constraints are necessary. This shows the design optimality of the tweak functions in CLOC in that the constraints cannot be relaxed, and hence the specification of the tweak functions cannot be simplified.

  • Competition Avoidance Policy for Network Coding-Based Epidemic Routing

    Cheng ZHAO  Sha YAO  Yang YANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:9

    Network Coding-based Epidemic Routing (NCER) facilitates the reduction of data delivery delay in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs). The intrinsic reason lies in that the network coding paradigm avoids competitions for transmission opportunities between segmented packets of a large data file. In this paper, we focus on the impact of transmission competitions on the delay performance of NCER when multiple data files exist. We prove analytically that when competition occurs, transmitting the least propagated data file is optimal in the sense of minimizing the average data delivery delay. Based on such understanding, we propose a family of competition avoidance policies, namely the Least Propagated First (LPF) policies, which includes a centralized, a distributed, and a modified variants. Numerical results show that LPF policies can achieve at least 20% delay performance gain at different data traffic rates, compared with the policy currently available.
